• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 1,185 Views, 13 Comments

Mobile Suit Gundam: Alicorn - Alines Reinhard

A pony, who has been judged as criminal, trying to save Equestria from war, along with a trapped group of creature friends

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Chapter 5

When he finally got to the Strike Zeta, it was already waiting to be deployed with it’s cockpit hatch open. The dents and scratch are partly fixed, but to him it is battle-ready enough.

The strange feeling that he had felt before suddenly came back again.

“It should be them!” he thought to himself.

“Hey Brad! Make sure to catch up to us!” Yamina said “We never wait!”

“Copy that!”

After leaving the catapults for a couple of minutes, Flash and the team started to see the rainbow trail.

It was an undesirable bright trail with five colors within the trail itself: light cereis, pale brown, grey, light yellow and black. Common creatures will told there is seven color in the rainbow and some occasion, six , the six color rainbow that have inspired countless of creatures in Equestria and beyond that was made by the Council of Friendship themselves when they defeated a bad guy. Some said it was just pure science, that it was just some kind of light bending “malfunction”, some said it was a magical phenomenon and urged the government to investigate, and end it.

But now, every creature knows that it comes from a mysterious unmanned mobile suit called “Alicorn Gundam”.

“The one who said this is a magical phenomenon should be praised, though!” Blue Thunder said jokingly. “And by the way, nice to see that thing can transform. Is that a plane or something?”

When he turned to the Strike Zeta, it’s already in the Wave Rider mode, which is when it attached its giant shield into the front and turned into a plane-like craft.

“Thank you, Blue Thunder.” Flash said through the com link. “This will make sure it flies at a higher speed!”

“Okay! Here’s the plan!” Haystack said through the com link “First thing first: Blue Thunder and Yamina, you still have that one base jabber but Yamina will operate the net gun instead, Sparkle Shy and Water Vapor still don’t change. And you, Brad! You will follow me! They have said you are the fastest so I want you to show off all of your abilities! Do y’all understand?”

“Copy that, Lieutenant!”, replied the team.

After a few more minutes, they finally reached the point where Haystack thinks they could engage, based on his personal experience as the fourth time commanding a similar operation. He then ordered:

“Open fire!”

The two special operation Jegans that belong to Blue Thunder and Sparkle Shy fired their net gun towards the runaway white machine. It turned and dodged them perfectly.

“Hey Brad, do something! We are buying time for you!” the Lieutenant yelled.

That strange feeling just came back to him, but this time it was more describable: he feels like there are a bunch of kids screaming for help, and somehow he could feel their fear and confusion of why these strange guys keep firing at them while they do no harm.

“Please… we… we don’t harm anyone!” a voice said miserably.

But Flash has to shake them all out and starts his own engagement by flying straight at the white machine. He then transforms his suit back to MS mode and tries his best to shoot it down. The Strike Zeta come to the white closer and closer until it was just a few hundred meters away.

At this point, through the camera that zoom into his target, Flash could saw the mysterious machine that had pulled him back to Equestria again, but in better detail: the white armor, apart from some visible dent and scratch that was possibly due to the crash with his Strike Zeta, was decorated with some red lines all over. The right shoulder armor was painted with a lines of word that read “RX -0A ALICORN GUNDAM”, while it’s left shoulder armor was decorated by a white Alicorn with pink mane and tail.

“This is why they call it the Alicorn Gundam!” Flash mumbled.

But it's not all perfectly white. The suit feels like it was unfinished with some exposed psycho frame part and some black armor piece on it shoulder and leg armor. But above all, the psycho frame generates a kind of bright pink light but it is still not enough to cover the whole machine, which is also the reason why he could see it in detail. The light then becomes a trail of pink sparkle and slowly transforms into the five-colored rainbow that was reported by countless eyewitnesses. To make the rainbow even brighter and larger, two shields was added on the back-pack, and there are bright pink cracks amongst the white armor that was also psycho frame, like the rest of its body. The two shields also have some sort of tail on each of them, which Flash speculated that they are flight stabilizers. The "tails" swinging like they are wires in the strong winds, adding the majesticness to the suit when it was flying.

Flash carefully brings the Alicorn into his scope and presses the fire button. It just dodged like usual. After a few shots, Flash realized that his strategy didn't work and transformed to WR mode again.

“What the… Brad! What on Earth are you doing?” Haystack yelled. “You nearly hit it!”

But Flash had another plan in mind: he wanted to hug it.

“The armor is completely fine for this, Sir!” Flash explained when he was asked why he chose to do that. “I’ll try to punch into its cockpit until the computer is completely disable!”

When the Lieutenant hasn't spoken up yet, Flash decides to carry his plan on his own.

The suit suddenly transformed back into an MS as soon as it reached Alicorn’s leg and rapidly grabbed them. The Alicorn quickly tries to free itself while Flash still holds it with all of his strength.

“Come on! Lend… me… your… power…” Flash said with his voice barely can hear.

The Alicorn struggled to free itself for a few minutes. Flash has managed to carefully climb up to the point his suit hugs it’s torso so the Alicorn's hand was locked as well.

“For Twilight’s sake! Reply to my, Fl… I mean Brad!”

“Fire the net gun!”

“What? Hey you jerk! I don’t want this suit to be ruined like last time again!”

“I know, Sir! But y’all should…”

His speech was cut short by strong feelings running down his spine. His brain now feels like he was just drinking a large amount of brain freeze drink from the straw. When he nearly passed out, the familiar voice that he have heard when he first met those ghost said to him:

“Aww… Look who has surrendered yourself to us!”

“Surrender myself?”

Flash vision suddenly went black and that feeling when he floated amongst darkness came back again.

“Flash. The. Stealer. Sentry!” the voice said with all of it’s angriness. “Where have you been all this time?”


“You haven’t paid off what you’ve done! Release us!” she said “Or we will haunt you for live!”

“Come on, just fire already!” Flash thought.

“A shock will end this pain soon, huh? No way! I’ll never let anyone harm us, and you too!” the voice said with a softer voice.

“Just save us out fast and you will be rewarded!” the voice of the kirin comes up “We’ll be friends forever!”

“Release you so your evil spirit can terrorize Equestria? No way!” Flash screamed.

“What? We’re not evil spi…”

The speech was cut short by a loud bang. The sound has pulled Flash back to reality.

Then, what he saw was almost complete chaos. The Alicorn pushes him out and dodges beam shots firing at both of them. Then, the Lieutenant said to Flash panically:

“Brad you dumbass, can you hear me!” he screamed to the com link “The 265! They’ve come!”

The 265, he’s heard that name before. It was Chancellor Black Wine’s personal military unit that he created to follow his wish. In this case, they are being deployed to catch the Alicorn in order to satisfy the Chancellor's greed to create division in Equestria and rule the world.

“Flash, be careful!” the mysterious voice that he has heard when being pulled into the limbo comes up.

A beam shot that was supposed to hit Flash’s suit was blocked by one of Alicorn's shield-like wings. The mysterious white machine was hovering with Flash just about 20 meters from each other, and both were struggling fighting the incoming enemy: three black suits with three individual base jabbers, rapidly flying towards Haystack team and the pal, while continuously firing at their target.

The Strike Zeta pulled its gigantic shield up and began its own struggle to fight one of them. One of the suits that turned out to be a Jesta has come to him close enough to stop the Zeta from transforming and getting away, so what Flash has done is pulled out his beam saber. The Jesta also pulled out it’s beam saber and made a bright pink spark when it clashed with the Strike Zeta’s blade. Flash could see apart from it’s customized atena on the head, this Jesta Commander has a burning wolf head paint on it’s right shoulder armor and the number “265” right below.

“That Alicorn is mine!” his opponent said through the com-link while holding his sabers. “You dirty creatures will smudge that thing with beautiful armor!”

“Who are you?”

“Lieutenant, Joseph Barn. Just call me Joe!”

He performed a kick right after, making the Zeta nearly fall off the base jabber. Flash rapidly retains his balance and makes his own move by trying to cut to the Jesta torso.

“Amatures!” Joseph laughed after dodging the strike “You think you creature can even scratch my armor?”

“Yes we can!”

Then, while Joe was still laughing, Flash made his own kick into the Jesta torso and his opponent fell down into his subordinate base jabber.

“What the…”

“Good work Brad!” Haystack said.

The two of them then exchange fire continuously and most of the shots are missed, due to how fast both base jabbers maneuver. The Jesta commander tried to take back his jabber once but failed due to one of the shots from the build-in beam rifle mounted in the Zeta’s shield hit it rifle, causing it to explode.

“Darn it! And the Alicorn has escaped!” Joseph groaned while maintaining his position on Nikita’s jabber “I have severely underestimated that thing’s skill!”

“Hey Brad! The Alicorn has gone!”

Flash looked around the fight scene and the mysterious RX 0A-labelled MS flew away, leaving the five-colored rainbow trail as every time it appeared.

“We’ll retreat now! Leave that jabber behind!” Haystack ordered.

The Strike Zeta rapidly transformed into WR mode and left Joseph's team behind.

“We got a lot to report today, my friend!” Haystack said to the rest of the team.

But, on the way back to the ship, Flash could heard a voice echoed, which he presume it was come from the Alicorn itself:

“Try to find a way to save us, prince charming!” a voice said happily which Flash strangely felt it was coming from an Earthpony. “Remember there will be a reward for ya!”