• Published 12th Feb 2023
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G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish - ponydog127

After a strange spell is cast by the Unity Crystals, the Mane 5 and Misty must help the Warner Siblings retrieve a magical wishing star from a greedy king and save the kingdom of Warnerstock from poverty.

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Warner Chaos and Secrets Revealed

Sunny and her friends weren’t sure of what arrangement that Yakko could have been talking about, but knew that if he had a plan, then they needed to do their part and trust him.

The king begrudgingly took them to his ice castle built close to the wishing star's landing place, where the Warners sat down to one of the best meals that they had ever eaten, since this was part of the special arrangement Yakko had mentioned.

Of course, the ponies ate too, just to keep the plan going, and they had to admit-- this was 5-hoof dining. “Our new special friend, the king,” Yakko nudged Izzy’s shoulder, causing the lilac unicorn to shrug. “Who knew?”

“Now tell me!” the king banged his fist on the table, frightening Misty a little bit from where she sat next to him. “Oh ri-i-i-ght. Yeah, the secrets about the wishing star. Right, yeah,” Yakko nodded casually. “You see, the key to the whole thing is, uh…”

But as he looked toward the king, his eyes widened for a moment. “You, uh… got a little something in your nose?”

“Huh? Where?” the king asked, not feeling or seeing anything. “Right there,” Yakko pointed to where it was, and the king rubbed his nose to try and get rid of it. “Did I get it?” he asked a few seconds later. “Yeah-- no… no, it’s still there,” Yakko frowned, causing the king to wipe it again. “How about now?”

“Now it’s over there-- blegh…” Zipp caught on with Yakko’s plan, and her remark caused the king to rub his nose that much harder. “How about now?” King Salazar asked again. “No…” Zipp frowned. “Ewwwww!!!” Pipp, Izzy, Wakko and Dot cried out. “Get it, get it, get it!!”

“Please… could you go to the bathroom and take care of it? Whew, I mean, whoops…” Yakko looked like he could puke, finally convincing the king to head to the bathroom to take care of it. But, there was nothing there at all, and the next thing he knew, he heard the bathroom door being locked, and the Warners repeatedly cheering, “We’re in charge! We’re in charge! We’re in charge!

But the antics didn’t last long, for the king bashed the door down, making the group freeze, and making the ponies’ ears folded back, worried for their friends. “You horrible children! Who taught you how to behave?!” the king demanded, and the Warners’ faces fell at this. “No one, sir…” Wakko frowned sadly. “You see…” Dot coughed before blinking cutely, “we’re orphans.”

“Yes, well… everyone has problems,” the king said, turning to walk away, not bothered by that news in the slightest. Zipp found his attitude toward the subject of the Warners being orphans very suspicious and not very compassionate like they were when they found out, and her eyes narrowed as the Warners zipped to get in front of him, eyes big and cute. “You know… we’d so like to be adopted,” Yakko said sweetly. “Will you be our new daddy?” Wakko asked in a hopeful tone of voice. “Certainly not!” King Salazar exclaimed, but his answer went unheard as the Warners jumped up on him. “Buy me a toy, Daddy!” Dot begged. “Buy me a toy, buy me a toy, buy me a toy!”

“Oh, please Dadoo!” Wakko said innocently, but he and Dot were flung off of the angered king, only to be caught by Sunny and Pipp. “I’m not your father!” the king cried out. “That’s not what Mommy said,” Yakko smirked, causing the king to throw him off, and Izzy caught him in her horn’s aura. “When will this insanity stop?!”

The next thing he heard was the Warners’ persistant cries to answer his previous question, and his eyes fell on Dot. “Yes, you,” he said. “Duh…” Dot answered the way Ralph would, “what was the question?”

Apparently it was a good answer, cause the ponies played along and congratulated Dot on a job well done alongside her brothers. Soon enough, King Salazar was getting tired of these mind games. “Are you going to tell me the star’s secrets or not?!”

“Never!” the Warners refused, turning around and crossing their arms. But, King Salazar merely smirked and walked over to a lever made of ice near him. “Well, we have ways of making you talk. How about a trip to… the cave of your worst nightmares!”

By pulling the lever, he caused a large trapdoor to open beneath the group, causing them to fall into the caverns with a scream, landing in a train of two mine carts below them. “Please remain seated at all times while the tram is in motion,” said an automated voice just as the carts began to move down the roller-coaster type track, causing them to scream and cheer in fear/delight, depending on how they were feeling. “You know,” Wakko said, “for a cave of your worst nightmares, this isn’t so bad.”

Suddenly, a door opened up before them, and a man in a fancy blue suit started dancing crazily and singing in an offkey tone.

Director: Oh, lady!

I know a lady with high-heeled shoes
And socks of pantyhose, oh, pretty lady

The ponies covered their ears immediately to prevent the sound, while the Warners screamed in terror. "Hello there, cute puppy children with the spunky faces!" the man greeted with a loony look, and the Warners screamed again before they exited the room. Pipp let out a sigh of relief as they left the director behind-- his singing was beyond TERRIBLE! “I’m glad that’s over,” Dot coughed, just as they approached a rundown gas station. “Be careful,” the attendant smirked. “I haven’t cleaned that bathroom in three years.” As the man continued to guffaw, the group became nervous as they entered the pitch-black bathroom. “Somepony turn on the lights,” Hitch said, but once the lights were on-- the group screamed at how disgusting and filthy the bathroom looked; it was too horrible to even describe.

They left that room and quickly went to the next one, modeled after a kindergarten classroom and had a laughing orange t-rex inside it waiting for them. “You make me feel all fun-fun doodle-dum!”

The Warners, Misty and Izzy screamed in absolute terror. “Won’t you be my special friend?” the dinosaur asked. “NO!!!” the Warners screamed, flinging the t-rex back into the wall, allowing the group to catch their breath. “How much longer is this gonna go on?!” Yakko screamed. “Just hold on tight, Yakko,” Zipp sighed. “I think this is the last one.”

The doors opened up to the final room, where the ponies looked around with wide and fearful eyes… ponies were all around them, weak and exhausted, magicless and cutie mark-less, where their attention turned to something filling the air with laughter, thunder and lightning… a pony cloaked in darkness, laughing villainously and her dark blue eyes gleaming.

Sunny and her friends had no idea who it was… but they knew for a fact that this was the pony who tried to steal magic all those moons ago, and from this nightmare, it already happened and they weren't there to stop it. “NOO!!!” Sunny screamed and pulled her hooves over her head, causing Wakko to hug her in comfort as Sparky babbled in fear into Hitch's fur... what could be worse than that?

The tram finally pulled back into the king’s throne room, where he stood awaiting them. “Well…?”

“We’ll tell ya anything!” Yakko exclaimed, followed by Dot’s coughing. “Just don’t send us back there, please!” she begged. “We’ll see,” King Salazar said as the group shakingly got out of the tram. “Now, tell me the secrets of the wishing star.”

The ponies, Wakko and Dot turned to Yakko, hoping what he’d say, not really thinking about it. “Well, uh…” he stammered. “It’s not what you wish for, it’s uh… how you wish?”

“Really?” the king asked, and Zipp immediately nodded, hoping to keep the plan in motion. “Oh yeah. You have to be careful-- things are taken so literally now-a-days,” she said. “You don’t say?” King Salazar questioned. “Absolutely!” Yakko agreed. “Now what are you considering?”

King Salazar brought out a long list that stretched all the way to Sparky’s little dragon feet a good distance away from him. “Well, tops on my wish list... I'd like to own the world."

Yakko then brought out a small globe and spun it around for him. “Here you go. It spins. Nice, isn't it?”

“No, I don't want that,” King Salazar crossed that off his list before moving onto the next item. “Ah, here we go. How about fame and fortune?”

“Here's Fame with Irene Cara, and a subscription to Fortune magazine!” Pipp brought out said items from underneath her wings. "Rats..." King Salazar grumbled. “Where did you get that stuff from, Pipp?” Wakko asked in a whisper. “Hey, when you're a fashion pop princess style icon, you have to be prepared,” Pipp shrugged, just as King Salazar thought of something else. “Wait, I could wish for the Midas touch. Everything I touch will turn to gold.”

“Yeah, including food,” Yakko pointed out. “Try eating a solid gold turkey. Adios, bicuspids.”

King Salazar huffed in thought for a few minutes, pondering on what else he could wish for. "I never realized this wish business was so complicated," he said. “Tell me about it,” Zipp nodded, winking to Yakko without the king seeing. "Ah!" King Salazar thought of something else. “How about I wish for youth and beauty?”

At this, Wakko brought in a kid on the back of a horse named Black Beauty. “Let me put it another way then,” the king sighed. “How about eternal youth? That I could be 16 forever?"”

“Then you'd go back to being 16 and relive that same year over and over...” Dot went on. “And you'd have zits and no one would ever date you.”

“Ugh! Never!” King Salazar shuddered at the thought. “I know. I'll wish for a million bucks. No, make that two million bucks.”

But as he said this, an army of two million male deer came in at Hitch's command, leaving the king trampled. “Just be glad it isn't mating season,” Sunny said, trying to stiffle in a laugh before the king decided to give it one more go. “Wait, I got it! What if I wish for all the dough in the world?”

“Sounds good to me,” Yakko smirked, and at his command, he and his siblings launched pies of all kinds at the king, covering him in actual dough. “Ha! Dough... like pastry dough. I-It's a joke, you get it?” Yakko asked, licking some of the dough and tasting it. That seemed to be Salazar’s breaking point, and he growled in anger and grabbed Yakko tightly. “Yes, and now it’s your turn to get it!” he said, throwing him into Zipp’s hooves. “Captain, take the ponies and Warners away! And have them executed!”

"Yes, sir!" the captain saluted, and the guards once again surrounded them with their guns and other weapons. “Our joke was funnier,” Yakko said, but his voicings went unheard as the guards pushed him and his siblings and friends down into the caverns.


The ponies, Sparky and and the Warners were tied to rocks in the cavern, and the captain tied a cloth around Yakko and Sparky's eyes to prevent them from seeing anything. “Sorry to do this, kids, but it's my job. So let's get it over with. Any last requests?”

“Yeah. Set us free,” Pipp nodded firmly. “No can do, pretty pony missy. I have my orders,” the captain crossed his arms. It was time for Dot to activate her secret weapon-- the biggest puppy eyes she could muster. “Please, let us go?”

“No way, man. Forget it!” the captain dismissed. “Pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top?” Dot made her puppy dog eyes even bigger. “Whoa-ho-ho, man, you're working your cuteness on me, man! Your irresistible cuteness! Stop it. Wrong, wrong. Knock it off!”

“Pleasy-squeezy-weezy-weeze?” Dot made the biggest eyes she'd ever made in a final attempt. “Nooooo!!!” the captain tried to shake the cuteness off. “FIRE!!”

The ponies let out a scream as they heard the guns being fired, and King Salazar was listening to everyone with a smile. “Ahh... music to my ears,” he said. But as it turns out, the guards fired at the top of the rocks and not at the Warners and ponies themselves, allowing them to cut themselves free with Pipp's hooficure file. "Ooops...” the captain said sarcastically. “Missed...”

“How can we ever thanky-wanky you?” Dot asked sweetly. “Don't. You're free. Just no more of the thing of cute,” the captain spoke. “We can't take it!”

“You're too cute!” the other guards agreed. “Now go!” the captain said. “It's a gift,” Dot shrugged, and Yakko grabbed his siblings and followed the ponies out of that part of the cavern. But after going through a long way, they couldn't find which way they came through originally. “Which way do we go now?” Sunny asked, and Zipp scanned around above them, but shook her head with a groan. “I don’t see our tracks, and without them, we can’t find our way out!”

“So… what do we do?” Misty asked in a dejected tone. “Do we just stay down here forever while Salazar gets the wish that rightfully belongs to the Warners and uses it against Acme Falls and all our friends from there and does stuff that we can’t even imagine to Warnerstock and then could move on to Equestria if he had the right magic?! Cause that’s the way I see things happening right now!”

The blue unicorn slumped her flank against the wall as she sat down, and the other ponies looked at her with wide eyes. “W-What? W-W-Why is everypony looking at me like that?” she asked nervously. “Misty…” Sunny started softly. “You don’t have your cutie mark?”

Misty froze at that and looked down… her fake cutie mark was completely smudged and ruined, and Misty felt her inner anxiety level rise. “I-- well… I, uh--”

“That’s why you were asking so much about cutie mark magic… you didn’t have it yourself,” Zipp said, and seeing no more reason to hide it anymore, Misty sighed heavily and nodded. “Yes… it’s true. My… friend and I live so secluded from Maretime Bay that I never got one. But… I wanna try and get one, cause my friend will give one to me if I do everything right and what I ask her to. She’s so powerful-- she can do it!”

“Misty… cutie marks aren’t earned-- they’re given when a pony discovers their true talent and passion,” Sunny said softly. “Everypony-- well… I thought everypony knew that.”

Misty felt her heart break at that sentence… so Opaline just lied to her? All this time? And she was too much of a fool to even realize it? “Well… I guess I’ll just… never have a cutie mark…” she said to herself, getting up and trotting back the other way. “I-I guess I’ll just get myself lost in the caverns while you ponies help the Warners. I-I don’t even need to be around… it’s clear I don’t have a place in your group…”

Misty slowly began to walk away from them, and the group found their sadness levels rising for their sad friend… all she wanted was a chance to prove to the world that she was special, and now she had given up all faith in herself.

With knowing glances shared, the Warners knew they had to do something. “Misty, wait!” Yakko ran after her, and Misty turned to look at him. “So what if you don’t have a cutie mark and can’t experience the magic your pony friends do? Cutie marks aren’t even that great anyway.”

“...thanks so much for trying to make me feel better,” Misty said sarcastically. “I think what Yakko is TRYING to say is that you do have a place with us-- with or without a cutie mark,” Dot said, giving a glare to Yakko for making Misty feel worse. “And there’s still a chance you can still earn your cutie mark if you really want it.”

“But what if I can’t? What if when everypony sees and hears how different I really am…?” Misty felt her eyes well up with tears, and it broke the group’s hearts to hear her sound so hopeless. “Misty, everypony is different in their own way,” Hitch said. “That’s what makes us all so special. And you’re special in your own way too.”

“I am?” Misty looked at the group. “Yeah-- because of your kind heart,” Wakko nodded, walking over and placing a hand on her shoulder. “Yakko and Sunny have told me how you’ve kept the town’s spirits up while I was gone, and you never gave up hope on the town… or in me or your friends. That’s your true talent-- being supportive and hopeful for everyone you come across.”

Misty cleared her tears away with her hoof and hugged her… her real friends… happily-- more happy than she had ever been. “Thanks guys… I guess I needed that more than I realized.”

“You’re welcome. Now we just need to find a way out of here,” Zipp said. “Hey…” Sunny got an idea. “The unity magic! We can use it to find our way out! Everyone, stand united! It can only work when we’re all together!”

Everyone did as Sunny said and they stood together, hoof-to-hoof and hand in hand, letting the magic within the cutie marks light their way. Suddenly, a glowing path of hoofprints lit the way through one of the tunnels, and the group darted down that tunnel and toward the outside, happy to see fresh sunshine and the wishing star in sight. “It worked, we’re out!” Dot celebrated with a severe round of coughs. “Uh oh… I think Dot’s getting worse,” Zipp frowned. “We better get to the star fast.”

“And use it before the king has a chance to,” Sunny nodded. Meanwhile, the townsfolk saw them escape from the caverns, and were watching hopefully to see what they’re gonna do. “Are they gonna go for it, Bobby?” Squit asked. “Maybe,” Bobby nodded. “Just maybe.”

“I hope they do-- definitely. Yeah, definitely hope they do,” Runt nodded, and Rita looked on in concern. “All right, everyone,” Sunny readied herself. “When I say now, run as fast as you can toward the star.”


Meanwhile, with King Salazar thinking the Warners and their friends were executed, he had some more time to think about his wishes without the Warners getting in the way. “I could wish for everything in the world. But then, where would I store it all? Or maybe... I could wish for a hundred wishes! I wonder if that's allowed.”

“Your majesty!” the captain ran in with a salute. “Yes?” the king asked. "I'm afraid the Warners and their friends have escaped!" the captain blurt out, and the king's face went red in anger. “What?! But I told you to execute them!”

“I tried, man! I really did!” the captain got down on his knees. But the cuteness was too much, man. They're too clever!"

“Just like their parents...” King Salazar huffed, causing the captain to become confused as he went outside. “I should've gotten rid of those kids years ago when I had the chance. At least now I know what to wish for. I'm going to wish those annoying kids would leave me alone-- forever!

“NOW!!!” Sunny's voice cried, and the Warners and their friends made a mad dash for the wishing star, Dot coughing along the way. “NOOOO!!!!” the king screamed. “Faster, ponies! Come on!” Zipp cried. “We can totally do this!” Pipp panted. But all of a sudden, Dot stopped, her coughing growing more severe. “I can't make it...”

“Come on, Dot-- we're almost there!” Yakko tried to urge his sister to keep going, and they continued to run as fast as they could. “Stop them!“ King Salazar exclaimed in rage. “Fire, fire! FIRE!!!!

A cannon fired right at the group, and as they made a final leap for it, there was a loud explosion, much to the horror of the townsfolk, wondering what had become of the Warners and the ponies. When the dust and snow cleared, it looked like Wakko, Yakko, Sparky and the ponies had all come through all right...

...but Dot had taken a direct hit.