• Published 12th Feb 2023
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G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish - ponydog127

After a strange spell is cast by the Unity Crystals, the Mane 5 and Misty must help the Warner Siblings retrieve a magical wishing star from a greedy king and save the kingdom of Warnerstock from poverty.

  • ...

King Salazar's Reign Ends

No one got much sleep that night… especially the Warners. Half the night, either Yakko or Wakko or Dot would wake from a terrible nightmare, and it would take them forever to be settled enough to go back to sleep. Sunny would be one of the ponies to check on them every so often, knowing how they felt-- it was terrible to lose a parent in general, but to lose both of your parents in that terrible state? It was too much for Sunny to fathom herself.

There had to be something the group could do to ease the Warners' heavy hearts.

The next morning, as the snow began to thaw from around Acme Falls, Buttons was returning Mindy to her home after Mindy got sidetracked so much on the way back. "Mindy, darling!" her mother exclaimed in relief as Buttons fell to the ground in exhaustion. "You're back! You're safe! Oh, thank goodness!"

"Hi, Mom!" Mindy said innocently, causing her mother to gasp and pick her off the ground. "Mindy, you called me mom! You called me mom! It's a miracle!" And like you could expect, Buttons relieved his wish-- steaks for protecting Mindy and his loyalty. But at the very same time, the Warners were going out into the streets to show others what a monster Salazar really was. "Guys, are you sure you're ready for this?" Sunny asked. "Doing something in a state of revenge will get you nowhere."

"Sunny's right," Zipp nodded. "Playing pranks on my sister all these years has taught me that more than anypony. You shouldn't do this for revenge, Warners… but for the town you care so much about… for each other… and for your parents."

Yakko spared a few glances at his younger siblings, then back at the ponies… they were right. They were just so scared of what they lost and could lose, that they didn't see what they could gain. "You guys are right…" he nodded and put down the bat he was holding. "Come on, sibs-- let's go out and tell everyone what we saw with the orbs." Wakko and Dot slowly nodded and followed him outside, but as Zipp and Izzy were about to leave, Misty stopped them. "Wait… can you two help me with something first?" she asked. "Sure, Misty!" Izzy agreed. "What do you need help with?"

"I… I wanna make cutie marks for the Warners," Misty said after a moment of hesitation. "It won't allow them to access the cutie mark magic the way we can, but… something to remember us after we leave." Zipp and Izzy frowned at this… the Warners really made an impact in Misty's life, and now she was afraid they would forget her. "They're never gonna forget us, Misty… that's what friends can never do-- forget friends," Zipp reassured. "But we would be happy to help you make cutie marks for the Warners. Just tell us what you had in mind for the designs."


"Attention, everyone!" Sunny called out to the townsfolk. "Please join us in the town square-- we have a really important announcement to make! The Warners want everyone here to hear this! Come on, hurry!"

Most of the people heard Sunny’s announcement and put their duties and chores on hold to come over to the center of town to listen. Once giving the ‘okay’ nod from Sunny, Yakko and his siblings stepped forward to face the crowd. “Dear friends of Acme Falls,” Yakko began, “we regret to inform you that, as of last night, we now know what happened to King William and Queen Angelina of Warnerstock… our parents. They… they were…”

“MURDERED!!” Dot wailed, falling onto Hitch’s back and sobbing hysterically, and the male earth pony patted her head to console her. What Dot said caused many of the citizens to gasp in complete horror. “It’s confusing to explain, but they are telling the truth,” Hitch said. “And Salazar was the one who committed the crime when the Warners were only infants.”

“But that would mean, since the Warners are the king and queen’s kids, they have natural rights to the throne, right?” Squit asked. “Right,” Sunny nodded. “And we’re all here to ask you today to help us fight back against Salazar’s forces, and make sure they’re exiled from Warnerstock forever. I know this may seem scary to some of you, but this means a lot to us ponies, and--”

“Kid, you had us at ‘fight back’,” Slappy whipped her purse around. “Yeah!” Skippy agreed, causing many more to follow. Even Pinky and Brain wanted to help in someway. “Wow… this is great!” Sunny smiled at the Warners before turning back to the townsfolk. “Okay… each of you go home and try to get some sleep… we’ll work out battle strategies in the morning. It’s gonna change Warnerstock forever. Just you wait and see.”

Soon after this was said, the townsfolk dispersed before the Warners and ponies headed back to the hospital, and Misty, Zipp and Izzy waited for them at the front entrance. “Sorry we missed the meeting,” Zipp apologized, “but Misty wanted to make something for the Warners, and we couldn’t refuse.”

The Warners looked at one another for a moment-- what could this mysterious present be? Each one of the ponies pulled out a bracelet, made from rubber bands Izzy found back home, and each one of them had a symbol on them:

  • For Dot’s bracelet, her symbol had a mirror on it, with two hearts on the sides.
  • For Yakko, his symbol contained a microphone with some feedback emitting from it, showing off his knack for making jokes.
  • And finally, for Wakko, it had two mallets crossed over one another, a heart in the middle.

“Ta-daaaaaa!” Izzy cheered as Zipp put them on the Warners’ wrists. “Your own cutie mark bracelets!”

“We wanted some way for you to remember us when we go back to Equestria,” Misty said. “And you may not have connection to the cutie mark magic, but… it was made with love, and… isn’t that what really matters?”

The Warners smiled and cuddled the ponies close. “They’re perfect-- and they match us so well! Thanks, guys,” Yakko said. “Now, we better get some shut-eye; we have plans to make for invading Sala-butt’s castle.”


The next morning, everyone found themselves gathered inside Baron von Plotz’s home, where Brain had orchestrated a long and… overwhelming plan. “...and then the Warners seize the throne from Salazar, and he is booted out by being knocked into a larger-than-life catapult or Trailblazer and Starscout’s plantly abilities,” Brain wrapped it up, waking the sleeping crowd. “Brain, I appreciate you being so enthusiastic in us taking back the throne for the Warners,” Sunny said gently, “but maybe the plan doesn’t have to be so complicated none of us know our parts?”

“...potato, po-taa-to,” Brain shrugged. “I suppose you all have a better one?”

“As a matter of fact, we do,” Zipp took the chalk from him, and began to draw her plan. “We came up with it last night. All you townsfolk have to do is distract the guards by whatever means possible while we sneak the Warners into the castle, use our unity magic to boot Salazar and his forces away from Warnerstock, and it’s a happy time for everyone. Any questions?”

“I do,” Pinky raised his hand. “Once the Warners are on the throne, won’t it be a bit squishy with them and Salazar on there?”

Most everyone in the room muttered in displeasure, but Izzy patted Pinky on the head. “Don’t worry-- it’ll make more sense when we go along,” she whispered. “So… is everyone ready for this?” Sunny turned to the crowd. “There are no hard feelings if you want to back out now.”

“Um, Rita and I wouldn’t have been working on a new duet to lull the guards to sleepy-town if we were to back out now,” Pipp told Sunny, wrapping a foreleg around Rita. “Yeah,” Runt nodded. “Yeah, what the pink donkey said.”

“Donke--?!” Pipp was about to pounce, but Hitch and Dot held her back. “Then, I guess we’re ready…” Sunny sighed, allowing Yakko to climb on her back, Wakko to climb on Misty’s back and Dot to climb on Hitch’s. “For Acme Falls…” Sunny started, and then the villagers cried, “FOR WARNERSTOCK!!!”

And just like that, they zoomed away toward the location of the palace.


King Salazar pouted upon his throne upon return to Warnerstock… he was so close to getting rid of the Warners forever… and he would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling po--

Suddenly, a banging on the throne room door, caught his attention, and one of the guards stepped through. “Um… news from Acme Falls to report upon, sire,” he said. “Just spit it out! What is it?” King Salazar sneered. “The villagers, sir,” the guard began, “i-it looks like they’re--”

The faint sound of music cut him off, and King Salazar looked out the window to see Rita and Pipp engaging in a song to throw the guards off.

Rita: Used to care what they'd say
Let 'em into my brain
But I found a new way

Chorus: Ooh-ooh

Pipp: Every time I fall down
I pick it up like rebound
Gotta get through somehow

We don't fly like we used to
We take what we've been through
And we can feel brand new

Rita: I know I am a fighter
I feel the fire
I'm shining brighter

Both: We got the light
We're coming in stronger
We're in it together
If you want it it's all inside your mind

We got the light
Won't wait any longer
We'll get it together
If you want it then you can paint the sky...

King Salazar became increasingly angered with this untimely sing-off-- what did they think they were doing, singing in front of HIS castle and HIS alone?

And the worst part is, the guards were actually enjoying the singing, making his face grow red in fury.

All while King Salazar and his men were distracted, Sunny and the remaining ponies snuck into the throne room, and once they were close enough, Zipp called her sister on the FlyPad. “It’s showtime, Pipp!”

But we’re almost to the best verse!” Pipp argued. “Oh, fine… Rita, keep going without me.

With that, the pegasus princess flew to join her sister and friends in the throne room through the back window, and at the right moment, Sunny turned to her friends and nodded before they leapt out of hiding, cutie marks glowing and Sunny turning into her alicorn form. “Surrender now, Salazar!” Zipp threatened, causing the king to yelp and turn around. “And surrender the throne to the rightful rulers-- the Warners!”

“Ha! You ponies and your oddly glowing rear ends think you can challenge me? I hope you do remember that I saw your greatest fears,” Salazar smirked. “Those fears don’t matter anymore!” Sunny declared as the Warners got on her back as she flapped her golden wings. “What matters now is that we take back their birth right! Now, everypony!”

As Sunny flew higher into the air, the cutie marks of the ponies began to glow brighter than ever, and with the Warners thinking good unity thoughts to help their friends, a giant ethereal mallet formed in mid-air. “Wakko? Isn’t that your lucky mallet you showed me?” Zipp strained as she tried to keep the magic in check. “Of course it is!” Wakko said smugly. “I use the mallet all the time for a comedy prop.”

“Wakko, concentrate!” Sunny reminded, unable to keep the mallet in the air for much longer. With everyone concentrating as hard as they could, they directed it over in the king’s direction, and seeing the giant mallet towering over him made him gulp nervously. “Steady… steady…” Sunny called out for a few moments before it was in the perfect position. “Now… let it fly!”

Their concentration then broke, releasing the mallet as it swung toward King Salazar, leaving it to fling him far away with a scream-- in fact, into the dungeons of his very nation of Ticktockia. Seeing their king get flung away made the guards get nervous at the sight of the angry people, and they ran away after their king, promising to never harm Warnerstock again.

In the castle, Sunny lowered to the ground, changing into her earth pony form once again, and led the group into cheering in delight-- the Warners were in their rightful place again! The rest of the townsfolk barged in to see them, and congratulated the group on a job well done… but not before something unexpected happened. The ponies’ cutie marks began to glow again, and their magic wrapped around the Warners, changing their attire into those of a king and queen respectively. “Whoa…” the Warners gazed at their new looks. “Hmmm…” Zipp took note of this. “I think the cutie marks sensed the Warners were the rightful rulers of Warnerstock, and they used magic to change the Warners so they’d look like proper co-rulers of the kingdom. Fascinating.”

“Well, whatever the reason, you look great,” Misty said. “Thanks, Misty,” Yakko smiled. “And thanks to all of you guys. Without you, we would’ve never made our dreams come true.”

“It’s true-- Dr. Scratchinsniff adopted me and Runt, and now we have a good life!” Rita nodded. “And my acorn tree’s never looked better with all this snow gone,” Slappy added. “We have a lot to thank you for, kids.”

“It was our pleasure. Now,” Sunny said, “I think we have time for a celebratory song, don’t you guys?”

Everyone else smiled in agreement, and with the ponies leading the way, lead the town into one final song.

All: The good old days were a bummer
Our town was a total dive
But now, every day's like summer
It feels great to be alive!
To state our message with greater clarity
We now spin the Wheel of Morality!

Wheel of Morality, turn turn turn
Tell us the lesson that we should learn!

The wheel landed on the number 5 slot, and a piece of paper read off the lesson, to which the Warners read to themselves. "And," Yakko declared, "the moral of our story is..."

All: When you're blue, buy a clue, try not to mope
Ya gotta cheer up and never give up hope!

Warners and Misty:Don't be a dope!

All: Ya gotta cheer up and never give up hope!
Try to cope!
Just cheer up and never ever give up hope
Hope hope hope hope!

As the song came to a close, the cutie marks began to glow, forming a portal nearby. Zipp recognized what it was immediately... that was their ticket back to Equestria. "We better go, guys-- before the portal closes." Sparky was the first to run to the portal and immediately jumped into it. "SPARKY!!" Hitch cried. "Wait for Daddy!"

"...we're really gonna miss you," Izzy frowned. "Hey, don't sweat it, Iz-- you can always come back and visit," Yakko said. "And you gotta show me some of those unicycling skills next time."

"We promise to come back soon," Sunny said, nuzzling the Warners and waving the townsfolk farewell. Misty didn't want to blubber in tears, so she instead hugged the Warners tight. Wakko rubbed her soft mane one more time before she followed the group into the portal before it closed, leaving Acme Falls and Warnerstock behind.

Author's Note:

I know this chapter wasn't exactly like the movie, but I wanted to add my own twist to it.