• Published 25th Aug 2022
  • 358 Views, 3 Comments

A life full of surprises and changes - Dark Harmony00

What will happen when Celestia and Luna find themselves alone against the world?

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Chapter 4

Celestia and Luna organized the annual event “the great galloping galà” at their castle. They had invited all the ponies from every place, and of course Princess Love, Sombra and Discord as well. They decided to send the invitation to StarSwirl as well, but they weren’t sure if it would go, but they hoped so. It was a month before the big event, and all the ponies in the castle were in great turmoil, everyone had to do their homework to make everything go well. Celestia and Luna took care of assigning them their duties, and envisioning the whole thing.

On one issue, however, they disagreed:

“I told you it’s not necessary! We’re going to give a simple party, what do you want to happen?” Celestia Said

“Are you serious?! Do you call it a “simple party?” This event will be attended by every single pony from different places, some of which we don't even know there! You should have invited only the ponies we trust, only our people! What if there was a threat, among all those ponies? Someone who wants to hurt us?” Luna said angry

“Oh Luna, how exasperating you are! Why do you always have to think about the worst? I invited all these ponies to get to know us, to make new alliances that could be of great help to us, to help each other, to create a UNITED nation!” Celestia replied screaming

“You are so blinded by your pride, that you don’t realize the danger! We should put up defenses to protect the castle and our guards,” Luna said calmly

“But so they will think that we want to control them, that we don’t trust them! Luna listen, I understand your fears, I know you are saying it for our sake, and I thank you, but you have to trust me, all this is not necessary, we have not suffered any threat in all these years, and then they would have no reason to do so. Try to stay calm sister, in fact, I will continue to take care of everything, you need to rest and relax.” Celestia said softly

“But Celestia, I want to help you, really! Please let me take care of the defenses, I will think of everything. I would be calmer,” Luna said

“The only thing you should take care of are your duties. I will take care of mine and you take care of yours. As I already told you, thank you for the advice, but I have already made my choice. Trust your older sister, I know how these things work," Celestia replied

“Stop talking to me, as if I were talking to a 2-year-old foal! I also know how these things work, and I also know what happens when you don't want to admit reality!” Luna said using the royal voice

“Then stop acting like that! I already told you what I think. The discussion ends here!” Celestia said going away and slamming the door

“You’ll also be the princess of the sun, but I don’t take orders from you! I will show you that you are wrong!” Luna said in a low voice, going to the library and starting to do some research.

The weeks passed quickly, everything was ready, there were only a few hours left for the big event.
Both Celestia and Luna were getting ready. Luna had opted for a simple hairstyle, with central braids and partially collected mane. Celestia, on the other hand, had opted for a tall hairstyle, a low bun, with two strands falling to the sides of her face.

Luna had chosen a dress with galaxies, Celestia instead opted for a peach-colored dress, with a ghost in the shape of a yellow sun.

The castle began to fill up quickly, the first to arrive were Princess Amore and Sombra. Then came Discord, and it started to create some havoc. The ponies of the aristocracy also arrived, followed by the other classes.

Celestia and Luna came down from the long staircase, and started the party.

Princess Amore approached the two sisters, followed by Sombra

“You are gorgeous,” said Amore with a smile

“You too,” Celestia replied

“I hadn’t been attending a party in a long time, thank you for inviting me”

“How could we not invite you?” Luna replied with a smile

“Celestia, Luna, you are magnificent tonight,” Sombra said
“Just tonight?” Celestia said raising an eyebrow

“No no. I wanted to say that you are always magnificent, but today you are even more so,” Sombra said blushing

Celestia burst out laughing

“I was joking Sombra, don’t worry”

“I think I’m going to the buffet,” said Amore walking away

“Go ahead, I’ll join you soon,” Celestia replied

“Luna, would you like to dance with me?” He asked Sombra gently

Luna blushed

“Do you want me to talk to you?”

“Yes, whenever you want,” Sombra said

“I think I should open the dances first, what about Sombra?” Celestia said approaching him

Suddenly Discord appeared.

“Has anyone said he wants to dance? Oh Celestia, you're so right! You did well to choose me,” Discord said

“Tadly I was referring to Sombra,” Celestia said, passing in front of Discord and watching Sombra

Discord was incredulous

“I am sorry for your height, but I would rather open the dances with your sister,” Sombra said looking at Luna, who smiled when she heard those words

Celestia looked first at Luna and then Sombra

“As you want,” he said moving away

“Wait for me Celestia!” Discord replied chasing her

Sombra approached Luna.

“You are lovely”

“You too. I'm sorry my sister made you uncomfortable,” Luna replied

“Don’t worry, it didn’t make me uncomfortable. I already knew what I wanted. Your sister is very funny, nice, but it's not you,” Sombra said flushing

Luna blushed

“So, do you want to dance with me?” He asked Sombra kissing her plinth

“Yes,” Luna replied

Luna and Sombra went to the center of the hall and started dancing. All the ponies were enchanted to observe them, slowly they also joined the dances.

Meanwhile Celestia had gone to the buffet, followed by Discord

“What would you like to do?” Discord Said

“I would like to eat something,” Celestia replied, having a snack

He was about to bite it when suddenly in place of the appetizer, Miniature Discord appeared

“AH” shouted Celestia

Discord jumped on her head

“How about some fun? This party seems boring to me, something is missing,” Discord said

“Are you sure you’re doing? Do you think it's time to play these games?" Angry Celestia replied

“There is no suitable time, my dear. In chaos there are no rules. Everything happens when you least expect it. The unlikely happens in the most unlikely situations,” Discord replied, starting to jump from one buffet to another
“Discord!” Celestia replied in a low voice

“Who are you talking to?” He Said Love

Celestia turned astonished

“Why are you talking to yourself? Are you sure you feel good? Maybe you're too stressed because of the preparations, how about having a drink?” said Amore smiling

“Yes, you’re right, let’s go!” Celestia said walking away with her and turning around to see where Discord had hidden

Meanwhile Luna and Sombra decided to get out of the castle and walk around. They arrived at the top of a mountain, and Luna stopped

“I want to show you something”

“Ok,” Sombra replied

Luna concentrated its magic, and many constellations appeared in the sky, followed by a rain of stars.

Sombra was speechless.

Luna turned to observe him.

“You amaze me more and more every day. Your dedication to the night is something wonderful, Luna. Your night, your job, deserve to be recognized. You do a lot for all of us, every night. No other pony would be able to do what you do.” Sombra concluded approaching

Luna smiled moved

“I’m glad you can see everything behind it. Unfortunately, my task will never be as important as my sister's. No matter how hard I try. I have to get over it.”

“Luna, you don’t have to give up. Soon the others will see what I see too. A princess who puts the good of others before herself. A pony that tries to do its best every day. A pony that never gives up.” Sombra said taking her face between her hooves

Luna blushed

“Since I met you, I’ve never stopped thinking about you, not even for a second. You entered my heart, your sensitivity and sweetness struck me. Luna, I love you”

“I love you too, Sombra. You are the only one who really managed to understand me,” Luna replied, as a tear fell on her cheek

Sombra wiped her tear, and then kissed her gently on her lips.

Meanwhile, at the castle Discord was creating a great hustle and bustle, to attract Celestia's attention.

Some of the guests started leaving annoyed.

“So Celestia, how does it feel to watch the ponies go away, without you being able to do anything?” Discord said shrinking jumping on Celestia's back

“You’re overtaking every limit! Enough is enough!” Celestia replied in a low voice

“Don’t tell me you miss all those boring ponies? Even your sister is gone.” Discord Said

“She didn’t leave! She will be here somewhere. She will be taking care of his night. I remind you that she is the princess of the night, now she has to carry out her duties,” Celestia concluded

“Oh, of course my dear, I don’t question that. Only someone else is missing besides her. What was that strange unicorn called? Oh yes! Ombrus!” Discord said laughing

“Sombra! Maybe he will be gone. You know in a few months he will become king. He has a lot of duties to do, unlike someone else”

“Or they went for a walk. They are a such a nice couple, don't you find my dear?”

“Ahahahahahahahah. You are funny Discord. They not a couple.” Celestia replied, starting to get nervous

“Maybe yes or maybe not. Who can know! Everything can change from one moment to the next”

“O'S ENOUGH!” Urló Celestia starting to bang her wings to drop Discord

The ponies turned to look at her, but they didn't see Discord (because he used a spell to make himself invisible). So the ponies thought Celestia was going crazy.

“Celestia? What's up with you?" asked Amore approaching

“NOTHING! I'm sorry, but I'm very tired. My dear ponies the galloping big gala ends now. Thank you all for coming,” Celestia concluded, and then teleported to her room.

Meanwhile Luna and Sombra were still walking, when suddenly someone cast a spell at Sombra, who fell to the ground.

“Sombra, are you okay?” Luna said helping him get up

“Yes, don’t worry”

Luna flew up to find out who was throwing the spell

“Show yourself!” Luna said out loud

Suddenly a strange creature appeared. It wasn't a pony. He had bloody red skin and black eyes. The face was covered with a black cloak.

Sombra cast him a spell

The creature dodged him and threw himself on the Luna, which hit him quickly, making him fall to the ground

Sombra stood in front of Luna

“Stay behind me,” Sombra said as he cast another spell at the creature, which quickly dematerialized

“What was it? I've never seen anything like this,” Luna said

“Something I haven’t seen in more than a thousand years. I thought they were extinct, but apparently this is not the case. We need to warn Celestia and Amore. The situation is far from certain," Sombra replied, looking at Luna

They teleported to the castle

“Where is everyone?” Luna wondered, looking around

“Oh Luna, Celestia ended the evening. She was very tired," said Amore

“Oh my God. It's not from her, she loves being with the other ponies. Now where is it?” asked Luna worried

“In his room”

“I’m going to you. Ah, tomorrow morning we have to talk to you about an urgent issue! Don't go away, stay here for the night. It is not prudent to go out now. I wish you a good night," Luna said leaving

“What’s going on?” asked worried Amore

“We’ll tell you everything tomorrow morning,” Sombra said.

Luna entered Celestia's room

“Celestia, Amore told me everything! What's up with you?" asked Luna worried, hugging her

“It was a bad evening,” Celestia replied in tears

“Has anyone done anything to you?”

“Yes, that is, no. I wanted to apologize to you Luna, I was a bad sister, I'm sorry if I treated you badly in the last few days. Stress plays bad jokes”

“Don’t worry sister, it’s all over. I understand you.”

“Why did you leave the party? Did you leave with Sombra? I haven’t seen him again.” Said Celestia intrigued

“Um...yes, we went for a night walk. We took a breath of fresh air,” Luna replied flushing

“I understand. I'm sorry if I asked him to open the dances with me before... I don't hide from you that I like it, but I understand by now. He wants you, not me, so be quiet little sister, I won't get into each other anymore,” Celestia concluded softly

“I’m happy to hear that. By the way, we have an urgent meeting tomorrow morning. Sombra and I need to talk to you about something important”

“Can’t you tell us now?”

“No. It's better tomorrow morning. I don't want to give you any more worries. Now rest," Luna said, giving her a kiss on the forehead

“I agree. Good night Luna” said Celestia