• Published 25th Aug 2022
  • 360 Views, 3 Comments

A life full of surprises and changes - Dark Harmony00

What will happen when Celestia and Luna find themselves alone against the world?

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Chapter 2

Weeks passed, classes proceeded, Celestia and Luna began to study. The oral exam was just around the corner. Luna had managed to study everything, while Celestia had some difficulties. So Luna decided to help her.

The day of the exam arrived, the exam went well for both, although Luna had a higher score than Celestia.

There was 1 week left before the practice test, Celestia and Luna practiced every day.

The day of the trial came, which consisted of casting simple spells. Both Celestia and Luna passed the test brilliantly.

Months passed, Celestia and Luna had taken many tests that became more and more complicated. Especially the practice. Luna had difficulty in the practical part, Celestia instead was managing to master her magic.

StarSwirl decided to give private lessons with Luna, so that she would keep up with Celestia. This is why some lessons had been suspended.

“StarSwirl, can’t I get along with the studio? Now I’ll be left behind too!” Celestia said

“Celestia this is not a race! I might have mastered your magic, but remember that you still need me! Magic is not as easy as you think. Every spell has consequences!” StarSwirl said severely

“Ugh! Ok. Luna try to learn quickly! Because of you I'm slowing down my studies!" Celestia said leaving the StarSwirl studio

“It’s not my fault that I can’t handle it well! You should help me instead of being superior! I helped you when you were in trouble, remember?” Luna said angrily

“Of course, you’re right little sister. I should help you with this spell that even a foal would be able to do,” Celestia laughed

“I’ll make you eat everything you said!” Luna said screaming

“We’ll see!”


Celestia teleported. Only Luna and StarSwirl remained

“I’m sorry StarSwirl. Thank you for defending me,” Luna said softly

“See you later in my studio!” Said StarSwirl coming back

Luna went into the woods to practice. When evening came, he went to StarSwirl

As the days went by Luna had improved, she could master her magic, so now she too was ready like Celestia, to move on to the next level.

Years passed, both Celestia and Luna had almost finished their studies with StarSwirl. They hadn’t gotten their cutie marks yet. StarSwir was also surprised by this, but he was sure they would soon get him.

StarSwirl and the pillars were the ones in charge of raising the sun and moon.

Celestia and Luna loved watching them. They dreamed of being able to become like them one day.

Now Celestia had learned from her mistakes to be less haughty towards Luna. StarSwirl’s punishment had proven useful. One morning Celestia and Luna saw that it was still dark, so they feared that something bad had happened. They ran to StarSwirl

“StarSwirl! Are you okay? Why is it still dark?” Celestia said
“Unfortunately not. We have problems with magic. With each passing day it gets weaker and weaker”

“What why? There must be a solution!” Celestia said

“We don’t know the causes yet. We are the only ones who control the sun and the moon, I don't see any solutions ...... Wait! YOU Celestia!

“Me?” Uncertain Celestia said

“Yes! You have always been very good at handling magic. You made complicated spells in a matter of days! I'm sure you can make it!

“I can try! Come on Celestia you can do it, concentrate!” Celestia said

StarSwirl teleported with Celestia and Luna on a hill.

“It’s better to do it here”

Celestia began to concentrate her magic, slowly began to float in the air, the mane and tail also began to float. It was shrouded in a golden glow. It was a step away from the sky. It released the magic, the sun rose brighter than ever. Celestia was about to fall but StarSwirl grabb her with magic.

“Celestia, you made it!” Luna said hugging her

“Celestia take a look,” StarSwirl said pointing to his side

“Your cutie mark!” She said Luna excited

Celestia looked at her side and noticed a little sun. She started jumping with joy.

“Hurray! I finally got my cutie mark”

“Congratulations,” StarSwirl said

“What about the moon? How are we going to do it?” Luna said

“We will need your help. You have great potential too, just like your sister”

“What if I don’t succeed?”

“Little sister there’s nothing you can’t do,” Celestia said smiling

“That’s right. You have to believe in yourself, Luna. You are much more powerful than you think. You’ll do great things one day.” StarSwirl said proudly

“Do you really think so?” Luna said timidly

Celestia and StarSwirl nodded

“Every single word,” Celestia said

“You’re going to stand by my side, won’t you?”

“Always. I believe in you”

“We all believe in you Luna,” StarSwirl said softly

Hours passed, Celestia had to set the sun to allow the Luna to raise the moon. They were on the hill. Luna was agitated

“Are you ready?” Celestial said

“Yes! I’m ready!” Luna said decisively

Celestia lowered the sun, Luna began to concentrate her magic. Both the mane and tail began to float. It was enveloped in a silvery glow. The moon shone in the sky, surrounded by stars. Celestia grabbed Luna.

“I knew you would succeed!” Celestia said excited, kissing her forehead

“Congratulations Luna. Great job!” Said StarSwirl

“Look at it,” Celestia said

Luna looked at her side and saw a black spot with a crescent in the center

“It’s beautiful, even better than I imagined it,” Luna said

“I knew you were meant for great things. No other unicorn would have been able to do what you did today!” Said StarSwirl

Suddenly Celestia and Luna were enveloped in a white glow

“What’s up?” She said Luna

“But what-“

Celestia could not finish the sentence, because she was totally enveloped in magic. Same thing Luna. After a while Celestia and Luna fell to the ground. StarSwirl helped them get up.

“I’ve never seen anything like this” StarSwirl said surprised

“Oh my God!” Celestia said screaming

“What’s up- AH!” Luna said surprise

“You have WINGS!” They both said looking at each other

“But why? StarSwirl was it you?” Luna said

”No. I have nothing to do with it. I am as surprised as you are. It must be something that is connected to nature”

Suddenly the cutie marks of Celestia, Luna, Supernova and Universe appeared in the sky.

“But those are our parents’ cutie marks! How is that possible?” She said Luna

“I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with it,” Celestia thoughtfully said

“Probably” StarSwirl said. “It will be better to end this day full of surprises. These days I will have to organize a party, as usual. You will be crowned princesses of Equestria”

“Princess? We don’t know anything, what should we do?” Celestia said scared

“There is nothing you cannot manage, I have known you for many years, you are now like daughters to me. You will be able to manage everything. Of course you won’t be alone. I will hire guards who will protect you from any threats.” StarSwirl said reassuring her

“But should they threaten us?” Luna said

“Because you are the most powerful and rare ponies in the entire Equestria. No one is like you, that's why you need protection. See you tomorrow”

Celestia and Luna returned to the shelter and went to bed, given the fatigue due to recent events. During the night, however, something unexpected happened.