• Published 12th Feb 2023
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G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish - ponydog127

After a strange spell is cast by the Unity Crystals, the Mane 5 and Misty must help the Warner Siblings retrieve a magical wishing star from a greedy king and save the kingdom of Warnerstock from poverty.

  • ...

An Operation and the Warners' Past

Sunny and her friends crossed through the snowy valleys to bring the Warners, Pinky and Brain, Rita and Runt and everyone else from Acme Falls back to their homes, and no one bore a sad face-- everyone was overjoyed that Acme Falls would no longer be the poorest village in Warnerstock, and no one would ever be taxed again.

Wakko had made the perfect wish to benefit them all.

But, Zipp couldn’t help but feel in her gut that there was something else that needed to be uncovered… the truth about what Salazar might have done with Yakko, Wakko and Dot’s parents.

But, Dot’s operation would have to come first, before any mystery-solving could be done.

As soon as they returned from Acme Falls and got the rest they needed from their long journey, the Warners and their friends brought Dot to the facility, where Wakko used his first ha’penny to pay for her operation, Yakko and Wakko telling Dot how much they loved her before she went into the operating room.

After that, the wait seemed to take way longer than the brothers felt like it would've been, but maybe Dr. Scratchinsniff and Hello Nurse were just taking their time, to make sure nothing went wrong and Dot didn't have any problems further.

The ponies waited there the entire time with them, and Pipp started a livestream to share with the Pippsqueaks... no matter how far they were with Equestria. "Good afternoon, everypony!" she broadcasted. "I'm live here in Acme Falls, praying for the well being of one out of three of our new friends. Dot went in for an operation a few hours ago, and her brothers are really worried about her. Share your kind thoughts in the comments! Catch ya later, Pippsqueaks-- Pipp Pipp hooray!"

With that, she tucked her phone away and sat beside her sister. "That was a good idea, Pipp-- spreading the message about Dot so good vibes can come and give her strength," the white pegasus smiled. "Yeah, well... what can I say?" Pipp said with a chuckle. "I know how to create positive vibes."

The door then opened, and Baron von Plotz and Ralph came in quietly through the doors. "Oh... hi there, Baron. Ralph," Sunny greeted with a nod. "What are you doing here?"

“Wes wanted to see it Dots was out of surgery yet,” Ralph explained, sitting down. “No, not yet,” Yakko sighed, looking at the clock on Zipp’s FlyPad. “She’s been in there for two hours now… do you think she’s okay?”

“Hey, if anything was going wrong, they’d come out and tell us,” Wakko tried to ease his older brother’s worries. “Dot’s a strong kid-- like us. She’ll be fine... I hope.”

The ponies sat in silence for a while longer, hoping and praying to themselves that Dot would make it through. After another 40 minutes, Dr. Scratchinsniff took his gloves off and entered the waiting room, and the pegasus sisters, Yakko and Wakko clung to each other nervously. “It was a complete success!” he declared. “She is awake if you would all like to see her.”

Hearing that Dot was all right, the girl ponies, Sparky, Wakko and Yakko cheered and rushed to Dot’s room to see her. “What was the operation for anyway?” the baron asked as Hello Nurse arrived. “Plastic surgery,” Dr. Scratchinsniff responded. “To implant a beauty mark on her cheek.”

Hitch blinked in shock-- he thought it was something serious like a tumor, not plastic surgery. But then again, people and ponies did crazy things sometimes, and he just had to accept it.

Meanwhile, the ponies sat by Dot’s bed as she admired her new beauty mark. “I think I’ll call it a cutie mark, based off your name for the marks on your flanks,” Dot explained with a shrug. “Cindy Crawford, eat your heart out.”

She zipped over to the captain of the guard, who was waiting for her outside her room, holding a bouquet of flowers. “So, do I look cuter now?”

"Your cuteness is, like, out of control, man! It's perfect," the captain said. "Perfect, huh?" Dot yawned. "Well, I guess that'll have to do."

Pipp took out her phone for her and Dot to get a few selfies, and Wakko sighed in relief, slumping back in the room's chair. "Thank goodness it's finally done."

“We’re glad for you too,” Sunny said, sitting in the chair next to him. “But, I can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to your past than that Salazar phony is letting on.”

Zipp looked over at her from where she was fluttering in place. “You had that feeling too?” she asked. “And how did the Unity Crystals know that we would help the Warners and the town? How did Salazar know about our fear of letting magic in Equestria slip through our hooves? Do you think he was in close relations to the pony Twilight Sparkle warned us about? What if that pony is still alive from Twilight Sparkle's time, and she knew that all this was going to happen and sent Salazar the information about the wishing star in order to stop us from achieving our goal but they ultimately failed anyway?!!”

“Whoa, whoa girls! Slow down with the questions already!” Yakko stopped their discussion, holding his head. “All this new info is really makin’ my head spin.”

“Still…” Zipp thought about it before she got an idea, flying back out to the waiting room to find Ralph and the baron sitting patiently. “Baron, would it be possible if I go to look at the town’s records? There’s something I wanna check out about the Warners’ past history.”

“Of course,” Baron von Plotz nodded. “They should be in the basement of my residence-- take a look for yourself.”

"Thanks," Zipp nodded and trotted back toward Dot's room, where the youngest Warner was now sleeping after her operation. "Hey, Hitch-- Baron von Plotz said we could look through the town records for a way to get us home and everything. Wanna come with?"

"Sure," Hitch said, getting up. "And while Dot rests, why don't the rest of you go see everyone else and see how they're doing? You know... just to make sure Salazar hasn't slithered his way in here somehow."

"Good idea. Hop on, Yakko," Sunny invited the elder Warner onto her back while Wakko hopped onto the back of Misty. "I can stay here and look after Dot," Izzy volunteered. "Just in case she wakes up and sees that her brothers are gone."

"Good idea," Zipp nodded. "Okay, guys-- let's move out!"


The group walked through the town while Zipp and Hitch went up to the house of Baron von Plotz to find things to figure out what the Warners' childhood was like before they become orphans-- maybe that was why they hadn't gone home yet. “Oh, kiddies!” Dr. Scratchinsniff called. “We'ds like yous to try our new elixer for sampling!”

"Free samples?!" Yakko grabbed Wakko and pulled him over to a table as Rita and Runt emerged from the back of the doctor's wagon. "Hi, Rita! Hi, Runt! What are you guys doing in there?" Sunny asked. "The doc asked me and Runt to help supply him with materials and add ins for his new elixers," Rita said. "Plans on sellin' em at the market in a couple days, just a few towns over."

"They're ready for sampling," Hello Nurse brought some bottles over for the brothers to try. Wakko and Yakko chugged them down, tasting them to see if they were like back on the mountain before the avalanche. After waiting a moment or two, Wakko released a huge, satisfying burp, breaking almost every source of glass in the village-- even Dr. Scratchinsniff's bifocals. "That's a big thumb's up!" Yakko said as Wakko took another drink, causing Dr. Scratchinsniff to laugh in delight. "Success at last! Come! We have a way to travel if we are to reach the market with a full case of this stuff!"

"A little tip before you go, Rita and Runt-- elixir mixing is like smoothie-making; everything requires the perfect balance," Sunny said. "Once you have that in mind, there's nothing you can't do."

Rita and Runt nodded before they climbed back into the wagon, and the group waved as they set off. All the while, Wakko wanted to go to town with his other ha'penny to spend it to his liking, and he bought:

Wakko: Burgers at the butchers
And blintzes at the bakers
Groceries at the grocer's
Season tickets for the Lakers!

Misty happily carried Wakko's load of goods, happy he was able to experience this new life like he had never experienced it before.

Meanwhile, Yakko and Pipp went out on the town, trying to take pictures for Pipp to show the Pippsqueaks when they got back to Equestria, even talking to some of the locals as the weather began to warm up little by little, a degree every day.

As for Zipp and Hitch, they began to search the entire house for the records about the Warners, eventually reaching the basements… only lit by a barely flaming candle. As they searched, Zipp found a safe in the very back of the basement closet, pulling it out and using her wing to open it. “Look!” she exclaimed as she examined what was inside. “It’s the Warners’ records! I bet Salazar had a big reason for putting them in this safe for these years.”

“But… why?” Hitch asked. “I’m not sure,” Zipp answered, using her visor to scan the documents. “Nothing in the records is out-of-the-ordinary, but--”

Suddenly, something in the back of the safe caught her attention… something she could only see through her visor. She reached her hoof inside and tapped a button barely visible on the safe’s insides, and inside was a secret compartment that held a small bag full of small glowing orbs, glowing a different color of the rainbow. “Whoa…” Zipp’s eyes widened. “These are radiating with an energy I’ve only seen in… the Unity Crystals in Equestria!”

“Let’s take these back to the others,” Hitch advised. “Maybe we can figure out what they are together.”

"Yeah..." Zipp took off her visor and put it back under her wing. "Good idea."


“...and then, Sparky lit the entire sheriff station in flames, turning everything in sight into balloons!” Izzy said, causing everyone to laugh as she finished up her story. “Hey, you guys!” Zipp flew into the room, leading a panting Hitch in with her, and the bag from before was still in her hooves. “Look what we found!”

She immediately opened the bag to reveal the glowing orbs, causing the group’s eyes to widen. “They’re beautiful!” Sunny gasped, eyes glittering. “But… what are they exactly?” Yakko asked. “We don’t know,” Hitch said, pulling out the Warners’ files. “We found them with your records in a safe in the basement.”

“Look! There’s a note!” Wakko pulled a slip of paper from the bottom of the bag and cleared his throat before reading it. “Please take good care of these Time Orbs-- they are an ancient and little-known source of magic in Equestria, and will take you to whatever time period you wish. They must be only used in a time of need, so use them well. With best wishes, Twilight Sparkle.

"...Twilight Sparkle? Did you just say Twilight Sparkle?!" Sunny clutched Wakko's face with her hooves before grabbing the paper from him. "Uh… I thought I did," Wakko rubbed his face. "She's a liiiiiiiitle obsessed with the Guardians of Harmony," Pipp whispered, which caused Yakko and Dot to giggle. "This is it!" Sunny told her friends. "We can use one or two of the Time Orbs to go back into the Warners' past, and see if there's anything in there we can figure out."

"If you're sure about this, Sunny…" Zipp shrugged and took out a glowing purple orb from the bag. "Here, Wakko-- I think you should use the first one."

“...well… all right…” Wakko took the orb from the pegasus princess' silver hooves, rubbing his hands over it with a nervous sigh. Here goes everything. “Uh… hello magic Time Orb thingy,” he cleared his throat. “We, um… can you show us the day when… when Mom and Dad found Dot as a baby in the flower garden?”

The others stood around him in anxiousness, wondering what would happen next. Suddenly, the orb began to dissolve in Wakko's hands, turning into a puddle on the floor in an instant. As everyone's faces fell, the magic began to wrap around them in a gust of wind, prompting everyone to hold on tightly to one another.

When the whirlwind disappeared, everyone opened their eyes to reveal that they weren't in the hospital anymore.

Instead, they were before a gorgeous palace in a warm spring valley, a huge field of flowers before them. “Whoa… this is way better than any filter on any phone!” Pipp took pictures repeatedly of the scenery, and Misty laid down in the flowers before her, rolling around and breathing in its sweet scent. “This is… a-amazing!”

“Wow, Warners... I had no idea that your parents lived in such a beautiful place!” Hitch smiled. “Hey, what did you expect?” Dot said sassily. “I am a princess after all. Why do you think we're in front of a palace?”

"Hey, I think someone's coming!" Sunny said, and they zipped into the bushes just as two figures who looked just like the Warners stepped out of the castle with happy expressions on their faces. Sunny glanced over at Yakko, who's eyes were wide, but they also looked solemn. "Yakko? Do you recognize them?" she whispered. "Recognize them?" Yakko repeated. "Sunny... they're our parents!"

"Your parents were the king and queen?! …now Dot's overly complicated name actually makes sense," Hitch thought about it with a shrug. “Do you think they can see us? I think they'd love to see the Warners again,” Izzy asked with a whisper. “I don’t think they can see us-- this is a vision of the past, not us living in this time,” Zipp shook her head. From out of the castle emerged a 4-year-old Yakko, running and rolling around in the grass before the castle while a 2-year-old Wakko was trying his best to keep up with him on his toddler legs. “Awwwww!” everyone cooed at the sight. “Now I see where you get your good looks from,” Pipp nudged Yakko playfully. “But when do we get to see Dot pop up from the flower?”

Dot shushed her as the king and queen walked behind young Wakko and Yakko as they ran toward the gardens surrounding the kingdom. “Now dears, don’t run too fast!” the queen advised her sons. “And be careful around the flowers-- they too have feelings!”

“That’s what I always say about plants!” Sunny took out a notepad and began to write things down as Yakko, Wakko and Dot watched their parents with awe and admiration. “Ahh… Queen Angelina, could you imagine a more beautiful spring day?” the king asked. “No, I couldn’t, my handsome King William,” Queen Angelina said. “And look-- I think the flowers are getting ready to bloom as we speak!”

And as the queen said, the flowers bloomed at the very warmth of the springtime sun, and the most beautiful flower of all, a vibrant golden flower that shone in the light, opened very last, and you can probably guess what was inside-- a sleeping baby Dot, who the king and queen fell in love with at first sight. “She’s perfect,” King William lifted her into his arms as the others watched from close by. “What say we take her home and raise her as the boys’ baby sister?”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Queen Angelina spoke. “But what would we call her?”

“How about we name her after all the queens of Warnerstock that came before her?” King William suggested. “Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca III.”

“Well, at least we know where your insanely long name comes from,” Zipp joked, wincing as Dot tugged her wing in annoyance. “But that’s such a long name for a baby,” Queen Angelina frowned. “What if we call her… Dot for short?”

“Good idea,” King William said, and the young Warner Brothers raced over to get a glimpse of the newest member of the family. “It was love at first sight for all of us when we saw you, sis,” Yakko told Dot. “You just seemed to cast that spell on us that would never break.”

“I’m that cute? Huh… go figure,” Dot shrugged. “So, now we know that the orbs work,” Zipp recorded the information she gathered in her FlyPad. “Now we just gotta go to the time that Ticktockia invaded Warnerstock and see what happened to you guys during that time.”

But before she could pull out another orb, Wakko pulled on her leg to stop her, clearly worried. “B-But… w-w-what if we don’t like what we see next?” he asked. “And… it permanently scars us?”

“Then you can hold onto our hooves,” Sunny said. “That way, we can be right by your side if anything scary happens.”

The Warners glanced at each other for a moment, then at the image of their parents before nodding, holding onto Zipp, Misty and Sunny’s hooves tightly before Zipp pulled out a glistening orange orb and took a breath. “Time Orb, please take us to the day when Ticktockia invaded Warnerstock.”

The orange orb melted in Zipp’s hooves, just like the purple one before, surrounding the group in a whirlwind of orange magic.

When it vanished, the garden was still there, but it was cold and stormy-- thunder crashing repeatedly with its lightning partners. Sparky whimpered nervously and hung onto Yakko’s leg, and the eldest Warner sibling picked him up and put him on Hitch’s back. “I know, Sparkers-- I don’t like that storm either,” Yakko shuddered, running his hands up and down his arms repeatedly. “Come on, guys-- let’s get outta here before we catch hypothermia or a hoof falls off.”

“That’s a thing?! WHAAAA!!!” Pipp screamed and immediately bolted for the castle with the others on her heels. Once they got inside, they panted to catch their breath, and Sunny looked outside, only to gulp. “Uh… guys…?” she started to say, but was cut off by the sound of loud banging. “Surrender now, William!” came the voice of Salazar. “Your foolish land will fall to me one way or another, and sooner rather than later!”

Misty felt her skin crawl when she heard Salazar’s tone… it reminded her of Opaline when she was beyond angry.

Wakko wrapped his arms around her as the group turned to see King William with the royal guard approaching, Queen Angelina with her three young children being sheltered behind them. “We’ll fight to our death before we surrender to you, Sala-dork!” King William cried out, and Yakko laughed. “Nice one, Pops!” he shouted, even though his father couldn’t hear him. Then, King William turned to one of the guards. “Take good care of my wife and children.”

The guard saluted and took the queen and her children away, while William and the rest of the guards stayed to battle Salazar and his forces, who had barged in through the door and took the Warnerstock army on by full force.

Sunny, the ponies, Sparky and the Warners hid to watch the fight, and Sunny decided that it would be best to split up and cover more ground. “Yakko-- you and me will stay here with Misty, Pipp, Izzy and Wakko to see the battle from a unique perspective, while the rest of you, go after Queen Angelina and the baby Warners. Call each other when you have your answers.”

Zipp and her team slowly crept off to avoid the fighting and followed Zipp’s pony-drone to find Queen Angelina. All the while, the others watched the battle from a safe distance, watching as soldiers from both sides were knocked down repeatedly, as if they were in some sort of time loop.

After watching for a while, Yakko started to yawn. “Listen, Sunny my buddy, I like going back in time with this kooky magic stuff, but this is just going on and on with no end,” he said. “I wonder when some real action packed stuff is gonna happen.”

Suddenly, a loud groan was heard in the midst of the fighting, and everything stood at a stand still… King William had been struck in the stomach with an arrow fired by King Salazar’s forces, now collapsing on the ground in pain. “Good work, men,” King Salazar wickedly smirked. “Now to take care of the remaining royals and take this kingdom over.”

And just like that, the guards of Ticktockia followed their king down the same hallway Queen Angelina took the young Warners down, all while the Warnerstock royal guards tried to nurse the wound of their fallen king. “DAD!!” Yakko and Wakko broke away from the ponies and ran through the crowd of guards, toward the image of their father, who was losing consciousness here and there from losing so much blood. “Dad… hold on!” Wakko pleaded. “You’ll be okay!”

He tried to put pressure on his father’s wound, but his hand just phased right through again and again, no matter how many times he tried. Eventually, it became too much for the ponies to handle. “Wakko… these are events that happened a long time ago…” Pipp pointed out gently with a sad look in her eyes. “There was nothing you could do then-- you were too young.”

“B-But… I…” Wakko choked on his tears, and Yakko pulled him closer for a tight embrace. Suddenly, the king began to speak hoarsely to his men. “My lads… I may not be around for much longer,” he wheezed. “If this is the case, make sure my sons and daughter are protected from that monster Salazar… make sure they grow up far away from him.”

“But sire--” one guard tried to protest. “No…” King William stopped him right there. “My time is over… and now it is time for my sons and daughter to carry on their tale. They’ll make me proud… I… know they will…”

And, with one last look around the throne room, the king closed his eyes… as he withdrew his final breath. The guards tipped their heads in sorrow as Wakko stifled out a sob… how could Salazar be so ruthless? “I’m so sorry, Warner Brothers…” Izzy sniffled, putting her hoof on Yakko's shoulder. “But… at least your mom’s okay.”

“But we need to hurry and find them before Salazar does something to her too,” Sunny agreed. “Luckily,” Pipp pulled out her phone, “I have Zipp on Track-My-Pony-Phone, so following her will be as easy as 1, 2, 3-- Cliptrot! Come on!”


Queen Angelina began to hide the young Warner siblings in a special trunk in her closet, trying to give them enough air to breathe, and Zipp, Hitch and Sparky had arrived with Dot, hiding under the bed close to them. "Now," Zipp said, "all we gotta do is watch and listen."

Just then, the door busted open, and the next thing they heard was Queen Angelina gasping startled. "Ah… Queen Angelina…" King Salazar's voice dripped with sarcastic pleasure. "What a lovely surprise to see you… cornered…"

"Zipp…?" Hitch sheltered Dot and Sparky with his forelegs. "Just keep quiet," Zipp whispered. "Please, leave my children alone!" they heard Queen Angelina pleaded with the rival king. "Yakko, Wakko and my little princess deserve to live a full life-- away from people like you! My husband has known you for years-- why do this to us now?!"

“It’s simple really,” King Salazar told her smugly. “I knew your husband would be too dense to realize my true plan… and the only things that stood in my way was him, you and your brats. Now, with William out of the way…”

Dot felt herself freeze at that statement… what did Salazar do to their father? “You… you monster!” Queen Angelina screamed. “GUARDS!!!”

The guards instantly ran toward to protect their queen and the hidden princes and princess from harm, but the Ticktockia forces easily subdued the guards long enough for the king to aim his weapon at the queen, who regretfully whispered, “I love you my darlings…”

And just like that… BANG!!

Zipp and Hitch felt their blood run cold and they peeked out from under the bed to see the unconscious queen, careful not to let Dot or Sparky see, and the guards pulled the young Warners out from the trunk. “What do we do with the kids, your highness?” asked one of the guards. “Whatever you want,” King Salazar scoffed. “They’re not my problem… and things are going to seriously change with me in charge… count on it.

The two ponies ducked under the bed just in time to see the guards carry the young Warners out of the room, and Zipp contacted Sunny on her FlyPad. “Sunny, it’s Zipp,” she whispered. “We’re in the east castle master, but you can’t let Wakko or his brother come in here, cause Salazar--”

“...they know, Zipp…” Sunny’s voice trailed off in dread, obviously at the doorway to the room. “...they know.”

The white pegasus regretfully disconnected the call as Dot darted out from under the bed to see her mother, pale and gone, and her brothers on their knees in front of her, eyes filling with tears of anger, fear and pain, to which Dot succumbed to after a moment of staring. “Yakko…!”

She ran toward her eldest brother before anyone could stop her, and Yakko quickly grasped her in a tight hug, allowing her to sob angrily. “I know, Dot, I know…” Yakko whispered, obviously trying to pull himself together. “Everything we went through… was cause of him!”

“I hate him, Yakko!” Wakko pounded the floor as he yelled, catching many of the ponies off guard. “He caused me to lose my fortune, almost killed my sister, and put our home in poverty for all these stupid years! And worst of all, he wanted our pony friends for their magic! I… I-I can’t take him much more!”

Wakko continued to sob for a few moments, the ponies clueless on what to say, when suddenly… he felt a gentle touch upon his shoulders, and looked to see Sparky crying with him. It was like he could understand why Wakko was so angry and upset… and was trying to help. “Thanks, Sparky…” Wakko managed to smile, but looked back toward his fallen mother, trying to stroke his hand on her face, but ultimately failed since they were in a vision of the past. “But nothing will bring Mom and Dad back…”

“I am so sorry you had to find out this way,” Zipp said, ears pinned in regret. “Believe me, if there was anything we could have done to stop them all those years ago, we could’ve got an army of ponies, we-- we could’ve…”

“Hey hey hey… Zipperoni, don’t beat yourself up too bad,” Yakko said, trying to console her. “I mean… you had no idea we existed until a year or so ago. Y-You can’t change the past.”

The ponies continued to sit in silence for a few moments, as the Warners shed more silent tears of fear and anger. Looking at the events that had happened recently, Misty did some thinking… Salazar wouldn’t have known about their powers unless he either read about Equestria, or… someone had told him about it. And she had a sinking suspicion who.

There was no time to spare-- they had to get the Warners the justice they needed for their fallen parents. “Ponies, we have to make sure Salazar never hurts anyone else again,” she said, taking a green orb from the bag. “And it starts by showing everyone in Acme Falls what really happened and start a rebellion of our own! Then we show the king who’s really steamed around here.”

“...aren’t you gonna blow a kiss and say ‘Good night, everybody’ like you usually do?” Hitch whispered to Yakko. “I think this might be the wrong time,” Sunny whispered back. “Magic of the Time Orb, please take us back to current times in Acme Falls,” Misty said, and within moments, as the magic swirled around them, giving the Warners one last glance at their mother, they were transported back to the hospital room. “Phew… I’m glad that blast from the past is over,” Zipp slumped into a chair. “But I just wish we knew how to coax the other townsfolk into helping us get leverage with Salazar.”

“We’ll worry about that in the morning,” Sunny told the pegasus, watching the Warners climb into bed with one another, still shaken from the vision. “Right now… we need to make sure the Warners are taken care of.”