• Published 3rd Nov 2022
  • 927 Views, 11 Comments

Shell Shocks: Allspark Beyond - Dinomite123

Mikey quits the team and travels to a dimension and became a star. But then he begins a new journey that involves ninjitsu and Autobots!

  • ...

Training in Session

At Mikey's mansion, Mikey was leading the whole gang up to the building and to the final floor.

"Okay, this is it." Mikey said.

"Is your apartment really going to be a fortune?" Smolder asked.

"Trust me, Smolder. This home felicity was a total man cave when I first moved in here."

As Mikey opened the door, Everyone's eyes sparkled and drooled as they saw how awesome Mikey's apartment was.

"This is so cool!" Silverstream squeaked.

"It's like an outstanding superstar house." Scootaloo said.

"I can't believe we are finally in Nunchucku Mike's mansion." Ava beamed.

"Welcome to Nunchuku Mike's hub. Greatest gigantic view windows, secured security in the front door. When not performing in public, there is a radical living space. And there is also, enough space for me, Napoleon, the Young Six, the Rock "N" Beats, and for you girls and Griffin to have our own separate bedrooms."

"How much does it take to build huge space for all of us?" Half Note asked.

"I'll bet it took a thousand dollars to build all of this." Melody commented.

"Got you all covered, and if anyone's hungry, got that covered too. And just like the old sewer den we have an awesome tv, a lab, a gym, and especially...a dojo."

"Wow, it really is starting to feel like the lair back in New York. But who's paid for all of this?" Bright Eyes asked.

"I'm sure some billionaires predicted our future space." Mikey answered.

"Okay, now you to tell us how you were able to take that vulture to the ground." Ava reminded.

"I'll explain that in the dojo."

Mikey lead them to the dojo, and made them sit on the carpet.

"As you Poparazzi's know, especially you, Janell. I'm not who you think I am." Mikey said.

"What do you mean?" Janell asked.

Mikey explained the whole story, about him being a regular turtle until he was mutated into his form. Him being trained by Splinter, fighting many battles with his brothers and friends, defeating Shredder, and the incident at Battle Nexus.

"So let me get this straight. You were once a regular turtle until you were splashed by an alien ooze. And spent your lives in the sewer, training to be ninjas. And You fought mutants, ninjas, and alien robots. And then quit after a bulky jaguar gave you a scar?" Griffin said.

"Yep, that's correct." Mikey corrected

"We were all there when it happened." Bright Eyes said.

"Except for us." Sweetheart pointed out.

"I had no idea, I'm sorry that happened you." Olivia said.

"Thanks. Now that you know who I am...you'll probably not think of me as the turtle you thought I was."

"Your a mutant, so what? Your still one of us." Janell replied. "I mean, you may not be the kind of turtle that we thought you were. But your still a turtle."

"And your still handsome." Stacey said.

"That's great for you two to say, but it doesn't change the fact about the past." Mikey frowned.

"And why would your full name be, Michelangelo?" Gary asked.

"That's just how my father named me."

"So, does this mean your going back to being a ninja?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Mikey knew he already made his choice, he remembered what Splinter told him. He is facing a challenge he cannot face alone. And he believed he knew what he meant.

"Master Splinter said this a journey I'm facing, and I cannot face it alone."

"Well good, cause your gonna need us." Bright Eyes replied.

"Yeah, we've already proven ourselves that when it comes to kids, they can sometimes be ninjas too." Half Note said.

"Oh, it's not just you guys. I have decided to pick you popstars to be in the team." Mikey said, pointing to the Poparazzi's, Griffin and Gary.

"What? Why do you gotta drag us into it? We're just stars, we don't know anything about martial arts." Griffin exclaimed.

"Trust me, my father trained me and my brothers for years. We've learned the abilities and skills of ninjutsu. Me and my brothers learned so much that we were able to trained others, like you guys."

"But how can we learn what you've learned?" Olivia asked. "All we've learned through out the years is music. How can we even learn to fight? We're just girls."

"You think girls can't fight too?" Mikey asked. "I fought with friends who were girls and we made them kunoichi's "female ninjas". Why not do the same to you girls?"

"Well, fighting is just not my style." Stacy said.

"Look, I know this sounds crazy, but I want to help you girls so you can help us. We can be way more."

"Trust us, we know about ninjutsu." Sandbar said.

"Well, I've taken gymnastics', maybe I can do some moves." Janell quoted.

"That'll work."

"And maybe we can do some optical courses."

Mikey then stood like a teacher preparing his students.

"All then, let's get started."

Later in the dojo, Mikey begins the training session by showing them kata moves.

"Okay, now the basics of being a ninja is learning the moves." Mikey instructed. "So watch me as I demonstrate."

Mikey shows off his massive and cunning moves in front of them.

"Now join me and follow along as show you the kata's."

Then they joined in and mimicked every move that Mikey showed.

"Now that's what I call a close cutting slicer." Mikey joked.

Later, Mikey laid a bubble wrap for a stealth lesson.

"Alright, by testing your stealth, see if you can cross this long bubble wrap without popping any of these bubbles."

Mikey show them an example by pasting the bubbles of the wrapper with a quick leap and a speed run. At last he made it to the end.

"Now you go."

Janell took a little step onto the bubble wrap and then accidentally popped one. She tried again and popped another one.

"Dude, I love bubble wraps." Gary said as he jumped in and popped a bubble.

The rest joined in and playfully stared popping the bubbles of the wrapper.

"Enough, take your training seriously." Mikey exclaimed. "Ninjutsu is not a game."

Later, he showed Griffin the basics of breaking a plank in half with his bare hand. He showed Gary the skill of throwing shuriken's at the target. He showed Janell how to jump from log to log. He taught Stacey how to meditate with relaxation and focus. He also taught Olivia the katas of Japanese culture. And he showed Ava how to fight with practice staff.

"All right, Ava. Now you'll need to learn how to defend yourself and capture a Magoffin by...grabbing that bowl of ramen!" Mikey instructed.

"Okay then. I love ramen noodles." Ava said.

Then she walked towards the trophy award until...Sandbar, Sweetie Belle, Ace, Smolder, and Gallus dressed as ninjas came out of everywhere and were ready to fight. Ava was unaware of that to happen, so she had to act quick.

They all charged and swung their practice weapons at her, but she ducked and curved out the way to avoid the weapons attack. Then she got serious and started to attack. She dodge kicked Sandbar in the stomach, tripped Gallus and Ace, tackled Smolder and Sweetie Belle. She finally made it to the steaming bowl of noodles.

"Now, that's a scrumptious way to get a bowl of noodles." She said as she digs into the bowl.

Later, Mikey was ready to give them their weapons.

"Now, the most important part of being a ninja...is having weapons." Mikey said.

"I don't know, weapons are not my thing." Ava complained.

"Your weapons are your protection. You'll get use to them."

He unrolled a rolled up cloth revealing their new weapons.

Griffin takes the Odachi sword, Gary takes the Escrima Sticks, Janell takes the Kamas, Ava takes the Kunai Knives, Oliva takes the Toya Staff, and Stacy takes a steel fighting fan.

"Remember, these weapons are meant to be use with honor and ability. Use them for protection and honorably."

"So, we're suppose to use these to harm bad guys?" Gary asked.

"No, the rule of being a ninja is do no harm." Mikey answered.

"How are we suppose to use these without harm?" Oliva asked.

"You'll see."

Mikey showed them weapon kata instructions and taught each of them the kata's of how to use their weapons correctly.

"Okay, Janell, now the skills of the Kamas are simple." Mikey said to Janell.

"Have you ever used these before?" She asked.

"Sure, plenty of times."

Mikey used sparring sticks for a practice duel with her. As they started sparring attacks, Janell was trying her best to strike every clash that Mikey was brining up.

"Focus." He said.

"How can I if your attacking to recklessly?" She said, struggling.

As Mikey got carried away and accidentally tripped and landed on Janell and collapses onto the floor. They all looked at each other in both lovestruck and embarrassment.

"Aww, you two look so cute together." Oliva teased as the others giggled.

They both got up feeling embarrassed.

Throughout all the training, Mikey trained them with the sparring staffs, the taekwondo, the exercises, and stealth. At last they have reached to their end.

"Now for the grand finale, you all are gonna reach the finish line." Mikey said pointing to that little red line.

"Huh, that seems easy." Griffin said.

Then the young ninjas come out disguised as ninjas and drawed their practice swords.

"See if it's easy going pass eighteen ninjas."

They pulled out their sparring staffs and charged. Each of them were able use them the right way and to beat them and each one of them touched the finish line one by one. At last all of them made it to the finish line.

"Well done, my students. You have reached the final destination of your training." Mikey announced.

"Yep, you both got us real good." Sandbar groaned in pain.

"Why don't we celebrate by scarfing our mouths' with pizza." Mikey said.

"Oh yeah, that's a moment I'm looking forward to." Smolder cheered.

Later, Mikey's door bell rang. He opened the door to see it was the pizza guy with the pizza the pizza that he ordered.

"Did somebody ordered the Old-School Italian Pizza?" The pizza boy asked.

"Yep, that's me." Mikey said as he took the pizza box.

"That'll be $ 13.00."

Mikey handed him money and returned to the kitchen with a scrumptious pizza.

"Dinner is served."

Everyone began to scarf down the delicious slices of pizza.

"You know, it was really hard to push our limits to be a part of your team. But, thanks for teaching us ways of the ninja." Ava said, munching on some pizza.

"Why your welcome, your kindness. Now that you've learned my masters teachings, this will be your first butt kicking ever." Mikey chuckled. "And most of all...you guys can be my students."

"Yeah, right. There's no way your gonna be a strict and underhanded teacher." Griffin joked.

"No, but I will be your sensei."

"Mikey, you've always been our sensei. You've always taught us better ways of ninja." Bright Eyes pointed out.

"I know, but for them...they'll have to learn Splinter strict lessons." He pointed to them.

"Hey, don't take advantage of being our teacher. Just because you taught us these things doesn't mean you can start acting like your master." Olivia said.

"Well let's hope that you guys don't do any mischiefs, that way I won't have to treat you all like Splinter did.

They all laughed at Mikey's comment. Sure they're music stars, but they will become the coolest ninjas ever. And also...a new team will be born.

Author's Note:

.Mikey training the Poparazzi's, Griffin and Gary was based on Po's training from the Dreamworks movie "Kung Fu Panda" and Robin training Beast Boy in the episode of Teen Titans Go! "The Art of Ninjutsu"

Comments ( 8 )

Who is Jagwar and where is he from?

Will Mikey reunite with his friends? Just asking.

Yes he will, once he and the rest of the team and Autobots rescue them from the Decepticons.

Jagwar was from a dimension of spartan-like warrior cat, where he was the strongest and most brutal fighter in his entire dimension and his real name Albirn.

Link:Jagwar by jebens1 on DeviantArt

What is anamania? Is it one of the shows?

It's actually something me and WarriorofFaith18 made up.

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