A life full of surprises and changes

by Dark Harmony00

First published

What will happen when Celestia and Luna find themselves alone against the world?

Celestia and Luna are two sisters. They come from a humble family, but full of love. What will happen to the two sisters when their parents mysteriously disappear and meet an unknown pony? Their life will no longer be the same as before. Everything will change.


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It's been a few days since Celestia and Luna moved to Silver Shoals, they decided to retire to this place because that's where they were born. Both have good memories related to their childhood. In this house there are many images that portray them happy and carefree, unaware of what the future would have reserved for her. They have very few memories of their parents, they were very small when they suddenly disappeared without any explanation, but leaving only a note with the words that they had done it to protect them. Celestia and Luna never knew what they had decided to protect them from...

One day Luna found an old album of memories, which she showed Celestia:

“Celestia! Look what I found!”

Celestia’s eyes began to shine

“Our family album”

Luna flew to Celestia, sitting next to her, and in a moved voice said to her:

“When mom and dad left us I was very young, I have very few memories of our parents, I’m really happy to have found this album!”

Celestia wrapped Luna with a wing

“I understand you, I also have very few memories of our parents, but even though we spent very little time together, I’m sure of one thing: they always loved us.”

Luna nodded smiling and added:

“We were their Greatest Gift”

Celestia and Luna opened the album, and found a very sweet image depicting Celestia holding a very small newborn Luna in her hooves, and by their side were their parents: Supernova and Universe watching their moved daughters.

Two Thousand Years Before-Silver Shoals-House of Supernva and Universe

It was a night full of stars, calm, with a crescent in the sky. Supernova had given birth to her second daughter. She was born a few days before Christmas. She was a beautiful filly, with large bright teal eyes, a mane like the starry sky. She was also a unicorn, like her parents and sister Celestia.
Supernova was trying to put her to sleep, but it was a bit complicated because despite the baby being born recently, she was very active and didn't want to sleep. Supernova was thinking about some names, along with her husband Universe and her oldest daughter Celestia.

“Could we call her Starry Sky? Or Night Star?” Universe said

Supernova laughed and said:

“No, What about Stella?”

Universe seemed undecided, while Celestia said:

“How about Luna instead?”

Supernova and Universe looked at each other smiling and said:

“It’s perfect! It suits her”

Celestia smiled softly

“Welcome to the family my little sister, you don’t know how much I wanted you”

Little Luna smiled and made a sweet sound, Supernova was moved.

“Mom, dad, can I pick her up?”

Universe and Supernova looked at each other and then Supernova gently put it in his hooves. Celestia kissed her on the forehead and at that moment Universe took a picture, immortalizing the sweet moment.

A few years passed, everything went well, Celestia and Luna had grown a lot, they loved playing together even if there was never a lack of moments of quarrel. Supernova loved showing her daughters the dawn, while Universe showed them all the planets, stars, galaxies.

One evening while Universe was showing stars, planets and galaxies, suddenly a shooting star passed:

“Luna look! A shooting star! Make a wish!” Celestia said pointing her hoof at the sky.

“It’s magnificent,” Luna said with a dreamy air

Meanwhile Universe looked at his daughters with pride

“Look,” he said as he used his magic to create a shower of stars

“How beautiful,” Celestia and Luna said at the same time

The evening was spent in harmony and fun. A few months later Universe and Supernova began to have problems with magic, they could no longer control planets, stars, galaxies, a detachment was being created between them and this also began to cause physical weakness.
Celestia and Luna being very small did not notice anything. Supernova and Universe began doing research to figure out what the problem was. After much research, they finally found an answer. The reason for all this was that the stars were starting to lose their energy, and so they were starting to disappear. If they had failed to prevent this, the entire universe would have exploded, causing heat to escape, blockage of any movement and thermal death of the universe and therefore of every single living being. To avoid all this, there was only one thing to do: SACRIFICE.

Supernova and Universe were scared of this, the thought of not being able to see their beloved daughters growing up was painful, but they would do everything they could to protect them. And if they had to sacrifice themselves to do so, they would have done it. They had a month before the catastrophe happened, and so they decided to spend their last moments with their daughters. They played with them, took them to the park, to the sea, took some souvenir photos, so that both Celestia and Luna would not forget them.

Day of Sacrifice

Supernova had woken up early, and she was admiring her beloved dawn, her mind was full of fear because that would be the last day she would see her daughters, but in addition to fear, there was also joy, because even though she and Universe would die, the thought of her daughters, of their life saves, filled her with hope. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by small steps:

“Hey baby, why are are you already awake?”

“I wanted to see the sunrise with you!” Celestia replied smiling

Supernova signaled Celestia to stand next to her

“When you were born it was a summer day, full of sunshine, you couldn’t wait to be born, you were so small, you were our light, you don’t know how much we wanted you, even your sister Luna, we never expected another beautiful one to be born filly, you don't know how great our love for you is," Supernova concluded with a tear

“We love you so much too. Why are you crying?” Celestia said worried

“No treasure, an allergy. Nothing serious,” Supernova said reassuring her

“Mom when Luna and I are older will you teach us to use magic?”

“Of course my little one”

“We’ll always be together aren’t we?” Celestia said smiling

“Of course, even if dad and I won’t be there one day, but I want you to know that even if we’re not there with you physically, we’ll always be with our hearts next to you, look at you and be proud of you,” Supernova said in tears stroking Celestia’s cheek

“I know mom, that unfortunately one day you won’t be there anymore. But that day is a long way off, don’t think about it, there’s still a lot of time.”

“You’re right. But I want you to promise me something: When that day comes, you have to promise me that you will take care of your sister, you have to stay together, you have to count on each other.”

“Of course mom, I’ll take care of Luna, I promise”

Supernova kissed Celestia’s forehead and hugged her, while in the meantime the sun began to rise.

A few hours later Supernova and Universe spent the few hours they had left with Celestia and Luna. The day passed quickly, evening came and Supernova and Universe put their daughters to bed, Celestia fell asleep quickly, Luna instead was restless:

Universe took Luna in her arms and tried to put her to sleep, Supernova sang her a lullaby.

“Mom and dad love you sweet little girl,” Universe said

“You and Celestia are our greatest gift,” Supernova gently said

Luna answered with a sweet smile and made a sweet sound. Shortly afterwards she fell asleep. Universe put Luna in his cot. They left the room and took the magic book. They left the house and teleported to a hill, away from prying eyes.

“Are you ready?” said Universe softly

“Yes, remember I’ll love you forever,” Supernova said
“Me too! You and our daughters are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me. I don’t regret anything,” Universe said softly

They opened the book and after finding the spell they joined the horn and gave themselves a sweet kiss, while a strong light enveloped them and slowly vanished. The sky filled with bright stars and the cutiemarks of Supernova and Universe appeared. The crescent turned red. The universe was safe. The sacrifice was fulfilled.

Meanwhile Celestia and Luna unaware of everything, slept hugging, with a serene smile.

Chapter 1

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The next day when Celestia and Luna woke up, not seeing their parents began to worry, they searched everywhere, in every room, left the house, Celestia asked those few people who lived in the village, if they had seen anything, but no one saw anything. Celestia and Luna also searched in the woods, but there was no trace, so they returned home. Luna took her fairy tale book and found something:

“Celestia! Look”

Celestia ran to her and saw what Luna had found in the book: a note written by their parents. Celestia started reading it:

“Dear Celestia and Luna, surely you will be very worried about not seeing us, but we wanted to reassure you, telling you that we are fine, no matter where we are, just know that we did it for you, to protect you. We didn’t hesitate for a moment, we’ve always been willing to do anything for our beloved daughters. Even if we will no longer be there with you physically, know that our hearts are tied to you, we are within you. When you miss us, know that we are there with you, remember all the good times we have experienced, because the best part of us is within you. Take care of each other, always stay united. Mom and dad are proud of you. We love you so much.”

After reading the letter, Celestia and Luna were in tears and confused. But they were certain of one thing: from now on they were alone against the world.

“Whatever happened, we have to do our best, we have to make our parents proud of us, we owe them to,” Celestia concluded. Luna nodded.

A few years passed, due to a strong and sudden storm, the house had collapsed, Celestia and Luna managed to take a few essential things and fled away. They decided to camp in the woods for a few days, and in the meantime they would think of a solution. Celestia thought about food, Luna instead found out she had a special connection with the animals, she could understand their language and they understood her. So she asked for their help. Aided by the animals and a little by their magic (they couldn’t control it well) they created a small shelter that would keep them safe. They spent their days playing and joking, and when it got dark they told scary stories. Luna was the best at this, in fact one night Celestia could not sleep because of the story she had told her. Luna loved to admire the moon, the sky, the stars, her father reminded her. Celestia, on the other hand, always got up at dawn and admired the sunrise, imagining her mother by her side.

A few months later a strange stud knocked on their door: it was a young pony wearing a big hat with bells and a strange cloak. Celestia and Luna opened the door:

“Hello. Who are you?” Celestia said


“What do you need?” Celestia said

“I’ve watched you these days... where are your parents?” Said StarSwirl intrigued

“They disappeared,” Luna sadly said

“Disappeared?” Said intrigued StarSwirl

“Yes, we don’t know what happened, they just did it to protect us,” Celestia said

“I’m sorry. Why are you in the woods? Don’t you have a house?”

“Unfortunately due to a storm, our house was destroyed, so we found this solution,” Celestia said

“Did you build this shelter yourself?”

“No, the animals helped us,” Luna said smiling

“The animals?” Asked StarSwirl surprised

“Yes! My sister Luna found out she had a special connection with them, so she asked him if they could help us,” Celestia said.

“Interesting,” StarSwirl said looking at Luna
“Excuse me, but why all these questions? What are you looking for?” Celestia asked frowning her eyebrows

“Sorry maybe I was intrusive, but it wasn’t my intention. I’d like you to join us,” StarSwirl said

“Who are you? And why should we do that?” Celestia said
“With me and my apprentices. I’m a Magic Wizard, I’ve seen that there’s Potential in you,” StarSwirl proudly said

“Did you see any potential in us? But we’re not very good with magic,” Luna said

“Because you need guidance, I will be your mentor, I will teach you everything I know, with my help you will be able to master your magic”

“All right,” Celestia said

“Are you sure Celestia? What if it was a trap?” Luna said in a low voice

“It sounds sincere,” Celestia said

“You can trust me. What is your name?


“Well girls, see you tomorrow in my magic studio. I will introduce you to my colleagues”

“Okay StarSwirl, one thing only... we don’t have notebooks or inks,” Celestia said

“Don’t worry. I will give you what you need. See you tomorrow” and he passed out before he even got an answer
Celestia and Luna closed the door.

“How nice! I can’t wait to control the magic!” Celestia said

“Me too, even if it will be complicated. We haven't had the cutie mark yet. I thought it would appear when I found out I could understand the language of animals.” Luna said sadly

“I’m sure we’ll get our cutie marks soon, we just have to be patient.” Celestia said gently

“You’re right little sister,” Luna said, hugging Celestia

The next day, Celestia and Luna went to StarSwirl’s Magic studio they were nervous and happy with this new adventure. They were greeted by 5 ponies.

“You have to be Celestia and Luna, right?” A dark green mane pegasus said with a smile

“Yes, it’s us,” Celestia replied

“Come in. It is a pleasure to meet you. StarSwirl told us a lot about you. My name is Somnambula”

“I hope he said good things,” Luna said timidly

4 more ponies joined

“They are: Flash Magnus, Mage Meadowbrak, Mistmane, Rockhoof,” Somnambula said

“Hello,” Celestia and Luna said

“But what beautiful creatures,” Mistmane said softly

Celestia and Luna smiled embarrassed

“StarSwirl is coming, it’s finishing fixing some issues,” Flash Magnus said

“You can wait for him here. We have to go now.” Said Mage Meadowbrook

“Okay,” Celestia replied

The 5 ponies left. Celestia and Luna sat on a loveseat and looked around: It was an ancient studio, with a large bookstore full of books. The walls were gold and blue, with small stars.

“Sorry if I made you wait. Do you imagine that you met my apprentices?” Said StarSwirl
“Yes. They had to leave,” Celestia replied

“Well. Let’s get started. I will give you a book that you will have to study, then you will put into practice what you have learned.”

“I thought we started with the practice,” Celestia said

“Time to time. We will go for small steps.” Said StarSwirl
He gave the books to Celestia and Luna, along with a feather with ink and notebooks. He began to explain, Celestia and Luna tried to take notes. When the lesson ended Celestia and Luna returned to the shelter.

Chapter 2

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Weeks passed, classes proceeded, Celestia and Luna began to study. The oral exam was just around the corner. Luna had managed to study everything, while Celestia had some difficulties. So Luna decided to help her.

The day of the exam arrived, the exam went well for both, although Luna had a higher score than Celestia.

There was 1 week left before the practice test, Celestia and Luna practiced every day.

The day of the trial came, which consisted of casting simple spells. Both Celestia and Luna passed the test brilliantly.

Months passed, Celestia and Luna had taken many tests that became more and more complicated. Especially the practice. Luna had difficulty in the practical part, Celestia instead was managing to master her magic.

StarSwirl decided to give private lessons with Luna, so that she would keep up with Celestia. This is why some lessons had been suspended.

“StarSwirl, can’t I get along with the studio? Now I’ll be left behind too!” Celestia said

“Celestia this is not a race! I might have mastered your magic, but remember that you still need me! Magic is not as easy as you think. Every spell has consequences!” StarSwirl said severely

“Ugh! Ok. Luna try to learn quickly! Because of you I'm slowing down my studies!" Celestia said leaving the StarSwirl studio

“It’s not my fault that I can’t handle it well! You should help me instead of being superior! I helped you when you were in trouble, remember?” Luna said angrily

“Of course, you’re right little sister. I should help you with this spell that even a foal would be able to do,” Celestia laughed

“I’ll make you eat everything you said!” Luna said screaming

“We’ll see!”


Celestia teleported. Only Luna and StarSwirl remained

“I’m sorry StarSwirl. Thank you for defending me,” Luna said softly

“See you later in my studio!” Said StarSwirl coming back

Luna went into the woods to practice. When evening came, he went to StarSwirl

As the days went by Luna had improved, she could master her magic, so now she too was ready like Celestia, to move on to the next level.

Years passed, both Celestia and Luna had almost finished their studies with StarSwirl. They hadn’t gotten their cutie marks yet. StarSwir was also surprised by this, but he was sure they would soon get him.

StarSwirl and the pillars were the ones in charge of raising the sun and moon.

Celestia and Luna loved watching them. They dreamed of being able to become like them one day.

Now Celestia had learned from her mistakes to be less haughty towards Luna. StarSwirl’s punishment had proven useful. One morning Celestia and Luna saw that it was still dark, so they feared that something bad had happened. They ran to StarSwirl

“StarSwirl! Are you okay? Why is it still dark?” Celestia said
“Unfortunately not. We have problems with magic. With each passing day it gets weaker and weaker”

“What why? There must be a solution!” Celestia said

“We don’t know the causes yet. We are the only ones who control the sun and the moon, I don't see any solutions ...... Wait! YOU Celestia!

“Me?” Uncertain Celestia said

“Yes! You have always been very good at handling magic. You made complicated spells in a matter of days! I'm sure you can make it!

“I can try! Come on Celestia you can do it, concentrate!” Celestia said

StarSwirl teleported with Celestia and Luna on a hill.

“It’s better to do it here”

Celestia began to concentrate her magic, slowly began to float in the air, the mane and tail also began to float. It was shrouded in a golden glow. It was a step away from the sky. It released the magic, the sun rose brighter than ever. Celestia was about to fall but StarSwirl grabb her with magic.

“Celestia, you made it!” Luna said hugging her

“Celestia take a look,” StarSwirl said pointing to his side

“Your cutie mark!” She said Luna excited

Celestia looked at her side and noticed a little sun. She started jumping with joy.

“Hurray! I finally got my cutie mark”

“Congratulations,” StarSwirl said

“What about the moon? How are we going to do it?” Luna said

“We will need your help. You have great potential too, just like your sister”

“What if I don’t succeed?”

“Little sister there’s nothing you can’t do,” Celestia said smiling

“That’s right. You have to believe in yourself, Luna. You are much more powerful than you think. You’ll do great things one day.” StarSwirl said proudly

“Do you really think so?” Luna said timidly

Celestia and StarSwirl nodded

“Every single word,” Celestia said

“You’re going to stand by my side, won’t you?”

“Always. I believe in you”

“We all believe in you Luna,” StarSwirl said softly

Hours passed, Celestia had to set the sun to allow the Luna to raise the moon. They were on the hill. Luna was agitated

“Are you ready?” Celestial said

“Yes! I’m ready!” Luna said decisively

Celestia lowered the sun, Luna began to concentrate her magic. Both the mane and tail began to float. It was enveloped in a silvery glow. The moon shone in the sky, surrounded by stars. Celestia grabbed Luna.

“I knew you would succeed!” Celestia said excited, kissing her forehead

“Congratulations Luna. Great job!” Said StarSwirl

“Look at it,” Celestia said

Luna looked at her side and saw a black spot with a crescent in the center

“It’s beautiful, even better than I imagined it,” Luna said

“I knew you were meant for great things. No other unicorn would have been able to do what you did today!” Said StarSwirl

Suddenly Celestia and Luna were enveloped in a white glow

“What’s up?” She said Luna

“But what-“

Celestia could not finish the sentence, because she was totally enveloped in magic. Same thing Luna. After a while Celestia and Luna fell to the ground. StarSwirl helped them get up.

“I’ve never seen anything like this” StarSwirl said surprised

“Oh my God!” Celestia said screaming

“What’s up- AH!” Luna said surprise

“You have WINGS!” They both said looking at each other

“But why? StarSwirl was it you?” Luna said

”No. I have nothing to do with it. I am as surprised as you are. It must be something that is connected to nature”

Suddenly the cutie marks of Celestia, Luna, Supernova and Universe appeared in the sky.

“But those are our parents’ cutie marks! How is that possible?” She said Luna

“I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with it,” Celestia thoughtfully said

“Probably” StarSwirl said. “It will be better to end this day full of surprises. These days I will have to organize a party, as usual. You will be crowned princesses of Equestria”

“Princess? We don’t know anything, what should we do?” Celestia said scared

“There is nothing you cannot manage, I have known you for many years, you are now like daughters to me. You will be able to manage everything. Of course you won’t be alone. I will hire guards who will protect you from any threats.” StarSwirl said reassuring her

“But should they threaten us?” Luna said

“Because you are the most powerful and rare ponies in the entire Equestria. No one is like you, that's why you need protection. See you tomorrow”

Celestia and Luna returned to the shelter and went to bed, given the fatigue due to recent events. During the night, however, something unexpected happened.

Chapter 3

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Celestia and Luna woke up happy, but also a little sad because it would soon be their coronation but their parents would not be there. But they knew they were always by their side.

After some weeks passed, StarSwirl and his apprentices took care of the coronation ceremony of Celestia and Luna. They discovered an abandoned castle in the everfree forest, and with their magic they began to fix it.

Coronation day arrived, Celestia and Luna were very excited. They didn’t believe their eyes when they saw the castle. From now on they would have lived there. The castle was very large, StarSwirl and his assistants had built the throne room, a large library, and the rooms of Celestia and Luna. Both Celestia and Luna would have thought of the rest of the castle. The coronation went well, StarSwirl crowned them, and gave a speech saying how proud he was of both, and that to him they were like daughters.

Then a small buffet began. Other ponies were also present, who were happy that from now on someone would take care of them, helping and supporting them. At the end of the party, everyone left, and so Celestia and Luna went to their rooms.

The next day in the library they found a diary, it was a gift from StarSwirl. So both Celestia and Luna started writing their own thoughts, fears etc., every day.

A few years passed, by now both Celestia and Luna had become good sovereigns, they did their best to protect and advise ponies. Unfortunately, StarSwirl had mysteriously disappeared leaving no trace, the same thing as his assistants. Celestia and Luna thought they had gone to solve some threat somewhere, so they weren't worried. They knew they would be back soon.

One day a strange letter arrived at the castle, which came from the crystal empire. A pony named Sombra had asked the two sisters to go to the empire, to get to know each other. Soon he would become emperor, he would be the successor of Princess Amore.

Celestia and Luna set off for the Crystal Empire, were happy to see Princess Amore, and couldn’t wait to get to know Sombra.

Once you arrived, Sombra was waiting for them

“Welcome, I’m very glad you came,” Sombra said bowing

“We too,” Celestia replied, smiling

“Thank you for inviting us,” Luna said

“It’s an honor for me to have you here. I've heard so much about you, I admire you very much, I couldn't wait to meet you," said Sombra smiling

“So you’ll be Princess Amore’s successor?” Celestial said

“Yes. I've been studying for many years, there are a few months left until the coronation," replied Sombra

“And how do you feel?” Luna said

“I’m honored that Princess Amore asked me, she’s been taking me under her wing since I was little, she’s like a mother to me. I will do everything I can not to disappoint her. Sometimes I’m afraid I’m not up to it, but I hope to do my best,” Sombra replied looking at Luna

“It’s normal to have all these fears, it happened to me too, I never imagined becoming a princess and ruling an entire kingdom. Sometimes I also wonder if I’m doing the right thing for my subjects.” Luna answered

“He’s doing a wonderful job. I would challenge anyone to doubt it” said Sombra smiling at her

Luna blushed

“Your nights are magnificent. I love looking at the sky, the stars, the moon,” Sombra said gently

“Thank you, I do my best,” Luna replied blushing

“How about coming in?” Celestia said slightly annoyed

“Yes of course,” replied Sombra

Once inside, Sombra led them to the throne room where Princess Amore was waiting for her

“Celestia, Luna, it’s been a while,” Amore said, hugging them

“That’s true. We missed you,” Celestia replied

“I guess you heard that in a few months, Sombra will take my place”

“Yes,” Luna replied

“I have carried on this kingdom for many years. It's time to take a break. Sombra will be a magnificent king,” Amore said looking at him

Sombra smiled

“I guess you’ll be tired, Sombra show their rooms so they can rest”

“Of course. Let’s go”

Sombra led them into their rooms, and then Celestia and Luna rested.

It was almost evening, Luna had to raise the moon. She had gone out to the balcony of her room, she was starting to concentrate her magic. Someone knocked on the door, but Luna didn't notice, she was too focused. Sombra came in and was enchanted to watch her as she raised the moon and the stars.

“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful,” Sombra said

Luna turned scared
“Excuse me, it wasn’t my intention to scare you. I knocked but maybe you didn't hear me. So I came in, I was afraid something had happened,” Sombra replied gently

“I didn’t hear you. Anyway, thank you for your concern,” Luna replied

“I’ve always tried to imagine what the princess of the night looked like, but reality exceeds the imagination,” Sombra said smiling at her

“Thank you, even though my sister is much more beautiful than me,” Luna replied

“I don’t think so,” Sombra said

Luna blushed

“I came here, to ask you if you’d like to take a walk with me,” Sombra said timidly

“Really?” Amazed Luna said

“Yes, of course. Only if you want”

“I’d love to,” Luna replied

“Perfect, I’ll show you the city, and then maybe we could go to a restaurant for dinner, what do you think?”

“It seems perfect to me,” Luna replied
Luna and Sombra had a wonderful evening, had a lot of fun and began to get to know each other better.

Meanwhile Celestia was helping Amore with a diplomatic problem. A mysterious creature had arrived at Equestria. Such a creature had never been seen before. Princess Amore was worried it might be a threat.

“I will send him a letter asking him to come here. I want to make sure it’s harmless,” Amore said

“You’ll see it will be,” Celestia replied

Princess Amore sent the letter, and immediately received an answer: The strange creature had accepted, and the next day he would show up to the empire.

The next day, Celestia, Luna, and Amore were waiting for the creature to arrive in the throne room.

“Hello princesses,” the strange creature said as he entered, bowing. “My name is Discord, I am the lord of chaos”

“Discord what do you mean by ‘lord of chaos’?” Amore said

“I mean the whole meaning of the word, my lady,” Discord said, suddenly appearing behind her

“What’s your purpose?” Celestia said staring at him

“I have no purpose. I never hurt anyone.” Discord said appearing by his side
“How do we trust you?” Luna said

“You can ask anyone, I’m a harmless creature, more harmless than a newborn foal,” Discord said, making the image of a foal appear

“Okay, I notice you’re very witty. But know that if you’re lying, you’ll pay dearly for it,” Celestia said

“Be careful Celestia, wrinkles may come to you on your beautiful face,” Discord said, making fake wrinkles appear on Celestia’s face

“Take them off immediately!” Celestia replied

“Every request of hers is an order,” Discord said removing the fake wrinkles from Celestia’s face, then kissing her hoof

“All right, we trust you, Discord,” Amore said

“Happy to hear it,” Discord said bowing down and then disappearing into thin air

“Do you think we should trust?” Skeptical Luna said

“Yes, it seems harmless to me,” Amore replied

“All right. It will mean that we will keep an eye on it. You never know,” Celestia said

The day passed quickly, and Celestia went to Luna


“Celestia, come in”

“I was wondering, how was the evening yesterday?” Churches Celestia intrigued

“Well,” Luna replied

“Ah. And what did you do?”

“Nothing. We walked, then had dinner in a restaurant, and talked about more and less,” Luna replied blushing slightly

“Did he tell you about me?” Celestial said

“No. Why should he have?”

“So, I thought he asked you something. It’s very nice, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Also sweet, kind, romantic” suddenly Luna put a hoof on her face, and turned her back on Celestia

“Romantic?” Celestia asked frowning her eyebrows

“Eh eh. No I got the wrong term, what I was trying to say is that it's really a very polite pony," Luna said with a giggle

Celestia looked at Luna with suspicion

“Do you like Sombra?”

“What? NO!” Luna said embarrassed

“Your face says otherwise,” Celestia replied

“Enough Celestia! You've read too many romance novels! You’re confusing reality with imagination,” Luna replied

“Mh. I'll leave you to your duties," Celestia said as he left the room

The next day Celestia and Luna returned to their castle.

When they arrived, the guards handed over a letter to Celestia.

He had an urgent meeting with the mayor and the aristocracy, so he immediately went to them.

Luna instead decided to rest, even if it was a bit complicated ..... as soon as she closed her eyes, Sombra came to mind, and their walk.

It was evening

Luna began her duties, making sure all ponies had no nightmares. That night was very quiet, there was no threat in the realm of dreams. So he dedicated himself to the night sky, filling it with stars and planets. While doing so she thought about when she was little and her father always showed her stars and galaxies. A small tear lifted her face.

A few weeks passed, Celestia had been invited by Discord into her “kingdom of chaos,” because Discord wanted to prove to her that she could trust him. Celestia reluctantly accepted the invitation. On the one hand she wanted to go there because she was a princess and it was her duty to make sure everything was fine, but on the other hand she couldn't stand Discord. There was something about him that didn’t inspire her confidence.

Once she arrived, Discord welcomed her and gave her a cup of coffee

“Why did you let me come?” Celestial said

“Because we’re friends, I wanted to have a chat”

“Are we friends? But if I don't even know you," Celestia said

“That’s why you’re here. I’ll tell you about me, and you about you,” Discord replied

“You’ll get started first”

“Okay. I have been living here since I was born. My mother died giving birth to me, because she w asn't a drachonequus, but she was a pegasus, my father doesn't know who he is, I never knew him. I have been living alone since I was little, I had to learn from an early age to get by on my own. Everyone has always been afraid of me, because of my “strangeness”. I’m the only one of my kind, as far as I know.” Discord concluded

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know anything about it. And how did you practice magic?” Celestia said intrigued

“A young pony, the only one who never was afraid of me, helped me manage it. His name is StarSwirl the Bearded,” Discord said putting on his beard and hat

“He was my mentor too! How is it possible that he never told us anything about you?” Celestial said surprise

“I don’t know, he’s always been a weird guy,” Discord replied

“True,” Celestia replied

“And what big secret is the most powerful princess in Equestria?” Said Discord

“None. I'm just a kind pony and grateful to life for what she's holding me, even though it took my parents away from me when I was very young. But life is like that, we can't do anything about it," Celestia replied

Discord watched her for a long time

“Discord, are you feeling well?” Concerned Celestia said

“Magnificently. I was thinking you are really brave. You suffered a lot, but despite this you always remained yourself,” Discord replied, turning around her

“Oh. Thank you Discord. But this was possible thanks to my beloved sister Luna. She gave me the strength to move forward every day. She was a very young child when our parents died. From that moment on she realized that Luna always came before me, her happiness first of all. I have always tried not to miss our parents, even if at times it was inevitable. But in the end here we are, between good times and bad times, joy and pain. Our bond is stronger,” Celestia concluded, smiling softly

“You really have a big heart. But now enough with all this honey, or I’ll get diabetes,” Discord said pretending to faint

Celestia laughed

“You know Discord, I’m sorry if I was cold at first, I was afraid I was holding a trap on us”

“Sense, my queen,” Discord said bowing down and kissing her hoof

Time passed between laughter and fun.

The next day a pony sneaked into the castle. He had used a spell to make himself invisible. It was a shadow. He entered the lock of Luna's room. Once inside he canceled the spell.

Luna unaware of everything, she was sleeping, because she had been up all night to perform her duties. The mysterious pony came up to her and looked at her softly. He stroked her mane with his hoof. Luna moved a little. The mysterious pony stopped stroking her and kissed her on the forehead, then disappeared. Luna suddenly woke up and said:


She looked around, but saw that no one was there. So she thought he dreamed of it. So she closed his eyes again and fell asleep again.

Meanwhile, outside the window Sombra looked at her for one last time, and then left.

Chapter 4

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Celestia and Luna organized the annual event “the great galloping galà” at their castle. They had invited all the ponies from every place, and of course Princess Love, Sombra and Discord as well. They decided to send the invitation to StarSwirl as well, but they weren’t sure if it would go, but they hoped so. It was a month before the big event, and all the ponies in the castle were in great turmoil, everyone had to do their homework to make everything go well. Celestia and Luna took care of assigning them their duties, and envisioning the whole thing.

On one issue, however, they disagreed:

“I told you it’s not necessary! We’re going to give a simple party, what do you want to happen?” Celestia Said

“Are you serious?! Do you call it a “simple party?” This event will be attended by every single pony from different places, some of which we don't even know there! You should have invited only the ponies we trust, only our people! What if there was a threat, among all those ponies? Someone who wants to hurt us?” Luna said angry

“Oh Luna, how exasperating you are! Why do you always have to think about the worst? I invited all these ponies to get to know us, to make new alliances that could be of great help to us, to help each other, to create a UNITED nation!” Celestia replied screaming

“You are so blinded by your pride, that you don’t realize the danger! We should put up defenses to protect the castle and our guards,” Luna said calmly

“But so they will think that we want to control them, that we don’t trust them! Luna listen, I understand your fears, I know you are saying it for our sake, and I thank you, but you have to trust me, all this is not necessary, we have not suffered any threat in all these years, and then they would have no reason to do so. Try to stay calm sister, in fact, I will continue to take care of everything, you need to rest and relax.” Celestia said softly

“But Celestia, I want to help you, really! Please let me take care of the defenses, I will think of everything. I would be calmer,” Luna said

“The only thing you should take care of are your duties. I will take care of mine and you take care of yours. As I already told you, thank you for the advice, but I have already made my choice. Trust your older sister, I know how these things work," Celestia replied

“Stop talking to me, as if I were talking to a 2-year-old foal! I also know how these things work, and I also know what happens when you don't want to admit reality!” Luna said using the royal voice

“Then stop acting like that! I already told you what I think. The discussion ends here!” Celestia said going away and slamming the door

“You’ll also be the princess of the sun, but I don’t take orders from you! I will show you that you are wrong!” Luna said in a low voice, going to the library and starting to do some research.

The weeks passed quickly, everything was ready, there were only a few hours left for the big event.
Both Celestia and Luna were getting ready. Luna had opted for a simple hairstyle, with central braids and partially collected mane. Celestia, on the other hand, had opted for a tall hairstyle, a low bun, with two strands falling to the sides of her face.

Luna had chosen a dress with galaxies, Celestia instead opted for a peach-colored dress, with a ghost in the shape of a yellow sun.

The castle began to fill up quickly, the first to arrive were Princess Amore and Sombra. Then came Discord, and it started to create some havoc. The ponies of the aristocracy also arrived, followed by the other classes.

Celestia and Luna came down from the long staircase, and started the party.

Princess Amore approached the two sisters, followed by Sombra

“You are gorgeous,” said Amore with a smile

“You too,” Celestia replied

“I hadn’t been attending a party in a long time, thank you for inviting me”

“How could we not invite you?” Luna replied with a smile

“Celestia, Luna, you are magnificent tonight,” Sombra said
“Just tonight?” Celestia said raising an eyebrow

“No no. I wanted to say that you are always magnificent, but today you are even more so,” Sombra said blushing

Celestia burst out laughing

“I was joking Sombra, don’t worry”

“I think I’m going to the buffet,” said Amore walking away

“Go ahead, I’ll join you soon,” Celestia replied

“Luna, would you like to dance with me?” He asked Sombra gently

Luna blushed

“Do you want me to talk to you?”

“Yes, whenever you want,” Sombra said

“I think I should open the dances first, what about Sombra?” Celestia said approaching him

Suddenly Discord appeared.

“Has anyone said he wants to dance? Oh Celestia, you're so right! You did well to choose me,” Discord said

“Tadly I was referring to Sombra,” Celestia said, passing in front of Discord and watching Sombra

Discord was incredulous

“I am sorry for your height, but I would rather open the dances with your sister,” Sombra said looking at Luna, who smiled when she heard those words

Celestia looked first at Luna and then Sombra

“As you want,” he said moving away

“Wait for me Celestia!” Discord replied chasing her

Sombra approached Luna.

“You are lovely”

“You too. I'm sorry my sister made you uncomfortable,” Luna replied

“Don’t worry, it didn’t make me uncomfortable. I already knew what I wanted. Your sister is very funny, nice, but it's not you,” Sombra said flushing

Luna blushed

“So, do you want to dance with me?” He asked Sombra kissing her plinth

“Yes,” Luna replied

Luna and Sombra went to the center of the hall and started dancing. All the ponies were enchanted to observe them, slowly they also joined the dances.

Meanwhile Celestia had gone to the buffet, followed by Discord

“What would you like to do?” Discord Said

“I would like to eat something,” Celestia replied, having a snack

He was about to bite it when suddenly in place of the appetizer, Miniature Discord appeared

“AH” shouted Celestia

Discord jumped on her head

“How about some fun? This party seems boring to me, something is missing,” Discord said

“Are you sure you’re doing? Do you think it's time to play these games?" Angry Celestia replied

“There is no suitable time, my dear. In chaos there are no rules. Everything happens when you least expect it. The unlikely happens in the most unlikely situations,” Discord replied, starting to jump from one buffet to another
“Discord!” Celestia replied in a low voice

“Who are you talking to?” He Said Love

Celestia turned astonished

“Why are you talking to yourself? Are you sure you feel good? Maybe you're too stressed because of the preparations, how about having a drink?” said Amore smiling

“Yes, you’re right, let’s go!” Celestia said walking away with her and turning around to see where Discord had hidden

Meanwhile Luna and Sombra decided to get out of the castle and walk around. They arrived at the top of a mountain, and Luna stopped

“I want to show you something”

“Ok,” Sombra replied

Luna concentrated its magic, and many constellations appeared in the sky, followed by a rain of stars.

Sombra was speechless.

Luna turned to observe him.

“You amaze me more and more every day. Your dedication to the night is something wonderful, Luna. Your night, your job, deserve to be recognized. You do a lot for all of us, every night. No other pony would be able to do what you do.” Sombra concluded approaching

Luna smiled moved

“I’m glad you can see everything behind it. Unfortunately, my task will never be as important as my sister's. No matter how hard I try. I have to get over it.”

“Luna, you don’t have to give up. Soon the others will see what I see too. A princess who puts the good of others before herself. A pony that tries to do its best every day. A pony that never gives up.” Sombra said taking her face between her hooves

Luna blushed

“Since I met you, I’ve never stopped thinking about you, not even for a second. You entered my heart, your sensitivity and sweetness struck me. Luna, I love you”

“I love you too, Sombra. You are the only one who really managed to understand me,” Luna replied, as a tear fell on her cheek

Sombra wiped her tear, and then kissed her gently on her lips.

Meanwhile, at the castle Discord was creating a great hustle and bustle, to attract Celestia's attention.

Some of the guests started leaving annoyed.

“So Celestia, how does it feel to watch the ponies go away, without you being able to do anything?” Discord said shrinking jumping on Celestia's back

“You’re overtaking every limit! Enough is enough!” Celestia replied in a low voice

“Don’t tell me you miss all those boring ponies? Even your sister is gone.” Discord Said

“She didn’t leave! She will be here somewhere. She will be taking care of his night. I remind you that she is the princess of the night, now she has to carry out her duties,” Celestia concluded

“Oh, of course my dear, I don’t question that. Only someone else is missing besides her. What was that strange unicorn called? Oh yes! Ombrus!” Discord said laughing

“Sombra! Maybe he will be gone. You know in a few months he will become king. He has a lot of duties to do, unlike someone else”

“Or they went for a walk. They are a such a nice couple, don't you find my dear?”

“Ahahahahahahahah. You are funny Discord. They not a couple.” Celestia replied, starting to get nervous

“Maybe yes or maybe not. Who can know! Everything can change from one moment to the next”

“O'S ENOUGH!” Urló Celestia starting to bang her wings to drop Discord

The ponies turned to look at her, but they didn't see Discord (because he used a spell to make himself invisible). So the ponies thought Celestia was going crazy.

“Celestia? What's up with you?" asked Amore approaching

“NOTHING! I'm sorry, but I'm very tired. My dear ponies the galloping big gala ends now. Thank you all for coming,” Celestia concluded, and then teleported to her room.

Meanwhile Luna and Sombra were still walking, when suddenly someone cast a spell at Sombra, who fell to the ground.

“Sombra, are you okay?” Luna said helping him get up

“Yes, don’t worry”

Luna flew up to find out who was throwing the spell

“Show yourself!” Luna said out loud

Suddenly a strange creature appeared. It wasn't a pony. He had bloody red skin and black eyes. The face was covered with a black cloak.

Sombra cast him a spell

The creature dodged him and threw himself on the Luna, which hit him quickly, making him fall to the ground

Sombra stood in front of Luna

“Stay behind me,” Sombra said as he cast another spell at the creature, which quickly dematerialized

“What was it? I've never seen anything like this,” Luna said

“Something I haven’t seen in more than a thousand years. I thought they were extinct, but apparently this is not the case. We need to warn Celestia and Amore. The situation is far from certain," Sombra replied, looking at Luna

They teleported to the castle

“Where is everyone?” Luna wondered, looking around

“Oh Luna, Celestia ended the evening. She was very tired," said Amore

“Oh my God. It's not from her, she loves being with the other ponies. Now where is it?” asked Luna worried

“In his room”

“I’m going to you. Ah, tomorrow morning we have to talk to you about an urgent issue! Don't go away, stay here for the night. It is not prudent to go out now. I wish you a good night," Luna said leaving

“What’s going on?” asked worried Amore

“We’ll tell you everything tomorrow morning,” Sombra said.

Luna entered Celestia's room

“Celestia, Amore told me everything! What's up with you?" asked Luna worried, hugging her

“It was a bad evening,” Celestia replied in tears

“Has anyone done anything to you?”

“Yes, that is, no. I wanted to apologize to you Luna, I was a bad sister, I'm sorry if I treated you badly in the last few days. Stress plays bad jokes”

“Don’t worry sister, it’s all over. I understand you.”

“Why did you leave the party? Did you leave with Sombra? I haven’t seen him again.” Said Celestia intrigued

“Um...yes, we went for a night walk. We took a breath of fresh air,” Luna replied flushing

“I understand. I'm sorry if I asked him to open the dances with me before... I don't hide from you that I like it, but I understand by now. He wants you, not me, so be quiet little sister, I won't get into each other anymore,” Celestia concluded softly

“I’m happy to hear that. By the way, we have an urgent meeting tomorrow morning. Sombra and I need to talk to you about something important”

“Can’t you tell us now?”

“No. It's better tomorrow morning. I don't want to give you any more worries. Now rest," Luna said, giving her a kiss on the forehead

“I agree. Good night Luna” said Celestia