• Member Since 10th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday

A Fistful of Apples

I am A Fistful of Apples.

Comments ( 10 )

why did you release two fics of the same series, but using the same picture, at the same time?

I don't why, but that was by far one of the most brilliant ways I have ever seen of grabbing attention on the front page. And if my time is right, your close to the US peak hours. I might be wrong, since i'm guessing from the AEST time here.

Your brilliancy means I will read this fic. But not right now, its 10:40 pm and I have school tomorrow.

An intresting idea, and I like this story so far, but I just hope there's a bigger motivation for what Twilights been doing.

"So she can get more power"? I'm not convinced, there is a heavier reason, right?

Well, I'll find out after day waster 9000 school.

Edit add: Just read the comment above me and... yep, that is a pretty clever idea.

Shoulda chosen a Saturday instead though, maybe? Unless bad storys swamp on saturday, or something like that.


It wasn't really calculated, though I suspected it'd be an attention grabber. I just didn't have any other pictures in mind and this is what Seth used for the fics. Breaking the Circle was always meant as a separate fic but at the time I didn't want to spam EqD with my own things so I let Seth update it as part of the Reconnection post, so both fics got the same image.

That's why they're the same pics, why it's at the same time is because I just spend a few hours putting all my old fics here, one after another. As many as qualified for being posted here (fics I wrote for old EqD events like the old Friend-Off and the 300-word fic thing aren't long enough to post here) anyway.

I remember reading this ages ago (Along with TSoF) through some GDocs index style thing. Most likely one of my original forays into the world of Grimdark. Glad I hit FimFiction at the right time to see you putting them up here.

It was a clever story. I enjoyed it.

:pinkiecrazy:even in death twilight still managed to be spiteful enough to take away the satisfaction of her enemies:pinkiecrazy:

:twilightsmile:gotta respect that:twilightsmile:

For anyone who is having the same problems I did with finding the original story, here's a link. http://www.ponyfictionarchive.net/viewstory.php?sid=364

So, what I'm getting here, is that Twilight wants to take the Elements without killing her friends. But her friends think that she wants to kill them again, so they're going to try and kill her even though she wasn't going to kill them... :derpyderp1:
... :pinkiecrazy:

Rainbow Dash peered over Apple Dash's shoulder, her smile turning into something more like a smirk. "I see Spike's found the cupcakes Pinkie made for him. I better go stop him before he eats too many and gets sick again."
Applejack nodded, and Rainbow Dash trotted off towards her husband.

I have never seen Rainbow x Spike in a story before.

I am okay with this.

7417030 Thnx I like reading in order.

I remember hearing the reading of these a while ago. But what happened to The Severing? I don't see it on the site anymore.

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