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Another month has went by in a flash, and suffice to say everything is now back to normal at CHS. While AJ's death still held a rift to some, They all knew that the element of honesty wouldn't want them to spend the rest of their lives mourning for her as it wasn't healthy for any of them. Every student and faculty member knew that it's what Applejack would have wanted , and they did their best to try and move on and go on with their lives in honor of their fallen friend. And that's what they did.

Sunset was fully happy to be back home, her real home. While the memories of the Anon a Miss incident aren't gonna go away anytime soon, she never the less continued on with her personal promise to try and move on from it and hopefully one of these days she and her friends would look back on this incident and laugh. While she still missed Applejack, she also knew that she would want her to keep moving forward, and that's what she did and now her bond with her friends was as strong as ever.

The fiery teen also managed to finally make amends with the remaining students and staff who still held a grudge against her even after her reformation, which made the girl extremely happy to have finally erased her past wrong doings from when she first entered this world. And I'm happy to say that she and flash are now officially back together, after the events a month ago, the pair were now inseparable with each other and Sunset couldn't have been happier to not only have her friends back, but her old boyfriend back as well and swore to not mess up this time.

Speaking of Sunsets friends, the Rainbooms have officially returned back to their old selves with Pinkie now back to her peppy cheerful self that everyone loves. Fluttershy has also found a new boost in bravery and is much more talkative and supportive, she even stood up to a bully back at the mall a few weeks ago. And as for Dash, she was now out of her cage of depression and self hatred and was overjoyed that no one held no Ill towards her despite her actions with Applejack a few months ago, she also started taking therapy sessions after school two times a week to better get her personal issues out of the bag.

They also officially reformed the band much to the delight of their fans, they even made a few new songs in honor of their fallen friend and even found themselves a newest guitarist, that being Fluttershys new girlfriend Gilda Griffon. As it turns out, Gilda only picked on Fluttershy in the past because she secretly had a crush on her. But given that she was in the closet at the time and was afraid that Shy wasn't into girls . She chose to keep her feelings and sexuality a secret, that is until after Anon a Miss and her reformation. With the encouragement of Sunset, Dash and even Rarity, the burly girl finally confessed her feelings towards the former shy girl and was overjoyed when she accepted her invitation to a date. And suffice to say, they're newfound relationship is still going as strong as Sunset and Flashes. And Fluttershy was happy to have Gilda by her side especially after the burly teen found out that she had a thing for muscles which only made Gilda more happy as it would give her an excuse to show off her physique towards her new girlfriend.

And as for the CMC's, the trio's friendship was now fully repaired alongside the Canterlot Movie Club. A week after the Funeral, they also asked their respected families, Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna if they could return to Canterlot High to which they allowed, but made a few restrictions for their return. For example, the computer lab and the library was to be used for school work only and they were required to have their phones in their lockers at all times and to only take out in case of emergencies which they didn't mind one bit.

Soon the Trio was welcomed back to the CHS family with open arms but not only the Principles and their respected sisters, but the entire student body as well who have now officially forgiven the girls for Anon a Miss, Diamond Tiara however didn't forgive the trio and even requested to her father to have her transferred to Crystal prep as to never see them again, the CMC's didn't mind this cause well....................it's Diamond Tiara after all, and this might sound a bit harsh but given the rich teens snobbish behavior these past few years, no one was really gonna miss her. However, this change in venue would lead to a positive outcome to one student.

Silverspoon was a now a changed girl, with Tiara gone this allowed her to look back at her past actions and to make amends with her past victims that she was forced to torment by her former friend. She was now a much nicer gal and no longer flaunted her wealth with anyone, and was now a friend amongst the student body including the CMC's who welcomed her with open arms and even invited her to join their club to which she happily accepted along with their friendship.

As for the Applefamily, business was still going strong despite the passing of their loved one. Bloom worked hard in her late sisters stead alongside Big Macintosh who worked tirelessly to keep the business afloat, they even made a shrine up in the meadow hills in honor of AJ. Braeburn and a few other members of the family also stopped by from time to time to offer a helping hand to granny and the siblings. Filthy rich even offered a hand to the family and had a few of his business associates assist in both the farm work and the sales records from the apples, cider, and jam that they sold.

All in all everything was going well for everyone.

Outside the entrance to the Gymnasium, we find Derpy Hooves standing anxiously over the main door. While most of the students have already made their way inside the indoor sports arena, Derpy stayed behind a bit as the memories of Applejack hanging from the basketball hoop began to play off in her head. The cross eyed girl would be lying to herself that she was still a bit uncomfortable about stepping foot inside the gymnasium especially with her being the first one to spot that heartbreaking scene months ago, she also knew that she eventually had to conquer her fear and anxiety eventually just like Fluttershys new found sense of bravery.

While she was still skeptical about stepping inside, and it wasn’t just her, a few others were also feeling the same way as they too were fearful about reliving that day again. She knew that she had to be brave as it’s what Applejack would have wanted, but as she tried desperately to grasp the handle, her hand always pushed back out of fear. But eventually she managed to grab a hold of the handle and was ready to step inside the gym, but as she was about to turn the handle, she found a hand on her shoulder belonging to non other than Gilda. She turned back to find her burly friend standing over her with a sympathetic look.

“ Derpy” She began. “ You don’t have to go in if your not ready yet, I can talk to Coach Will if ya want so that you can go to the library or something during gym class”

The cross eyed teen however shook her head, politely denying her friends request “ No, it’s alright Gilda” She reassured. “ I’ll be ok, don’t get me wrong. Seeing that basketball hoop will send shivers down my spine, I know I’ll have to try and overcome it as it’s what Applejack would have wanted. It’s high time I started being brave just like Fluttershy, there’s no turning back now” Gilda smiled proudly after hearing her friends statement, she then wrapped a comforting arm around her neck.

“ And we’ll do it together” She replied, and soon the two friends finally mustered up the courage and opened the entrance together to finally enter the gymnasium ready to face the outside forces.

Unknown to them however, a ghostly silhouette can be seen outside of the entrance having surveyed the entire conversation between the two friends, as the doors closed behind her she let out a proud smile of her own before tilting her Stetson hat back in a respectful manor before finally fading away into the air.

“ Well done Sugarcube, well done”

Author's Note:

And that’s the end ladies and gentleman❤️ Thank you so much for the positive feedback and sticking around for my latest story😉 And a shoutout to BiggerNate91 for the Chapter edits, thanks man I really appreciate it👍 Anyways thank you guys for sticking around for my latest story:raritywink: Speaking of stories , I also plan on handwriting down the script for the first 2 chapters of the second part of Friendship is Dead between November and December so that I can have a head start when posting the first chapters next January😉 and I might even make a short teaser trailer for it as well👍

Until then I’ll see you guys around😉

Comments ( 6 )

This was really good.

great job on story:twilightsmile:

This was a good story, great job and flow.

I promise I'm still here to give you some edits for the last few chapters, things have just been really busy for me lately. I will get to it eventually, you have my word.

That’s ok Nate, take your time I’ll be patient😉 I know how busy writers get IRL👍

Enjoyed it, like all your other stories.......A LOT!!

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