• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 1,194 Views, 13 Comments

Mobile Suit Gundam: Alicorn - Alines Reinhard

A pony, who has been judged as criminal, trying to save Equestria from war, along with a trapped group of creature friends

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Chapter 2

“Does that green flash just go up?”, Flash asked himself.

The group kept flying for about 14 minutes before landing on a fairly flat area. The snow started to fall thicker and thicker.

The snow is actually not a big concern for the suit. What Flash cared of the most is the cave. Something had told him that the cave shouldn't be found out, but also told him not to find it. He still have only one choice anyway.

“Okay guys, we`ll land here!”, Lt John said to his team. “We will scatter our team a bit more for more efficient searching! I could smell it's not far from where we are standing!”

“Hey Brad!” he yelled at Flash. “Guard us with your oversized shield, brat! Don`t do anything other than guarding. Just looking around!”

“Yes… Yes Sir!”

But when the commander just turned away, he disobeyed it. The white Zeta slowly walked around the site, it`s eyes inspecting every square cm to find everything suspicious. He decided that he should also join the search.

“What a pity that I have not reported that thing!” he mumbled. “That could look like a normal cave, but…”

Suddenly, after a blink, he suddenly went through a strange phenomenon.

He is standing on the snow, all by himself. His comrade`s MS now looked like giants roaming freely in the snowfall. He stood still, asking himself what just happened.

“Where is my suit? Why am I standing like this?”

But soon, his eye landed on something. It appeared to be a pink, fluffy object, covered in the snow. He also saw some strange furry object lying just like it.

“What is that?” he asked himself, slowly wiping out the snow.

It was a pony, a pale pink unicorn pony to be exact.

“Poor her. She looked like she was just sleeping…”

There are some furry things lying around her as well. As Flash could see, there is a pale brown yak, a yellow earth pony, a black griffon, and a kirin.

Flash started to feel some fear when he first saw the kirin. When he was a foal, he was told to never get close to a kirin...

"Seems like they are sleeping too!" Flash mumbled.

He looked back to find his comrade, but the snow storm has blurred them away.

He looked back to the sight. While he still wondering what have bring them here, to the Earthsphere, the creatures that surrounded him slowly moving. The yak was standing up, her eyes were covered in hair. Flash looked back to where the others are lying, now there are 5 of them staring at him with a lifeless face.

He looked back and suddenly, the pink unicorn also stared at him.

Suddenly, one of her hooves rapidly catches his arm, bringing him back to reality.

“NO!” he screamed

The Lieutenant`s Jesta kicked it`s leg constantly on the snow. Lt. John was famous within his unit for his aggressive fighting style, the famous “The Kick”. During the One Year War, he and his GM took out several Zeon`s suits with the skill to make his opponent off guard and ended him with a blast in the chest. It might not be known as Char Aznable kick, but it is still a notable thing to determine whether it was him or not.

But the only thing his aggressiveness might help him in Antarctica is he can speed up his subordinate searching.

“Come one! Show yourself!” he mumbled. “We promise we are not gonna hurt ya!”

But as soon as he did it, Robson suddenly screamed at him.

“Captain! Look at Brad!” his Jeagan pointed to the Lieutenant's back.

When he looked at where Robson had pointed, he was shocked to the core.

-“That…That… Brad found the Alicorn… How?”

Standing in front of him are two mobile suits holding each other's hands. Look closer and he saw the Alicorn is standing upright, and as he had seen before, holding tightly to the Zeta.

Both suits are just standing there, sticking together silently.

“Brad! Are you blind?” the Lieutenant shouted. “Do something!”

His shout seems to bring him back to reality. The Zeta started to try to release itself from the pure white mobile suit, but all of it`s attempts failed.

“I said capture it, idiot!” the Lieutenant yelled. “You have the advantage!”

But instead of trying to capture the prey, Flash`s suit is the prey. The Alicorn rapidly grabbed the Zeta and started to flee from the site.

“Are you blind? Follow them!”, the Lieutenant yelled at his team, still standing there in shock.

In his cockpit, Flash struggled to get his Zeta out. The mysterious white mobile suit grabbed him as tight as a giant metal claw.

The Alicorn almost shows no sign of slowing down or changing its course, despite Flash`s effort to knock it out of him. His team finally catches up with the team a few minutes later.

“Useless brat, how dare you disobey my order!” the Lieutenant yelled at him.“We`ll kill ya once we take you out of that piece of crap!”

“What an incompetent pilot…” - Brando mumbled why tried to aim the Alicorn`s arm.‘This should be easy for me”.

He carefully adjusted his target scope, aimed right at the white arm, the one that exposed to his shot. But the suit rapidly dodge that and changed its course to an ice cave.

“No way!” the Lieutenant shouted. “Block that cave, immediately!”

“But… It's good for us, Sir!” Johnson said. “Making it stuck in the cave isn't easier for us?”

“Don`t you see how big that cave is? A scientist once said to us that it has a crack on it`s floor. Both of them may fall down the crack and it will be harder for us to salvage both suits and rescue that brat.”

The team fired a few shots to the cave to make it`s roof collapse. The Lieutenant meanwhile tried to buy his team, sometimes fired the Alicorn to lure it away from the cave, despite the fact that Flash`s Zeta is still in its hand. If they don't want both to fly in because the cost of taking them out is too high and they would have to abandon them forever.

-Brandon! Sargent Brandon Cultrich, do you hear us?”, Era yelled to the Zeta a few times,

She received no answer.

“Is the com link on the Zeta’s dead?” Lt John asked her. “Try again Era, he may be panicking a little bit.”

But just after that, the Alicorn reached the cave. It's back hit one of the ice walls while flying more than 200 km/h and causing the cave roof to collapse, just when Era tried to grab the Zeta legs with her Zeta Plus. The avalanche buried her suit in half.

“We`re… We`re lost?”, Nguyen asked.

“Yes! We`re lost!” Lt. John yelled. “And we`re dumb enough to not fired any capture net round to it!”

“Crap… I forgot that!” Robson and Nguyen exclaimed.

“Now just go back to the base. We`ll request them to dig em up!” the Lieutenant said at the end.

“But… Why did the Alicorn choose that brat?” - he asked himself.