• Published 13th Jul 2022
  • 448 Views, 14 Comments

Remembrance - Jamie Wolf

Spike takes a cruise back from a far away land. He faces memories and emotions he didn't think he was ready for, along with old friends and new advice.

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Spike stepped under the warm shower head and winced at the pattering against his scales. It reminded him too much of dirt showers and rainstorms. His worry soon ebbed away with the soothing warmth as he placed a hand against the wall. The water traced along his most sensitive reminders of Norfandia and its trouble. The massive scars that ran between his wings and around his torso throbbed under the warm assault of liquid. They were fresher than he had hoped. So were the memories.

Spike shook himself. Hold it together man. Just get home, then we’ll deal. One day at a time. He raised his head to douse his face with the water, closing his second set of clear eyelids meant for ducking under lakes and rivers. Once he was back in Equestria, he knew Twilight would pepper him with questions and not take no for an answer. He would have to face his memories then. But he could last until he got there without thinking of them.

He turned the water off and stepped out when the washing machine buzzed to tell him the laundry was ready to be switched. He walked over and pulled the door open, transferring the soggy clothes to the dryer. A small rag fell out from between the pile. It was still stained in some places with dirt and a dark oily substance, but the cyan color shone through at some parts. He snatched it up and stopped for a second. This was a memory he could allow.

The band was given to him by president Fenris when Spike had first agreed to help the Norfandians. It was a symbol of great respect and command. He had worn it almost everyday since receiving it. Spike had not removed it until he packed for his journey home. The tight feeling of the band echoed around his right bicep as if the small rag was calling out to be worn again. Spike smiled. Maybe I will. The Norfandians on board would get a kick out of it. Spike pushed the thought out as quickly as it appeared. You’re already getting too much special treatment for what happened. No need to incite more. He reluctantly tossed the rag in the dryer.

The shirt and vest he had hung from the glass had slightly smoothed out, and his pants that were neatly folded on top of the toilet looked smooth. Spike decided against the vest today and just chose to wear the button up with his sleeves rolled in favor of the heat outside. It had been almost thirty minutes since Rarity had knocked. He found himself hoping she had stuck around for him or even snuck in to wait for him to be done. He found his room just the way he left it, and the hall just as empty. Spike sighed and decided he should get out of his room if he were to make something of the day. Breakfast could not hurt, and he had heard there was an on-board gym somewhere. Spike was eager to test the grit of his muscles after the long and hardening years.

He rounded the corner to see a familiar troll gazing at Discord’s portrait at the end of the line. Spike wracked his brain for the name of the man standing in front of him. Before he could come up with it, the troll turned and smiled at Spike.

“Hail, hero! I was hoping I would see the hero of the mountain on the ship!” He bowed to Spike who returned the favor.

“You couldn’t miss me! I’ve been told I stand out.” Spike laughed with the troll. It was no secret that he was as unique and strange in Norfandia as a pony to the folks there. The added legend of dragons in their home gave him extra reverence.

“Quite so, great beast. It is an honor that Roc could meet you face-to-face.”

“Meet?” Spike interjected. “You look familiar, Roc. Have we not met before?” The troll grinned.

“Well, I saw you swoop in above me and save my unit in the trench at Mershaw.” The troll rubbed his short horns. “Ya saved what was left of these boys from that inferno.”

Spike smiled and bowed again.

“It was my pleasure, Roc. Think nothing of it.”

“I’ll think of it for the rest of my life. You saved it after all!” The troll reached out to pat Spike’s shoulder. He let it happen. Touch was one of the main ways Norfandians expressed sincerity between them. No one ever touched another without significant reason.

“Say, your pony friends, they are an odd bunch. I can see why you like them so.” Roc wiggled his brows. Then he jerked a thumb over to Discord. “But this one, he is not a pony. Or she. Or whatever. Who is this?” Spike let out a short laugh.

“That would be the master of chaos himself, Discord. He’s a draconiquis is what they’re called.”

“Chaos, eh? He certainly looks the part. Will I be able to meet him in Equestria?” Roc’s eyes glinted in curiosity. Spike nodded slightly.

“Sure Roc, I’ll see what I can do.”

The troll smiled and put his hands in the pockets of his shorts.

“I best be heading off. The wife will be waking up now, expecting some food. Pleasure to see you, sir.” He bowed once more and hastily jogged towards the stairs. Spike waited a moment so as not to run into the pudgy figure as he made his own way down.