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Imagination Unleashed

*Andromeda’s POV*

Well, we’re all getting ready.

Kikyo, Tex and Rocky had gone into the world of Yo-kai to enlist as many combat-ready fighters as they could get their paws on.

Kikyo yowls loud "CALLING ALL YOKAI!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!"

Lord Enma showed up. “You need our help?”

Tex meows "The final battle against Pale Snake and its user draws near. If we can't stop the guy before Maiden Heaven is activated, all our hard work will be reset!"

Onestar yowls "Count me in!!"

A silver tabby cat yokai yowls when many other cat yokai yowl in agreement.

Jibanyan spoke "Tch. If it’s to protect the living world, I’ll help."

Sandstorm meows "Exactly! United we stand, divided we fall!!"

Komasan spoke "Let’s do it, y’all!"

Sly spoke "YEAH!!!!"

*Back in Maretime Bay*

Crosswind was hard at work sharpening swords since the call went out to all able-bodied fighters. Shi was currently sharpening Inuyasha's sword.

But then a ball of light appeared, revealing a male dragon in a green suit, with sunglasses and high-tech wrist gauntlets.

Crosswind asks "What can I do for you sir?"

The dragon asks "What time period am I at?"

Crosswind spoke "Maretime Bay, year 2240 of the Celestial Era. You caught many of us at a bad time, a war is drawing near."

The dragon spoke "Oh. I may be a bounty hunter, but even I can tell that something’s wrong here."

Crosswind spoke "Princess Luna put the call out since the final showdown against the most evil Stand in existence is drawing near. Ah've been busy sharpenin' swords since Ah was a blacksmith."

The dragon spoke "The name’s Jonathan Blade, I’m from 2030 A.D."

Crosswind spoke "Ah'm Crosswind, unicorn ponykat. Nice ta meet ya. Now if ya'll excuse me, Ah've got work ta do."

Blade spoke "Hold it, your friends sound like they’ll need my help in the battle."

Crosswind spoke "Ask mah cousin, Princess Twilight. Ya'll find her near a dark blue alicorn named Princess Luna."

Blade asks "Thanks for the direction. Wait, why do I feel like there are two holes on the back of my suit?"

Crosswind spoke "It's because of yer wings, any Mobian that has wings automatically has their clothes altered so that they don't get chaffed wings. Just ask Corina or Zoey 'bout it some time."

Blade spoke "Oh, that’ll make things go quicker."

Blade flew off and found Twilight, who was talking with RAX.

To Blade's surprise, there was a nine tailed foxpony with red eyes and a two tailed catpony with heterochromatic eyes in yellow and green near Twilight.

Blade asks "What in the-What’s going on here?"

Twilight spoke "Sorry, that's a side effect of a skill called Body Double. The foxpony is Kurama, he's been a part of me since I was born."

Kurama spoke "A lot's been going on lately and we need as many fighters as we can get."

RAX spoke "Blade, it’s been some time.

But then Twilight noticed Blade’s gauntlets and had stars in her eyes.

Twilight gasps "Oh my Faust! Are those hi-tech?!"

Blade spoke "Uh… Yeah...."

Danyterama spoke "SIT GIRL!!!"

Twilight fell straight on her face. “Can you blame a creature for being curious?”

Danyterama spoke "Now isn't the time to be starry eyed!"

Danyterama roars loud, calling in Eren and Mikasa along with with all of the other Smashers.

Rarity spoke "Goodness! Look at the allied forces! Nothing can dare stop us now!"

Mikasa spoke "This is way worse than titans!"

But then something whooshed by.

Terramar asks "What was that?"

Anastasia spoke "Diver Drive!"

Anastasia’s stand appeared and thrusted its arm as it passed through a crate.

Anastasia spoke "I got it!"

Diver Drive pulled its arm back, holding… Pinocchio?

Anastasia asks "What is this thing?"

But then I noticed a book, seeing that the cover was missing a character.

Kurama was growling.

Sumarda appeared before capturing Pinocchio into a barrier-bubble of silence combo. “Just in case.”

Twilight spoke "Last thing we need is a rampaging nine tailed fox... Or a pissed off 13-tailed wolftaur..."

A portal window suddenly appeared, revealing Chameleo. “Guys! You’re up against Bohemian Ecstatic, a Stand that brings characters to life and can-“ before the portal window went static and closed.

Danyterama: Oh no! Haru! Are you alright?!"

“I’m fine. I’m right-“ Haru started to say before she saw her body suddenly walking away as I realized that was her soul split from my body. “GUYS!!! I’m right here!”

Heart of Gold suddenly appears, thus negating the effects of Bohemian Ecstatic and saving Haru.

But then we heard ticking as we looked behind us, seeing a Grandfather Clock.

Kabegami yowls loud in warning, alerting Danyterama.

To the surprise of many, two stands appear by Haru since one hand been Travis's stand.

A voice cries "You monster. How dare you do this to me?"

Anastasia kicked the clock, destroying it as a book called “The Wolf and the Seven Young Lambs” landed before we heard bleating as we looked down and saw a young lamb.

Anastasia asks "What?"

Danyterama's motherly instincts kick in before she darted over and picks the lamb up, holding it in her arms as she gently rocks it to sleep.

Danyterama spoke with a gentle voice "It's okay little one, there's nothing to be afraid of now."

But then we heard more bleating as we saw other young lambs torn apart and gnawed off as the sleeping one spoke while waking up with tears of vengeance, “In the story, he’s very devious. The sly wolf managed to trick the seven young goats and entered their house. And once he was inside, the ferocious fur monster went around capturing and devouring the young goats one by one. The only one that survived was the youngest goat and only because he hid in the old grandfather clock!”

Anastasia spoke "This story. I know this one!"

Danyterama spoke "But we can't rewrite what has already been written. Besides, not all wolves are mean though."

Holo, Myuri and various wolf Mobians nod in agreement.

Danyterama's ears twitch before growling.

Danyterama growls "Show yourself Ungalo!"

Anastasia spoke "There’s a problem…"

The Young Goat spoke "The mother of the young goats came back home to the slaughter and was very angry. Upon finding the big bad wolf, she took the scissors and sliced his stomach open. Snip! Snip! She dragged out his intestines and proceeded to stuff him full of rocks. So he’d sink in the river!"

Anastasia spoke "That’s enough reading! No more stories!"

Anastasia grabbed the book before his fur started changing color as his jaw started to change.

The Young Goat spoke "The Wolf is the villain of the story. And I’m gonna make sure you pay for eating my brothers!"

Anastasia’s ears started changing too. “This is bad. Now I get enemy Stand’s target. It was never after Haru’s body. It wanted all of us to join the fantasy and I’ve already been dragged into a story!”

But then Heartless appeared as we started fighting them.

Young Goat spoke "Mother’s coming back! And when she gets here, she’s gonna make you pay with her scissors! You better believe when Mother shows up, you’ll be dead."

But then we heard scissors snipping.

Mother Goat screams ":You monster!"

Readying for battle Anastasia taunts "You want some of this?!"

A few voices spoke "Mama! We’re over here! Hey! We’re in here, Mama! Hey!"

We heard the voices come from inside Anastasia’s stomach.

Anastasia gasps "*Shocked* What did you say?"

But then we saw the Mother Goat on Anastasia in a rage.

The Mother Goat screams "You monster! How dare you? How dare you gobble up my darling kids? I’ll kill you!"

The Mother Goat attacked, slicing a bit of Anastasia’s left side as more young goats jumped out.

The Young Goat spoke "My brothers are saved, hurray! It’s just like the story."

Anastasia and the rest of us started running.

Anastasia groans “Just like the story... that’s the only way things can play out! Which means destroying or calming down these jacked up goats is impossible!"

Danyterama glares hard at the Mother Goat, scaring her.


But somehow she wasn’t fazed even in the slightest as she stabbed Anastasia again while the young goats started bringing rocks.

Anastasia spoke "Guys! It’s no use. Weather! Hurry up and kill the Stand User already!"

We found Weather Forecast, but he was in a bad a situation as Anastasia was against a sled portrait of Van Gogh before both of them fell when we suddenly heard a gunshot through Weather’s head as he started melting.

Anastasia asks "Weather! *Notices hand melting into his mouth* I’m melting? What the heck is this, Weather?

Van Gogh spoke "It’s over. Just as it should be. I shall honor your sacrifice by living a happy life in your stead."

But then Weather and Danyterama grabbed Van Gogh.

Danyterama's claws were on fire in anger, inflicting burns on Van Gogh.

A roar was heard as Kurama rips an arm off Ungalo, causing him to scream.

A few minutes later…

Van Gogh asks "I… I can’t breathe. What more could you want from me?"

Weather spoke "Nothing, this is fine. You’ve done well. Thanks. You’re a really talented artist."

Danyterama spoke "I hope you know what you’re doing."

Anastasia asks "What did you and Danyterama make him draw, huh, Weather?"

Weather spoke "We had Van Gogh here put his skills to work and create a hero for us. They have a story too. Like most heroes, they have powers."

The drawing emerged from the ground with the words ”Put Back” on his chest and hat.

Weather spoke "The power to defeat fantasy heroes and return them all back to normal!"

The hero then activated its vacuum and started sucking up all of the other fantasies that were brought to life by Bohemian Ecstatic.

Weather spoke "And the story can only end one way. With the hero bringing everything back to reality!"

Weather and Anastasia were restored to normal as Kurama brought back a limp, unconscious male horse Mobian, known as Ungalo, who was missing an arm and had a face of complete and utter despair, and he seemed beyond recovery.

Dropping Ungalo on the ground, Kurama spoke "I went after the user and attacked him, thus stopping Bohemian Ecstatic."

Weather spoke "Perfect timing."

The hero with the “Put Back” words was just a perfect drawing on the ground again.

Two screams followed by a roar were heard since Matatabi had defeated Donatello and Rikiel on her own.

Matatabi drags the two males over and drops them on the ground, Don had a leg missing and Rikiel had an arm missing.

Matatabi spoke "I stopped these two on my own since they had the nerve to insult Midnight."

But then something dashed past us, revealed to be a Stand known as Netherworld.

Danyterama growls since she didn't know if Netherworld was friend or foe.

But then Netherworld faded back into Don as Weather started chuckling.

Danyterama growls "What's with you?"

Anastasia asks "Weather Forecast?"

Weather asks "Oh? So my name is Weather Forecast now?"

Strange rainbows started shining down with clouds appearing.

Danyterama's tails were thrashing in annoyance, which meant that the others should be careful.

I spoke "Anastasia, I think the wolftaur is furious..."

But then Don and Rikiel started coughing.

Don spoke "It is here, the Devil’s Rainbow. With his memory returned, Weather Forecast can use his Stand’s true power, Heavy Weather."

Haru, out of concern for the two of them, rushed over and used her firebending to sear the wounds shut.

Haru spoke "That was close... But reattaching a leg or arm is impossible unless... Wait... GIORNO! JOSUKE! GET OVER HERE!!!!"

Josuke asks "Huh?"

Giorno asks "Do you need assistance?"

Haru explains to the two males about Don's leg and Rikiel's arm.

Josuke asks "Oh! So does Matatabi know where those limbs are?"

Ears drooping down, Matatabi spoke "I ate them..."

Twilight spoke "EWW GROSS!!!!"

Giorno spoke "Do not worry, I can make new ones. However, they could still feel pain from that."

Giorno grabbed two long rocks and put them on where the limbs were severed as he used his stand’s power to turn the stones into Rikiel’s arm and Donatello’s leg.

Rikiel gasped as he woke up!

Inuyasha had sneezed suddenly, setting Sesshomaru's hair on fire.

Towa was on her back while laughing at her father.

Kurama chuckles "Hehehe. He’s in trouble."

Rikiel spoke "I… I need to tell you something."

Danyterama turned towards Rikiel, who got her attention.

Danyterama asks "It's about Pucci right?"

Rikiel spoke "Yes… and about Weather Forecast. Getting his memory stolen and being thrown into Equestria aren’t the only bad things that happened to Weather Forecast. He doesn’t even remember how to use his Stand’s true potential. Being unable to use the forbidden power which his biological brother Pucci thought he sealed away for good."

That info bomb left us speechless before we noticed that Weather Forecast was gone as a Rainbow passed through Ermes right arm, before snails, snail slime and snail eggs started erupting from the back of her lower arm, much to our shock and horror.

Ermes gasps "What the? My arm! What the?!"

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

But then the hole on Ermes’ arm where the snails came from closed instantly, as if nothing ever happened.

Ermes asks "Uh, yeah, what just happened?"

Danyterama snarls "That tears it! Enrico is DEAD MEAT!!!"

Sesshomaru took his anger on Enrico instead of Inuyasha for once, killing the jackal.

But then he faded, revealed only as an illusion.

Haru spoke "We need to find Weather right now! He could be fighting Pucci for all we know!"

Danyterama's eyes flash white, causing all 13 of her tails to bristle up and her wings to stiffen.

Danyterama spoke "We need to move… NOW!!!"

Twilight spoke "Akari's looking after Peppermint and Rocky so I can be able to help."


Various folks shout "PONY AND MOBIAN GUARD DEFEND!!!"

We rushed off and looked for Weather, before we saw an area with liquid and frozen blood before Emporio stood at a point with shadows over his eyes, concerning us.

Twilight, Kurama, Matatabi and Midnight were all snarling.

Zoey, Haru, Yuki, Lune, Darrell, Kara, Blaze, Muta and I were growling in anger.

Danyterama asks "Emporio?"

We got to Emporio, but what we saw was just… Devastating… Weather Forecast was on the ground, with both legs chopped off.

Jolyne spoke "Hey, guys. He’s there. Call a doctor. He should’ve healed from the snails by now! Emporio!"

Ermes spoke "Jolyne. Jolyne! I’m sorry, the wind stopped."

Emporio spoke "The rainbow disappeared too, everyone."

A horrible realization hit us like a blow from Faust.

Jolyne spoke "No way."

Anastasia spoke "Listen, all of you. Plenty of people called me a murderer. At least that’s what the newspapers said about me. And I don’t necessarily disagree. When people asked me if I would sacrifice myself for my family, I told them all, no. I don’t think my answer would change even now. When it came to my parents, my heart was never moved by them. However… I know I’d be willing to risk my life for those that revived me from the dead without a second thought. It was like that for Weather, too."

But then Emporio noticed a Disc in Weather’s right hand. “That’s…”

As Emporio grabbed the disc, Anastasia said, “Yeah. When Pale Snake was focused on dealing the final blow, he took advantage of his special ability. He used that moment to seal his ability to a disc.”

Emporio spoke "Hey, Jolyne… I think Weather entrusted this to you, Danyterama, Twilight and Rainbow Dash."

Anastasia spoke "Weather came back to life when he met all of you. And that’s the proof he left for you. In his final few days, he was happy. Weather had already been saved!"

Danyterama, Jolyne, Twilight and Rainbow Dash spoke "Weather…"

Jolyne and Rainbow Dash sobbed as Danyterama and Twilight roared into the very stars in absolute fury. We’re gonna find that bastard, and make him pay for everything he’s done!

Jolyne spoke "One more time… I wanna speak with you just one more time. Just once more, I wanna talk to you in the soft breeze."

Others were crying as well. The wolves were all howling in sadness.

Ears pin back, Kurama spoke "Weather..."

Kurama, Matatabi and Midnight roar loud in sadness.

Opaline was crying.

Flarerudamon and the others cry out in sadness.

Enkai, Sui and Raiju roar in sadness.

Gilda and all of the gryphons and hippogriffs were crying as well.


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