• Published 13th Jul 2022
  • 448 Views, 14 Comments

Remembrance - Jamie Wolf

Spike takes a cruise back from a far away land. He faces memories and emotions he didn't think he was ready for, along with old friends and new advice.

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Spike was stumbling back through the halls. He had opted to take the elevator up to avoid the ten flights of stairs that were sure to trip his already labored walk. He could feel his head clearing up with every step, but it had been years since Spike had alcohol. His tolerance was that of a teenager excited to try his first sip of the stuff. He remembered the first time he was exposed to the intoxicated mindset when he and Rarity had toasted her new franchise opening. It had been eight years ago when Spike had been the first to learn about her success, and in celebration had brought over a cheap champagne to her house. Rarity had told him how ‘bougie’ the cheap bottle was, but she appreciated it anyway. Spike had become a slobbering mess that night and ended up spending it on her couch with her watching over him until he drifted off. Spike could still see her smiling eyes that had formed tiny wrinkles around them from the stressful years, but she looked as beautiful as ever. He could not thank Rarity enough for that image over the last few years. Some nights, it was all that kept him going.

He rounded a corner and stumbled straight into a pair of ponies who were in dresses. They had clearly been enthralled with their conversation as they let out a yelp of surprise at the drunken dragon. Spike was on the clumsier side of tipsy as he fell forward, thrown completely off balance. Just as he braced himself for impact, a blue-tinge glow surrounded his snout. He felt himself slowly float back to his feet as he reached for the wall to brace himself. Spike raised a claw to his head and closed his eyes.

“Sorry ladies. One too many I’m afraid. Didn’t mean to startle you.” He gave them a lopsided smile and opened his eyes. Spike froze.

“Spikey-wikey?” The delicate voice pierced his ears and flooded his whole body with a warmth that spread into an enormous smile.

“RARITY!” Spike barreled forward past the blackened-colored mare and nearly tackled the snow-white pony to the ground. She returned his immense hug with her own ineffective pats from her shorter hooves.

“Oh, my goodness Spike, you’re bigger than I remember!” She strained out as he closed her tighter. Spike wanted to soak in his old friend’s warmth. Her words made him realize that he was probably crushing her. He awkwardly shuffled off her and rubbed his head, blushing.

“Sorry Rare, got too excited I guess.” He felt his smile stay just as big when she straightened her frilly white dress with gold inlay and smiled back up at him. Those eyes were still shining behind the slight fog that was growing in them. Spike remembered that Rarity had told him before he left that her eye doctor was worried of cataracts, but would not worry about it for a while. They did not look even close to bad, but Spike still worried. A tiny gray sliver was forming in the mare’s perfectly purple mane. Wow, the last few years must have been tough. She’s only… twenty-five? No, six. Spike felt shamed at his misremembrance of the mare’s birthday. There was a time when he would be the first to wish her one the night it turned midnight. Those days were long gone, and Spike could hardly remember his own birthday in the face of so many responsibilities.

“You are looking so dapper in that uniform Spikey, even if it is a little crumpled from your bar run.” She poked at him and gave a small giggle. Spike looked down to see the wrinkles on his vest and a tiny splash of the bourbon on his white collar. He smiled back to her.

“You’re looking as breathtaking as ever. I don’t think I’ve seen that dress since…”

“The gala, I know. I didn’t think it would fit after all this time! But lady luck has other plans for the head of fashion mare.” Her eyes twinkled as Spike recounted the popular magazine back home.

“No way! That’s amazing when did that happen!” He burst out.

“Just over a year ago. This vacation was a celebration given to me by miss Fashion herself.” Rarity nodded to the other pony who had been politely waiting for the two.

Spike took notice of her and saw she was a few years older but just as beautiful as Rarity. Her black coat was shimmering against the silver dress she wore, and her bright, blonde mane was bound tightly with golden ribbon. Her black horn had swirls of purple running through it. She reached out a hoof and Spike took it delicately as he raised it to a kiss.

“Miss High Fashion. Pleased to finally meet the illusive royal ambassador. This one tells me about you all the time.” She wiggled her brow at Rarity. The white mare blushed and waved weakly at her.

“Not all the time.”

“Oh, come now Rarity! You have told me the stories of this dragon’s eye for your gem line almost every monthly visit! She says her business would have died without you; you know.” She winked at Spike who tugged on his collar.

“Ah, Rarity is being too generous. She had all the ideas. I just licked em.” He gave his goofy grin to Rarity and Miss Fashion. This caused the black mare to burst out giggling.

“I dare say; Rarity, your product has genuine dragon spit on it? How classy!” The two mares stifled some laughter unbefitting of such well-dressed fashionistas. Spike chuckled along.

“Spikey, I had no idea you would be here! Well, I had hoped you would when I heard this liner was headed for Nor… Norfland…”

“Norfandia.” He corrected.

“Yes! I had prayed to Celestia that we might see you. But when I was downstairs earlier, I didn’t see a purple dragon anywhere! I thought you were staying another year.” She looked into his eyes and twinkled them again. “But I’m glad I was wrong.”

Spike felt his chest swell as his heart burned happily.

“Me too.”

He suddenly felt the wooziness come back to him. The high of excitement was wearing off and he clutched the wall for balance.

“Oh dear, dragon gone seasick?” Fashion said as she trotted over to brace him. Spike felt his head swimming.

“Just—Just a little lightheaded. I guess alcohol and seas don’t mix well. I’ll never get how those pirates did it.” He managed out. Spike closed his eyes to block the bright lights.

“Oh, darling you must get back to your room to sleep! Making sick this early on the cruise would ruin the whole thing. Please, let us help you back.” Rarity braced his left arm against her. Spike wanted to thank them, but the idea of just talking brought back a wave of nausea.

“Room 1001. Quick.” He gutted out. The two mares began walking with the dragon braced awkwardly between them. His body was almost twice the size of them, and he was stooped down so they were almost dragging his legs across the floor. Rarity cast a glance at Fashion.

“1001? That’s the V.I.P. suite darling. How ever did you manage that? I know being the ambassador has its perks, but even princess Luna had to haggle for that one.”

Spike cracked an eye open. He did not want to tell these two mares how he got such an elusive position on the cruise. Thought technically it was a gift insisted by the government of Norfandia, Spike still felt like he had stolen it from someone else.

“I guess you could say I know a guy.” He managed.

Rarity fished out his keycard with her magic and opened the door. She almost dropped him at the sight. Much like Spike’s previous awe, the two mares were astounded at the room.

“Spikey… wow.” Was all the pearly mare could manage.

“Pretty sweet, I know. I’d love to invite you over sometime, but if I don’t lay down this whole room is going kaput.” Spike felt bad about the abrupt and unpleasant shunt, but he could barely manage his eyes up from the carpet.

“Of course, darling. Let us know if you need anything. I’m in 1004 and Fashion in 1005. Just down the hall. Rest well Spikey.” She and Fashion lay him out on the bed and switched the lights off. Spike was grateful for the respite from the onslaught of brightness. He stuck out his thumb in a form of appreciation as he heard the door creak closed.