• Published 5th Sep 2023
  • 262 Views, 22 Comments

Finishing The Story - Big Imagination E

2 best friends must help their favorite wrestler win the WWE Undisputed Title or he'll be gone from WWE. Can they do it? It's a road to glory.

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The Plan for Wrestlemania.

The Usos and Ethan kept walking til they reached the room where everyone is held. We see them sitting and discussing ideas to stop Roman. When they entered we see them looking at the Usos hatefully. But they assured they were not up to anything to cost Cody his shot at the title. After they all sat down the CEO Triple H came in and everyone was silenced.

"Okay now that everyone is here we can begin." Triple H said.

"So I know why were here. We need a plan to stop Roman and get Cody to be Champion. But why do we need the Usos in here? They caused enough trouble!" Kevin Owens said.

"Uce we aren't working for Roman anymore. We want this to end as badly as you do." Jimmy said.

Kevin rolled his eyes knowing he wasn't going to believe that. The Usos sat down and begin to hear what Triple H had to say.

"So I know you all had history with the Bloodline. Believe me I did too. But this year at Wrestlemania we will have a new Undisputed Champion. And this match will be a Triple Cage match." Triple H said.

"Question. Do we have to work with the Usos for this plan to succeed?" Drew McIntyre said.

"Yes Drew. I know there's been some bad blood with the Usos but we have to put our differences aside and be a team." Triple H said.

"Besides. This is our only chance to raise a new champ." Rick said.

"But how can we stop Roman? For all we know is that he's gonna send his little lapdog Solo to interfere again!" Sheamus said.

"You don't have to worry about that. I beated him in the Street Fight breaking his other leg. He won't be interfering anytime soon." Ethan said.

"Really? Well at least that's one problem taken care of." Butch said.

"Yes. But there's no telling what other dirty tricks Roman has up his sleeve." Rick said.

"He's right. So to make sure that he doesn't try any dirty tricks here is my plan. We will have a minimum of 5 wrestlers on each cage beating the shit out of Roman. And for those of you on the top cage hear this: Whatever you do, don't grab the title. It's for Cody. You all need to keep Roman busy long enough for Cody to get to the title." Triple H said.

"Oh we can do that no problem." Ethan said.

"Yes. But if were gonna keep Roman busy then we need some weapons to bash him with." Seth Rollins said.

"Not a problem. I have provided some baseball bats, chairs, tables, and hammers. Along with some extra stuff that you can use." Triple H said.

"Excellent. Cause I really want to throw Roman's body all over the ring." Braun Strowman said.

"Good to know. But if we help Cody do this then do we get title shots in return?" Sami Zayn said.

"Yes Sami. You all can have a title shot when Cody becomes champion. So we all on the same page?" Triple H said.

Everyone agreed saying that they are on board with this plan.

"Okay. Now go get your Wrestlemania gear ordered and prepare for a pretty hardcore beat down on Roman." Triple H said as everyone left to prepare for Wrestlemania.

"Ok bro. This is it. We and all the wrestlers are going to stop Roman. Let's make it count on Wrestlemania." Rick said.

"Yeah. Now let's get our Wrestlemania gear made and finish the story." Ethan said as they left for a battle they'll never forget.

Author's Note:

Stay tuned for the grand match at Wrestlemania!!!