• Published 12th Feb 2023
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G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish - ponydog127

After a strange spell is cast by the Unity Crystals, the Mane 5 and Misty must help the Warner Siblings retrieve a magical wishing star from a greedy king and save the kingdom of Warnerstock from poverty.

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Finally Reaching the Wishing Star

Misty had done a lot of thinking ever since the trip got started… everyone each had a different wish, something that would make them happy individually… but it seemed like the Warners didn’t really care about only themselves, but the entire town.

That was really nice… something a real friend would do.

The more she thought about it, the more the Warners seemed less like Opaline and how she would act. “Whoa, Yakko!” Sunny suddenly cried. “Stop the sled!”

Yakko pulled the hand brake immediately, the sled screeching to a stop, and everyone could see why Sunny stopped them-- Dr. Scratchinsniff’s wagon was stuck on the side of the road! “Hi there, Dr. Scratchinsniff,” Sunny smiled. “Do you guys need some help?”

“Uh, no thank you, nice horsies,” Dr. Scratchinsniff strained as he and Hello Nurse tried to lift the wagon. “We’ve got this all under control. Uh, giddy up, Pharfignewton! Pull, nice horsey! Pull the wagon!”

But, Pharfignewton was really missing Pinky, and she was too sad to move. “What is wrong with this stupid horse?”

“I don’t know. Maybe she’s homesick,” Hello Nurse shrugged, just as the doctor went to the front of the wagon to confront the horse. "Now is not the time for the pining. It's time for the pulling, yeah?"

But Pharfignewton still wouldn't move, so Dr. Scratchinsniff tried to move her himself. "Come on, giddy up, Pharfignewton-- giddy up!! Oh, please giddy up, won't you?" he asked, moving to her rear. "Oh, giddy up with a cherry on the top? Pharfignewton, I order you to move your bombosity. Now!"

Frustrated, Pharfignewton did as he asked... by sitting on Dr. Scratchinsniff, blocking him from sight. "Thank you. Now, can you please move it someplace else?" he asked, a tad muffled. "Doctor?" Hello Nurse called. "Dr. Scratchansniff? Now where did he get to?"

Making a risky decision, Hitch hopped off the sled and trotted over to the wagon. “Hitch, where are you going?” Zipp asked. “We have a wishing star to get to!”

“Whether we're in Maretime Bay or not, it's my duty to help everyone... no matter what the reason,” Hitch said. “Take care of Sparky, and I'll join you as soon as I can.”

The group looked at one another and exchanged nods, pushing the sled along as Hitch walked over in front of the white horse. “Pharfignewton, my name is Hitch. Do you think you can get off the doctor please?”

Delighted that someone understood her, Pharfignewton immediately did as he asked, causing Dr. Scratchinsniff to groan tiredly. “How dids you dooz that?” he asked. “I can communicate with a lot of animals,” Hitch said. “Maybe I can talk her through her homesickness and get her to move so you guys can get going.”

“Heh, look at that,” Rita said, peeking out of the back of the wagon. “An animal guy helping animals-- go figure."”


The group soon continued on without Hitch, and Sparky was really beginning to miss his adopted pony-dad. “Awww, it’s okay, Sparky-malarky,” Izzy cooed, rubbing the dragon’s belly. “Hitch-y will be back soon, and then you’ll get to torment him with your dragon fire again.”

“Dragon fire? Doesn’t it just burn?” Yakko asked from the front. “Not just that, it also transforms things into anything… well, into anything Sparky thinks about,” Zipp said. “We’ve had a few mishaps with it, but we really think it’s getting under control… at least, that’s what we’re hoping.”

Sparky burped a large burst of dragon fire, causing Misty to catch it in a large jar… maybe she could give it to Opaline later so she couldn’t return home empty-hoofed.

Pretty soon, the sled stopped at a bridge, and everyone except Dot and Sparky climbed out to look down into the ravine before them. “Whoa… just don’t look down,” Sunny said, blocking Yakko and Wakko from going any further, just as Wakko turned to his brother. “Do you get vertigo?”

“Nah,” Yakko shrugged. “Me neither,” Wakko agreed. “Yeah, I’ve seen that movie three times and I still don’t get it,” Yakko shrugged. “Hey, you ponies mind giving us a hoof?”

"Sure thing, Yakko-dakko!" Izzy nodded cheerfully. “Pipp and I can watch you guys from above and tell you if you’re getting near a bad place,” Zipp offered, just as she and her sister took off. Sunny, Izzy and Misty grabbed ropes in their mouths and started to help Wakko and Yakko pull the sled across the bridge, slow and easy. But as they got halfway across the bridge, Wakko stepped on a bad board, causing him to fall through with only the rope to hang onto. “WHOA!!” he exclaimed, holding on for dear life. Pipp gasped and immediately dove down, unaware of how the wood splinters would get in her mane, but frankly, at that moment, she didn’t care. “Wakko, drop down!”

“Are you crazy?!” Wakko asked. “Don’t worry, I’ll catch you! And trust me!” Pipp exclaimed. “I’m soft enough to cushion your fall!”

Wakko looked up at his slipping hands and reluctantly let go, yelling before he surprisingly fell onto Pipp’s back. “Ooh, you’re right-- you are soft," he hugged Pipp's neck tightly, causing her to cough slightly but smile as Wakko continued telling her how soft she was. "As soft as a teddy bear that I could squeeze forever…”

“Good night, everybody!” Yakko shouted, and Pipp flew Wakko back to the bridge, helping pull the sled the remainder of the way across. But as they reached the bridge’s end, they realized Misty wasn’t there with them-- she remained frozen in fear on the middle of the bridge. “Misty, what are you doing?” Zipp called. “Come on!”

“I… I can’t move!” Misty felt herself tremble with tears in her eyes and ears pinned. “I hate heights! Just go on without me, you'd be better off anyway!”

“...I-I gotta go back and get her!” Yakko declared, jumping off the sled and onto Zipp’s back. “GAH!! Hey!” snorted the white pegasus. “Come on, Zipper!” Yakko urged. “Your sister let Wakko ride on her back, it won’t hurt you to have me ride on yours.”

“I’m not mad about that-- you’re tugging at my fur!” Zipp said, and Yakko chuckled sheepishly and loosened his grip. Zipp then flew Yakko above the bridge where Misty was still motionless, allowing the eldest Warner to leap down to her. “Misty, look at me-- this bridge is harmless,” he said gently. “I mean, a bear being attacked by bumblebees while attacking you for marshmallows would be even scarier than this!”

“...not helping!” Misty squeaked. “Look… I’ll go across with you, one foot-- her, hoof at a time,” Yakko said, sincerely putting a hand to his chest. “Promise.”

Misty looked at her friend with fearful eyes and nodded… she might feel better that Yakko was there. Taking it nice and slow, they put one hoof and foot in front of the other, and Zipp was above them to steer them from any bad places.

The other siblings and ponies watched anxiously as they made their way to the end of the bridge… with not a scratch, causing them to cheer happily. Once she knew they were safe, Misty turned to Yakko and hugged him. “Thanks for holding me together, Yakko.”

“Hey, that’s what friends are for, right?” Yakko smiled, patting the unicorn's head. “Come on, let’s keep going if we wanna get to that star.”

“Izzy and I can stay here, and make sure that everyone else gets across safely,” Pipp offered. “You guys go with the Warners and Sparky-- we’ll catch up soon.”


Shortly after the Warners and remaining ponies left, Pipp and Izzy started to help Slappy and Skippy get across the bridge, with Mindy and Buttons (the latter very tired) right behind them. “Squirrely whirlies!” Mindy cheered, but as she skipped across, she reached a weak board, but Buttons was able to grab her coat before she slipped into the ravine below. “Don’t worry, Buttony-wuttony!” Izzy reassured, using her magic to lift Mindy back onto the bridge. “Silly Buttons,” Mindy patted the dog’s head before skipping to the other side. But before Buttons could move from holding the bridge together, two hippos got on the bridge, making it even harder for Buttons to hold on. It seemed like Pipp and Izzy would have their hooves full.

Meanwhile, the Warners' sled steadily traveled across the snow, with Zipp flying overhead and Misty and Sunny riding in the sled with the Warners.

By this point, Plotz's carriage was steadily catching up to them. But then, to Zipp's surprise... Ralph activated a lever which fired cannons right at them. "Whoa, ponies!" Zipp cried. "Missles getting ready for launch at any second!"

"We're on it!" Sunny got into position just as the missles began to fire, and with her earth pony magic, made cactuses that blocked most of the shots. But as most of the shots were evaded, the Warners mocked Plotz and Ralph by making funny faces. And ironically, that's when some of the shots tore apart their sail and mast, leaving the Warners speeding out of control!

At the same time, Pinky and Brain were flying through the skies above the valley, while the Goodfeathers beat their wings up and down repeatedly, unexpectedly crashing into one another and falling toward the ravine below!

Seeing her beloved Pinky in trouble got Pharfignewton moving across the bridge and into the others as quickly as lightning, leaving Hitch, the doctor and nurse, the hippos, Rita and Runt and Mindy and Buttons anytime to hold on.

Meanwhile, Plotz had been launching at the Warners left and right until there was nothing but some singular snowboard-shaped pieces of wood left for them to ride on.

Luckily, with Zipp flying in the air with an alicorn-turned Sunny and Misty running alongside the Warners, the ponies were there to protect them just as everyone else arrived at the edge of the ravine.

And luckily, Pharfignewton saved Pinky, Brain and the Goodfeathers from falling into the ravine, and Pinky was beyond grateful to his equine lover for saving them.

After making sure that everyone was safe, despite all the crashed and broken modes of transport around them, the ponies all regrouped with the Warners. "Phew..." Hitch sighed. "That was something."

“What... just... happened?!” Pipp found her breath. “Well... Pinky and Brain fell from the sky, Plotz started shooting at us and the Warners and apparently, Pharfignewton and Pinky are in a relationship, otherwise she wouldn't have saved Pinky, Brain and those cutie birdies from their doom,” Izzy named off, earning confused stares from the group. “Just keeping track of the story's events.”

“Well, at least everypony is safe and accounted for,” Sunny said as she turned back to normal, and Rita purred against Hitch’s leg. “Thanks for savin’ us back there, sheriff,” she said. “Yeah, thanks. Definitely, thanks,” Runt nodded enthusiastically, licking Hitch’s face. “Uh… you’re welcome,” Hitch chuckled and wiped the slobber off his face. “I think.”

Dr. Scratchinsniff checked inside his wagon to see if any damage was done where Rita and Runt had been riding, and he found multiple liquids of different colors all mixing together inside a singular bottle.

When he sniffed and tasted of it, it actually tasted and smelled really good! So, he and Hello Nurse decided to prepare a fresh batch for everyone.

Everyone found the drink rather refreshing after the chaotic events they had just been through-- even Plotz woke from unconsciousness to enjoy a refreshing sip. “Ahh…” Wakko sighed after a long drink, and let out the biggest burp imaginable to the ponies’ ears-- even Sparky’s burps had never been that big! “Excuse you, Wakko,” Sunny smiled. “Hey, if you like the elixir so much, I’d be happy to fix you guys a big bunch of smoothies when we get back home.”

"Mmmm... smoothie!" Mindy cooed, hugging onto Sunny's leg, leaving Buttons to pull her away with a few embarrassed barks. “Buttons says he's sorry about Mindy,” Hitch translated. “She can be a bit of a handful sometimes.”

“No prob-- wow...” Misty's eyes widened as her eyes fell upon the wishing star in the distance, causing everyone to turn that way with bright smiles. “There it is... the source to making all of our dreams come true!” Skippy said. “Ahh... it's a beaut, isn't it, Brain?” Pinky asked with a sigh. “While I do not appreciate your over-innocent-wonder, Pinky... yes, it is quite a sight,” Brain admitted. “You know, everybody...” Sunny said so everyone could hear her, “even if one person gets their wish, it doesn't mean everyone's wishes are down the drain. There are other ways to make them come true beside magic. And if you have good friends by your side... it can already feel like a wish come true.”

Everyone listened to Sunny's words, pondering to themselves about whether what she said was right or not. For a pony from another word, Sunny sure did know a lot about friendship. Maybe... she was right in a way.

Throughout everything, they always did have one another.

But all of a sudden, a strange yet familiar noise filled the air, and it sounded like... rumbling?

Everyone turned to see an avalanche coming at them at a speed far greater than a pegasus’ beating wings could reach, causing them to gasp/scream and head for the nearest mode of transportation. “Quick!” Sunny tossed the group some snowboards from her saddlebag. “Hop on these, everypony!”

“Where did you--?! Okay, forget it! We don’t have time to question these things!” Zipp put on her helmet and waited for the avalanche to come on them before she, the rest of the ponies, Sparky and the Warners leapt into action, snowboarding at top speed while everyone made a mad dash to get away from the incoming snow.

The ponies and Warners rode on the snowy wave into the valley below, and once the snow had stopped, they fell off their boards and into the snow for a soft landing.

When their heads popped up from the snow, their eyes fixated on one thing in front of them… the wishing star, which was now within walking distance of them. “Ooooh…” the group gasped. They had finally made it!

They climbed out of the snow and headed in that direction till they were on the hillside, side-by-side or hand-in-hand, singing happily.

And just like that, the guards' weapons pointed at the group, making them freeze in terror and confusion. “Uh...” Yakko stammered. "This wasn't the wish I had in mind."

Everyone else from Acme Falls gasped in terror as they too were surrounded, and while the ponies were distracted, the ponies were tied in ropes, with ropes around their necks and Zipp and Pipp's wings. "Secure the area!" the captain of the guard commanded. "Take them all to the prison camps!"

“Prison camps?! With a face this adorable?!” Dot cried out, but the guards paid no attention as they forced the group to move toward the gated areas of bars and spikes.

Everyone was scared and confused, and Sunny and her friends were included… but they knew that the most important thing was to keep their Acme Falls friends safe from… whatever was going on.


Later, after everyone had gotten settled into the prison camp, the guards arrive with a stern-looking King Salazar, looking at the Warners more specifically. “All hail the mighty King Salazar!” the captain exclaimed. “Salad bar? All right, I'm starved!” Dot leapt into the king's arms. “You got any bacon bits?”

“What?” the king questioned, and Yakko eagerly shook his hand. “Hiya, Salad Bar,” he greeted. “I'm Yakko.”

“I'm Wakko…” Wakko introduced. “And I'm Dot, the impossibly cute one… with a cough,” Dot finished with a cough. “But you gotta admit, even the cough is cute.”

But suddenly, Dot began to hack right in the king's face, causing him to throw her down to the ground, adjusting his crown. “We're the Warner Brothers!” Yakko and Wakko said in unison. “And the Warner Sister!” Dot added. “I know who you are!“ the king sneered. “Get back in line!”

Sunny and Zipp guided the Warners away, a tad worried, but Dot turned back to the king to ask him one more thing. “Uh… you got any garbanzo beans?”

“It’s Salazar, not salad bar!” King Salazar said. “PLOTZ!!”

“Y-Your Highness…?” Plotz nervously spoke in response. “I thought I told you to get rid of those little monsters,” King Salazar turned his gaze toward the face-making Warners for a moment. “They and their friends are still alive!”

"I did my best, sir," Plotz answered, but King Salazar wasn't having it. "You failed me, Plotz. Lock him up with the rest of the prisoners," he told the captain of the guard, Plotz beyond surprised. "The same goes for the constable and the rats with wings."

"Duh... oh boy!" Ralph exclaimed as the guards pointed their guns at him, while the pigeons were locked in their cage again. "Yikes!" Squit cried. "Pasta fasool!" Pesto exclaimed angrily. “Never try to double cross your king,” King Salazar said with a sneer. "Take them away!"

The guards did as their king asked them to, and then his attention turned to the Warner siblings, who were laughing and joking alongside their Equestrian friends. “And as for the Warner siblings...” he said, and the Warners smiled and stood up straighter as the king made his decision. “...execute them.”

Guns were pointed right at the siblings, making everyone from Acme Falls, the Mane 5, Sparky and Misty gasp in terror with wide eyes.

The Warners hadn’t done a single thing wrong, and they were being executed?! What was wrong with this king?! “Yes sir,” the captain saluted. “Oh, you don’t have to treat us special,” Yakko told the king, who just smirked and crossed his arms. “I insist-- GAH!!”

Everyone, even the Warners and especially the Mane 5, looked toward the king with wide eyes… Misty had reared and kicked him with her hind legs, sending him back into the snow on his rear end. “Leave the Warners alone!” she exclaimed angrily, and the other ponies soon joined her, looking equally as fierce. “Yeah! You can’t just execute the Warners just for being their wacky selves!” Hitch agreed. "Yeah!" Pipp nodded, wings unfolded. “I’ll report you to the army of Pippsqueaks I have back in Equestria for something like that!”

“If you want to execute the Warners… you’ll have to go through us and our unity magic first,” Sunny said boldly, and their cutie marks began to glow… all except Misty’s, but no one really noticed at first. The king then saw this as an opportunity, and stood up slowly. “Fine then… execute the ponies while you’re at it, captain,” he said. “And make sure you render their wings, horns and hooves useless before doing such.”

“Yes sir,” the captain nodded, and another guard forced the ponies, who were shocked that their fierceness hadn’t changed a thing, to trot alongside the Warners on their way into execution. “Once the ponies and the Warners are disposed of,” he said, “I’ll proceed with making my wish.”

“Very good sir,” the ponies heard the captain say. As they became worried this may be their final hour, one look from Yakko told them that they had nothing to worry about. “Okay, Salad Bar, have it your way,” he called. “But we know secrets about the star that you don’t…!”

“What? No, you don’t,” the king turned to them. “Oh yes, we do!” Dot singsonged, while Wakko looked confused. “We do?” he whispered, and Sunny nudged him with her rear to shush him and go along with Yakko’s plan. “Oh, do we ever!”

“Like what? Tell me,” the king said to the Warners, and Yakko let a mischevious smirk slip through… this was almost too easy. They'd be out of the execution run in no time flat, but only if their plan worked. “Uhhhhhh… perhaps we can come to some sort of… arrangement?

Author's Note:

I know the scene where Plotz shoots at the Warners, Pinky and Brain collide with the Goodfeathers and the bridge scene are different/shorter than in the movie, but my hands can only take so much typing at once.

Let me know what kind of content you'd like to see in the next chapter.