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Pale Snake Strikes!

*Danyelle's POV (still)*

Haru yowls, alerting the others and I to Pale Snake's presence.

“That’s bad!” I dreaded before I saw that the thirty-six convicts were somehow turned into trees with some kind of open, empty bulb that formed on the ground and that the bone was suddenly gone.

Sonic spoke "Be careful everyone!"

We teleported ourselves to Haru, who was out of breath, while guarding a green baby with a star-shaped birthmark like Jolyne’s, which I honestly found adorable.

Sonic spoke "Watch out Dany, that's no normal baby!"

“Wait… Could that baby have been in the bulb?” I wondered before Weather showed up.

Haru spoke "Man! Am I glad to see you, Weather Forecast!"

Danny suddenly materializes before growling at the green baby since he knew it was dangerous.

But then before any single one of us could react, Weather suddenly attacked all of us, bringing us down to our backs in shock.

Anastasia spoke "Haru, I don’t think you know who you brought with you. You bastard. I’ll kill you. Now, you’ve really done it.

Vivian gasps "N-No way! Seriously?!"

Anastasia spoke "He isn’t Weather Forecast. I think this guy… This guy is… just an illusion."

Weather then turned into Pale Snake.

Pale Snake laughs "Thanks for leading the way for me, Haru. Very nice of you. I’m glad I could make it with plenty of time before the real Weather Forecast could ruin everything. *As everyone but Jolyne and I fell unconscious* 547. 557. Prime numbers are unbreakable and indivisible. I never believe this day would truly come. After 22 years, the place that exists beyond the pinnacle of creature achievement. It’s real! This is it! I know it! After decades of searching, I finally found it. The direct path to heaven."

A jackal spoke "True, it’s still imperfect and premature. But all that’s left now is to follow the memories sealed by Jotaro Kujo. There is a new moon tonight. Dio! I will awaken you and it’ll be time for a heaven gloriously fitting for me to control."

The person we saw emerge from the brush confirmed my suspicions, Pale Snake’s was Enrico Pucci!

Pucci snaps "The 36 damned souls of those who once committed heinous crimes. The pure new being born from that soil. Behold the living embodiment right here! Though, of course, very quickly before we get into that. I must cast you all into the perfect oblivion of death, especially the damned doctor. You all must know it was always leading up to this. Get up, Alpha-Queen of Redemption, and daughter of Jotaro. You’re the ones who barely protected your vital points and the others in blinding speed. Shame on you!"

Jolyne and I got up slowly.

Pucci spoke "If you won’t come to me, I’ll indulge your stubbornness and come to you."

Pucci summoned Pale Snake and launched an attack on me and Jolyne.

I clash swords with Pale Snake as Twilight aided Jolyne.

I spoke "I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!!!!"

Twilight shot fire from her mouth at Enrico.

Since Yuki was also affected by the new moon, her normally white fur was black as coal.

Jolyne spoke "You have two big things we plan to take back. One, my dad’s memories. And two, most importantly, your life!"

Pale Snake delivered a flurry of punches at us. “USHYAAAA!!!”

The four of us clashed his punches with our own.


Estelle shouts as she flew through a smashed window "Divine judgement for an evil soul! SACRED PENNANCE!!!!"

A blast of holy magic hits Enrico hard.

GlaceAngemon and his fellow hybrid Digi-Pokémon flew into battle, firing off several attacks at once.

Pale Snake deflected the attacks.

Pucci spoke "You think your friends can help you stop me, do you? I feel quite compelled to mention none of you quite seem to understand what you’re doing."

I snarl "SHUT UP!"

BGM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA3Ks8NLS-Y

We heard the brush in the wind.

Pucci spoke "Imagine swallows that fly straight into cliffs, so they die. It’s impractical and tragic but their flight at skewed dangerous angles almost sure to get them killed. Their parents never taught them to fly in safe loops. But it isn’t because the parents chose not to teach them, it’s because they’re unable to teach them, since they’ve never learned from their parents, either. Many swallows don’t live very long. They don’t even realize they’re predisposed to those fatal accidents. I believe Jotaro was just such a swallow."

The three of us punched Pucci as he punched the three of us, causing a disc a disc to come out of each of us, stealing our sight and making the three of us blind.

Pucci spoke "Finally, your Stone Ocean, Celestial Gods, Forme Change, Kurama and Matatabi are mine!"

But the three of us attacked him!

Stone Ocean spoke "Ora! Ora!"

But how did they know when I blinded them with the discs? It doesn’t make sense!” Pucci mentally thought to himself as Jolyne, Twilight and I kept attacking him. “Oh, I see! It’s intimidation. That’s it! They’re using intimidation to detect and fend off my attacks. I didn’t think they could be this strong. This is bad, the three of them may be too strong for Pale Snake. I’m running out of time fast. What should I… Worst of all, the newly born entity will be…” Pucci mentally dreaded before he threw something, catching our attention as we stopped.

Jolyne snaps "What the hell? What’d you throw? What did you do?"

“We’re asking you what did you just throw at us!” I clarified.

Pucci spoke "Discs are souls in convenient material form. They can be preserved for eternity. However, if a disc enters the body of someone dying, it will simply fade out and die along with them. And no matter what you attempt to do, you’ll never be able to resurrect it. It’s done."

But then I realized something! When I defended the others, I wasn’t fast enough to protect Eggman from a fatal wound.

As millions of hordes of Heartless appeared, Pucci laughs "That is Jotaro’s disc you’ve been risking your life for. Why waste time? I have a better thought. Julien Robotnik’s dying. I could put it in his body instead. I gouged the thing in. And Heartless are attacking. What are you all going to do? Are all of you going to pull the disc out and protect your friends from the Heartless? Or are you all going to continue on with the ridiculous death match?"

Jolyne, Twilight and I sensed the disc fading with Eggman. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!

Pucci taunts "So, Jolyne Kujo, Alpha-Queen Danyelle and Princess Twilight Sparkle, what’s it going to be? This is no longer an ultimate decision. Jotaro’s being dragged to his death with Eggman. Your friends will be killed by the Heartless. Aren’t you three upset? Are you dead inside, too?"

RAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! That bastard! Jolyne, Twilight, myself and the others had no other choice but to go for the others and save them from the Heartless while getting Jotaro’s disc out of Eggman and heal him.

A chaos spear hits Pucci.


Kurama and Matatabi turn on Pucci before ripping him to shreds!

But Pucci somehow kept moving! “As expected, you chose your family and friends.”

As all of us kept fighting the Heartless and I was removing the disc while saving Eggman, Pucci slowly approached the baby.

Pucci spoke "Now, spiral stairs, the beetle, abandoned town, fig tart, beetle, the path to Dolorosa, beetle singular, Giotto. Angel, hydrangea, beetle, singularity, secret emperor."

The green baby then awoke and gazed upon Pucci before he used Pale Snake to pierce into the palm of his right hand, bringing out DIO’s bone and showing it to the green baby.

Pucci asks "Could it be you're showing interest in this? Will you come to me, quickly, of your own volition? *As the green baby reached out to the bone* Will this be the new beginning of everything?"

The green baby then suddenly chomped down on the bone and Pucci’s left lower arm.

Pucci spoke "Bless you, my child! Now, we can both enter your world together. Hallelujah, beloved Dio!"

BGM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t2SPlj83LE

Twilight roars loud, bringing Kurama and Matatabi back to her side.

I roar just as loud, bringing all 19 pieces of Celestial Gods back to my side.

Jolyne summoned Stone Ocean as all three of us attacked Pucci, causing an explosion. But when it faded, Pucci and the Green Baby were just… gone. Not a single trace of them, no hide or hair either.

Twilight spoke "It's not over guys!"

“Twilight’s right, Pucci’s out there somewhere. But right now, we need to get this memory disc to Jotaro and Eggman healed up as soon as possible.” I declared.

Sonic spoke "You forget, Rarity and Maria are healers since their element is water!"

The two females heal Eggman back to full strength.

Eggman spoke "Ugh… But still, we need to get that disc to Jotaro."

Twilight spoke "One problem, Danyelle's locked in her Danyterama form. Without her Forme Change, she can't switch back to normal nor can she use CrossFusion."

I teleport with the whole group to the Speedwagon Foundation, bypassing the barrier.

Jolyne spoke "*Showing Danyelle’s Forme Change DISC* You mean this Forme Change DISC? I managed to get it back."

I lower my head down towards Jolyne so she could put the Forme Change disc back in.

“Thanks, Jolyne. I owe ya one.” I said in gratitude.

Jolyne spoke "Come on. It’s the least I could do."

Ben spazzes out at how large I was and fainted.

Muta spoke "We should give Jotaro his memories back."

As I engulf myself in fire to revert back my regular form, something goes wrong. Only my size was affected for some reason.

I spoke "I can't turn back to my Mobian form!"

My Forme Change DISC suddenly ejected out of my head as Twilight looked at it, before she paled a bit. “I think I know why.”

We looked at the DISC and saw a crack on it.

Twilight spoke "The DISC’s damaged."

I spoke "Damn it... With it cracked... my normal form, Danydonna form, Danyterasu form and CrossFusion ability are blocked..."

Jolyne spoke "Hold on, I think it can be fixed. But at best, it’ll take 3 to 4 weeks."

I spoke with panic in my voice "3 to 4 weeks?!?!?! I can't stay as a taur that long! I might forget that I was ever a Mobian!"

A portal opened as Chameleo came out of it before he slapped me up the back of my head. “PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, WOMAN!!! Your forms don’t affect your mind or memories! YOU ARE ALPHA-QUEEN DANYELLE, AND YOU’LL BE FINE!!!”

I ask "Did you just slap a demi-god?"

Chameleo spoke "As you told me, a slap in the face is humiliation, a slap at the back of the head is a wake-up call. So I was helping you calm down."

I spoke "Still! Slapping a demi-god or a full-fledged god is just asking to get killed."

Chameleo spoke "I’ve beaten gods and Demi-gods before."

But I felt myself being more calm and smiled. “But I’ll let it slide this time, since you did calm me down.”

Muta spoke "Well Jolyne, I guess this is where we part ways. I know for a fact that I don't stand a chance at being by your side since someone else has an interest in you."

Jolyne asks "Huh? What’re ya talking about?"

Haru spoke "What Muta was trying to tell you is that he really likes you but someone else also likes you."

Anastasia sighs "Muta, a word."

Muta sighs "What...?"

I put a bubble of silence on the two males so that they could talk things out.

Chameleo spoke "You know, when Jotaro was a teen, high-school girls just flocked to him. Same with Josuke and Giorno."

Haru spoke "Many of the she-cats took one look at Muta but they only saw him as Renaldo Moon... Due to what he had done... Nobody could love a thief..."

I spoke "My high school years were rough though, people picked on me by dropping things like money on the ground..."

Chameleo spoke "I think Anastasia can understand Muta about being a former criminal. And when I was in ninja school, I was treated like dirt. The adults glared at me like they hated me for even existing. But thanks to meeting Swampsuke, Primakura and Crawkashi-sensei, I managed to become a ninja and help others."

Twilight spoke "Try having a tailed beast sealed inside since birth, Kurama was the reason why most ponies didn't get near me."

Chameleo spoke "I can understand that, since Rivershifu and Articuno were sealed in me when I was hatched."

Twilight spoke "Midnight's different from everyone else because of what he is but he doesn't let the hateful words bother him."

I spoke "I got called a female dog one time when I was in my last year of high school."

Chameleo spoke "*Wince!* That’s just harsh."

I spoke "I was close to slapping the brat that had said that terrible word but I knew what would happen if I had snapped."

Chameleo chuckles "Smart move. Ya know, you’re kinda like Princess Vivi when she was a kid. “King” Wapol of “Drum Kingdom” just slapped her just for kicks after the summit meeting, but she didn’t cry, knowing it could’ve caused a war, and simply apologized, annoying Wapol enough to make him leave."

Nami spoke "I remember that!"

Chameleo asks "Guess Vivi told you about that, huh?"

Nami spoke "Yeah she did."

Chameleo spoke "Even though she stayed behind to help her kingdom, she is an honorary Straw Hat Pirate."

Twilight spoke "The weight of the crown in any world is heavy."

Chameleo spoke "Yep, like being a Mizukage."

I spoke "Or being an Alpha-Queen."

I looked at Anastasia and Muta and saw that they shook hands.

Haru asks "Well?"

“Maybe I should get rid of the bubble first.” I noted.

Using a claw on my right forepaw, I pop the bubble.

Muta spoke "Anastasia and I came to an agreement that we’d accept whatever choice you’d choose, Jolyne."

So, I had to ask Jolyne the big question.

Haru spoke "Not to mention... Polyandry is illegal in many places. It's enough that Manic has two wives though."

Chameleo asks "*Concerned* Should I be involved in this?"

Haru asks "What do you think Jolyne?"

Jolyne certainly seemed to be struggling with making a choice.

All of a sudden, the sound of a sword clashing with something was heard.

A blonde Mobian she-cat was fighting with Pale Snake.

The blonde Mobian she-cat spoke "PISS OFF!!!"

But when she slashed Pale Snake, he vanished, revealed to have been an illusion.

Blonde Mobian she-cat spoke "Quit hiding like a damned coward or I kill your user!"

Sonic spoke "*sweatdrop* That's Andromeda... She's one of Blaze's cousins on Phoebus's side of the family... She's got a rather short temper, but it's not as bad as Danyelle's temper."

Muta started looking like quite the smitten kitten as he walked towards Andromeda.

Haru grabs Muta by the ear.

Haru spoke "She's out of your league Moo-ta."

What Haru had called Muta soon causes Jolyne to giggle.

Muta sighs "Laugh it up Jolyne..."

Anastasia spoke "That is quite amusing."

I whisper all of Muta's embarrassing nicknames into Jolyne's ear, making her laugh.

Muta started blushing like crazy in embarrassment before Andromeda noticed Anastasia, instantly becoming smitten with him.

Twilight giggles "This could work out."

Chameleo spoke "Huh. Oh well, better get back to my own universe."

A portal opened as Chameleo exited through it.

I spoke "Bye Chameleo."

Yugi asks "So what now?"

Seto spoke "We need to find Pucci."

Joey spoke "As much as I would agree with ya Kaiba, we don’t even know where that jerk even is!"

I spoke "Tagging him with magic is a no-go since Pale Snake would know but despite that, I stuck a tracking spell in Pucci's brain and it's immune to Stand power. I know where that prick is."

But then I suddenly got a headache.

I yowl "GAH!!!!!!"

Ben woke up from my yowl, “Babe! Are you alright?”

A loud thud was followed by a yelp from Joey since I had fainted.

Haru spoke "Bending can't be taken by a Stand which is good for us though, only Korra and her descendants have that ability to strip someone of bending."

Yugi was laughing since Joey had gotten squished.

Tristan laughed a bit too.

Haru asks "Anyone seen the pink catgirl?"

Yuki asks "You talking about Moeka?"

Haru spoke "The OTHER pink cat! She's GONE!!!"


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