• Published 5th Sep 2023
  • 261 Views, 22 Comments

Finishing The Story - Big Imagination E

2 best friends must help their favorite wrestler win the WWE Undisputed Title or he'll be gone from WWE. Can they do it? It's a road to glory.

  • ...

2nd World Stop: Mexico

A month has passed since our heroes have been in Japan. Now it's time to head to a new place around the world. Ethan and Sunset were still sleeping til Rick woke them up. Cody got up too and put on his attire.

"Wake up lovebirds! We gotta head somewhere else around the world!" Rick said.

"All right dude. Were getting up." Ethan groaned.

"You really didn't need to yell like that. Ethan and I were gonna get up anyways." Sunset said.

"Sorry about that. But you should know that a month passed. Now we got 6 months left til Wrestlemania." Rick said.

"Okay Rick. So where should we head to next?" Cody said.

"Well since you learned some good jujitsu and martial arts I thought maybe we go try some lucha libre! And the only place to do that is none other than Mexico!!" Rick said.

"Yeah! Some good ole Lucha style wrestling may help Cody stop the ugly mutt too! Vamos mi amigos!! Were going to Mexico!!" Ethan said.

"And I happen to know that Rey Mysterio started his career there too! Maybe he can help us!" Cody said.

"Your right Cody! Alright gang! To Mexico we go!!" Rick said as everyone packed and headed for the airport.


The gang got on the plane and flew straight to Mexico the home of all Luchadors. It was a 3 hour flight but they all made it. When the plane landed in Mexico everyone went out of the plane and looked all around in Mexico. It was a sight to behold. Everything was written in Spanish, decorated in Mexican culture, and of course the music was something for everyone to enjoy.

"Wow! Everything is wild here in Mexico!" Rainbow said.

"Yes it is. Now gang let's see if we can find the legendary masked Luchador: Rey Mysterio. He might help Cody learn some lucha moves!" Ethan said.

"Vamos mi amigos!" Sunset said as the gang went to find Rey Mysterio.


Meanwhile back at Canterlot High the girls were still trying to find Sunset and Rainbow. They looked for a while but still couldn't find them. Twilight was on her computer and getting frustrated.

"Man where are they?!" Twilight said.

"Calm down sugarcube. We'll find them I promise." Applejack said.

"I hope that they don't do anything bad to them." Fluttershy said.

"I hope not." Rarity said.

"Well im gonna call my brother. Since he's the captain of the police I'll see if he can help us find our friends." Twilight said as she started to make a call.


Back in Mexico. We see the gang walking around the town and enjoying everything it has to offer. They kept on walking til they ran into a man with black hair wearing a gray sleeveless shirt and black shorts.

"Excuse us sir? Do you know where we can find Rey Mysterio?" Sunset said as the man turned around.

"Of course I do. You all must be new here. Im Hector Flores. Welcome to Mexico." He said.

"Hey. I remember you. You're the guy that had a friend help you expose your dad El Mago Senior as a fraud." Cody said.

"Yes. That's true. I did come from a famous Mexican wrestling family." Hector said looking sad.

"Oh im sorry Hector. I didn't mean to bring up some bad memories." Cody said.

"It's ok. That's all in the past now. Anyways you needed to get to Rey Mysterio? Well he's in the Mexico Plaza. Where all Luchadors go to train." Hector said.

"Thanks Hector. But how do we get to the Mexico Plaza?" Ethan said.

"Not to worry. I'll take you there. Come along amigos." Hector said leading our heroes to the Mexico Plaza.

They all arrived at the Mexico Plaza where they see all sorts of Luchadors training for their matches. After Hector left and said goodbye to our heroes they saw a man in a lucha mask doing his famous Mexican wrestling moves. He was without a doubt Rey Mysterio.

"Hola mi amigos. Welcome to the Mexico Plaza!" Rey said.

"Hi Rey. We could really use your help." Rick said.

"Seeing that you brought Cody Rhodes here im more than willing to help you. So what's the issue?" Rey said.

"The Bloodline's been ruining anyone's title match against Roman. We came here cause if Cody learns some lucha moves than he can stop Roman and win at Wrestlemania." Ethan said.

"I hear your reason. Well lucky for you im the master of all lucha. Meet me in the ring and we'll start learning the ways of the Luchador." Rey said.

The gang went to the ring outside the plaza. Cody and Rey got in the ring while everyone else was outside the ring sitting ready to see Cody in action.

"Now Cody. To gain the skills of a Luchador you must think like a Luchador. Think long and hard like a professional Luchador and you'll know the skills faster." Rey said.

"Ok Rey. Let's go lucha style." Cody said and the bell rang.


The battle started with the two going all out in the ring. Cody tried to throw Rey off the ropes but he dodge by doing backflips. Rey reminded Cody to use some lucha moves to counteract other Luchadors. Cody tried again but this time he tried some lucha moves to counter Rey's. He then tried a 619 on Cody but he dodged and got on his feet. Cody then tried a spinning cartwheel and hit Rey in the face. Rey got up and climbed the turn buckles and delivered a Frog Splash on Cody. He still won't give up. The battle lasted for about 40 minutes til Cody delivered his finishing move on Rey and pinned him down and won the match. The two got up and gave each other a handshake.

"Good job Cody. You did good. Now your ready for what lies ahead." Rey said.

"I hope so Rey. But are you sure I don't need to fight another Luchador to prove im ready?" Cody said.

"Cody. You proved that your capable of the skills of the Luchador. You learned well. Roman will never stand a chance against you at Wrestlemania." Rey said.

"Thank you Rey. I hope so too." Cody said.

"Since your all staying here lemme offer you amigos a stay at La Villa Bella. Mexico's finest and exclusive hotel." Rey said.

"Thanks Rey. It is getting dark so yeah we accept your offer." Rainbow said as they followed Rey to the hotel.

In the hotel room everyone was getting ready for bed. But Sunset couldn't sleep. Ethan was worried about her and decided that she needed someone to talk to.

"Hey Sunny. Are you okay?" Ethan said.

"Physical: yes. Emotionally: no." Sunset said.

"Then tell me what's wrong. I promise that I will help you." Ethan said.

"Ok. Im worried about my friends. They never really liked wrestling except for Rainbow. Im just worried that they'll try to stop you and Rick from beating the deadline." Sunset said.

"Sunset. There is nothing that will stop us from beating the deadline. As long as you believe it you can do it." Ethan said.

"Hope your right. For all our sakes." Sunset said.

"You know im gonna help everyone in this." Ethan said.

"Okay. And um Ethan? Since you been so nice to me I really want to ask you something. Will you be my boyfriend?" Sunset said.

Ethan smiled at her.

"I've been waiting to hear that my whole life. My answer is yes Sunset Shimmer." Ethan said.

Sunset cried tears of joy and hugged Ethan. "Oh Ethan thank you!! Now I hope the wrestling dream comes true." She said.

"I promise we'll get through this. Now come Sunny. Let's get some sleep." Ethan said.

"Okay sweetie." Sunset said as she and Ethan went to bed. Next time we'll see them travel the world one more time before heading to the Royal Rumble.

Author's Note:

One more world stop and it's Rumble time!! Stay tuned.