• Published 3rd Nov 2022
  • 906 Views, 11 Comments

Shell Shocks: Allspark Beyond - Dinomite123

Mikey quits the team and travels to a dimension and became a star. But then he begins a new journey that involves ninjitsu and Autobots!

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A New Adventure Begins

In Equestria, there was a building resting atop the pond with a few waterfalls flowing down at its sides and behind it. It looked like a condo, except it isn't. It was actually a school. And inside the library there were young six students sitting around studying. There was Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Yona, Ocellus, and Silverstream. They were trying to study and understand for today's assignments.

"Come on, guys. We gotta finish our homework if we ever want to complete our class assignment." Sandbar said.

"And enough credit to graduate." Gallus replied.

"Hopefully, Headmare Twilight won't give us a bad grade if we only mess up a little." Smolder complained.

Later, it was class dismissal and the six students walked out of the classroom along with the other students.

"I can't believe we actually succeeded!" Silverstream cheered.

"Yeah, and now we finally have the rest of the day to ourselves." Sandbar replied.

"Oh, Yona can't wait!" Yona said.

But first they went into the meeting room, and there they saw picture frames of their wonderful teacher, Fluttershy with her eyes widen and shocked faces from the camera flash.

"You remember Fluttershy got the best teacher of the month frames seventeen times?" Gallus Laughed.

"Yep, she sure did know how to conquer boredom into happiness." Ocellus said.

They then saw a picture frame that was actually one of their greatest teachers that was wise and aware...Michelangelo.

"But the only other pony who ever won teacher of the month was, Sensei Mikey." Sandbar said.

"And Rainbow Dash and Applejack wanted their pictures on the frames so bad, but they never got them." Smolder replied. "Not after accidentally putting us in danger in the river."

"You know, I really miss Sensei Mike. It's been months since he left the team." Gallus sighed.

"I know, and I can't believe those so called professors would do such a horrible thing to him. After everything they taught us and everyone else." Sliverstream Exclaimed.

"Those were their counterparts, remember." Sandbar reminded.

"I know, but just thinking about I makes me feel like they betrayed the elements of harmony."

"And we were all there when it happen." Gallus said.

"Let's just go home you guys."

As the Young Six walked out of the meeting room and into the hallway, they heard an electrical sound echoing through out the hallway.

"What was that?" Yona asked.

"I think it's coming from the library."

They ran into the library and looked everywhere, the bookshelves, under the tables, and the beanbags.

"Nothing. I don't get it." Smolder shrugged.

They then turned to see the vent hole which was lighting up.

"It's coming from the vent."

"Wait, isn't that the same vent that had the mysterious cave with that spiritual astral Twilight?" Ocellus asked.

"Who cares, we gotta check out what's going on down there."

Smolder opened the vent seal and looked down and saw that the crystal roots were glowing pink. Each one of them jumped right into the hole. None of them understood what was going on, until they see a pink triangle portal that leads where ever they suggest.

"Whoa, what is that?" Yona asked.

"Remember when Blade told his backstory of how he got mutated and study the arts of ninjitsu?" Gallus reminded.

"Your right, that must be the same portal that he stepped into." Smolder said.

"I don't know for sure that it might be the same."

"Should we take a peek?" Silverstream asked.

They looked at each other for agreement.

"I guess a peek wouldn't hurt. Yona, you should go first."

Yona took steps closer to the portal and put her head inside to take a look. As she peek on out, she looked out of the zone.

"You okay, Yona?" Sandbar asked

"Oh, Yona saw all things! She saw a huge city like manhattan and she saw different creatures that were like the humans we saw in the the world!" She answered in amazement.

"What are talking about?"

"The all of you should see for yourselves."

Smolder peeped her head into the portal for a peek. Then she picked her head out with amazement.

"Whoa, I see what your saying!" Smolder said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's see what's behind that portal." Sandbar demanded.

"Are you sure you guys? Because I'm more concerned that it might be to danger." Sliverstream said.

"Oh grow up and let's go!" Sandbar scolded.

"Wait, just in case if there is danger, let's grab our weapons." Smolder said.

They speed back to the dojo room to grab their weapons.

"What are you guys doing?"

They turned to the voice from a filly named Bright Eyes and with her brother named Teddy and another filly named Lancer.

"Oh, Bright Eyes! Were just...uh..."

"We're going on another adventure." Yona admitted.

The Young Six chided Yona for spilling the beans.

"Well, that's a suspicious explanation." Lancer said.

"How typical." Teddy

"Your going on an adventure, and you didn't invite us." Bright Eyes exclaimed.

"We didn't think you two would be interested." Gallus said.

"What? Of course we'd be interested. Even after the last adventure, we're always excited for new ones."

"Then grab your weapons, mite!" Gallus mimicked.

Bright Eyes, Teddy and Lancer grabbed their weapons on the racks and speeded with the Young Six and were heading to the cave where the portal.

"Wait! Are really gonna leave without letting our anyone know?" Ocellus interrupted.

She had a pointed, so they thought about how they would let their guardians or Princess Twilight know that they'll be gone.

"I know, why don't each of us just send them letters to know that we're on a quest?" Bright Eyes pointed out.

"That's a great idea."

In the library, the group were writing letters to their guardians know that they'll be gone.

"Okay, they're all done."

"Now all we gotta do is give these notes to Spike and we'll be good to go." Bright Eyes confirmed.

Then Spike the executive dragon assistant walked in and then saw them.

"Oh, hey guys. I was just checking in the library for some books about Pukwudgie's." Spike said. "What are you guys still doing here?"

"Spike, give these to Headmare Twilight to give our guardians." Lancer ordered as he gave the rolled up letters to Spike.

"What for?"

"We're going on a quest! And we might be gone awhile." Ocellus said.

"Alone? But can you face a challenge all by yourselves?" Spike asked.

"In case you've forgotten, we've proven that even with young ones like us can be great ninjas." Teddy said.

"Don't worry, Spike, we got this." Lancer said. "We are ninjas now. And we take care of whatever stands in our way."

"I'm not sure about this, guys."

"What's there to be concerned about? We've overcame our fears in that mysterious cave, we saved the tree of harmony, and we helped defeat Cozy Glow" Sliverstream said.

"Besides, we also took out Jagwar."

"No, Gennosuke took out Jagwar." Sandbar commented.

"We were there, old Jagwar did his sword strike with a half gainer...right into Gennosuke"s hands!" Yona whooped.

"Don't worry about us, Spike. We can take care of ourselves." Bright Eyes said.

"Well, alright then. But I'm still concerned about this." Spike said as he blew his green fire breath on the rolled up letters as they disappear.

"Let's go, guys."

They all headed down to the vent which had the mysterious cave. They all looked at the portal and were ready for their new adventure.

"You guys ready?" Bright Eyes asked.

"Yeah!" They both shouted.

They all ran right into the portal for an adventure that awaits them.

Meanwhile, in a counterpart dimension, in a soccer field there was a kid named, Ace running through the field practicing his soccer limits. He was kicking the ball all the way through to the area where the soccer net. At last he kicked the ball right into the net. Other kids who he knew named, Half Note, Sweetheart, Patch, Clover Bloom, and Medoly were watching him and applauded at his score.

"And, Ace the awesomeness has now scored 50 points." Half Note said as she raised out a sign that said fifty points.

"Hm, now you can top that up on the scoreboard." Ace smiled.

"We've sitting here watching you score your own ball for an hour." Patch complained. "Why don't we just break for lunch?"

"Yeah, I'm famished." Sweetheart said.

"Alright. You guys don't have to be so fussy about this."

They went over to the side of the field to sit down for lunch.

"I can't believe we haven't seen the girls and the turtles ever since that battle nexus incident." Melody said.

"I know, can you believe the abandonment that they did to their own brother." Ace replied as he bit into his sandwich.

"You are you kidding me? We weren't even there when it happen." Patch said.

"I know, but they thought us loyalty and just threw it away. Now that's unloyal."

"And now that Mikey quitted the team, where could he be now?" Clover Bloom asked.

"Who knows? Where ever he is out there, I'm sure he's save somewhere." Ace pondered as he continued to eat his lunch.

After lunch, the young kids decided to visit Canterlot High. They looked at the statue of a horse that was still destroyed from the blast from Midnight Sparkle at the Friendship Games.

"Would you look that, the statue still hasn't been rebuild." Patch said.

"I know, I can't believe one giant blast from Twilight's evil form destroyed the whole thing." Melody commented.

"And they could've hired sculpture guys to fix it." Ace replied

They then turned over the front where the portal to Equestria is.

"When's Bright Eyes ever gonna return for a visit?"

"Who knows? Face it, things still wouldn't be the same after last time.

Suddenly, the portal began to open with a pink electrical struck. The portal looked way different from the last time Sunset Shimmer went in it. It now looked Kraang portal.

"Whoa, what just happened." Clover Bloom asked in shocked.

"I remember them talking about Kraang stuff and portals. And this might be another one." Ace answered.

"You know they also explored new portals in a dimension full of them." Melody said.

"Could this portal lead to it?"

"I guess stepping into it is the best way to find out."

Ace was ready to step in the portal.

"Wait, this could be dangerous, Ace." Melody said.

"Yeah, so? we've trained in the arts of the ninja. So we can take care of ourselves." Ace pointed out.

"But what about our weapons?" Sweetheart asked.

"I heard the advice from, Leo that his master taught him that anything can be a weapon."

"Fair point."

And so, the Rock "N" Beats stepped right the portal to start a new adventure. They'll soon realize that they're not the only ones who stepped a portal. They will also be part of an upcoming team that will unexpected and awesome.