• Published 5th Sep 2023
  • 260 Views, 22 Comments

Finishing The Story - Big Imagination E

2 best friends must help their favorite wrestler win the WWE Undisputed Title or he'll be gone from WWE. Can they do it? It's a road to glory.

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Brothers vs Brothers/ Jimmy tells the Truth

The gang all stared at the Usos. Rick and Ethan were not happy to see them here. Especially when they injured Cody one time and tried to end his career. They continued to stare and for a long period of time Ethan broke the silence.

"You got a lot of nerve following us here. Especially after what you pulled." Ethan said.

"Oh geez. Im sorry Uce for following you. It's just that we heard that you are training Cody Rhodes to win the title. And we can't have none of that!" Jey said.

"Too bad Usos! Cody WILL win the title! He WILL be the new champion! And WE will make sure that happens and Roman's empire will come crumbling down!!" Rick said.

"And there's not a damn thing you can do to stop us!!" Ethan said.

"Your right. Unless we beat you two in a match for the match it will be at Wrestlemania!!" Jimmy said.

"Oh so you wanna make a fighting bet huh? Fine then! We'll see who gets to decide the Wrestlemania match...in a Tornado Tag Hard-core Match!!" Rainbow said.

"Rainbow. That's going too hard!" Sunset said.

"Well their asking for it!! I want our boys to pile them in the dirt!!" Rainbow said.

"Yeah. Yeah cool! We gladly accept the challenge rainbow girl!! So tell us boys. What's on the line?" Jey said.

"If me and Rick win then the match will be a Triple Cage Match! Meaning that you have to climb on top of three cages to reach the championship! And you cannot interfere in the match this time!!" Ethan said.

"Hmm..Fine! But if me and Jimmy win then the match will be a No DQ match! Meaning we can do whatever we want!! We can even interfere in the match when we want!!" Jey said.

"Deal." Rick said as the both shook their hands. "But be prepared to lose! We won't back down so easily!!" Rick said.

"You may think that!! But we'll see who gonna be victorious and who's gonna go Bye-bye!! So let's rumble!!" Jey said.

The groups got in the ring and prepared for the match. Rick took off his glasses and his shirt. Ethan took his shirt off as well. They both put some gloves on and stared at the Usos angry. The match to determine what the match for Wrestlemania was gonna be a good one folks!

"Ok fighters! Ready? Steady! And FIGHT!!" Rainbow said.

The groups charged and thus begins the battle! Ethan was fighting Jey while Rick was handling Jimmy. With Ethan he threw a lot of punches on Jey. He even got one in the eye!! Jey clutched his eye in pain and while he was distracted Ethan super kicked him making him fall down! Rick was having trouble cause Jimmy had him in an arm clutch trying to force him to tap out. But Rick kicked Jimmy in the nuts forcing him to let go as he winced in pain. While he was distracted by that Rick took his chance and delivered a Curb Stomp on Jimmy's head!! Ethan went out of the ring and grabbed a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. He rolled back in and stared at Jey.

"Come on Jey! Lemme knock some sense into that thick skull of yours!" Ethan said.

He proceed to do so by whacking Jey making him bleed bad as he screamed in pain. Back with Rick he was stomping down on Jimmy. He got out of the ring grabbed a steel chair and rolled back in. He then started hitting him as he screamed for mercy as he wanted this to stop. But Rick wasn't falling for their old tricks again. The girls and Cody watching them was cheering for them to win.

"Get him Ethan!! Win for us!!" Sunset said.

"Whoop their sorry asses boys!! Make them regret what they did!!" Rainbow said.

Ethan was still hitting Jey with the bat until Jey kicked him in leg making him lose balance. Jey grabbed him and climbed up the turn buckle and slammed him down!! He grabbed the bat and was about to hit him until Rick punched him in the mouth making him lose some teeth and rolled out of the ring. Rick helped Ethan up and gave Jimmy a double super kick to the face! Jimmy fell into the corner of the ring and Ethan prepared his own version of the Helluva Kick. After Jimmy picked himself up Ethan ran to him and did the Helluva Kick!! Jimmy took the hit and fell to the center of the ring. Rick and Ethan both climbed the opposite turn buckles and did a double frog splash on Jimmy!! Jey who managed to recover saw his brother in trouble! So he grabbed two pairs of handcuffs and went back in the ring only for Rick and Ethan to Curb Stomp him at the same time! He dropped the handcuffs and they got them.

"So you were gonna handcuff us to the ring huh? Nice try but it's not gonna happen!" Ethan said.

The two then took a pair of handcuffs and when to an Uso each. Ethan grabbed Jey and Rick grabbed Jimmy.

"Come here Jey. Lemme give you a hand buddy." Ethan said as he handcuffed Jey to the rope.

"Alright Jimmy. Let's see how you like being handcuffed." Rick said as he handcuffed Jimmy to the rope.

The Usos struggled to get free but it was no use. Rick and Ethan both rolled out of the ring and got two hammers. Then they got back in and stared at the Usos with evil grins and hammers at hand.

"Looks like the Usos aren't feeling so Ucey any more are they bro?" Rick said.

"No they aren't. And we hate to hammer a point home, but you just won't take a hit!!" Ethan said as the started hammering the Usos bad.

The Usos screamed in pain as they continued to injure them. This lasted for a good 10 minutes til they stopped as they watched them cry bruised all over.

"Uce they are kicking ours asses out here! Maybe we should quit! They'll only hurt us more if we continue!" Jimmy cried.

"No!! No Uce!! We made a bet and were not losing!!" Jey said.

"Oh you want more huh? Well if you want another hammering then you got it!!" Ethan said.

The two started hammering on the Usos some more as they screamed in pain again. This lasted another 10 minutes and they stopped again. The Usos were now even more bruised and hurt.

"You guys give up? Or you thirsty for more?" Ethan said.

"Okay Uce! We don't want another hammering from you! Just uncuff us tap us out. You win we lose okay?!" Jimmy cried.

"Jimmy what are you doing?!" Jey said.

"Ok we'll uncuff you. But we ain't falling for the old kick out trick!! In fact..." Ethan said as he and Rick uncuffed the Usos.

They took them to the rope and both delivered a massive Body Slam to them!! Then Ethan pinned Jey and Rainbow counted to three and ended the match.

"The winners of this Tornado Tag Hard-core Match are Ethan and Rick!!" Rainbow said.

The gang all clapped and cheered that they won the match as the Usos rolled out of the ring and got up heading back outside. But before Jimmy could he said this to Jey.

"Uce. Go ahead and wait for me there. I want to talk to them real quick." Jimmy said.

"Fine. But you better explain why you forfeited the match like this!! Jey said as he walked out.

Then Jimmy looked at the group. He knew they were still pissed at him but decided to tell the truth about him and his brother in the Bloodline.

"Look Uces. I know you're still mad. But there's something I need to get off my chest." Jimmy said.

"And what's that Jimmy?" Cody said.

Jimmy sighed. "I never wanted any of this to happen. I mean it was great when we first started in the Bloodline but started going down. All I wanted was to stop this madness. But my brother kept refusing to admit that Roman was just using us to keep the title and his family legacy." He said.

"Then why do you still work for him?" Sunset said.

"Because. If I turned him down he would do something that me and Jey wouldn't like." Jimmy said.

"Dude! You don't need to keep helping him!! You need to help yourself and your brother!!" Rainbow said.

"You don't think I've tried?! I tried to help him but he won't listen!! And Cody! I wanted you to stop Roman this as badly as you do!! But Roman will always keep preventing that. I don't know what to do." Jimmy said sadly.

"Jimmy look at me. You can do the right thing. If you really care about your brother then you have to tell him the truth about Roman. You can step out of the darkness and into the light. Make him see the truth and end this. You can finally be free from Roman's control." Sunset said.

Jimmy looked at Sunset realizing at everything she said was true. If he did care about his brother then he needed to do the right thing.

"Your right. But even if I did tell him I still would feel alone. Jey was my only twin brother. I can't stand the thought of losing him." Jimmy said.

"Jimmy you won't be alone. Jey will always be your brother. You just need to get him on the same page. Once he understands the truth you'll be free from Roman. You 2 can put an end to the Bloodline and be brothers again." Sunset said.

"Well. If you say so Sunset. I will think about what you said. Here's my number." Jimmy said as he gave Sunset his phone number.

"I'll call you to keep you updated on the situation. So thank you. For hearing my problems. I really needed some friends to confront me." Jimmy said.

"Hey I used to be on the same path like you. Until Twilight showed me the error of my ways and reformed me. I know you can do the same." Sunset said.

"I hope so." Jimmy said as he got up. "But anyways. Thank you for being a friend." He said as he left the Dungeon.

Jimmy went outside where Jey was waiting for him. He still looked pissed because Jimmy costed them the match.

"Alright Uce. Now you care to tell me why you forfeited the match?" Jey said.

"I'll tell you when we get back ok? Im sore right now." Jimmy said.

"Fine bro. But when Roman hears that we failed the one job we had then im telling him everything that happened!" Jey said.

The Usos got in the car and headed back to WWE. But Jimmy was smiling on the inside because he had a friend helping him hear his issue. Now he needed to make sure Roman doesn't hear about his plan to backstab him.

Author's Note:

They won!! Now they can start training for real! And Jimmy explained everything that is going on in the Bloodline. How will this go on? Stay tuned.