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Back into the EG World

*Anzu's POV*

I spoke "My fur feels hot!"

Danyelle spoke "That sounds like you’re needed on a Friendship Mission."

Gallus asks "What about Nyx, Guinevere, Iris, Bluestar, Sakura, Emporio and I?"

I ask "What do you think Danyelle?"

Bluestar was digging in the snow when she found a gryphon egg.

Bluestar spoke "MOM!!!"

Danyelle asks "Yeah, Bluestar?"

Bluestar spoke "I found a gryphon egg but I fear the cub inside is dead..."

Danyelle gasps "What?! Let me check!"

Bluestar hands the cold egg over to Danyelle.

Danyelle used all of her powers to sense something in the egg, and only felt an extremely faint heartbeat.

Danyelle spoke "It's faint but it's alive, barely. I have to warm it back up."

Danyelle used her firebending to slowly warm the egg up, enticing the cold chickub to move about inside the shell.

Soon enough, the shell started to crack as the chickub broke free.

Danyelle spoke "Thank goodness! Welcome to the world, little one."

Bluestar spoke "By the gods above, she looks like a Spottedleaf to me because of that fur coat!"

The young hatchling looked around before staring at Bluestar.

Bluestar spoke "I uh... I better on check on my unhatched eggs!"

Bluestar flew off to her house.

Danyelle spoke "Guess she’s nervous."

The hatchling looked at Danyelle before tilting its head in confusion.

I spoke "She's so cute."

Danyelle giggles "Heehee, she is."

I spoke "Tortoiseshell gryphons aren't that common though."

A blind gray tabby gryphon bumped into Sunny.

The blind gryphon scoffs "Move out of my way."

Sunny spoke "That was rude..."

Danyelle spoke "He hasn’t changed."

Oakheart spoke "Still snarky as he was in a past life..."

Danyelle conks Oakheart on the head.

Danyelle spoke "Not the same cat from the book series I used to read."

“What about the friendship mission?” I asked.

Danyelle asks "Oh right! But is it a wise idea to travel to the EG world while pregnant?"

“My kid’s tough, I’m sure we can handle it.” I assured.

Danyelle spoke "It's got the Ikisatashi attitude."

“I’m still sure we can take it.” I insisted.

Dren spoke "Absolutely not Anzu!"

“Come on, dad!” I pouted.

Dren spoke "You know your mom would shave your tail fur if you got hurt."

I spoke "I'm not a little girl anymore dad...."

A bubble of silence surrounded me and my dad.

I shout "I can make my OWN CHOICES!!!"

Dren spoke "But you have an UNBORN kid inside you!"

I spoke "I KNOW THAT DAD!!!"

Zoey asks "What's going on here?"

Talk about bad timing.

I spoke "H-hey mom..."

Zoey growls "Dren... What did you say to Anzu?"

Dren spoke "N-Nothing to hurt her!"

Zoey spoke "I don't believe you."

A black foxcat Mobian girl was sneaking up on her dad from behind.

Serena spoke "Hey Ash."

Ash asks "Yeah, Serena?"

Serena spoke "I can't find our daughter anywhere."

Ash spoke "That’s weird."

But then something blocked Ash’s view.

Liko giggles "Got you dad!"

Serena giggles "There you are, you little trickster!"

Liko giggles "Mommy!"

Danyelle spoke "We should get this mission dealt with."

“Right.” I agreed.

Twilight spoke "Better take the Dreamers and Dazzlings too, just in case a new band is causing trouble."

Sonata showed up. “You called?”

The rest of the sirens arrive as well.

A slight bump was on Melody's belly due to the developing child.

Alto spoke "Sirens have to stick together."

Melody spoke "Agreed."

Kelly spoke "Aye! We sirens may be few in number but we love singing!"

*After the group arrives in the EG world*

Alto spoke "I look like a male version of my tanuki mother...."

Melody was flustered.

Melody spoke "Hot damn..."

I giggled at Melody’s reaction, and I can tell she was getting real hot and bothered.

Kelly spoke "I just realized something.... Harmony, Melody and I can't hide our ears and tails...."

Alto spoke "Same... But we could pass for beastmen at least...."

Danyelle spoke "Hey Sunset!"

Sunset spoke "Hey guys! You won’t believe what’s going on."

Alto spoke "Let me guess, a new band is causing trouble and thus you had to get in touch with the Hikari family."

Sunset spoke "Smart kid."

Nazuna spoke "That he is."

Sunset spoke "But I feel like I’ve seen them before."

Nazuna spoke "You got the wrong kitsune, I'm Nazuna Kagetashi."

Sunset notices the group around Danyelle.

Sunset asks "Who are they?"

Danyelle spoke "There's Nyx, Iris, Bluestar, Irene, Ralph, Guinevere, Thunder, Stella, Gallus, Sakura, Emporio and Apple Butter."

Alto's left ear twitches since he heard Blitz's voice.

Danyelle giggles "And there's Skittles Jr now..."

Blitz whines "HEY! Not cool!"

Guinevere giggles "It's your hair color though..."

Danyelle spoke "I call my world's Rainbow "Skittles" all the time."

Blitz pouted.

Ralph spoke "I find it rather cute though... But given that I'm an Equestrian-born Mobian, I don't think it'd work out if I had fallen in love with a girl I barely know. Plus my wife would beat the tar out of me if I cheated on her."

Danyelle pulled Ralph's ear, causing him to yowl in pain but that ended up triggering the Roar.

Danyelle spoke "Whoops!"

Sunset spoke "Here comes Fluttershy now..."

EG Fluttershy shouts "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

Covering her ears since they were sensitive, Danyelle spoke "Long story short, one of my sons inherited the Roar from my husband."

Megaman sighs "My sister is an idiot..."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that, my brother is a pain in the tail at times."

EG Fluttershy spoke "I-I thought there was a tiger here."

Ben spoke "It's a rather long story though."

Kelly spoke "Th-that was my fault! I yawned a little too loudly!"

Danyelle spoke "That aside, I heard from Princess Twilight that you guys were having trouble with a new band."

EG Rainbow Dash showed up. “Okay, but first things first… WHAT’RE THEY DOING HERE?!”

Danyelle snarls at EG Rainbow, making her back off.

Melody growls "My mom and aunts aren't evil anymore! Alpha-Queen Danyelle saw to that!"

Fluttershy and Sunset sighed in relief at that.

Apple Butter asks "So, where's that band yer havin' trouble with?"

EG Applejack asks "Wait, why does she look familiar?"

Apple Butter spoke "Beg yer pardon? Ah don' know ya."

EG Applejack spoke "Sorry. It’s just ya look like Babs Seed, but I don’t know ya either."

Danyelle was snickering.

EG Applejack asks "What’s so funny?"

Danyelle spoke "My world's Babs married a Pegasus named Brace Relay."

Applejack spoke "Hey! My Babs married to a guy named Brace Relay too! He’s got some kind of prosthetic legs."

Danyelle spoke "Too bad there isn't another me in this world."

Irene growls "I smell fox.... and it's not Rusty..."

To the surprise of the Rainbooms and the Hikari clan, there were four females on the roof of CHS.

The foxgirl spoke "Well, this is a surprise. To think we left Runeterra, only to find people from another world as well."

Danyelle spoke "Well, if it isn't the famous K-pop band... K/DA..."

the girl with a can of spray paint in one hand spoke "So you’ve heard of us. News must spread fast around here."

Danyelle spoke "I know who you four are too. Akali, Kai'sa, Arhi and Evelynn."

Arhi asks "You even know our names. Are you a fan?"

Danyelle spoke "You could say that since I do like the Pop/Stars song."

Arhi spoke "I’m flattered, really."

Kai'sa conks Arhi on the head.

Evelynn spoke "I heard rumors about that one.... Many called her the Nekomata of Redemption...."

Danyelle spoke "So you heard of me then but I challenge you four to a singing competition!"

Akali spoke "Heh. You sure about that? You might be biting off more than you can chew."

Danyelle spoke "I've gone toe to toe against enemies you never even heard of!"

Arhi spoke "Very well, challenge accepted."

Danyelle spoke "Bring it!"

A stage suddenly appeared.

Danyelle's cat ears appear as well as the wings and tails.

Danyelle spoke "The songs we're using is from the League of Legends game."

Danyelle sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHx6vQNeuFE.

Danyelle: What are you willing to lose?
You cover your wounds, but underneath them
A million voices in your head that whisper, "Stop, now"
Another twist of the knife, turn of the screws
It's all in your mind and it's fighting you
Arm yourself, a storm is coming
Well, kid, what you gonna do now?
It's your reflection looking back to pull you down
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly
And now you're playing with matches
Come out of the ashes underneath you
A million voices in the crowd they're screaming, "Stop, now"
We'll let 'em swallow their pride, you're turning the tide to true believers
Got them in the palm of your hand, you're playing God now
What you gonna do now?
It's your reflection looking back to pull you down
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly

Arhi spoke "I’ll admit, that was impressive. But now it’s our turn."

Danyelle spoke "Very well!"

K/DA went onto the stage and performed their most popular song, Pop/Stars.

Danyelle spoke "Not bad."

Arhi spoke "Thank you. But it’s up for the judges to decide now."

I sing Legends never Die alongside Geo.

After that, K/DA suddenly transformed and took on a new style before singing and performing Drum Go Dum.

The Dazzlings and their daughters sang "I'll Show You".

K/DA then sang “Villain".

All of a sudden, a loud explosion was heard.

Arhi spoke "Something’s wrong."

Danyelle flew up before her eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "You're not going to believe this but that Rillaboom Beastman has gone berserk!"

But then we heard someone coughing and found… a Sonata from this world?!

Danyelle engulfed herself in fire, transforming into Danydonna.

Danydonna spoke "GORTRUM!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!"

Danydonna punched Gortrum, before something fell out of him as he reverted back to normal.

Stella spoke "Nice one mom!"

Danydonna spoke "Thanks Stella."

Two of the pokeballs on Danydonna's belt started rattling.

Danydonna spoke "It seems a dark synergy stone is nearby.... Both Reshiram and Zekrom can sense it."

I spoke "I have a bad feeling about this...."

Apple Butter spoke "Ah do too..."

Gortrum groans "Ugh..."

EG Sonata asks "Trummy! You okay?"

Gortrum spoke "Yeah... I think so, babe."

A teenage girl rushed over to the two of them. "Mom! Dad!"

Melody and Harmony were confused.

A girl a bit older than the other one showed up and hugged Sonata and Gortrum. "We're so glad you're both okay!"

Danydonna spoke "Last thing we need is an out of control Kommo-o..."

Pinkie went up to Danydonna and closed her mouth. "Don't jinx it!"

Arceus suddenly showed up but it was injured.

Danydonna growls "Beastman or not, he's still a Pokemon."

"Yeah." I agreed.

Danydonna spoke "I'll have to fight dragon type with dragon type."

Reshiram and Zekrom pop out of their pokeballs before roaring.

As if on cue, a giant berserk Kommo-o appeared.

Danydonna spoke "Reshiram, Fusion Flare! Zekrom, Fusion Bolt!"

The two attacks hit the Kommo-o.

But he didn’t look very shaken.

A voice spoke "Ice Time Capsule!"

But then a wave of ice reached the Kommo-o’s legs and froze them in place.

But a timed Fusion Flare hits the man, incinerating him thus saving the Kommo-o.

Danydonna flew at the Kommo-o before punching him in the face and knocking off a strange stone.

The man spoke "Now don’t be so hasty, I was only stopping his movement."

We turned around to see that man behind us as he somehow regenerated completely.

Danydonna snarls "I heard about you from Robin.... You froze a friend of hers completely in ice!"

The man sighs "Didn’t she tell you? I quit the marines, so I’m not an admiral anymore."

Danydonna shot white fire from her mouth at the man.

Danydonna spoke "Cut the crap Kuzan!"

Kuzan dodged it as he sighed. “Listen, I don’t wanna cause trouble. Besides, I was forced to freeze Saul, he was a good friend of mine.”

Danydonna growls "But Robin thinks he's dead!"

Kuzan sighs "And fortunately, he isn’t. I honestly didn’t want to do it, but the marines left me no choice they used that Buster Call. Besides, I did Saul a favor by helping Robin escape. I figured he’d want me to do that so Robin could find some real friends someday.

Reshiram tilted its head in confusion.

Danydonna asks "Buster Call?"

Kuzan spoke "It calls warships from the marines that are powerful enough to wipe an island right off the map. I was starting to question my job after that happened."

Danydonna spoke "If it's THAT powerful, it could easily wipe out Maretime Bay in an instant!"

Kuzan spoke "Exactly. And that isn’t justice, not in the least."

Danydonna spoke "Real justice is doing what's right. It's why I started the Mobian Guard in the first place. Sonic, Knuckles, Ben, Yuki and I protect those that need help."

Kuzan smiled. “That, I’m glad to hear.”

Danydonna spoke "I'm the keenest, formerly the fiercest."

Danydonna's left ear twitches before growling.

A giant berserk Toxtricity appeared.

Danydonna shot lightning at the Toxtricity, knocking it down.

Something started emerging from the male Pokémon.

Danydonna spoke "Chaos Bullet!"

A beam of Chaos energy struck the item, shattering it after it appeared.

The Kommo-o and Toxtricity shrunk back to normal size.

Danydonna asks "You two okay?"

Then EG versions of Adagio and Aria arrived, with the eldest sister running over to the Kommo-o and the middle sister running over to the Toxtricity.

Adagio asks "Scaly! You alright?"

Scale-o spoke "Yeah, I think so, sweetie."

Aria asks "Poisy! You’re okay, right?"

Poishock spoke "Yep, definitely fine, babe."

Danydonna's cutie mark glowed once again, indicating that the mission was finished.

Danydonna spoke "Well, that solves that problem."

Arhi asks "Think we’ll see each other again?"

Danydonna spoke "I'd have to talk to Princess Twilight about it first."

Arhi spoke "Okay."

But then we saw Kuzan looking at the setting Sun.

Danydonna spoke "Well, I believe it's time that my family and I headed off."

“Right.” I agreed before we heard Kuzan starting to sing.

Kuzan: The sea watches us quietly,
guiding us through our death and our birth.

From humble hometown waters,
to the waves at the end of the earth.

The sea carries us carefully,
through the dark of night and light of day,
to the world that's just and peaceful,
so that we never lose our way.

All our pain and suffering,
it swallows up in its warm embrace,
so knowingly and gently,
washes them all away.

The sea watches us quietly,
guiding us through our death and our birth.

From humble hometown waters,
to the waves at the end of the earth.

All our pain and suffering,
it swallows up in its warm embrace,
so knowingly and gently,
washes them all away.

There will come a day, I'm sure,
when I must heed its solemn call,
and walk side by side with my old friends,
resting in its foamy waters.

Danydonna leads the Hikari clan back through the portal, returning to Maretime Bay.


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