• Published 5th Sep 2023
  • 262 Views, 22 Comments

Finishing The Story - Big Imagination E

2 best friends must help their favorite wrestler win the WWE Undisputed Title or he'll be gone from WWE. Can they do it? It's a road to glory.

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Talk with the Big Man

The boys went to the private office of Triple H. They saw the door that said 'Office of CEO' meaning that was the place they needed to be. They both went inside and they saw Triple H in his chair waiting for them. They both took a seat and they got ready to hear what Triple H as to say.

"Now im sure your wondering why I brought you two here." Triple H said.

"Yes. We know not to jump the barricade. But we did and we knew better. Were sorry Triple H." Ethan said.

"Yeah man. We just wanted to help Cody finish his story by having him become champion." Rick said.

"I understand your reason. Now look, im gonna get this off my chest. I was actually im glad you beated up Roman like that." Triple H said.

"Wait. You were glad we beated up Roman?" Rick said.

"Yes. Lemme explain. For the longest time I have hated the Bloodline for so long. At first it was okay when they first started but it started going downhill now. For almost 2 years I have tried to stop them. Every wrestler that earned a title shot got cheated out by the Bloodline. It's been happening for a while now and I needed someone who can take him out. Luckily you two had the guts to face them." Triple H said.

"Well we hated Roman ever since he earned that title at SummerSlam two years ago." Rick said.

"Ok so guys since you want Cody to be champion and I want Cody to be champion how's about I make you guys a deal?" Triple H said.

"And what exactly is the deal?" Ethan said.

Triple H pulled out a gold briefcase opening it relieving to be 2 contracts. They boys were shocked and surprised at seeing those contracts.

"What are these?" Ethan said.

"I want to offer you two these WWE contracts to become Superstars. I'll even offer you two 10 million dollars. And give you the chance to be a tag team." Triple H said.

"Really? Well we love that-" Rick said but Triple H took the case away.

"Hold on a minute. I can't give you those contracts just yet. If you really want them then you have to earn them." Triple H said.

"How do we expect to earn them?" Rick said.

"That's the thing. Now here's what I want you two to do. I need you two to help Cody Rhodes obtain the Undisputed WWE title from Roman and end his reign of terror for good." Triple H said.

"Lemme get this straight. You want us to help The American Nightmare win the title from the ugly mutt and finish his story?" Ethan said.

"That's right. Help Cody win the title from Roman and in return you get the contracts and the 10 million dollars all payable plus expenses. We have a deal?" Triple H said.

"Can you give us a minute to think about it?" Ethan said.

"Sure. But lemme know before I leave today." Triple H said.

The two went outside of the office and thinked about what Triple H said.

"So dude. What do you think? Should we take the deal?" Rick said.

"Well..I did hate Roman and his Bloodline. And we are fans of Cody Rhodes. I say we should take the deal." Ethan said.

"You know what? I always dreamed of being a wrestler with you man. I say we take that deal! And we bring the girls with us." Rick said.

"Alright! Let's tell Triple H that we are taking the deal!" Ethan said.

The two went back into Triple H's office and gave him the answer he wants.

"We accept your deal Triple H! Now where do we start?" Rick said.

"Glad to hear it. Now where you start. I want you two to take Cody to the Dungeon. Bret Hart trained there back in the day. Train him good and your on the right path. Then go on an World journey taking him in different matches. He'll learn some new skills and new moves. They'll come useful." Triple H said.

"I think we can handle that." Ethan said.

"Great. Oh and one more thing. There's a deadline on this. You need to make sure that Cody will win by 7 months. Which also happens to be the date for Wrestlemania. If he doesn't become champion by Wrestlemania then by the fat walrus Paul Heyman, he'll be gone from WWE permanently. And you won't get the contracts." Triple H said.

"Paul forced you into an agreement to do that?!" Rick said.

"Yes. I regret letting that slip through. But I believe you can do this. Just beat the deadline and you guys are in." Triple H said

"We'll do it. We promise you will not be disappointed." Ethan said.

"I believe in you guys. Good luck." Triple H said.

Then the two left Triple H's office and gave the best smiles on their faces.

"We are getting a chance to be WWE Superstars!! Let's help Cody get that belt!!" Rick said.

"Alright dude. But remember that we got 7 months to beat the deadline or we can kiss that dream goodbye." Ethan said.

"Hey you two." A voice said.

The two saw their favorite wrestler himself came to them: Cody Rhodes. He was smiling and had this to say.

"I just want to say thanks for earlier. The Bloodline's been ruining my chances of winning the title lately." Cody said.

"Your welcome. But we got a job to do. Help you get the title and finish the story!" Rick said.

"Cody meet us at my house tomorrow and we'll help you train hard to beat Roman." Ethan said.

"Okay I'll be there." Cody said as he left to get his stuff.

The two then left the center and got in the car. One thing was certain: They needed to help Cody finish his story by becoming champion at Wrestlemania or earlier. Then the two looked at each other and nodded knowing their big adventure begins.

Author's Note:

So the adventure begins!! Stay tuned for them starting to train at the Performance Center.