• Published 25th Aug 2022
  • 359 Views, 3 Comments

A life full of surprises and changes - Dark Harmony00

What will happen when Celestia and Luna find themselves alone against the world?

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It's been a few days since Celestia and Luna moved to Silver Shoals, they decided to retire to this place because that's where they were born. Both have good memories related to their childhood. In this house there are many images that portray them happy and carefree, unaware of what the future would have reserved for her. They have very few memories of their parents, they were very small when they suddenly disappeared without any explanation, but leaving only a note with the words that they had done it to protect them. Celestia and Luna never knew what they had decided to protect them from...

One day Luna found an old album of memories, which she showed Celestia:

“Celestia! Look what I found!”

Celestia’s eyes began to shine

“Our family album”

Luna flew to Celestia, sitting next to her, and in a moved voice said to her:

“When mom and dad left us I was very young, I have very few memories of our parents, I’m really happy to have found this album!”

Celestia wrapped Luna with a wing

“I understand you, I also have very few memories of our parents, but even though we spent very little time together, I’m sure of one thing: they always loved us.”

Luna nodded smiling and added:

“We were their Greatest Gift”

Celestia and Luna opened the album, and found a very sweet image depicting Celestia holding a very small newborn Luna in her hooves, and by their side were their parents: Supernova and Universe watching their moved daughters.

Two Thousand Years Before-Silver Shoals-House of Supernva and Universe

It was a night full of stars, calm, with a crescent in the sky. Supernova had given birth to her second daughter. She was born a few days before Christmas. She was a beautiful filly, with large bright teal eyes, a mane like the starry sky. She was also a unicorn, like her parents and sister Celestia.
Supernova was trying to put her to sleep, but it was a bit complicated because despite the baby being born recently, she was very active and didn't want to sleep. Supernova was thinking about some names, along with her husband Universe and her oldest daughter Celestia.

“Could we call her Starry Sky? Or Night Star?” Universe said

Supernova laughed and said:

“No, What about Stella?”

Universe seemed undecided, while Celestia said:

“How about Luna instead?”

Supernova and Universe looked at each other smiling and said:

“It’s perfect! It suits her”

Celestia smiled softly

“Welcome to the family my little sister, you don’t know how much I wanted you”

Little Luna smiled and made a sweet sound, Supernova was moved.

“Mom, dad, can I pick her up?”

Universe and Supernova looked at each other and then Supernova gently put it in his hooves. Celestia kissed her on the forehead and at that moment Universe took a picture, immortalizing the sweet moment.

A few years passed, everything went well, Celestia and Luna had grown a lot, they loved playing together even if there was never a lack of moments of quarrel. Supernova loved showing her daughters the dawn, while Universe showed them all the planets, stars, galaxies.

One evening while Universe was showing stars, planets and galaxies, suddenly a shooting star passed:

“Luna look! A shooting star! Make a wish!” Celestia said pointing her hoof at the sky.

“It’s magnificent,” Luna said with a dreamy air

Meanwhile Universe looked at his daughters with pride

“Look,” he said as he used his magic to create a shower of stars

“How beautiful,” Celestia and Luna said at the same time

The evening was spent in harmony and fun. A few months later Universe and Supernova began to have problems with magic, they could no longer control planets, stars, galaxies, a detachment was being created between them and this also began to cause physical weakness.
Celestia and Luna being very small did not notice anything. Supernova and Universe began doing research to figure out what the problem was. After much research, they finally found an answer. The reason for all this was that the stars were starting to lose their energy, and so they were starting to disappear. If they had failed to prevent this, the entire universe would have exploded, causing heat to escape, blockage of any movement and thermal death of the universe and therefore of every single living being. To avoid all this, there was only one thing to do: SACRIFICE.

Supernova and Universe were scared of this, the thought of not being able to see their beloved daughters growing up was painful, but they would do everything they could to protect them. And if they had to sacrifice themselves to do so, they would have done it. They had a month before the catastrophe happened, and so they decided to spend their last moments with their daughters. They played with them, took them to the park, to the sea, took some souvenir photos, so that both Celestia and Luna would not forget them.

Day of Sacrifice

Supernova had woken up early, and she was admiring her beloved dawn, her mind was full of fear because that would be the last day she would see her daughters, but in addition to fear, there was also joy, because even though she and Universe would die, the thought of her daughters, of their life saves, filled her with hope. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by small steps:

“Hey baby, why are are you already awake?”

“I wanted to see the sunrise with you!” Celestia replied smiling

Supernova signaled Celestia to stand next to her

“When you were born it was a summer day, full of sunshine, you couldn’t wait to be born, you were so small, you were our light, you don’t know how much we wanted you, even your sister Luna, we never expected another beautiful one to be born filly, you don't know how great our love for you is," Supernova concluded with a tear

“We love you so much too. Why are you crying?” Celestia said worried

“No treasure, an allergy. Nothing serious,” Supernova said reassuring her

“Mom when Luna and I are older will you teach us to use magic?”

“Of course my little one”

“We’ll always be together aren’t we?” Celestia said smiling

“Of course, even if dad and I won’t be there one day, but I want you to know that even if we’re not there with you physically, we’ll always be with our hearts next to you, look at you and be proud of you,” Supernova said in tears stroking Celestia’s cheek

“I know mom, that unfortunately one day you won’t be there anymore. But that day is a long way off, don’t think about it, there’s still a lot of time.”

“You’re right. But I want you to promise me something: When that day comes, you have to promise me that you will take care of your sister, you have to stay together, you have to count on each other.”

“Of course mom, I’ll take care of Luna, I promise”

Supernova kissed Celestia’s forehead and hugged her, while in the meantime the sun began to rise.

A few hours later Supernova and Universe spent the few hours they had left with Celestia and Luna. The day passed quickly, evening came and Supernova and Universe put their daughters to bed, Celestia fell asleep quickly, Luna instead was restless:

Universe took Luna in her arms and tried to put her to sleep, Supernova sang her a lullaby.

“Mom and dad love you sweet little girl,” Universe said

“You and Celestia are our greatest gift,” Supernova gently said

Luna answered with a sweet smile and made a sweet sound. Shortly afterwards she fell asleep. Universe put Luna in his cot. They left the room and took the magic book. They left the house and teleported to a hill, away from prying eyes.

“Are you ready?” said Universe softly

“Yes, remember I’ll love you forever,” Supernova said
“Me too! You and our daughters are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me. I don’t regret anything,” Universe said softly

They opened the book and after finding the spell they joined the horn and gave themselves a sweet kiss, while a strong light enveloped them and slowly vanished. The sky filled with bright stars and the cutiemarks of Supernova and Universe appeared. The crescent turned red. The universe was safe. The sacrifice was fulfilled.

Meanwhile Celestia and Luna unaware of everything, slept hugging, with a serene smile.

Author's Note:

The story was written by me. Supernova and Universe are the parents of Celestia and Luna, and I decided to change the name, because I didn't like Cosmos and Galaxia.