• Published 25th Oct 2021
  • 1,185 Views, 13 Comments

Mobile Suit Gundam: Alicorn - Alines Reinhard

A pony, who has been judged as criminal, trying to save Equestria from war, along with a trapped group of creature friends

  • ...

After the chase

Flash finally woke up. He looked around with a feeling his body was floating above the ground.

"What… what on Earth… is this?" – he asked in shock.

The pitch black space is completely silent. After floating in it for a couple of minutes, it's started to drive him crazy.

“Is anybody here?” he shouted. His voice turned into an echo as he looked around the empty space in panic.

Suddenly, his feeling turned into a feeling that he is falling rapidly. There is no sign of the ground, making it like he is falling in a hole with no bottom.

And it stunted him again with a thud on his back. He has touched the ground, but there is no kind of pain that he could feel, despite the fact that he fell for a few minutes.

"What the…" - he mumbled – “the bottom is solid…”

He slowly sat up and looked around. There is still no sign of life… yet.

“Hahahaha!” an evil laugh spit out, and a few others also do the same. They sound exactly like the villain’s laughs he has heard when he was still a foal, hearing an actor on the stage playing an evil witch in a fairytale story.

"Who are they?", Flash mumbled. The laugh continued for a couple more minutes until it suddenly stopped just like another hand shut their mouth off.

"Seems like you just fell for our traps!" a female voice speaks up. “Just look at how poor you are, right now…”

"What… What have you done?". Flash asked in fear, mixed with frustration.

"Well, remember that time you fall into a small cave covered in snow?" a griffon figure leaned towards him “Well, that's the moment we met each other for the first time!”

"Sorry because of this, but we have to place a curse… on you!" a yak squeezed.

"What do you mean 'a curse'?" Flash asked in confusion.

"I, a power full unicorn of Equestria, Luster Dawn the Great, with her closest friends, will give you a curse: From now on, we will be the five ghosts that will haunt you. This haunting curse will tie us together until you, our victim, find out a way to free us all. Do it or choose to let this curse last to the end of time. This curse will stand still and no kind of magic can break it! The curse will be in force from… now!”

As soon as she shouted “Now!”, Flash was brought back to reality. The Zeta was falling, rapidly.

Looked out to the dark sky of the winter, he could see the Alicorn falling with him for a couple of minutes, and then fly away.

"Remember, we will visit you every single night!" a cheerful voice said to him before the Alicorn faded away in the cloud.

"Wait… What?"

Just after that, his suit hit the ground. His vision quickly faded into darkness.