• Published 13th Jul 2022
  • 448 Views, 14 Comments

Remembrance - Jamie Wolf

Spike takes a cruise back from a far away land. He faces memories and emotions he didn't think he was ready for, along with old friends and new advice.

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Spike awoke to the blinding of the sun piercing his shut eyes through the massive window. That would be the downside. He groaned in pain as his headache resurfaced in a throb. Clearly, he had lost his ability to hold a drink. He shielded his eyes from the giant ball of flame and pushed up on one arm to sit upright in his bed.

“You couldn’t let me sleep a little longer Twilight?” He gave a little chuckle as he remembered the punctuality of his sister. “Of course not. ‘The day starts when it starts’!” He mocked her cheery tone.

He looked down at his clothes, still crinkled and sloppy from his time at the bar last night. He frowned as he realized that he was missing a clean set to wear in place of them. Spike thought about going around without clothes while they washed, but then he remembered how many Norfandians were here, and just how much they valued the clothing. His time with them had truly changed his attitude. Spike chose to keep the slightly messy uniform on while washing his other clothes.

He slowly got to his feet to feel the soft carpet below. His back cracked as he stood fully and spread his wings. They popped along the firm tendons that ran along the top and shook in pleasure from the release. Spike made his way groggily to the bathroom door while holding his head in a futile attempt to soothe the throb. The door swung inward as he twisted the handle to show a washer and dryer sitting next to each other. A glass partition lay past them with a full-sized bathtub and stand-up shower. The toilet sat opposite from the tub with a tan carpet at the base. Spike scoffed at the unnecessary accommodations, but decided to take advantage of them anyway.

He moved his suitcase full of dirty clothes over to the washer and began unzipping it. A stench wafted from the cracks that made Spike hold his nose and hastily unload them into the metal box. He grabbed the detergent from above the machine and filled the port. Spike decided to give an extra helping of the stuff, just in case. The smell of his clothes made Spike remember something he thought better left alone. He refused to check any of the ripped or worn fabrics for stains. He did not ever want to see that kind of thing again.

Spike then unbuttoned his shirt and vest to hang them on the glass partition. He figured he would at least let the shower steam the clothes to make them slightly less wrinkled. Once he pulled the shirt off his scales, he noticed the almost alien feeling of air on his exposed chest and back.

Just then, a knock sounded from the front. Spike groaned in protest, but made his way over to the door. He started the laundry machine as he passed and closed the bathroom to avoid the annoying tumbling of the washer. He pulled the front door open and looked around before realizing his intruder was below him. Spike craned his neck slightly to look at the white pony in front of him. He flashed a smile to Rarity as he caught her eyes wandering up his exposed form.

“Hiya Rare, you’re up early.” He noted. She blushed a little as she caught his eyes.

“Yes, well, I could hardly sleep knowing an old friend was waiting with what must be such exhilarating stories. Ones that could rival Dash’s I would imagine.” She gave a polite and thin-lipped smile up to him. Spike leaned back against the door frame and crossed his arms.

“Yea… I don’t know about that.” He said more to himself.

“What was that dear?”

“Nothing.” He looked down the hall to see some trolls arising from their room. They hastily rounded the corner, all of them wearing shorter clothes for the ocean sun.

“Curious creatures, aren’t they?” Rarity’s posh voice snapped Spike away from the hall. He looked back down to the mare who was staring in the same direction.

“Sure, but they’re just as unique and special as us. They’re good people. All of them.” He wanted to make sure that any negative images that Rarity had of the trolls or other creatures were pushed away. He had lived with them for so long, he almost felt a part of them. Spike had formed many friendships and allies in the foreign land. He would argue with anypony who told him that they were off putting. All the Norfandians had welcomed Spike and worked hard for friendship.

Well, almost all of them.

“I meant nothing by it darling, just that I have never seen them before. They must be equally curious by my own beauty.” She giggled and turned back to Spike, her mane tossing loosely in front of one eye. It gave her a seductive look to the otherwise innocent grin. Spike shifted uncomfortably. Rarity’s smile dropped and she reached forward with one hoof.

“Spikey… your chest. Is that a—”

Spike glanced down in panic and moved his crossed arms slightly higher in reflex.

“Nothing. Sleep line.” His lie was awful; he knew she would not buy it. He was affirmed by her quizzical look. Spike smiled to cover his hasty response. “Tell you what Rarity; give me twenty minutes to shower and dress, and I’ll take you out to catch up.” He stood to make his way back into the room while still facing her. Can’t have her see what’s really back here.

She frowned at him and retreated a pace.

“Sorry Spikey, I’ll have to delay that request. Fashion and I are having breakfast together in a few minutes. But I’d love to see you for lunch!” She cheerfully replied. Spike nodded.

“All well. I got some laundry to do anyway. Lunch at the bar? My treat?” He flashed her another smile and began closing the door.

“With what money, Spike? You most certainly haven’t been making any while on your trip. I know because Twilight talks about how you refused her release of payment overseas. You must have a fortune piled up for when you’re home.” Her eyes drifted past the closing door to see the dragon pause.

“It’s—well, It’s not important. Please. I insist.” He gave her one last grin and closed the door.