• Published 13th Jul 2022
  • 448 Views, 14 Comments

Remembrance - Jamie Wolf

Spike takes a cruise back from a far away land. He faces memories and emotions he didn't think he was ready for, along with old friends and new advice.

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Spike brushed Rarity’s back for hours, playing with her mane, scratching her softly, and breathing into her neck. He did not want it to end. After such a long time, he felt her breathing slow into a deep rhythmic thrumping. Must have dozed off he thought as he slowly untangled her grasp. Spike carefully lowered her down onto the pillows and drew the cover up to her midriff so as not to overheat the furred creature. He smiled at her breathing body as she reached for an invisible one to embrace her own. Spike positioned a spare pillow in front of her that she latched onto. Her content sigh was enough to let Spike know she would sleep well that night. He smiled.

Spike remembered that night spent in her boutique in Canterlot, her watchful eyes lulling him to rest. He was now here protecting her into a slumber. He knew that in the morning, they would talk again and most likely dismiss this night as an emotionally reckless engagement between old friends, but for now it was perfect.

He stood slowly and grabbed an extra pillow. Spike walked to the edge of the bed and placed the pillow on the floor to gaze out of the massive window. He brought himself to lie down on his side and look out on the deck. It was mostly empty now with only a few trolls sitting with two ponies at the closed bar. Spike swept his gaze across and was startled to see a large golden centaur enjoying a hot tub with a beautiful black mare. They were sitting across from each other and seemed to be engaged in a riveting conversation. Consort had apparently haggled for the chance to meet High Fashion tonight. That, or the other two had all been there and found the conversation less interesting than pumping iron. Spike frowned as he remembered why Rarity was in his room to begin with. Hours ago, her friend had hurt her so much that the poor mare was weeping in a curled form in the hall. Spike felt obligated to confront her, but thought that perhaps it was not his place.

The sun had set hours ago as Spike and Rarity had been enraptured by each other. Their track of time had vanished, and it was now late in the night. Spike found himself unable to sleep still. His memories of Norfandia fought for domination over memories of Equestria. Rarity’s visage tumbled against the desperate and bleeding faces of his comrades. His mind seemed more tumultuous than before. Spike decided that perhaps there would be something to distract him if he were to join the two on deck and attempt some platonic relaxation. He slowly stood, afraid of waking the sleeping girl on his bed. He cracked the door slowly and eased out into the hall. It closed softly behind him as he walked towards the elevator.

Spike waved as the golden centaur smiled at his approach. High Fashion turned from the edge of the tub to see what the interruption was and gave a pleasant smile to Spike. She was not wearing anything due to the lack of real swimwear in Equestria, but Consort wore a pair of shorts that covered his four legs just above the knees. It was not exactly necessary as centaur genitalia was hidden even better than pony, but more a formality Spike knew of being in water.

“The great ambassador finally blesses us with his presence.” High Fashion joked as he came closer. Spike was a little hurt because he did not know her yet, but he figured she was just being playful.

“Ambassador? Lame title. The great beast, hero of mountains, conqueror of Doxology, and knight of Norfandia approaches!” Consort boomed boastfully. He stood to bow and clasp Spike’s claw. Spike heard Fashion snort in a giggle.

“That’s a mouthful.” She said.

“I hope you all don’t mind me joining. I just needed some time away.” Spike smiled at the two as he bent down to sit on the edge of the tub. He tangled his legs in and felt the hot water absorb his troubles.

“It’s our pleasure, great one.” Consort said. Fashion nodded and tossed her bright mane back from her face.

“We are more than happy to have you.” She grinned at him. Spike felt a bit more at ease from her response.


They sat their awkwardly for a moment. Spike felt he had interrupted some important conversation that could not just be picked up from where it left off.

“So,” Fashion started, “What did you need time away from?” She cast him a wary glance. Spike knew she wanted to know if it was Rarity he was escaping. Responding to his own thoughts, he shook his head.

“Just myself. Overthinking and all that.” His response earned him a cocked eyebrow from Fashion.

“Oh? Thinking of?” Spike sighed at her prying. He did not feel like recounting the last few years again to this audience. It had sapped all his emotional energy doing it with Rarity, and he trusted her with his life.

“Just life. The past. Friends. That kind of stuff.” He passed off her question in hopes of Consort maybe interjecting.

“Were you thinking of Rarity?” Fashion’s boldness threw Spike completely off guard.

“What?” He swung his head towards her. The pool lights cast a shadow on her face that gave her a sinister look.

“Rarity. You know she’s crazy about you.” Fashion folded her front hooves and leaned back in the water. Spike waved slightly at her.

“Nah… she and I, well, she wasn’t so interested all those years back. I kinda lost that feeling a while ago too.” He bit his lip as he spat out the lie. Fashion scoffed.

“You lie almost as good as you look.” Spike was quickly starting to grow uncomfortable. Fashion sighed and unfolded her hooves to lean closer to Spike.

“Listen, that mare brings you up at least once every time we start a new design. She would never admit it, but she’s wanted to be with you for a long, long time Spike. And I know you feel the same.” Her tone was low like she was afraid of other passengers hearing, but there was no one out here but the three of them.

“How do you know?” Spike shot back. He knew why he did, but how did this pony think she could have him all figured out?

“I don’t know, call it intuition.” She said haughtily. “Or maybe call it how her stories about you made you sound like the sweetest thing to breathe, the letters she kept gave insight to your character, or your awkward shuffles this cruise gave away your boyish feelings towards her.”

Damn, Spike thought. That was all true. His jaw hung slightly open as he struggled to respond.

“In fact, I know that right now, she’s probably in your giant room, sleeping alone because you’re too big a coward to take your feelings to the next level.” Spike began to protest, but Fashion raised her hoof to cut him off.

“Don’t get me wrong, I find it very admirable you’re not willing to push that envelope so quickly after reuniting, but Spike; I’ll say to you what I said to her, let yourself be happy. Don’t you deserve that?”

Her words hung over Spike like an anvil. He stared blankly at her knees. No one had ever come at Spike this hard before.

“I don’t… not more than anyone else.” He managed to gasp out. Fashion rolled her eyes.

“Please, you more than anyone ought to take time for yourself. From what Consort here says, you’ve been through the nine rings of Tartarus and back while hopping on one foot over hot coals. All for a people you don’t know.” Spike turned his head to the silent centaur. Consort shrugged at him and nodded.

“It’s true, great beast. You gave more than your life for us. You deserve something special.”

The centaur of Norfandia were infamous for their independence and hot-headedness. They had been the most difficult group to accept friendship. Many of them had joined Doxxen in the war, only resigning to friendship after a forced surrender occurred. The three centaur on this cruise were something of an exception to what Spike had seen. He had worked with few centaur in his time there, but all of them had been a struggle and pain to endure. Many would only agree to participate if Spike could best them in a sparring match as a show of superiority. That was the easiest thing Spike had to deal with when it came to them.

“No… no, I’m not any more special than you all.” Spike gestured to them. “Just because I did what I was supposed to doesn’t mean I get to shirk my responsibilities and go chasing fillies.”

“That is not what I’m saying dear. You’re not listening.” Fashion corrected. Spike closed his mouth and decided to see what else this mare had to correct.

“You don’t just stop working or functioning because you want to love somepony. But it’s the reward of loving somepony that gives you the happiness you deserve. You have been waiting for what, eleven years for Rarity? And you’ll just give it up when she’s throwing herself at you now because you don’t believe you deserve it?”

“Thirteen.” Spike said quietly. Fashion stopped her rant for a moment and shot a look to Consort.

“What was that?” The gruff voice of the golden skinned beast came forward.

“Thirteen years.” Spike spoke a little louder. “I’ve loved Rarity for thirteen years since we moved to Ponyville. Well, love is a strong term, but it became love after the first year or so of being there.” Spike trailed off and dragged his claw through the water below.

“Thirteen… Spike.” Fashion said comfortingly. “Spike, why won’t you love her now?” Spike shifted uncomfortably at the question.

“Because… because what if I’m not enough. She deserves a pony, not a monster. Someone who gets fashion and can talk to her about it for hours. Somepony who can always be there for her.” Spike felt the emotions rising in his chest.

“Are you not all of those?” Consort asked. Spike looked dumbfoundedly at him.

“Pony, sure he’s not.” Fashion answered. “But monster? Not at all. You are a great man, which I would say is better than a pony.” She smiled at him as Spike swiveled his head to her now.

“I am a monster. If you knew—”

“I do, Spike. Consort told me what you’ve done. I don’t think that’s monstrous at all.”

“Killing people!?” Spike burst out. The two retracted suddenly at his outburst. “That is the definition of monstrous! I can hardly face myself in the mirror in the morning, how could I subject her to that every day?” Tears were welling up in his eyes now as Spike lowered himself back down in his seat.

“Sir Spike, killing… sometimes it must happen. To protect and defend.” Consort spoke. Spike turned to him. “You defend those who could not defend themselves. You fight for ideals that farther our growth as a world. You are a hero of the people. ‘Those who would stand against the idea of good cannot be reasoned with, try as you might’.” Consort finished by quoting what Spike remembered was a quote he used when teaching centaur of friendship and fighting.

“If you and Twilight and your friends had not been able to stop the monsters that plagued Equestria, would you have done the same?” Fashion peeked into the conversation.

“I guess.” Spike finally resigned. He had never really thought about having to kill Discord or Nightmare Moon. Both of them had given in through other means and were now some of the best ponies Spike knew.

“Then you cannot punish yourself for saving us.” Consort reprimanded.

“Rarity knows what you did already, doesn’t she?”

Spike sat there quietly as reason infected his mind. Fashion was speaking a lot of sense, and the added corroboration of Consort was not helping Spike to deny the truth.

“Yes. We talked tonight. She saw…” He looked down at his body. He had forgotten to bring a shirt and only now realized it. Until now, Spike had never wanted to enter public without a shirt for fear of his scars. Something with Rarity had changed that to become meaningless.

“Spike, go to her.” Fashion coaxed him up. Spike hesitated and fought for one last excuse to stay.

“I left her asleep, I shouldn’t—”

“Go. She needs you as much as you do her.” Fashion smiled.

“If you don’t go, then I’m sorry great beast, but you’re a bigger idiot than I thought after I first heard of you charging the gap.” Consort berated him playfully and slapped his back to launch Spike into a stumble. The dragon turned to the pair and smiled, but still felt confusion riddle his mind.

“Thank you, I’m not sure if that all really worked, but for now it did. Thank you.” He backed away and smiled as Fashion shooed him towards the hall. Spike did a little jump turn and worked into a stride through the hallway as he eagerly approached the elevator. His head was spinning with emotion and confusion. At the very least, Spike now felt that he should try. Try and see what really would happen with him and Rarity.