• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 1,193 Views, 13 Comments

Mobile Suit Gundam: Alicorn - Alines Reinhard

A pony, who has been judged as criminal, trying to save Equestria from war, along with a trapped group of creature friends

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In the middle of the non stop whistling wind, there is a group creature who are trying to battle it. A pink unicorn, a gray kirin, a yellow stallion, a yak and a griffon, all are doing their best.

“I think we should find a place to hide tonight! We can't stay out here for too long!” The pink unicorn said. The wind is trying to overwhelm her, but her friends still can hear it.

“She is absolutely right! No creature could withstand this kind of weather. Remember when we are on the way to Yakistan? Butter Burger” the black griffon followed.

“Yes! Best. Journey. Ever!”, the yellow stallion replied, “And I love to stay with the Gift Givers too!”

“I don't… think that… is… any funny, BB. The road to… Yakyakistan is way more… pleasant… than… this… Argh!”

She speaks hardly, while the wind just keeps getting stronger. They know no matter how much optimism they have, they are running out of time.

“Is… Is that a cave?”, the yak asked ,“I think… we… should inspect it!”

“No! That cave… seems to be too small!”, the kirin answered. “It seems like it`s no larger than a hole!”

The wind just slowed down, allowing them to talk easier.

“But I think Yolinda does have a point!”, the pink unicorn said, “Okay! You guys stay here, I will see if we can stay inside tonight!”

“Ohhh… I`m hungry… “, the yellow stallion exclaimed, “hope it does have some food!”

But they quickly change their mind when the wind… just getting their power again, this time as strong as a hurricane. In addition to that, the sky keeps getting darker.

“Hey guys! We can stay here!” the pink unicorn, named Luster Dawn, screamed to the team.

They quickly ran to the cave, to where Luster had screamed.

“They are not as spacious as a cave, but at least it has some light inside.” she said “It even has heating, perfect for this weather!”

“But… But… I don`t think I like this…”

“Aw come on, Spring Garden!”, the black griffon exclaimed, “We are nearly freezing to ice, and you complain that this is not big enough?”

“No! No! I… I mean… we could find a REAL cave, not a hole like… this one.”

“Nah, I prefer to call it a capsule!”, the griffon said “A big capsule is all we need now.”

“Guys, stop! It's enough!”, Luster yelled, “Sorry to say this to you, Spring Garden, but we don't have much time left!”

“Fine, we`ll stay here…” - Spring Garden sighed.

Surprisingly, the gang fit into the cave perfectly. There are some strange features they have never seen before: some monitors that lighten up the cramped place, the wall is made of some kind of smooth material, and there is a very strange looking chair in the middle.

“Hey, Luster, how about you take the chair… I mean… we don`t know much about these weird technology…”

“Arrrgh… Fine…” Luster exclaimed

She took the seat. It was strangely comfortable. After a quick inspection, she think the place they stay is some kind of cockpit.

“Why do ya think this place is a cockpit?”

“It`s seat belt, and these controlling sticks… I really think this is actually some kind of cockpit!”

“Hey can we talk about how to cover this… cockpit you say?” the griffon asked “Even with the heat of this place or our heat, the wind outside still can freeze us to death!”

“Oh… I forgot that!” Luster Dawn said “But… Do you know how to close it`s hatch, Grisela?”

The beeping on one of the monitors constantly reminded them to close some kind of door. On the main surface, it read: "Open hatch."

"A hatch? I… I honestly never heard of that before…”

But after that, Luster hooves touch the monitor itself, causing the hatch to close.

“Phew… We solved it! How do you know?” Spring Garden asked.

“I… I just touched this thing…” Luster Dawn answered calmly.

The gang can comfortably curl up themselves. The heat from their bodies has made the place become warmer. Meanwhile on the seat, Luster carefully inspected the place.

“Woah… These technologies are incredible!”

She then touches another monitor, and suddenly everything lightens up. Through the wall of the cockpit, she could see everything outside.

“Woah… What is that?”, Butter Burger exclaimed.

“I don`t know, I think I just made it like this…”

But after that, they can also feel the air is running out. Contrary to their beliefs, the heat generated from the cockpit itself don`t provide any air.

“There must be an air conditioner in this place. Trust me, we will survive together!”

Luster said while searching all over the place in panic. The whole group also starts demanding to go out.

“I… I can`t… Where is the open button?” , she asked herself with panic. When she looked back to the monitors, there`s no one that show the familiar caution sign that she need to close the hatch.

When things couldn't be worse, they started to feel they were rising up: the wall of the cave showed that they were getting higher. Luster`s horn is lighten up, she has moved the control stick, as well as pushing the pedal below.

"Oh no!" she screamed "It's moving!”

During her panic, she has left the gigantic machine that they are stuck in running wild all over the vast snow desert. When she looked through the panoramic cockpit, all she saw was the gray sky with white snow and ice below it. The machine movement causes every creature inside tossing around like they are clothes in a washing machine.

Spring Garden and Yolinda have already fainted away due to the movement. It also makes Butter Burger nearly vomit.

A few minutes later, the machine crashed down the snow, causing every creature to bump into the cockpit wall. Griselda and Butter Burger bumped their heads, while Luster bumped her face into the main control monitor.

But there is another issue: she started to lose control of her magic: her horn is getting brighter to the point they are all blinded by it. They now can feel not only it is flying, but they can feel they are being consumed.

“No! No! Luster, do... do... something...”, Grisela screamed as she held her head "Your... magic!"

She doesn't know why, but Luster has a strange feeling that her magic resonates with another kind of magic that, strangely, comes out of the machine that trapped them. But, feeling dizzy and painful after what she and her friends have gone through, she doesn't have any mind to think about it.

After about half an hour of suffocating, pain and panicking, Luster Dawn realized they don`t have any choice but to find help. Her uncontrollable magic caused by the thing they are trapped in as well as her magic don`t give her much time. She finally figured out a way. She started to sing a spell which she have learned from a rare magic book she have read and memorized:

If a creature, full of greed, touches this, an endless curse will come. His mind will be full of darkness and his soul might be consumed. He must find a way to free us all at one. If he can't do it, the curse will last… forever.