• Published 27th Jan 2022
  • 1,051 Views, 9 Comments

An Honest Mistake - Marina Stars

After a little mishap with her familiar, Fluttershy and Discord end up with a healthy dose of truth serum in their tea. Can they fix it before they say too much? Written for Day Eight of Fluttercord Week. Prompt: Truth Serum.

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Something in the Tea

Once upon a time, on the edge of clearing deep within the woods, lived a young mare, a forest witch, in a quaint little cottage made cozy by the many animals that frequented her home.

She lived a simple life crafting potions and elixirs for the sake of helping the woes of the world. Oh she could never cure such a thing, but if a pony left her home better soothed or a little more hopeful for tomorrow, that made all the difference.

She was not the sort of witch you’d expect, not some old hag like Baba Yaga whom parents would use to frighten wayward children into obedience. Rather she was a soft and soothing pegasus mare of golden coat and rosy mane, with eyes that spoke of kindness and wisdom often beyond her years, but innocent all the same.

And that morning, the mare had her hooves full with a potion to brew, an order to fill, an incoming guest, and a demanding white rabbit who just had to try throwing wrenches in the gears of her otherwise perfectly timed morning.

“I’m very busy Angel, darling. What is it?” Her practiced hooves worked despite the rabbit’s disturbances, she listened to his squeaking fighting to never slow her steady rhythm of pouring each potion.

“That is quite a conundrum,” She sighed, “But it’s one you’ll have to sort out on your own.”

He protested more fervently to which she shook her head with more finality, “I understand Angel, and if it’s not solved by sunset I’ll be more than happy to help you resolve this problem, as it is I have so much still to do today and not a moment to waste.”

Her ears pricked as huffed another complaint. 'Well, if you canceled your plans with that big clumsy oaf you'd have time for me.'

She bristled slightly at the insult to her friend “Don’t you start calling him names, Angel. He is one of my best customers and today a guest. I wouldn't dream of canceling, especially not on such short notice, it is Tuesday after all, and Tuesday Teas are tradition,”

They had been for a while.

She remembered the day he first entered her shop, a simple adventurer in need of a magical solution, younger, more awkward, but hey, so was she. At first it was for odds and ends, the occasional healing potion, but his visits became more frequent and an unlikely friendship formed between the two. Soon he was visiting often, usually without reason, and due to a love of alliteration, Tuesday Teas were born.

That was a few years ago, but they were still going strong.

Again he huffed, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently. She had never seen a worse glare from that rabbit than when Discord was involved.

They’d been friends for years. You’d think the bunny would have accepted it by now, but the two never seemed to get along. Discord was a very close and beloved friend, and Angel was her beloved familiar, she cared deeply for each and could never and would never trade one for another. One day, she hoped. One day they’d get along.

For now, she had no time to troubleshoot Angel and Discord’s relationship, as there was so much else to do.

Speaking of… the witch glanced at her kitchen clock, gasping at the time, “Oh dear, I didn't realize how close we were to teatime.”

She quickly placed the filled bottles on a shelf above her stove resolving to finish up the rest after she’d brewed today's tea, then rushed to grab a kettle to fill.

Behind her she heard Angel scramble up onto those same shelves in an attempt to be in the foreground of her attention even as she worked.

“Careful Angel,” She warned over her shoulder, “I can't have you breaking any of those,”

Some days she wondered what she would ever do with him, the stubborn relentless little bunny.

After the kettle was filled she floated to her stove, lighting it and leaving the water to boil as she picked out a blend for the day.

Even as she worked diligently, clearly busy with her tasks, the bunny would not relent, employing every method he had at his disposal to try and win her over, change her mind, something and anything. Fluttershy quickly felt her patience waning as countering every argument and listening to every complaint grew tiring to the point they were just going in circles. Now, she was known for a nearly endless supply of patience, and Angel knew that. Even though she knew she shouldn't let him push her to his limits, that same nearly endless patience usually won out in his favor.

She didn't know if it was the triviality of his complaint, or his blatant disregard for her own hospitality and her soon-to-be-guest, but she found herself closer to her limit with each passing second.

“That’s enough, Angel.” She warned again, slipping a jar of one of her custom blends from a perfectly organized cupboard.

He didn't listen.

He didn't listen, but this needed to end.

As she stood before the stove, placing her herbs into a small infuser and into the heated water, she was eye to eye with her familiar glaring at her, refusing to back down, refusing to quiet his complaints, and refusing to leave.

She knew snapping at him would be of no use, it never was, but she always had an ace, one trick that worked every time.

Her signature stare.

The moment she focused her glare on the bunny, he shrunk into himself, mouth shutting into a tight frown.

Just like that, he was done.

And she was left with just the slightest bit of guilt of having to resort to such tactics. Instead of dwelling on it, she turned to return the jar to its cupboard. Behind her the silenced bunny broke out of his stupor and silently swung at the air, biting back every squeak he might have returned.

And that is where things went wrong. In his blind, disappointment-fueled haze, he kicked over one bottle of Fluttershy’s freshly brewed potion, and froze.

He watched as the seconds seemed to slow and the bottle tipped. In her distracted state or her hurry, she hadn't gotten the cork quite tight enough, a fact made clear as the momentum threw it over the counter and to the floor to roll away silently, while the contents of the bottle flowed unimpeded into the open top of the kettle. The kettle containing that afternoon’s tea. Fluttershy's kettle.

He scrambled to the edge watching the once purple liquid roll with the bubbles till it turned clear and disappeared becoming one with the brew.

It was at that moment Fluttershy started to turn around and he knew that if he didn't act quick he was a dead bunny. So, he stood and hid the bottle behind his back, standing innocently on the shelf.

She raised a brow as she returned but didn't spare more time for him as she passed by. Silently, he hid it behind one of the many bottles on the shelf, excused himself and scampered off to panic silently, knowing it’s effects would be non-fatal, but hoping it would hardly be noticed.

A short while later, Fluttershy breathed a deep sigh as everything was set and ready for tea. A beautifully painted porcelain teapot was set out along with two matching cups and several plates of teacakes, scones, and sandwiches.

The perfect setup for a perfect afternoon with a perfectly unordinary tea guest.

One who should be popping in any minute-

“Hello there Fluttershy!”

With a smile she turned to the small teleportation circle in her living room, and the guest standing in it.

"Discord! Right on time!" She flew up to him embracing her guest.

"Blast!" The draconequus chuckled, returning her welcoming hug as his chest bubbled delightedly, "And here I thought I was unpredictably early."

"You are, but I just finished setting up, so even if you're early, you came at the perfect time." She winked before releasing him.

With a beckoning hoof she turned towards the living room, missing the soft glow in his cheeks from her unintentional flirtatiousness. Promptly, he followed cozying up to her couch as she sat in an adjacent loveseat.

"How was your week, my dear?" He asked, politely taking the pot and filling both their cups, much to her appreciation. “He was always so thoughtful like that’

"Oh, you know how it goes: the odd customer or adventurer stopping by now and then. The same old song. Thank you," she paused, taking her cup, "Although, Twilight put in a special order this week. So, that's been keeping me busy."

“Oooh!” His eyes sparkled in curiosity as he scooted closer, ignoring just how close their faces were, “And what sort of concoctions did Miss Sparkler-horn request this time?”

She shook her head, dropping a couple sugarcubes into her tea. “Oh no. I don't want to give you any ideas this time. It’s bad enough the shenanigans you Spike and Big Mac get into on your little adventures. I’m not throwing any of those potions into the mix.”

Not a second time.

Usually, he shopped within what he knew he needed based on the plans he and the others had made. But once in a small lapse of judgment she’d told him about something out of the ordinary- something a little more chaotic than he should have been trusted with. That was a fun story time for him’ she thought in regards to the reprimand she gave him when she found out. Even so, she smile fondly at the memory.

“Fine,” He rolled his eyes dramatically, taking a sip from his cup. “If that’s the way it is, then I suppose I won't tell you about my latest ‘shenanigans’.”

She giggled as she too enjoyed her tea, only slightly wondering at the subtle difference in taste it carried today, “That’s unfortunate, because I do love hearing about your adventures. No one tells stories quite like you do.”

He playfully pondered it for a moment, “Oh, you don't mean that, do you?”

“I do,” She nodded earnestly, playing along. He loved telling stories, and she knew he didn't need convincing. Still, it was fun to tease.

“Very well, You’ve convinced me. “I shall share my tales of adventure. But only because I enjoy your laugh.”

That last bit was not exactly what he planned to say, but it made her smile a little brighter, and he loved that smile, so he’d accept it. When did things go as planned for him anyways?

Without another thought he launched himself into recounting an adventure or two from the week, sometimes getting a little too excited to share, and others just barely omitting a detail or two that might have left Fluttershy more concerned for his well-being than she already was. He didn't know why, but it almost felt like he had no filter today. While last night hadn't been the best sleep in the world, it couldn't have been that bad, right? Not enough to affect his epic tales?

He tried not to think too much about it, focusing instead on how much she enjoyed his stories, the way she leaned in from anticipation-without even realizing it sometimes. Her wings would fidget when things got tense, eyes would shine when things turned out alright in the end.

That’s why he loved telling her stories. Her enthusiasm was infectious, even if she didn't realize

He finished off his second cup of tea, cup included, in a big enough chug that that hint of a strange taste he’d briefly noticed before was more than just noticeable. It was strong.

“Did you add anything new to this tea, by chance?” He wondered aloud, “It does have a bit of an odd taste.”

He hadn't meant it to come out quite like that. And when he realized it had come out that way, he was ready to flood into apology overload as she looked down at her own cup.

“You know what’s strange? I was thinking it tasted off too, but thought it was just in my head.”

Relieved he had not offended her-at least he didn't think he had, “I’m sorry if I offended you.”

“No, no,” She sighed staring quizzically into her cup, “I tasted it too.”

Relieved-actually, he couldnt remember what he was going to say before his thoughts got derailed. He was just glad he hadnt hurt her feelings.

“It’s the same herbs I used last time, brewed it properly too.” She hummed

“No variation in the herbs?”

“Came from the same jar. And I go through this stuff fast enough, there’s no way it could have expired.”

“I’m no expert on tea,” The draconequss said looking into the teapot, finding nothing unordinary, “but it seems to me like there should be an explanation.”

“Aren't you the master of all things unexplainable?”

“Chaos, my dear, chaos. There’s a difference. As it stands I’m stumped on what the possibilities could be. Which happens more often than I’d like.” He paused again. What he meant to say was it didn't happen often, but when he opened his mouth to correct himself, he couldn't seem to make out the words.

Fluttershy noticed how he furrowed his brow. It was likely him sorting through some thoughts. She’d seen similar looks from the draconequus, not often, but enough to know something was on his mind. “You look concerned. Is everything alright?”

He wanted to wave it off as nothing, tell her he was fine, but the slightest bit of concern in his head stopped him, “No. I can't say that I am.” In fact, I’m a little spooked. Something was amiss, he could feel it. What had started as subtle truths spoken without second thought was quickly shifting to something more concerning. He couldn't lie, not even through casual passive comments.

“Fluttershy, dearest,” Why had he called her dearest? “Are you certain you didn't do anything to the tea?”

“I’m certain Discord. Would I lie to you about that?”

If she was in any state like him, she couldn't. Even if she wasn't, he figured she wouldn't. She was an honest mare and a friend he trusted. “I can't say that you would.”

Still, it offered no explanation. Now fixated on the mystery of the teapot he felt the strongest urge to figure this out. If his magic was going haywire for some odd reason, he needed to know. And if something was in the tea affecting both of them, they needed to know. He needed a test. Something to see if, perhaps she too found herself a little more honest today, or if it was just him? Were the two related?.

“Hey Fluttershy? Can I ask you a question?”


“What’s your most embarrassing memory?”

She raised a brow at the unusual question, yet…found herself compelled to answer, “Well, there was this time at flight camp-”

“Cool, cool, great,” He swiftly cut her off, not actually wanting that truth from her, “Correct me if I’m wrong; but you don't seem the type of mare to openly share that, at least not so easily”

“You’re right, I wouldn’t,.” Her eyes widened, “But you asked and I found I had to be honest.”


She looked back at the teapot, “I think something might be wrong with our tea.”

“Yes. That’s what I’ve been saying.”

“That's not good.”

“Very not good indeed, here we are having tea and not only can I not lie to you, but I’m feeling compelled to speak the truth.”

“You don't do that anyways?”

“Always tell the truth? No. I have a lot of inner monologs, Fluttershy, if I spoke them all you’d know far too much about me.” Especially when it comes to feelings, he just barely managed to omit. “I also have a tendency to over embellish, or conceal details so you don't worry about me. See there I go, spilling everything. I’m going to shut up now.”

“Oh dear.” She frowned, too deeply for it not to be concerning.

Before he could ask, however, she was off towards the kitchen, the door swinging behind her as she entered.

“Fluttershy!” He called after her, jumping off the couch, “You’re not doing a good job easing my worries here,”

When he slipped into the kitchen she was nervously pacing, a recipe book laid out on the counter. Potion recipes.

“Fluttershy? What is it? What’s wrong?”

She looked at him with frantically apologetic eyes, “I made a truth serum this morning as part of Twilight’s order,” She squeaked out. “Some way, somehow, I think it ended up in our tea.”

“A truth serum?”

Her nod sent knots in his stomach. He might’ve suspected, but a confirmation was almost worse than being left to wonder.

“I’m sorry Discord. I don't know how this happened. I made the batch this morning. But I put it away before starting on the tea. Right on the shelf where-” There was an audible click, provided by Discord, as the pieces came together.


Swiftly she darted to the shelf, inspecting the bottles. Sure enough, one bottle lay uncorked and hidden out of her view. As she picked it up, she knew it must have been emptied into their tea.

The whole bottle.

But why? She didn't like thinking the worst of any given situation, but given his sour mood that morning, that;s right where her mind went. Had Angel poured a bottle of her potion into the brew to sabotage her relationship with Discord? Did he think something could be said to make her feel lesser of the being?

The thought that her familiar might do such a thing hurt enough she hoped it wasn't the case. No matter what he attempted, Angel couldn't make her feelings for Discord change. The strong ones… and the slowly growing ones. The ones she couldn't express with absolute certainty, but had to acknowledge were there.

“You can fix this right?”

Jumping at the sound of his voice, she turned her gaze back to him as he wrung his tail. “I- I don't know?”

“You’re a witch! Surely you have something in one of your books!” Discord knew there was a reference to be made there, but had to stop himself from breaking the fourth wall and focus on the problem at hand. (Besides it wasn't really a truth anyways, as she wasn't his wife. Not yet, anyways. The potion simply wouldn't allow it.)


“We must search quickly, we have to find a solution before I tell you-” He snapped just in time to form a zipper over his lips, mufflung whatever he might have said.

“That’s not fair, using your magic to get out of this. You're not the only one with secrets.”

Realizing what she’d said, despite it being a common truth for everyone, she covered her mouth with a hoof, hoping he didn't ask, and that she didn't say anything more.

Things were getting out of hoof far too quickly, especially with them panicking. She knew her brews and if they could just calm down, they might more easily sort through their thoughts and avoid some… awkward confessions. So, with a deep breath she collected herself.

“Freaking out is getting us nowhere, Discord. If you just give me some time, I’ll see what I can do.”

She watched patiently as he followed her lead, taking calming breaths before unzipping his lips.


“Yes.” He chuckled, “I’m sorry Fluttershy, I’m not trying to make you feel panicked. It’s just… Some things are better left unsaid, others should wait till the right time, and not when a truth potion sort of lets it slip.”

“I understand, Discord, I really do.” As she said before, she had secrets too. “Luckily for us, now that we are aware of it, it seems so long as we don't ask questions or try to lie, the consequences are minimal. We can control what we say,”

“So it’s not a word-vomit sort of potion?”

“No, Discord. Thankfully it’s not.”

“Good. I can make due with that.” He chuckled nervously as she flipped through the pages.

He watched her skim through till it looked like she found the passage she was looking form her ears perking in interest. His own interest piqued ashe looked on until she froze.

That couldn't be good.

Her shoulders slumped slightly as she uttered a simple, “Oh.”

“What?” In a split second he was at her side, looking for rhe passage she was looking at.

“The cure,” She squeaked, despite wanting to say it was nothing. “Apparently, the cure is a confession.”

“A confession?” He asked, picking up the book, attempting to decipher its words.

“Yes.” Her hooved pulled it back down to the counter so she could look him in the eye, “Confessing an important secret should do the trick. It’s not really specific. Perhaps answering a hard question truthfully, or being honest about what was on your mind when you drank it.”

“We can’t just wait it out?”

“Not this one.”

“What the hay does Twilight need that sort of truth serum for anyways?”

“She didn't say. But I trusted her enough not to ask.”

“A truth serum.” He laughed in spite of himself, as she looked back at the tome, “Of all the torments I could have endured today, it had to be a truth serum. Thanks Tater-tot!”

“Um Discord…” She looked back up at him. "Who are you talking to?”

“Oh, merely a simple conspirator in our fate, don't worry about it, my dear.” He replied with an awkward grin, “Let’s get this over with, then, shall we?”

“I guess…”

Tentatively at first they tried small hard truths, neither wanting to share too much nor force the other to save too much. But as expected it wasn't working.

Sure they learned a thing or two more about eachother, but the frustration was quickly growing.

"What more do you want from me you stupid potion?" Discord threw his hands up in the air in exasperation, "You want me to lay my heart bare right here and now? Well, it's not going to work."

Not for the first time that day, Fluttershy gave him a peculiar look. "If you thing that's what it'll take…?"

"Yes. But I'm not doing it."

“Well," she glanced at the book again "let's try: what was on your mind while we had tea? Anything in particular?”

“You,” He replied before he could stop himself. “The very thing I've been trying to avoid."

"That might be the solution, then," she offered Tentatively.

"Fluttershy l, I can't,"

"I don't want to force you to do anything, but it might be worth a try?"

He didn't dare open his mouth. It was like holding in bad gas, trying to fight back that secret. And that's how he knew he had to do it.

"I could try first, if that helps."

"No," he sighed, "I have to do it, I can feel just feel it… I guess it's time I get brave."

With a nod, she sat and let him speak when he was ready.

"Truthfully, I was thinking… about you. Even while I was telling stories, I was thinking about you. What you might think of this adventure or that one, how your eyes light up when you laugh. And it happens when I’m not with you sometimes. I just can't stop thinking how good you’ve been to me. Your talents, your kindness, your hospitality. I appreciate you, Fluttershy. No, more than appreciate you, I adore you.”

He could feel the shift, releif seeping into him with each word. There was something pushing him to pop the bubble of magic that possessed him, and he knew all it took were a few more words, “I think I might be falling in love with you, Fluttershy. And I can’t stop thinking about how wonderful that would be.” He shivered a moment as it finally let itself out, the magic of the potion fizzling away into nothing.

“Huh, that was easier than I thought it would be.”

“It worked?”

“Well, the sky is red so...”

“But jt’s not red th-oh,” She realized as he winked.

"I believe that makes it your turn." He grinned as she blushed

“Well, you did the hard part I guess. But, I was thinking along those same lines. And I'm glad you told me,, really," her smile was enough to melt his heart, reassuring him after his own confession, "Discord, I adore you too. You tell the most amazing stories of adventures I could never imagine I’d be brave enough for. You have a good heart, and clever mind and that’s why I love your company so. But, like you, I’ve been feeling something more the longer I spend with you. I can’t help it. I really can’t. And I-” She could feel it, just like he had, the expanding bubble, ready to pop, “I think I’m falling in love with you too.”

He smiled, nudging her in the side, “No fair you stole my truth.”

"At least I said it, rather than leave you wondering," she teased back, “I think we both needed to say it."

"I suppose you're right, my dear, better than going through years of endless torment and mutual pining, as fun as that trope is,"

Once more, she didn't question it. He was rather odd with his remarks. "What do you think? Should we try it out, a relationship I mean?”

He'd been about to make another off comment, but decided against it, smiling warmly at her instead. “Absolutely, my dear forest witch. I would love nothing more.”

She smiled, wrapping him in a hug, which he returned happily, resting his chin atop her head.

"I'm going to have to work more time into my adventuring schedule, I can just tell."

"Good. It'll keep you put of trouble," she shot back with a mischievous grin she only could have learned from him. His heart bubbled up into a full laugh. He didn't know why this made him so happy, the simple prospect of being with her, but it did, and he'd have it no other way.

That was the honest truth.

Author's Note:

Even though it turned out alright in the end, I'm sure Angel Bunny's going to get a stern talking to. There will be consequences!

You know, I'm usually a lot more subtle with references, but they just wanted to be out there today, so why fight it?

Enjoy! See you tomorrow!

Comments ( 9 )

This is some good stuff right here

Great story! Everyone seemed perfectly in-character, and Fluttershy and Discord had some wonderful interactions in this. I love all the references and tropes that Discord himself eluded to, and the way they both slowly realized what had happened to their tea. Angel, you're in big trouble...

And their confession was very sweet, and felt very them. Heartfelt but not over the top, saying exactly what needed to be said. :heart:

“You’re a witch! Surely you have something in one of your books!” Discord knew there was a reference to be made there, but had to stop himself from breaking the fourth wall and focus on the problem at hand. (Besides it wasn't really a truth anyways, as she wasn't his wife. Not yet, anyways. The potion simply wouldn't allow it.)

"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!" (The Princess Bride) — is this the reference you were eluding to here?


"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!" (The Princess Bride) — is this the reference you were eluding to here?

Yep. That's the one :twilightsmile:

Also, thank you, as always!

Very nice, very sweet. THumbs up.

This is a very creative story about a truth serum, I love it! :twilightsmile:


Did you just make me one of Discord's references?

There is no greater honor...!

Also, you gotta love some references that the rest of the world doesn't get except Discord. That always is a good way to go for him, and yours were entertaining.

Also, I really loved that the cure was a big confession! I thought that made it a little different, with the description of having a big bubble in your chest popping.

Good job!

“You’re right, I wouldn’t,.” Her eyes widened, “But you asked and I found I had to be honest.”

Yes the classic truth serum

“The cure,” She squeaked, despite wanting to say it was nothing. “Apparently, the cure is a confession.”

How convenient lol

That was a pretty cute story and of course Angel has to be a jerk about it and despite his anger and everything he accidentally knocked down one of the potions into Fluttershy's tea which he was pretty worried about this so basically he went away to avoid the problem but then Discord showed up and Fluttershy offer him the tea and they both drink at and things got really interesting when they started to speak the truth about some stuff and they start to realize something went wrong and Fluttershy tried to figure out what's wrong with it and apparently it was one of the potion that Twilight was asking a true serum so they just have to find a way to get by this but unfortunately Fluttershy knew the truth that the only way to cure this is the honest truth and it will send you free and despite their awkwardness they told each other the truth about how they felt with each other and despite all that they realize that they finally let it all out and they will relieve how much they do truly care for each other and they really want this to work out again this was a pretty nice story and something tells me angel is going to be in so much trouble but anyway keep up the good work

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