• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Stories in 2nd person, Stories about feet, Stories about tickling, and stories about you tickling feet.

Comments ( 20 )

This was a fun read, wished there had been more sex but I still enjoyed it. And ignore the down votes those are just a bunch of homophobes

Huh, some faith in humanity has sustained from the looks of it.


Thanks, man.

It's honestly kinda fascinating seeing how fast my stories get downvote bombed now.

Evidently, yes.

I have found in resent years that there is a hard core of the most belligerent of these kinds of people who thinks it's okay to go out of their way to make people of minorities who don't have the same tastes, intentionally mineable, in a pathetic attempt at chasing them out of the site because they think it's 'funny' just for the sake of being immature dicks. I am of the opinion they shouldn't win, and I hope you won't let them either.

Yeah, I'm not disabling ratings.

I already got paid to write this, the downvotes won't unpay me.

Gotta admit, I like the way you think

He turned around, surprised at who was trying to grab his attention. A brown earth pony with slicked-back black hair. “M-Mr. Rich? Can I…help you?” He quickly flipped through his remaining letters. He was sure that none of his letters were addressed to anyone in his family today.

He turned around??? what was it to the left or the right... missing some details? did he look first?

it could be just me though...

“THANKYOU!” Exist bolted inside as fast as his hooves could take him, going as far away from the windows as possible to hide.

no, no, no... there should be a space for thankyou...

And some of the story is telling and not showing...

interesting story though. But i'm pretty sure that's why maybe???

however, it could also be the festish as well.

“OKAYOKAYI’LLTAKEITOHOHOHOHOHOFF JUST NOHOHOHO MOHOHOHORE!” Through his ticklish squeals, Exist slipped out of the fluffy coat, letting it droop down onto the seats, hoping that it would finally get the pegasi to stop.

Also it could be this sentence with all caps.

No one likes to read high caps with sentence together... (hard to read for the eyes on some of us.) just to show you this that it could of been better than using caps... such as...

1 example. "Why you?" he shouted! etc...

2 example. He looked at him with a stare and a loud voice coming from his throat, "Why you?"

I feel like some details like that aren't important, but I get that sometimes I do have a tendency to tell instead of show.

Me writing the dialogue without spaces is an indication of him speaking quickly, and the all caps is an indication of shouting.

then you should use a dash if it's together then... that's what dashes are for.

I've seen the hyphen used to show a connection between words, as a form of punctuation like a shorter comma, and to indicate that someone's dialogue is about to be interrupted.

I've honestly never seen it used to denote someone is talking fast when eliminating the spaces between the words gets the job done with more clarity. And if I have, it's very rarely.


Ah, I-see. Well-then.

I appreciate the feedback, but I have to respectfully disagree on this point.

"Fluttershyyougottagetoutofbedit'sciderseason" vs "Fluttershy-you-gotta-get-out-of-bed-it's-cider-season"

I feel like the one on the left better shows a sense of quick speaking and urgency, while the one on the right feels more stilted in its delivery.

Admittedly, the hyphens make it easier to read and understand what's being said, but I'd argue that omitting spaces gives the reader the same sense of "Wait what did they say?" that the character being spoken to is experiencing.

I can see your point with the all caps into a sentence. I am curious as to how you'd tackle that problem considering you'd need to constantly write laughter-filled dialogue, because it's kind of the norm in a tickle fetish fic.


A more different perspective of what you might be use to. If I was writing a tickle fetish. It would be more like something like this.

example 1: She felt something near her toes with her high pitch tone from her voice box.

example 2: He used the feather near her toes. Making her used that sound when he saw her tears dripping from her face.

Although we have different writing skill and how we wright stories too. I put it in a show perspective because I believe that it's easier and it has more feel to the character making it realistic. (character development.)

Fair point. I've seen some tickle stories written similar to that style. I suppose I just prefer to use dialogue in order to convey emotions like desperation and arousal.

It also leads to a more interesting dynamic in my opinion that there's a sort of one-sided conversation going on.


She felt something near her toes with her high pitch tone from her voice box

The hell is a voice box?

Then just say “larynx” lmao


yeah but, I use basic grammar and not high advance. I maybe 30 years old but I use 3rd grade level.

Or just say "throat".

There's no need to go that specific when just saying "throat" will do.

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