• Published 5th Sep 2023
  • 262 Views, 22 Comments

Finishing The Story - Big Imagination E

2 best friends must help their favorite wrestler win the WWE Undisputed Title or he'll be gone from WWE. Can they do it? It's a road to glory.

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Training pt 2: The Dungeon

Back in WWE the Usos were wrapped in bandages to cover their bruises. Roman however was even more angry because he got the update that they lost a bet in a match for Wrestlemania. Roman walked back and forth with an extremely angry look on his face.

"I gave you two one simple job. And I hear that you lost the match. You were suppose to prevent them from reaching the higher level and taking my title. BUT YOU FAILED!!!!" Roman shouted.

"Look Uce. I can explain everything-" Jey said but got interrupted.


He then calmed down and sat on the couch. Solo was still letting his leg heal but was in a wheelchair. Roman puts his hands on his face still frustrated.

"It was obvious that I should have never sent you two out there to do a job that was required for a professional wrestler. It was always me and Solo doing all the work." Roman said.

"Usos. Your Tribal Chief didn't mean any of that ok? He's just going through some tough times right now. But the fact that you failed to stop those two that attacked him was unacceptable. Just think about what you could have done better. Come Roman. Let's get a drink." Heyman said.

"Alright. Maybe that will calm me down. Bring Solo too." Roman said as Paul pushed Solo's wheelchair and left the Usos all alone. Jey still wanted the answer from earlier.

"So Uce. NOW do you care to tell me why you forfeited the match back in Canada?" Jey said.

Jimmy was getting tired of hearing that question but then he remembered what Sunset told him. He needed to come clean right now.

"Ok Jey. I'll tell you. The reason why I forfeited the match back in Canada was because I was scared of losing you." Jimmy said but Jey was confused. "Lemme finish. When we first started in the Bloodline it was great. But time when by and I kept getting bad vibes from Roman whenever he kept holding the Undisputed WWE Championship. I began having second thoughts about this and wanted to help you realize the truth. But you kept refusing to hear the truth and keep hurting yourself. And then I had a talk with Sunset. And she used to be on the same path like you. Then a friend of hers came in and showed her the errors of her ways and been reformed. The Usos were always great together just us. But now we don't have the good old Usos for everyone to see. You were the only twin brother I ever had. And I couldn't stand the thought of losing you to Roman. But I felt like I held you back and ruined your life so im sorry Uce." Jimmy said sadly.

Jey processed everything that Jimmy said. He was finally coming to his senses realizing that the only family he had caring for him was his twin brother. He placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Uce. You didn't ruin my life. I mean what you did was messed up in Canada. But if im being honest with you I was kinda glad you did. I only acted tough in front of you because I wanted respect from the Tribal Chief. But now I realized that I have all the respect I need from my own brother. And if you didn't do what you did maybe things would have been different. But I take wrestling to the next level with my brother any day." Jey said.

The two shedded some tears and hugged it out. They felt the embrace for a long time til they finally separated. They worked out their issues but still had Roman problems.

"So Uce. Im glad we can work this out. But how are we going to stop this Bloodline madness? Cause I really want to stop Roman too." Jey confessed.

"I figured you say that. Alright Uce. I think I know how we can get rid of this problem." Jimmy said.

"And what would your plan be?" Jey said.

"Easy. We just have to purposely mess up Roman's orders by not giving are all against any wrestlers. Continue doing this will buy Ethan and Rick some time to beat the deadline. Then this will all go away." Jimmy said.

"Smart plan. But won't Roman notice that?" Jey said.

"Just follow my lead. In the meantime we should continue competing on WWE like nothing's up." Jimmy said.

The two decided to put their plan in motion. But none of them realize that Triple H overheard the conversation and smile knowing they were doing the right thing. He walked away and pulled his cellphone beginning to make a call.


Back at the Dungeon we see the gang resting up after their encounter with the Usos. Ethan and Rick rested with ice packs on their bodies trying to cool down. Sunset went to him and sat down.

"That was really brave of you standing up to the Usos like that." Sunset said.

"It was nothing Sunny. But are you sure Jimmy will keep his word? Me and Rick know him for a while now and he has never been honest. Same can be said for his brother." Ethan said.

"I promise you that I have spoken truth to him. He will think about what I said and make the right choice." Sunset said.

Ethan smiled at Sunset and she did the same. The both blushed and were about to kiss until..Ethan's phone went off and the two were shocked back.

"Hang on Sunset I gotta take this." Ethan said as he answered the phone.

"Hello? Oh hi Triple H. How's everything going?" Ethan said.

"Everything is going well. Listen I overheard the Usos coming up with a plan to buy you some time. I think it's a good idea that their doing this." Triple H said.

"Really now? Ok well I got good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?" Ethan said.

"Gimme the bad news first." Triple H said.

"Well we were about to start training in the Dungeon but we ran into the Usos and fought them in a bet for a match setup for Wrestlemania." Ethan said.

"Typical. Should have known they were gonna do that. Alright what's the good news?" Triple H said.

"We beated them in a Tornado Tag Hardcore match and won. I predicted that the match would be a Triple Cage match meaning the person who climbs all three cages and retrieves the title wins." Ethan said.

"I like that idea for Wrestlemania. But I can't make that official yet. There's something Cody has to do to first." Triple H said.

"And what would that be Triple H?" Ethan said.

"He's gotta win the Royal Rumble in January. His spot is 29. If he wins then the match will be official." Triple H said.

"Okay Triple H. Thanks for letting me know. Goodbye." Ethan said as he hung up.

"Sorry Sunset. It was rude of me to take that call. But it was important. Triple H has something that Cody has to hear." Ethan said.

"It's ok. Anyways what's the info?" Sunset said.

"Yeah what's the info?" Cody said.

"Well Cody Triple H said that he's on board with the triple cage match. But to make that happen you gotta win the Royal Rumble in January first." Ethan said.

"Ok then. Guess we gotta train right now for the Rumble." Cody said.

"Yes we do. Let's go gang!!" Rick said.


We begin another montage. We start off with Cody doing pull ups with Rick. He was going fast til Cody picked up the pace going faster. Then he lifted weights with Sunset writing down how much he's lifting. He can now lift 500 pounds. But more training will get him to lift more. Then he faced Ethan in a singles match. Ethan and Cody were giving their all and never backing down. The match lasted for a long 20 minutes til Cody did his finishing move on him and pinned him down to win the match. Then he ran on the treadmill with Rainbow yelling at him to go faster. He ran as fast as he can picking up the speed. Then he faced Rick in a tables match. The two were going all out and it lasted for 30 minutes. Cody then grabbed Rick and threw him through the table ending the match. Then after 2 hours we end the montage with Cody lifting up the heavy 690 pounds in the air.

"Alright guys. That's enough training for today. We did good. Especially you Cody." Ethan said.

"Thanks man. At this rate I'm ready for Wrestlemania already!!" Cody said.

"Whoa Cody. Slow your roll dude. Let's not jump ahead into this yet. We still have like lots of practice wrestling to do before we get to the grandest stage of them all." Rick said.

"He's right Cody. To beat Roman we need to boost your level even higher!" Rainbow said.

"And a big part of that is going around the world facing new wrestlers and new challenges." Rick said.

"Yeah that is true. But where are we going to first?" Cody said.

"Luckily for us I know where exactly to start some actual wrestling. I booked us tickets to Japan. Shinsuke Nakamura is from Japan. Maybe he can help us get you in some Japanese matches and teach you some jujitsu. You'll need some Japanese martial arts to combat Roman." Ethan said.

"Good thinking Ethan. I never thought about learning jujitsu. But what it's worth im willing to give it a try." Cody said.

"That's what I like hearing! Everyone clean up, pack your bags and find a hotel. Cause tomorrow were all on the next flight to Japan!" Rick said.

Everyone did as they were supposed to and got cleaned up and packed their bags. Then they all got in the car and Rick drove everyone off heading to find a hotel. Cause tomorrow the real work begins!

Author's Note:

The training went well!! Now starts the real work! First stop around the world: Japan!! Stay tuned.