• Published 27th Jul 2022
  • 528 Views, 4 Comments

The Hoodie Incident - Luminous Comet

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Sweater Weather

Moving to Maretime Bay was definitely one of the best things that ever happened to Izzy. She got to be with her friends, the air was fresh and clear, and exploring the streets and alleys was always fun when she had nothing else to do that day.

It was also by the sea. That meant beach days and prancing through the shallow water to cool off on hot days. But it also meant more rain than in Bridlewood, and less trees to catch it before it drenched everypony. And finally it meant that on cold days, the wind just went straight through her.

The occasional cold breeze was no big deal, it was refreshing and the shudders were kind of fun, like a soft tickle from nature. But when the days turned so cold that the feeling just wouldn't let up, the wind biting straight through her coat, it was becoming more of a problem.

"Just get moving and you'll warm up," Zipp had said, almost dismissively, when Izzy had brought it up one foggy morning. Right before leaping out the window and gliding down towards town.

Of course, the pegasi had lived in much higher altitudes their whole lives. Zephyr Heights had been pretty cold as well, but in a more consistent, less biting way.

Though, by contrast to her sister, Pipp stayed mostly inside these days, tucked under covers, and throwing on a chic little blanket whenever she headed out for work.

Finally, Sunny and Hitch were unperturbed by the weather. They had lived here all their lives and Hitch had even told her these temperatures were nothing compared to the actual winter months. That didn't exactly help, despite the honest attempt to make her feel better.

So, when Izzy woke up this morning, it only took one look out the window, at the moisture gathering on the glass from the fog, to make her shudder again, in anticipation of that same biting cold once she would poke her snout outside.

Maybe she could just stay in. A day or two of hooficrafts and relaxing on the couch seemed like a nice idea. But then what? She couldn't stay inside for the rest of the year and just wait for it to get warmer.

Maybe borrow one of Pipp's blankets? But what looked snug and warm on her was definitely too small on Izzy. At that rate, it would only keep her withers warm.

Izzy trotted back and forth through the Brighthouse, looking for anything she could use. There were her bed covers, but she would either be dragging them through the mud or cut them apart, and then what would she sleep on? Maybe she could strap some pillows to her sides? But that was more fall protection than cold protection.

As she was pacing through the bedroom she shared with most of her friends, her hoof bumped into something on the floor. She glanced down at the wicker basket, holding some folded sheets. Apparently Sunny hadn't had the time to put her laundry away earlier.

Pushing the basket closer to Sunny's dresser, she levitated the small stack of pillowcases on top and nudged open one drawer at a time to find the right spot for them. Finding the right one, she more or less neatly put everything away and then nudged it closed again.

She pushed the basket off to the side and trotted back to the stairs with a smile on her face, content with the feeling of having helped out.


She turned back, looking at the drawers over her shoulder. She glanced back and forth, listened for the door downstairs. With a mischievous giggle, she pranced back over and opened the second drawer from top.

There, folded and pushed off to one side, one stacked on top of the others, were two sweaters, one deep purple, close to Sunny's mane, and one light blue.

Izzy knew some unicorns in Bridlewood who wore sweaters, but not like these ones. The ones she'd seen were roughly-knit, with a folded collar. Her granny had made one for her when she was just a little foal. It was made with love, sure, but it itched like nothing she had ever put on her coat before. Besides, Bridlewood rarely got cold enough that she needed it.

These ones, though, they looked much softer. A suspicion she could confirm once she had reached a hoof inside and carefully rubbed her leg on the fabric.

Sunny wouldn't mind, right? It's not like she was wearing them either. Even though she probably looked really good in one. Izzy levitated the blue sweater out of the drawer and closed it again.

She sat on her haunches and let the piece of clothing unfurl, looking at the long sleeves, the attached hood, and the draw cords on the collar. Leaning into it, she rubbed her cheek on the fabric. It still smelled freshly washed and it felt soft and warm.

Careful not to damage it, she navigated her horn through the opening and out through the collar first, before pulling it down over her head with her magic, then struggled to push her forelegs through the sleeves. It fit surprisingly well, like it was just her size. Which meant it was actually a little big for Sunny.

Izzy fought with her mane a little, needing a while to pull it all out through the collar. But when she was done, she pranced over to the tall mirror Pipp had set up near her bed and looked herself over, turning a little in front of it.

Even if this wasn't going to keep her warm, then it was at least a cute look.


It was a nice day, Sunny thought. Once the fog cleared, there still wasn't much sunlight, owing to the blanket of light-grey clouds, but the air was crisp and the general mood seemed upbeat. At least this was the case with everypony who had come by for smoothies today.

She was just bent down behind the counter, restocking fruit from the crates, when she heard a familiar voice in front of the trailer.

"Hey, Sunny, you there?"

"Izzy! Yeah, just a moment! In the mood for a--" She popped back up to greet her friend with a smile, only to pause. "Is that my hoodie?"

"Yup!" Her friend beamed up at her, saddlebags slung over her back and moving a little to the music playing softly from Sunny's radio.

"Uh... it suits you. Guessing you were still cold?" she asked with an awkward smile, not sure what to make of this surprise.

"Not anymore! This is really snuggly! I had no idea that Earth Pony clothes could be so soft!"

"That's great, Izzy. But do you think you could ask me first next time?" Sunny suggested gently.

"Oh! Oh, yeah." Izzy sheepishly rubbed her foreleg. "Sorry."

"That's okay. Tell you what, I have tomorrow off! We'll go shopping and you can pick some out for yourself."

Izzy beamed again, dancing in place a little. "That sounds fun! Don't worry, I'll put this one in the wash after."

Sunny smiled back, glad the matter was settled. And Izzy's happiness was infectious, besides. "Okay. For now, do you have a taste for mango, or are you feeling strawberry?"

Comments ( 4 )

Okay, this was cute! A bit short but still cute

Hoodies are the best, change my mind

Charming slice of life! Really cute story)

Though, by contrast to her sister, Pipp stayed mostly inside these days, tucked under covers, and throwing on a chic little blanket whenever she headed out for work.

Why am I not surprised. :duck:

Sunny wouldn't mind, right? It's not like she was wearing them either. Even though she probably looked really good in one. Izzy levitated the blue sweater out of the drawer and closed it again.

Had a feeling she'd go for that one. :ajsmug:

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