• Published 12th Feb 2023
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G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish - ponydog127

After a strange spell is cast by the Unity Crystals, the Mane 5 and Misty must help the Warner Siblings retrieve a magical wishing star from a greedy king and save the kingdom of Warnerstock from poverty.

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King Salazar's Wicked Scheme

Baron von Plotz chuckled at seeing the villagers he saw as pathetic picking themselves up from out of the snowbank. “What a bunch of losers,” he said to himself, but then yelled out of surprise as the carriage suddenly came to a halt. “Ralph! What are you stopping for?”

“Uh… we gots company,” Ralph said, and the baron stomped out of the carriage to see the king’s guard and horses before them, causing them to scream. “Uh… hi, fellas…” he chuckled. “Heh heh heh. A-Are we in some sort of trouble officers…? Oooh…”

The guards merely pointed their weapons at Plotz to make him and the carriage move along. From where they were looking, Dot scoffed as the guards led Plotz’ carriage away. “Look who got pinched for speeding.”

“Couldn’t have happened to a nicer tax collector,” Yakko said. “Come on-- we better get a move on.”

As the group headed back to the sail-sled, Misty found herself looking on toward the distance a little longer before she followed her friends on their quest.


Meanwhile, back in Acme Falls, Brain and Pinky were hard at work in their scheme to get started on their journey to the wishing star. “But Brain,” Pinky asked, “however will we get to the wishing star first?”

“Simple, Pinky-- with the help of the great Leonardo da Vinci,” Brain explained, and this caused Pinky to gasp. “He’s going to give us a ride there in his pant cuffs?” he asked. “No, Pinky,” Brain sighed, “da Vinci’s dead.”

At this disturbing news, Pinky’s face fell in sadness. “Oh, how sad… when’s the funeral?”

“He died a long time ago,” Brain explained, and Pinky suddenly felt a pain of guilt enter his soul. “And I forgot to send flowers?!” he exclaimed before bashing himself on the head with his fist, sort of similar to how Brain would. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Brain shook his head and grabbed a larger-than-life pencil (at least to a mouse’s size) before approaching him. “Oh, please, let me-- STUPID!!” he bashed Pinky on the head with the pencil, causing Pinky to laugh. “Narf! Thanks.”

“Now, zip it,” Brain ordered, making Pinky silence himself before gesturing to a picture on the wall. “Leonardo da Vinci, Pinky-- not only a world-renowned painter, but a genius inventor as well.”

But he was interrupted by Pinky humming a little tune, and one look from him shut Pinky up again before he continued. “Da Vinci designed the first flying machine-- the airscrew,” he explained. “And with my own clever modifications to the da Vinci plans, this baby will fly!”

“Egad, brilliant, Brain!” Pinky clapped his paws enthusiastically. “Oh no no, wait… if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts.” But suddenly, Brain whacked him with the pencil again. “Pinky, you are a little bag of nuts.”

“Rezip again!” Pinky giggled, leaving Brain to roll his eyes and approach the blueprints he made. “Now, come-- we have an airship to build!”


Dr. Scratchinsniff’s wagon, pulled by Pharfignewton herself, sped down the roads, causing Rita and Runt, who were hitching a ride, to bounce all around in the back, while the Warners and the ponies (some flying and some riding in the wagon) were sailing across the snow as if it was nothing.

Wakko and Yakko: Sailing through the slush
In a windblown wagon sled
Down the road we mush
Dot is still in bed

Dot: I'm getting really bored
I've read this magazine
If we don't get there soon
I think I'm gonna scream

Ponies and Warners: Oh, Wishing Star, from afar
Dotty's getting worse
Be a sport and grant our wish
Or we'll sing another verse

The ponies laughed at the song, just as they passed a cottage in the forest, which belonged to a little toddler named Mindy and her dog, a German Shepherd named Buttons, who were currently outside in the snow when Mindy’s mother came outside to them. “Oh, Mindy, darling.”

“Hi, lady,” Mindy said cutely. “I’m Mom. Call me Mom,” the little girl’s mother responded. “Okay, lady,” Mindy nodded, not fully understanding, and the mother sighed. “Now, Mindy hon, I need you to take this fresh marianberry pie over to Grandma at the retirement village. If she doesn’t have her sweets by 4, she starts doing wheelies on the shuffleboard court. And Buttons, you go along with Mindy.”

The large dog whimpered, not wanting to go, feeling rather hungry at that moment. “You can eat when you get back,” Mindy’s mother said, causing Buttons to growl. “Don’t you sass me.”

“Buttons go…” Mindy imitated Buttons’ growling, causing her to laugh. “Just make sure Mindy gets home safely,” her mother said, causing Buttons to salute with his paw. “I'd go myself, but I'm too busy baking cookies for the Seven Dwarves. You know how your uncles love my chocolate chips.”

“Bye, lady,” Mindy waved. “Call me Mom... busy busy Mom,” the mother turned to go back inside. “Okay, bumblebee lady, I love you!” Mindy bid her farewell. “Bye bye!”

“Bye, hon,” the mother said before going back inside. Mindy was just about to set off on her way, but seeing Buttons so hungry made her sad, and she gave the pie to Buttons before going back to her snowman. Suddenly, as she worked, she heard a voice up above her. “Hurry up, Aunt Slappy!”

“Yeah, yeah. Keep your fur on,” said another voice, and these voices belonged to Skippy and Slappy, swinging their way through the treetops and yelling out like Tarzan. But when Slappy did it, she let out a severe cough. “Are you okay, Aunt Slappy?” Skippy asked his aunt as she reached him at the next tree. “Yeah, I'll be fine,” Slappy told him. “Just as soon as I cough up my lung.”

The two squirrels advanced further up the tree, until the wishing star was in sight, glowing in all its glory. “At this rate, we’ll be at the wishing star in no time!” Skippy cheered. “Yeah,” Slappy nodded, “like I told you, Skippy…”

Slappy: We take the high road
And they take the low road
And we’ll reach the wishing star before them!

Skippy: But sad is me heart until we meet again
By the bonny bonny falls of aul' Acme

“We definitely gotta get you some singin’ lessons,” Slappy said with a frown and her arms crossed as soon as the song was over. But, Skippy smirked over at his aunt teasingly. “Oh, yeah, look who’s talkin’!”

"Hey, hey, cheap shot. I'm old, very old."

"Please, like you could sing when you were young?"

"Better than that!"

"Yeah, yeah. Give me a break!"

Mindy, in her curious, child like wonder, climbed up into the treetops after them, causing Buttons to climb up there and follow her, just to make sure that she didn't fall and get hurt.


At the same time, Brain and Pinky had finished the airscrew with custom modifications, and were now flying it high over the forests of Warnerstock… with Pinky pedaling and Brain keeping in control. ”Pedal, Pinky. Pedal as if our very lives depended on it!” Brain said before he looked down. ”Which very well maybe the case.”

“Narf. Aye-aye, Captain Brain!” Pinky saluted and briskly kept up the pace, keeping the airscrew in... well, the air. “It's working, Pinky!” Brain smirked in delight. “Just picture our future, my friend. When our efforts are rewarded by fame, fortune... and a world that's a better place for all. Are you picturing that?”

“Actually, I'm picturing Pharfignewton's tongue,” Pinky said with eyes closed and tounge waving about, making Brain shudder in disgust. “Ugh. Pinky, you've left the lens cap of your mind on again. With the wind at our backs, all we have to do is maintain this velocity... and we'll be the first to reach the wishing star. You know what that means, Pinky?”

“Yes, I do, Brain!" Pinky chirped. “What, Pinky?” Brain asked, and then Pinky became confused. “What do you mean, what?”

“What does it mean?” Brain repeated. “What does what mean?” Pinky asked again, leaving Brain to get increasingly irritated. “Never mind, Pinky. It means we get our wish.”

“What means we get our wish?”

“Skip it.”

“Skip what?”

“Just stop!” Brain finally said, trying to regain his composure. “Okay,” Pinky lifted his feet off the pedals, and Brain screamed as they began to plummet toward the ground. “AAHHHH!!! No, keep pedaling! Keep pedaling, Pinky!” Brain begged, and Pinky got to pedaling again just before they hit the ground. “You almost killed us, Pinky. What were you thinking?!”

“But you said stop,” Pinky protested as Brain clutched his chest. “You really did, Brain. You said stop!”

“Ignore what I say!” Brain snapped. “Really?” Pinky blinked in confusion. “Yes, just keep pedaling.”

And through that misunderstanding, Pinky stopped pedaling again. “NOOOO!!!” Brain screamed, holding on for dear life. “What are you doing?!“

“Ignoring what you say!” Pinky responded. “Not about that!” Brain snapped. “Not about what?” Pinky asked. ”JUST KEEP PEDALING!!!” Brain yelled, and Pinky was able to get the airscrew moving in the right direction again, but not before he sighed. ”Sometimes you are so confused, Brain.”


Remember how I said that Baron von Plotz, Ralph and their carriage got taken away? Well I never said where to… to the dark, creepy castle of the former king of Ticktockia, King Salazar himself.

The baron and Ralph were booted into the king’s quarters by the guards before they left without a word, hoping that the two dimwits would be able to figure it out themselves. “What’s the meaning of this?” the baron questioned. “I demand to know who’s respon--”

He then gasped, seeing the king in his hot tub before them. “King Salazar!”

“Baron von Plotz… what a pleasure,” the king said before snapping his fingers, causing one of his servants to bring him his robe. “Oh no, sire. The honor is ours,” Plotz said, shielding his eyes while Ralph shielded his own, so they wouldn’t see anything they shouldn’t. “I hear of a star… brighter than my very countenance. Along with some... little ponies who happened to be staying in your village,” King Salazar said with a firm expression, and the baron chuckled nervously. “That’s hard to believe, sire.”

“You seem to believe it, Plotz! My guards found the two of you racing toward it alongside them!” the king snapped. “Uh… we was?” Ralph blinked dopily. “Don’t play dumb with me, constable!” the king growled. “Okay. Uh, whats you wanna play then?” Ralph brought out a stack of cards, of which King Salazar slapped away from him before he went to go change. “Nothing! Just tell me about the ponies and the star!”

“Well… we do know that the ponies have powerful magic, sire, but they only seem to wanna use it to help the villagers,” the baron said after shushing Ralph to keep quiet and discreet about the star. “As for the star… well, it’s big and shiny.”

“Uh, and big too,” Ralph added. “And uh… kinda shiny,” the baron nodded. “Uh… and big?” Ralph wasn’t sure what else to say, but at the snap of the king’s fingers, the guards surrounded them, allowing Plotz to accidentally spill out the most important part. “And the first person to touch the star gets one wish!”

“One wish? Who could ask for anything more?” King Salazar asked as he approached them. "Now, baron, what would you ever wish for beyond the joy of serving me?"

At this, the baron gulped nervously. “Oh. You know, the regular stuff. Cremara. A weekend in Branson, Missouri.”

“Ooh! Andy Williams has a place there!” Ralph exclaimed. “Oh yes, I like him,” Plotz nodded. “Or perhaps,” said the king with a firm look, “you were simply rushing off to secure the star for your king?”

“Yes!” the baron quickly nodded. “Yes. Better. Good. I like that. That's it. Good thinking. Right. Secure the star for you. Yes, exactly.”

“Good, we see eye-to-eye,” the king stepped out onto the balcony before looking through a telescope. “Now, let me show you the fly in the ointment.”

“That's not a fly, sirs,” Ralph frowned. “It's a telescope,” the baron agreed. “Look into it,” the king said, and Plotz and Ralph immediately understood what he was saying. Plotz looked through the telescope and his vision eventually fell on the ponies riding with or flying alongside the Warners in their sled. “Oh, it's the ponies and those kids from the village!”

“Yes...” the king muttered, stroking his chin. “The Warners.”

King Salazar: They're on their way to go and touch the wishing star
Those kids are gonna be rich, but what about me?

Baron von Plotz: (spoken) I don’t know.

King Salazar: You better bet I'll be getting there first
And if I don't, your life will be cursed!
So wish that the wish will wind up belonging to me

Ralph: (spoken) I wish.

King Salazar: I want it so much
I gotta go touch that wishing star

Baron von Plotz: (spoken) Okay, okay!

King Salazar: They're getting ahead
They'll get it instead of me!

Ralph: (spoken) Uh…

King Salazar: You gotta be quick, you gotta be fast,
You gotta beat out the rest of the cast
To get to that star and capture that wish for me

At the same time, the Warners and their new Equestrian friends were practically flying across the snow and ice, singing a song of their very own.

Dot: We're on our way today to find the wishing star!

Yakko: (Got to get there first)

Pipp: We're on our way to have a dream come true

Wakko: (Got to find it)

Dot: It's there somewhere (Yakko and Wakko: (Though we're needy, we're not greedy)
That wish you see

Wakko: Belongs to we

Yakko: So outta the way, cause we gotta be

Misty: The first in line
To try and go find the wishing star (Yakko and Wakko: It's over the mountains and the hills)
It's one for all

Ponies and Warners: And all for one, times three!

Baron von Plotz, Ralph and King Salazar: We're taking a stand
We're taking a vow
This is the place, the moment is now!

Ralph and Baron von Plotz: This is our golden opportunity

Baron von Plotz, Ralph and King Salazar: The wishing star belongs to threeeee!!

King Salazar: (spoken) Me, myself and I.

“Your job, baron, is to stop those villagers from getting to the star,” King Salazar said sternly. “By any means necessary!”

“Y-Yes, sir,” the baron and Ralph said nervously. But as they prepared to leave, the king stopped them again. “Oh, the ponies and those three kids? Yakko, Wakko and Dot?”

“Y-Yes, sir?" Plotz asked, a tad worried. “I don't want them showing up at the wishing star.“

“I'll slow them down, sir,” Plotz suggested, but the king shook his head. “You're not catching my drift,” he said. “Well, I'll try to steer them off course,” the baron spoke, but the king wasn't in the mood. “I don't want to see them again... alive.

Fear spiked all throughout Baron von Plotz's chest, eyes widening. “But they're just kids!” the baron protested. “How much trouble could they be?”

“You have no idea,” the king said with a look of coldness and disgust. ”So don't think of them as kids, baron. Think of them as the dearly departed. Or you'll be likewise. Understood?”

“Clear as crystal, sir,” Plotz nervously spoke before he and Ralph were shooed off.


Shortly after they set off, the king sat down to a meal, asking the captain of his guards to come to him while he ate. “Send the northern army to secure the area where the star fell,” he said. "Yes sir," the captain nodded. “Make sure no one touches that star but me, understood?”

“Understood, sir,” the captain said in response. “And prepare my train for travel,” King Salazar added. “Very good, sir. Anything else?” the captain asked. “Yes... fetch me the rats with wings.“

“Yes sir,” the captain bowed, marching off and returning a few moments later with a covered cage, which appeared to have something inside… more or less, three pigeons by the name of Pesto, Bobby and Squit. “Cheese it!” Squit stopped their bickering. “It’s the boss!”

Immediately, the pigeons stopped their turmoil to turn to the king and bow. “Your majesty!”

“Shush, you bizarre chattering squabs!” the king barked. “Uh, technically, your highness, we’re pigeons,” Pesto corrected. "You are disgusting rats with wings," King Salazar insulted them, "and you'll do what I say or I'll feed you to my puppies!"

Three large dobermans barked and snarled on their chains from nearby, silencing the pigeons immediately, and King Salazar opened the cage to let them out. “Now listen. I want you to follow Baron von Plotz... and make sure he does his job. I don't trust him one little bit.”

“You got it, boss,” Pesto shrugged. “You got it,” Bobby nodded. “Consider it done,” Squit agreed. “But,” Pesto added in, “before we go, could we have a taste of that cannoli?”

The pigeons hungrily dove into the king’s food, and to say the least, King Salazar was not pleased. “No! Fly now, or your puppy chow!”

The dobermans hungrily broke off their leashes, and the pigeons screamed before they flew out into the open skies and away from the castle. “That king really frosts my feathers,” Pesto growled. “Rats with wings. He insulted us right to our faces. Are you insulted, Bobby?”

“A little bit. Maybe just a little bit,” Bobby nodded. He treats us like we're nothing,” Squit frowned. “And that's on a good day!” Pesto agreed. “I pray for a day like that,” Bobby added. “It's like Christmas.”

“Absolutely!” Pesto agreed. “How does a bird get a little respect around here?”

After a moment of silence, Bobby stopped in his tracks, getting what seemed like a good idea in their favor. “Maybe we can wish for it.”

“What are you saying?” Pesto asked with a raised eyebrow. “We can wish for it, at that wishing star,” Bobby said, and this caused Squit to laugh, in case the others were joking on the matter… they were serious. “But, Bobby,” Squit began to protest, “the king wants us to--”

"Forget what the king wants! Let's get what we want," Bobby said. "You mean...?" the other pigeons asked, and Bobby nodded before they set off in the direction of the star.

Goodfeathers: We're taking a stand
We're taking a vow
This is the place, the moment is now!

This is our golden opportunity

The wishing star belongs to three!
Us, ourselves and we!


At the same time on the road, the ponies helped the Warners maintain velocity by puffing winds with their wings and making plants bump up their speed, while Misty and Izzy made sure the sails remained in tact... all while Plotz and Ralph were gaining on them. “Hurry it up, Ralph! We're gaining on them!” Plotz shouted, and Ralph made the ox go that much faster. While the group kept their eyes going straight ahead, Yakko began to sing again to pass the time.

(to :28)

Soon, everyone else on that very journey was asking themselves the very same question, joining in the song with thoughtful smiles.

(from :28 to :55)

“Uh, I know!” Ralph thought of something that would make him happy. “If I were a policeman, I'd be happy.”

“You are a policeman, Ralph!” Plotz said. “Oh... never mind.”

(from :55 to 1:21)

As the carriage bopped along the rocky road, Ralph suddenly thought of something else. "If I could have my wish, I'd be a constable,” he said. “Ralph, you are a constable!” Plotz snapped. “Oh... sorry.”

(from 1:21 to 1:41)

“I know!” Ralph thought of something else. "If I could be the sheriff, I'd be happy."

“Ralph, for crying out loud, you are the sheriff! You're the constable, you're a policeman, you're all of those things!” Plotz groaned in irritation. “Gee,” Hitch whispered to Sunny, “I don't think Ralph's getting the hang of this song.”

(from 1:41 to 2:15)

Buttons was able to catch Mindy before she hit the ground, but then fell to the ground as soon as he realized he was in mid-air. "Okay, I love you," Mindy said, "buh-bye!"

(from 2:31 to the end)

But as King Salazar traveled by his train to where the wishing star fell, his final lyric was one that made the blood of those around him run cold.

All we can hope now is that our faithful Equestrian heroes help the townsfolk make it to the star before that happens.