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The Race Has Begun!

*Michiru's POV*

Some time after the festival, a race had been announced and many of the speedsters were riled up about it.

“I’m really excited.” I admitted.

Nazuna was in fox Mobian form.

Nazuna spoke "Same here."

Danyelle spoke "This oughta be interesting to say the least since the finish line is in Zephyr Heights."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Now that’ll be a real hike."

Danyelle spoke "All forms of bending is off limits since it can cause problems for others."

Estelle spoke "I wanna race too!"

Danyelle spoke "If the Starscout sisters and their parents were able to handle it, then so can the others!"

Valerie and Davilfin showed up.

And to my surprise, the two whippet cousins showed up as well.

Annabelle spoke "No flying huh? That might be hard for some of us though..."

Nazuna spoke "Especially the harpies though."

I spoke "Yeah, they'll have the hardest time since they rarely walk."

Fuli showed up.

Twilight was writing up a list of the participants since the idea had been Sunny's in the first place.

Twilight spoke "The ones that are taking part are Tails, Sonic, Jet, Shadow, Maria, Danyelle, Sunny, Honey, Izzy, Cherry Blossom, the Straw Hat Pirates, Shion, Benimaru, Souka, Souei, Michiru, Nazuna, Cadence, Korra, Flurry, Akari, Argyle, Rainbow Dash, Azure, Cookie, Bold, Soarin, Spitfire, Cyan, Retoree, Fleetfoot, Jato, Haven, Rarity, Blizzardstar, Applejack, Crosswind, Fluttershy, Flowerstep, Blaze, Lan, Maylu, Ethan, Lyra, Roll, Megaman, Estelle, Yuri and myself. Normally Zecora and Miia would take part but since they don't do well in cold weather, they're currently hibernating so Cerea and Doppio will take their places in the race."

Danyelle spoke "That’s a LOT."

Estelle spoke "Yeah, it is."

Twilight spoke "Though Sunny and Honey know the route, they will have a three minute delay."

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough."

Twilight spoke "Although... With Roll and Megaman, they can't stray too far from Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, it's because of my 2DS."

I spoke "I'll tag team with Nazuna though."

Nazuna asks "*excited gasp* Really?"

I spoke "We're a team after all Nazuna."

Nazuna hugged me.

Twilight spoke "Alright contestants, listen up! There are a few rules in place so that nobody is caught cheating. Rule #1, no flying. Rule #2, no magic. Rule #3, no bending. As for rule #4, I don't think Danyelle would be too happy if I said that no blastia were allowed since she has one. Rule #5, be fair to others. Rule #6, no Extreme Gear. I now hand the reins to Clarity since she is overseeing the race."

Clarity spoke "The point of this race is to run so as Twilight just said, no flying is allowed. Sunny Starscout and Honey Charm know the route so they, Izzy and Cherry will be having a three minute delay. Racers! On your marks, get set.... GO!!!!"

And with that, all but four of the racers take off running.

Music then started playing.

I carried Nazuna on my back as I galloped along the route.

Sunny, Honey, Izzy and Cherry soon dart off to catch up.

I looked ahead and saw Valerie and Davilfin running with the others in their restraint forms.

Glancing back, Twilight spoke "Uh, you two were not in the roster!"

Running on all fours, Danyelle spoke "Twilight never called their names though... Nor yours!"

Sumarda spoke "I’m only spectating. Don’t you see me floating? I’m not in the race if I’m just spectating."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight never called out Valerie's name though. The roster has about 60 people."

Sumarda asks "Don’t worry. Valerie and Davilfin told me that they were trying out the race and they’ll drop out after the first checkpoint. There is a checkpoint, right?"

A loud "Oh Crap!" was heard from Retoree.

Sumarda asks "What was that?"

Twilight spoke "That was a Diamond Dog, Golden Retriever breed..."

Sumarda asks "What happened back there?"

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "15 tree lengths ahead, there's been a cave in! 10 racers are trapped!"

Sumarda gasps "What?!"

Catching up, Izzy spoke "We should help them out!"

Sumarda asks "Should I take care of things?"

Twilight spoke "We can manage on our own."

Sumarda asks "You sure?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Sumarda spoke "Okay."

After the mess was cleaned up, the race was back under way.

Danyelle soon took the lead, leaping over fallen trees and swerving around large rocks.

Sumarda exclaims "Whoa! Talk about using the field to your advantage."

Danyelle spoke "I was second place in the Running of the Leaves race long ago."

Sumarda asks "Oh. Is there any checkpoints up ahead?"

Izzy spoke "Yeah, 5 tree lengths ahead."

Sumarda spoke "Cool."

Cadence spoke "I'm so not used to this...."

The group rests for a while as Danyelle and Sanji whipped up some light meals for everyone.

Sumarda spoke "Talk about good timing."

Sunny spoke "No point of running on an empty stomach."

Roll spoke "Mega and I aren't even tired one bit."

Although, there were some that had huge appetites.

Twilight chows down on a large salad.

Goku and Luffy were eating truckloads, same with Valerie and Davilfin.

Danyelle tore into a large tuna she had stored in her hammerspace since food doesn't spoil in it.

The herbivores were in a separate group since they didn't like watching the carnivores eat.

Danyelle asks "How you holding up Luffy?"

Luffy just belched.

Danyelle and the others chuckle.

Cadence spoke "A princess doesn't burp though."

Sumarda asks "Uh, remember Princess Fiona in Shrek 2?"

Danyelle burped louder than Luffy did.

Cadence spoke "I don't know that movie, sorry."

Sumarda spoke "And Danyelle just belched."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, tuna is rather bad for cats...."

Soon, the race was back on!

Crosswind had the lead with Danyelle right behind hir.

But as Sumarda said, after eating their huge meal, Valerie and Davilfin willingly and voluntarily dropped out of the race, saying they were only checking out the race.

A loud roar was soon heard.

I spoke "That wasn't me!"

Nazuna spoke "Sounds like trouble..."

Danyelle and Sonic veer off to deal with the dragon before rejoining the race.

“Having fun?” I asked Nazuna.

Nazuna spoke "Yeah! It's almost like horse racing back home!"

Nazuna held onto my mane as I gallop faster, passing by Cadence and Flurry.

Flurry spoke "Hey!"

Cadence spoke "That method is strange though..."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, horseback riding is a foreign concept to ponies..."

Cadence and Flurry dropped a bead of sweat at that.

Danyelle spoke "Later!"

Danyelle zooms off.

Danyelle zips past Rainbow.

Danyelle spoke "EAT MY DUST SKITTLES!!!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh, it’s on!"

Rainbow Dash started running faster, catching up to Danyelle.

This had also prompted Applejack and Crosswind to speed up.

Cherry Blossom was suddenly ahead of the four.

Danyelle and Rainbow Dash gasp "What the?!"

Cherry spoke "Eat my dust Rainbow!"

But that only made Danyelle and Rainbow Dash more motivated as they started going faster.

Twilight spoke "Slow down you two! Mach cones are starting to form!"

But the two didn’t listen as they started going faster.

Bold's body crackles with static as he galloped full speed, pulling off the sonic staticboom in the process thus passing by his mother.

Bold spoke "See you at the finish line mom!"

That made Danyelle and Rainbow Dash more confident as they pulled off a Fireboom and Rainboom, catching up with Bold.

A triple windboom was seen since Sonic zoomed past the five.

Sonic spoke "Later Crash!"

The five soon broke the sound barrier two more times as they caught up with Sonic.

Twilight spoke "If that's how they want it....."

Drawing on Kurama's strong muscles, Twilight shot past the six thus pulling off a Sparkleboom.

I spoke "Damn, I'll never keep up with those seven!"

Nazuna spoke "Maybe you can’t, but we can, together!"

I spoke "The racers are forbidden to use their wings and magic."

Nazuna spoke "Drat! I forgot!"

But then Jet zoomed past us.

I spoke "Guess Twilight forgot to mention that Extreme Gear were not allowed either...."

But then Jet was suddenly teleported out of the race path.

I spoke "Serves him right!"

But then the two of us ran past a fight cloud, and we could guess who was in it.

Shadow suddenly got teleported out of the race path since his shoes were Extreme Gear.

Shadow attacked Jet in a fit of anger, kicking up a fight cloud.

The finish line was in sight, but no other racers were there.

I spoke "I bet they got caught up in that fight cloud..."

A yowl was heard as Danyelle broke free of the fight cloud as she caught up to me and Nazuna.

Nazuna spoke "Step on it Michi!"

“On it!” I responded as the duo of me and Nazuna, and Danyelle were neck and neck as we crossed the finish line, but no one had any idea who won.

As soon as the clouds cleared, it was a shocker that I had leapt further than Danyelle thus nabbing first and second place since I had teamed up with Nazuna.

Danyelle spoke "Wow… Nice job, girls."

A bruised Crosswind limped across the finish line at the same time as Blizzardstar.

Medals were handed out to the nine.

Annabelle spoke "Guess the emohog and the green featherduster broke rule #6 which got them eliminated."

Belladonna scoffs "I’m surprised and not surprised."

Firebrand showed up with the baby hybrid. “Gyaa!”

Annabelle spoke "She looks like a little Valkyrie, brave and strong. Just like her dad."

Belladonna spoke "Valkyrie? A bit on the light side, but it’s good. Still, Firebrand and I have decided that our daughter’s nickname is Val."

Firebrand spoke "Gyaa!"

The baby chirped/yipped, liking it.

Annabelle spoke "I bet she'll be a tough girl once she grows up."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeah, but she looks so cute, she doesn’t even look scary."

Rainbow Dash tries to tickle Val with her wing as she started to giggle a bit, before the Pegasus mare found herself lifted up into the air.

I spoke "Looks like telekinesis..."

Nazuna spoke "Uh… I think you wanna look again."

I looked at Val, only to be shocked to see that the baby hybrid was actually lifting Rainbow Dash, before Val let go as the Pegasus flew down, seeing the grabbed feather really roughed up.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Ouch… powerful little tyke."

I spoke "She's just like her dad, a real powerhouse."

Val then chirped, breathing out a bit of fire before she flapped her wings.

Korra spoke "And there's a new problem... Only those that are descended from me can have multiple elements...."

Firebrand dropped a bead of sweat.

Annabelle spoke "Two firebenders usually results in firebender children..."

A winged foxcat boy was chasing his twin sister.

Ralph was leaning against Yue while napping as their two children chase each other about.

Val then cutely winked, before all of us around her except Firebrand, Belladonna and Annabelle couldn’t stop gushing about how cute she looked.

Firebrand chuckles "Gyaa gya gya, gyaa gygygya. {And just like her mother, she’s a real charmer.}"

Danyelle giggles "I bet that she'll be quite the looker once she's grown up."

A female Mobian Barn Owl crashed into a glass window.

The female groans "Ouch...."

Danyelle gasped at the sight as if she remembers her.

The female asks "D-Danyelle Doucet?"

Danyelle suddenly started crying tears of joy as she hugged the owl.

Reshay returned the hug.

Reshay spoke "You ninny."


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