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Royals at the North Pole

*Sunny’s POV*

I’m so excited! We’re going to the North Pole with THE Jack Frost!

Twilight giggles "You're an excitable mare, eh Sunny?"

Danyelle spoke "Hey, you were an excitable mare too, Twilight."

Twilight spoke "If you hadn't hooked Flash and I up, I wouldn't have had Akari and thus Sunny would've had a different mother."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah. But at least we know where Sunny gets her excitement."

I giggle "Least we know where I got my love of learning from."

Twilight giggled, not denying that.

Danyelle spoke "My wings are getting cold...."

Jack spoke "Means we’re getting close."

Danyelle coats her wings with fire to keep them warm.

Danyelle sighs "Ah… Much better."

Something hits Danyelle on the wing, causing her and the sleigh to careen towards the ground.

Twilight and I shield ourselves and the other three with magic before we landed in the snow.

Jack asks "Okay, what just happened?"

I spoke "Something had clipped Danyelle on the wing."

Jack spoke "That can’t be good."

Danyelle spoke "We're way off course..."

But then a hole appeared on the ground and grew.

Danyelle growls.

Jack Frost just smiled though. “Don’t worry, I know who it is.”

A giant anthro bunny jumped out of it. “*Australian Accent* Oh! It’s freezing!”

Twilight used a fire cloak spell on the rabbit, warming him up.

Danyelle spoke "Hey E.B."

Easter Bunny spoke "Alpha-Queen Danyelle. Haven’t seen you in quite some time, mate."

Danyelle spoke "It's been 220 years though."

Easter Bunny spoke "Well Holiday Spirits and other spirits don’t exactly age. Even though ol’ Saint Nick looks like an old geezer."

Danyelle spoke "I'm immortal because my idiotic adopted brother made a mistake."

Twilight spoke "Plus one of his reindeer ended up in a place called Maretime Bay."

Easter Bunny asks "Found Rudolph, eh?"

To E.B's surprise, Rudolph's injured leg was in a cast.

Easter Bunny asks "What in the world?!"

Danyelle spoke "She crashed into a wall..."

Easter Bunny just face-palmed.

Twilight spoke "Oof, I felt a kick..."

Danyelle spoke "Try to keep your kids warm, Twilight."

I spoke "Someone's coming our way."

But then we saw a blue shivering anthro puppy.

I spoke "I don't see anything..."

Though unheard by me, Kikyo meows "Hello Pupsicle."

Pupsicle spoke "*Shivering* H-H-H-Hi."

Easter Bunny asks "A Yo-Kai? Here of all places?"

Jack Frost asks "Another snow-maker, huh?"

Danyelle asks "You see them too?"

Easter Bunny spoke "Hey. Jack an’ I are spirits. People see us if they believe in us. So o’ course we can see Yo-Kai. There’s even a Yo-Kai Santa Claus."

Kikyo meows "Interesting...."

Jack spoke "Hehehe. It’s kinda fun, being able to see Yo-Kai."

Danyelle spoke "But I know a cat that's afraid of ghosts...."

Jack asks "Would she be scared of me?"

Twilight spoke "I don't know... plus Dany and I knew a pink wolf that was also afraid of ghosts..."

Danyelle asks "Where do we go from here?"

Easter Bunny spoke "Follow me."

Danyelle followed the large rabbit while pulling the sleigh she had brought.

The rest of us followed, and soon, we arrived at some kind of workshop.

Danyelle spoke "*whistle* Amazing!"

Jack spoke "Yep. Welcome to North’s Workshop. Santa Claus can be known by many names, North is one of them."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think he knows where Rudolph ended up."

Easter Bunny spoke "Yeah, none of us heard from her in years."

Rudolph groans "I'm right here you dumb rabbit..."

Easter Bunny just shrugged that off.

Danyelle spoke "Regardless... Twilight, Sunny and I were called up here because of a friendship problem."

Jack spoke "Hmm… It’s gotta be serious then."

I spoke "Yeah and with Hearth's Warming next weekend...."

Danyelle spoke "Pony version of Christmas..."

Jack spoke "Looks like you might need help."

I ask "How?"

Jack spoke "Well I’m sure I can answer until we find out the problem."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle asks "Should we head in?"

Easter Bunny spoke "Might as well, mate."

Danyelle spoke "Lead the way."

Easter Bunny spoke "‘Aight."

Danyelle followed while pulling the sleigh.

We made our way inside the workshop.

I was starry eyed at how many toys there were.

Jack spoke "Hehe. That’s right. This is where presents are made for Christmas."

Danyelle spoke "Cool!"

We saw a yeti painting an action toy.

Danyelle thinks "{I better refrain from using my flames and magic...}"

Pupsicle was still shivering.

Kikyo meows "What's his problem? I'm not cold at all."

Pupsicle stammers "S-S-S-S-Sorry. I always feel c-c-c-c-cold."

I was shivering.

“Well, at least we won’t be getting the ‘cold shoulder.’” I joked before I started feeling colder.

Pupsicle spoke "That was a really bad joke. Bad enough to make me freeze."

Twilight spoke "Not cool Sunny."

“Sorry. I-I didn’t know that would leave something cold like that.” I said, unintentionally saying a pun before we felt like we were freezing before the short blizzard went away, leaving no snow.

But I couldn't see Pupsicle since I lacked the ability to see yokai.

A jolly voice chuckles "Ah! There they are!"

We saw a giant white-bearded man.

Danyelle spoke "Hello Santa."

Santa chuckles "Good seeing you again, Danyelle."

Megaman's voice was heard from Danyelle's 2DS. "It's been a long time since we saw you and the others."

Santa chuckles "Long time indeed."

Roll spoke "220 years in fact."

Santa chuckles "My, how time flies!"

Roll spoke "Afraid so... Megaman, Trill, Patch, Volt, Jazz, Bass, Tsuki, Protoman, Hazel and I are what's left of the NetNavis...."

Santa spoke "Oh... Sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "They're the last ten NetNavis since many of the others got deleted over the past 220 years...."

Roll was leaning against Megaman while crying a bit.

Santa spoke "...Is lot to take in."

Danyelle spoke "A lot has changed..."

Robo-Eggman spoke "And it took a lot of work. But it left me exhausted at the end of every day for all those years."

Danyelle spoke "But that won't bring back all of the lost NetNavis."

Robo-Eggman spoke "I know."

A loud crash was heard outside.

a voice yelps "Ow!"

Santa spoke "Tooth, glad you're here."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think that was the Tooth Fairy...."

Santa asks "Oh?"

the voice groans "I hate you Omega-xis...."


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