• Published 29th Sep 2021
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The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - RedSoarDash

Join the Main Seven as they help save the worlds with Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

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Chapter 6 Arabian Nights

After their second visit at Traverse Town, everyone set off into the next world. Before they enter, Maleficent was talking to Jafar about their plans of the next world they are in.


"And the keyhole," asked Maleficent as she was having her conversation.

Jafar replied, "The Heartless are searching for it now. I'm certain we'll find it soon enough. So that just leaves..."

He then was cut off by the red bird flying towards him and landing on his should.

"Jafar! I've looked everywhere for Jasmine. She's disappeared like magic," exclaimed the red bird named, Iago.

Maleficent said, "You said you had things under control."

Jafar told her, "Agrabah is full of holes for rats to hide in. But why worry about Princess Jasmine? With her or without her, surely this world will be ours when we find the Keyhole."

"We need all seven princesses of heart to open the final door. Any fewer is useless," said Maleficent as she talk about princesses.

Jafar then replied, "Well, if the princess is that important, we'll find her."

Jafar then commanded the heartless to find Jasmine. As the heartless searched all over the town, Jasmine was secretly hiding watching the whole thing as she kept quiet.

The others have finally arrived in the world as it feels empty in it. Like everyone that is there is somehow gone.

Pinkie Pie said, "This place sure feels empty."

Red agrees and says, "Yeah... I wonder where everyone is."

They continued on as they still haven't find anyone in the empty town. As they look around they decide to head into a small area in an alleyway. When they enter they hear a voice who spoke to them.

"Who's there? Hello," asked the voice which turns out to be Jasmine.

Red asked her, "Are you okay ma'am?"

Jasmine replied, "I am okay."

Twilight asked her, "Who are you?"

"I'm Jasmine. My father is the sultan of Agrabah," answered Jasmine.

Twilight said, "Oh so does that mean you're a princess? That's amazing. I'm a princess too."

Jasmine replied, "Oh really? That's amazing to know."

Red asked, "So where is your father during all of this?"

Jasmine answered, "He has been deposed by Jafar, who now controls the city."

Goofy questioned, "Jafar?"

"You haven't heard of him? He's the royal vizier. He's gained evil powers and seized Agrabah. He's desperately looking for something... something he calls the 'Keyhole.' Jafar caught me trying to escape, but he helped me," said Jasmine as she mentioned the keyhole which makes everyone very interested. But also at the part where she mentioned someone helped her.

She continued, "We were hiding nearby, but he left a while ago to take care of something... Oh, I hope Aladdin's all right."

She finally spoke the name of the person that helped her. But then a voice starts speaking out to them.

"Aladdin? Where might I find this street rat," said the voice and it sounded very sinister.

Then appears Jafar as he and other heartless showed up.

He spoke, "Jasmine, allow me to find you more suitable company, my dear princess. These little rats won't do, you see."

Sora exclaims, "Jasmine run!"

Jasmine starts running off as the others got ready to fight. Jafar then notice the keyblades that Sora, Red, and Twilight summoned.

Jafar then said, "Ah... the boy and ponies who holds the keys."

He then slowly walks out and left the heartless to fight against them.

The bandit heartless tries to strike at them, but they dodge. One of them hurls itself at Twilight, but she blocks against it. Pinkie Pie went in to kick down a heartless as it got hurt, but it wasn't enough.

Applejack tries lassoing the heartless and it worked. When this happened, Goofy bashed his shield to take it out. Sora takes a heartless out and Donald uses fire to take another heartless out.

More start summoning and they kept on trying to attack them. Sora uses strike raid against them and it was able to take out one. Twilight shoots a magic beam at another heartless which stuns it.

Red then finished off the last few as they all felt exhausted. He said, "Man these heartless seem strong."

Applejack then start to bring up something. She said, "Wait a minute y'all. Don't ya remember what that Jafar guy said. He said, 'The boy and Ponies that hold the keys.' Did he meant Sora and you two?"

He pointed her hoof at Sora, Red, and Twilight. This makes them all very surprised. Goofy then said, "Gawrsh she's right fellas. Ya don't think he knew us before right?"

Red thinks about this and gave his opinion. "He has to guys. Maybe someone told him about us," said the red colored pony.

Twilight included, "Maybe it's that Maleficent witch that Leon and the others mentioned."

They start thinking maybe it was Maleficent, but they won't know for sure. So now they started to look for Jasmine to see if she is safe. They went up in a room and looked around.

They see something moving and went close to see what it is. It was a strange carpet struggling move from under the object.

Sora asked, "Hey is that carpet moving?"

They see it and Sora went and push the object that was on top of the carpet. The carpet then flew out of the town and head into the desert.

Pinkie Pie says, "Woah! That carpet flew super duper fast! Where did it go?"

Donald answered, "It looks like it's going to the desert. Let's go after it!"

Sora then asks, "What about Jasmine? Shouldn't we go find her?"

They were about to agree until the carpet came back as it get their attention.

Red then said, "Looks like it wants us to follow it now."

Everyone got on the carpet and start to fly into the desert. Except Red and Twilight chose to follow them by flying as they don't want to add more weight to the carpet.

They went to find the desert and made it. The carpet stopped and let them off the carpet. Then they see someone stuck in the desert. It was a monkey and a man with black hair. They seemed to be surrounded by the heartless.

They went to try to help out them. After fighting some of the heartless, more kept coming and surrounded them also.

Goofy exclaimed, "Uh oh! Not again!"

This was until the man, who is named Aladdin, pulled out a strange lamp and start rubbing it.

He exclaimed, "Genie! Get rid of these guys!"

Once he held up the lamp, strange blue gas starts appearing from the lamp and it made very tall blue man with black hair and facial hair, who's name is Genie.

Then he start to yell, "Wish number one coming right up!"

He yelled and soon the heartless start to disappear when he snap his fingers. When the heartless disappeared, they went to talk with Aladdin and Genie about why they went and help Aladdin out.

Aladdin then said, "I see... Thanks you guys."

Sora then asked, "So Aladdin, What're you doing here?"

Aladdin explained, "Same old stuff. Hunting legendary treasure. Just paid a visit to the Cave of Wonders. I found that magic carpet, and this lamp. Legend has it that whoever holds the lamp can summon the-"

He then was cut off by Genie who wanted to explain.

"Please, kid, leave the intros to a professional. The one and only genie of the lamp! Rub-a-dub-dub the lamp and have your dearest wishes granted. Today's winner is... Aladdin! Congratulations," said Genie

Everyone was surprised by the Genie, but Pinkie Pie was laughing from this and says to herself, "That Genie is so funny!"

Donald then asked the Genie, "Any wish?"

Genie answered, "Patience, my fine feathered friend. Any three wishes! A one wish, a two wish, a three wish. Then I make like a banana and split! Our lucky winner made his first wish—And let me tell you, what a doozy that wish was—So he has two left. So, master, what'll you have for Wish Number Two?"

A spotlight was shown on Aladdin and a mic appears. He taps the mic and starts speaking.

He then announced, "Hmm, how about making me a fabulously wealthy prince?"

Genie replied excitedly, "Whoa! Money! Royalty! Fame! Okay, you asked for it! A hundred servants and a hundred camels loaded with gold! Just say the word and I'll deliver it in 30 minutes or less, or your meal's free. Hey, I'll even throw in a cappuccino!"

Aladdin then spoke, "I think I'll put that on hold until we reach Agrabah."

Sora and the others were confused on why he wanted that wish.

Twilight asked him, "So why a prince Aladdin?"

Aladdin explained, "You see, there's this girl in Agrabah named Jasmine. But she's a princess, and I'm... Aww, she could never fall for a guy like me."

Red's eyes widened as him and his friends remembered that Jasmine mentioned how Aladdin helped her out before.

"Oh wait we forgot! Aladdin, Jasmine is in trouble," exclaimed the red pony as he warned him that Jasmine is in trouble.

Aladdin exclaimed, "What? Well, c'mon, let's get going!"

They start heading back to Agrabah as Genie starts to said, "Ah, fresh air. The great outdoors."

Sora then asked, "I guess you don't get out much, huh?"

"Comes with the job. Phenomenal cosmic powers. Itty-bitty living space. It's always three wishes, then back to my portable prison. I'm lucky to see the light of day every century or two," explained Genie as he seemed sad about what he just told them.

Everyone felt bad for Genie. They didn't expect for him to feel trapped in a lamp for such a long time.

Applejack asked, "So ya never had free will from the lamp?"

Twilight also asked, "And you really never had a friend before?"

Genie answered, "Not really. I haven't had a friend in like.... I guess I never had a friend at all."

Aladdin then had an idea he wanted to suggest to Genie. "Say, Genie, what if I use my last wish to free you from the lamp? What do you think?"

Genie asked, "You'd do that?"

Aladdin answered, "Genie, it's a promise. After we help Jasmine."

They headed back into Agrabah in search of Jasmine. They looked everywhere and haven't found anything. So they headed to the place where they haven't checked yet, near the palace doors. When they arrived they see Jafar and Jasmine there. It also seems like Jafar was expecting them.

"Setting your sights a little high, aren't you boy? Back to your hole, street rat. I will not allow you to trouble the princess any more," said Jafar as he turns to them.

Aladdin tried calling out for her but it was no used. Then he had the lamp behind him and starts to rub it to make his second wish.

"Genie, help Jasmine, please," exclaimed Aladdin as he made his second wish and Genie helped Jasmine out.

Genie said, "One wish left! You're making this really easy, you know."

This made Jafar shocked, but for some reason he wasn't shocked for too long.

"So sorry, boy. I'm afraid your second wish has been denied," said the evil vizier as Iago was able to steal the lamp from Aladdin.

Genie then had to let go of Jasmine. He sadly spoke, "I'm sorry Al..."

Jasmine fell into a big pot and it started to show bug-like legs. Jafar spoke, "And now, I bid you all farewell. Attack!"

He disappeared and soon other pots start to form into a heartless. The heartless which is called, "Pot Centipede."

The heartless rushed towards them as it was able to hit Red very hard and he groans in pain. Aladdin rushed and used a potion on him before going to striking at the pots of the heartless.

Red exclaimed, "Oh crap that thing can pack a big punch..."

Aladdin kept striking until the centipede pushed him off. Sora tries to use strike raid, but it only barely works.

Some more pots appeared to surround Donald and Goofy. Donald groan in frustration as he tries wacking a pot with his staff. Goofy tries to spin like a tornado to take out the pots and the attack took out some.

Applejack tries to kick one of the pots connecting to the centipede, but all it did was grab her have a pot grab her with its legs very tightly. "Let me go," exclaimed the element of honesty.

Pinkie Pie jumped over to the pot and held onto it to try and make it let her go of Applejack. Another pot was about to come after her, but Twilight was able to rush and destroy it. The pot holding Applejack let her go and they kick it down.

Red and Sora tries to strike at the head, but it did nothing. Red exclaimed, "Our attacks isn't effecting the head."

Sora asks him, "Then what can we do?"

He blocked the centipede's attack and Red used Aero to help give him more protection. Aladdin then had an idea that he want to suggest to them.

"Maybe it's because the body is the weakness," said Aladdin as he suggested the idea.

Donald uses blizzard on the rest of the pots that surrounded him and Goofy. Twilight heard the idea Aladdin said and was agreeing with it.

"He's right! Every enemy has a weakness. Guys attack the body," exclaimed Twilight as she as busy helping out Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

Red tries using blizzard against the body on the pot heartless. But all it did was make it angry as it's body was wrapping around Red to squeeze him to death. He was yelling in pain as this was too much for him.

Goofy sees this and told the others, "Guys Red is in trouble!"

They notice and went to go help him. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight were even more upset that their best friend was getting squeezed to death by the Pot Centipede.

Up on the rooftops, Rarity and the cloaked pony were watching all of this happen. Rarity felt bad for what is happening to him as she was about to go and help, but the pony stopped her.

"You better not go... Remember our deal," said the cloaked Pony.

Rarity felt bad during this whole deal. She has to help them kidnapped princess in order to help them with this "door" that they keep mentioning. So they start to head back with Jafar and Maleficent.

Sora tries using sonic blade to dash back and forth at the heartless strongly. The heartless lets go of Red as he fell and hit the ground painfully. Donald and Twilight rushed to use cure on Red as he gotten up.

Red said to them, "Thanks guys..."

Aladdin slashed the pots very quickly and painfully as the pots start to break open and get destroyed. Pinkie Pie tried kicking one again and it was able to break. Goofy then bashed against the final pot to break it.

Red gotten up as him and Twilight uses a powerful fire spell against the head. It was stunned and then Red had enough of the heartless.

He had his wings out as he start flying and start doing a midair sonic blade and dash through it very faster and harder. Soon the head got destroyed and a heart float out of it as the heartless disappeared.

Red then fly back down on the ground and panted from the attack he just did.

Aladdin called out, "Jasmine!"

Unfortunately, there was no answer from the princess of Agrabah. Only an evil laugh was heard which is from Jafar. It seems like Jasmine disappeared with him.

Aladdin tells them, "He went to the desert! Come on, let's move!"

They start to head out of Agrabah. Everyone but Red and Twilight fly using the magic carpet and the other two ponies fly using their wings. They headed to the Cave of Wonders and finally arrived.

Twilight then asked, "So is this the Cave of Wonders?"

Aladdin answered, "Yeah, it holds a lot of treasures. It even holds the lamp I found."

Meanwhile in a area, Jafar was there with Genie. He told Genie, "My first wish, Genie! Show me the Keyhole!"

Genie sighed and snap his fingers which made the Keyhole get revealed.

With the others, they headed inside to try find where Jafar is hiding out in while fighting heartless. So far they finally made it to the entrance to the area where Jafar is. Then they start to head inside.

Maleficent, the cloak pony, and Rarity is now with Jafar. Jasmine was also there, but was unconscious on the floor.

"That boy and those ponies again," questioned Maleficent now speaking with Jafar.

Jafar replied, "They are more persistent than expected. Why not explain the situation to that boy Riku? Doing so may actually prove useful to our-"

He was cut off as the others arrived to see them.

They see the woman with Jafar and was confused on who she is.

Sora then said, "Wait a second. Are you Maleficent?"

The witch didn't say anything as she disappeared. The cloaked pony sees them there with Rarity.

Red yells, "Rarity! It's you! Quick run over here!"

Rarity didn't say anything but look down. They were confused on why she didn't bother to run to them.

Sora asks the ponies, "Shouldn't she be happy to see you guys? She's your friend isn't she?"

Donald suggest the idea, "Maybe that cloaked pony is holding her hostage. Or controlling her."

Applejack looks at Rarity and was probably thinking the worse idea.

"Guys.... Ah think.... Ah think she's working with them," said Applejack sadly.

They were very shocked. Pinkie Pie starts laughing and said, "Come on Applejack. Why would Rarity work with that meanie right there?"

They look at her for an answer, but she kept looking down.

The cloaked pony spoke to them, "Oh how much of an idiot are you. Your apple friend is right. She is working with me."

Her friends and the others were shocked. Especially her own best friends. They look at her for an answer hoping she would refuse.

Rarity sadly spoke, "I'm sorry..."

They were very shocked to hear this bad news. They couldn't believe she would work with them.

The cloak pony spoke to Twilight, "Soon you will pay for what you have done to me..."

She was surrounded by darkness and starts to disappear with Rarity.

Twilight thought, 'How could Rarity work with... No, there is no way she would work with her. No way. But who was she? What have I even done to her...'

Jafar chuckled evilly from this and said, "Oh how sad of you all. Having your own friend to betray you like this. You must feel so disappointed."

They glared at Jafar and Aladdin exclaims angrily, "Jafar, let Jasmine go!"

Jafar refused and replied, "Not a chance. You see she's a princess, one of seven who somehow hold the key to opening the door."

Goofy asked, "Open...?

Donald finished, "...the door?"

Everyone but Aladdin was interested in what he meant.

Red thought, 'Seven princesses? Open the door? Does this also happen to Alice? Where she was kidnapped?'

Jafar then said, "But you fools won't live to see what lies beyond it. Genie! My second wish. Crush them!"

They were all shocked that Jafar ask one of his wishes to crush them. Even more that he wants their new friend to crush them.

Aladdin begged, "Genie, no!"

Genie sadly replied, "Sorry, Al. The one with the lamp calls the shots. I don't have a choice."

With that, Jafar sealed the way to the Keyhole and the way back out.

They all saw Genie coming towards them as they seem scared except for Pinkie Pie.

She told them, "Come on guys! I'm sure Genie won't hurt us. I mean we are his friends-"

She was cut off by Genie as he warned them, "I'm really sorry about this!"

Pinkie Pie was confused as she turned back to Genie, but was hit very hard by him to where she flew back and was on the ground unconscious.

Everyone but jafar was very shocked by this.

Twilight yelled, "Oh no Pinkie Pie!"

Genie was about to hit the rest as they dodge his attacks.

As Goofy and Aladdin were about to head towards Jafar to attack him, he starts to summon a powerful lightning spell on them. Goofy notices and takes cover for Aladdin with his shield. The lightning spell hit the shield and it made them flew back.

Donald looks at this and said, "His magic isn't strong against mine... Thunder!"

He yelled out the thunder spell and it was able hit Jafar. But all it did was make the evil vizier use the powerful lightning spell to hit Donald very painfully.

"WAK," yelled out Donald as he gets hurt very painfully.

Sora was able to get a few lucky hits at Jafar. But he countered back at Sora and was able to hit him, but not that much.

Twilight looks at Applejack and told her, "Applejack. Stay here with Pinkie Pie."

Applejack was confused on why she told her that. While they were talking Red rushed to Jafar and did a few combos against him.

The earth pony asked Twilight, "What? Why? Don't ya need help Twilight?" While this is happening

Twilight sighed before replying, "I know Applejack. But with someone like this and by the fact that he has a powerful Genie on his side, we can't have you fight with us during this fight. Especially after what happened to Pinkie Pie here, and back at the Coliseum."

Applejack was about to retort, but she looks at Pinkie Pie and sighed as she didn't wanna argue. So she nods at Twilight to let her know she understands.

Twilight rushed back into the battle to fight against Jafar. After watching what happened to her best friend, she was very pissed at Jafar. When she got close, she tried to attack.

But Jafar started to float away to another platform. "Over here," exclaimed Jafar as he mocked Twilight.

She gets more pissed at this as she tried to attack him. But only for her to miss because he float away.

Jafar continued to mock her as Red tries to get him, but Jafar floated away again.

Red complained, "Not only is he evil... but he sure is so damn annoying."

Sora included, "I agree..."

Jafar managed to stop and started laughing evilly.

While this was happening, Aladdin was trying to sneak behind him to steal the lamp back. But Jafar wasn't the type to be fooled as he then casted a shield around him.

"You think you and friends can beat me street rat? Think again," exclaimed Jafar again.

Aladdin yelled back, "No... I know we can Jafar!"

When the shield gets down after a short time, Aladdin was fast enough to do fury slashes against Jafar since the royal vizier had dropped his guard.

This makes Jafar angry as he makes his staff covered in fire and goes ahead to ahead Aladdin very hard.

Aladdin tries to block the attack but it barely was able to be successful. Then he tried to do another attack, only for it to be blocked off by Sora's guard.

Sora struggled against Jafar, then Red managed to get a clear hit behind him.

Jafar growled and fired a lightning attack at Red. The attack got him and made him fall. Red groaned in pain as he was severely injured.

Donald rushed to use cure on the red pony as he rushed to Jafar to use blizzard against him.

The spell was able to hit Jafar. The court wizard laughed and mocked, "Ha! Is that the best you got Jafar?!"

Jafar glared at the duck as he starts to do a blizzard spell and made giant icicles to spin them around in a very fast pace.

Red then looks at Donald deadpanned and ask, "...You had to ask didn't you?"

Red then got hit by the attack and got frozen in ice. Twilight used fire at Red to thaw him out, then she tries to fly past the blizzard attack. But it was very hard for her to do since the icicles are too fast.

"No! These things are too fast," exclaimed Twilight.

Goofy tries to throw his shield at them to crack the icicles, but it barely works.

But suddenly, Sora, Twilight, and Red's keyblade and Donald's staff feels changed. Then suddenly, out of their weapons was their fire magic that seems stronger than before. They have now gotten fira.

So they used their fira spell to take down all the icicles very easily.

Jafar was shocked by this and yelled, "How?! There's no way you can be able to destroy those that fast!"

Aladdin then was able to get a good hit was Jafar before saying, "Guess again Jafar! We aren't as weak as you think."

Jafar glared and tries attacking, but Aladdin dodged and countered.

This makes Jafar dropped the lamp. Aladdin picked it up, but he wasn't lucky enough to expect Iago to steal it again. The red bird rushed and give it to Jafar.

"Here you go Jafar," said Iago as he gave Jafar the lamp back.

Jafar said to Iago, "Ah Iago! Thank you for your loyalty. Now you all will feel my wrath you streets rats!"

Everyone was prepared for what Jafar was gonna do for his wish, but Aladdin had another idea.

As Aladdin walked close he told Jafar, "You still aren't strong enough Jafar."

Everyone looked at him confused, especially Jafar who seemed insulted.

"What? Not strong enough?! Are you asking to die boy," exclaimed Jafar as he hit Aladdin very hard with his lightning spell.

Aladdin got hit and grunted in pain. He told him, "We aren't... really impressed with what you can do... You forget that we have an all-powerful Genie that you took. If you were one then it would be an actual challenge."

Sora asked, "Aladdin what are you doing?"

Jafar then smirks at the idea and now everyone but Aladdin sees what he is gonna do and what Aladdin had just done.

Genie exclaimed, "Al? What are you doing?!"

Jafar yelled, "Silence Genie! And grant my final wish! I want you to make me and all-powerful genie!"

Genie gulps nervously and looks away as he start to create a hole in the middle of the area. One that goes directly into the lava, but coincidentally have platforms in there. There Jafar starts to change and teleported to the next area.

Goofy then said, "Oh no... Jafar is now gonna become a genie. What can we do?"

Twilight looks at Aladdin upset and asked, "Aladdin! How could you do something so... so foolish?! Now what can we do?"

Aladdin looks down at her and answered, "Calm down Twilight. I have a plan."

Twilight was confused on what he meant.

Sora suggested, "Maybe we should get Jasmine."

Donald then muttered, "And the keyhole..."

Applejack walked to them with Pinkie Pie who was healed. She was able to hear Donald and smack the back of his head.

"Maybe we should deal with Jafar first. If we go after Jasmine and the keyhole, that will leave us to be hit. Plus he's very dangerous," said Applejack.

Goofy then asked Aladdin, "So Aladdin what is your plan anyway?"

Aladdin answered, "Well here it is..."

Aladdin discusses with them. After a while they head into the lava pit with platforms. They landed on the platforms and saw that something is starting to rise up.

It was a giant male character that is red with yellow eyes. This must be Jafar in genie form.

Twilight gulps and asks, "Is that Jafar..."

Red answers, "Yeah...."

Aladdin looks around and saw Iago flying with Jafar's own lamp.

"Guys look! Just as I told you," exclaimed Aladdin as he pointed up at Iago flying. The red parrot seems to be sweating from the heat of the lava pit.

Aladdin then said, "Sora, Red, Twilight, remember you guys get the lamp while the rest of us distract Jafar."

The three of them nodded and secretly hid while Jafar didn't see. The rest of the others go to distract Jafar.

While flying and holding the lamp, Iago says to himself, "Jeez... Is it hot in here or is it just me..."

During the fight, Jasmine starts hearing a noise. She turns and suddenly there was only a small gasp.

After struggling with fighting Iago for the lamp, Sora was able get the lamp back with the help of Twilight and Red. Then he start to call out to Jafar.

"Okay, Jafar! Back to your lamp," yelled Sora as he holds up Jafar's lamp.

Jafar starts to get sucked in as he screamed loudly. He yelled, "Noooooo! How dare you do this to me?! I will mark my revenge on you street rats!"

Then they finally did it as Jafar was now in the lamp. They got back up to the top area to see if Jasmine is till okay. But what's strange is that she isn't there. Aladdin was starting to get very worried about her.

Aladdin calls out, "Jasmine? Jasmine!"

The others felt bad for him. Even more with Red. He felt more guilty that not only he didnt find the rest of his friends, but Rarity is now working with Maleficent with the other pony, Alice is kidnapped back in Wonderland, and now Jasmine was kidnapped also.

He thinks to himself, 'Why did the keyblade choose me? I don't get it. I couldn't save Alice and Jasmine. My friends aren't here... Rarity is working for Maleficent... What can I even do... Why choose me...'

But after he was done thinking, Twilight goes to see if he is okay. He told her, "I'm fine Twilight. Thanks."

Then Red went to the keyhole, Sora followed but Twilight still wasn't convince that Red is okay. So she is gonna ask him later on, after she helped close the keyhole.

The three of them aim their keyblades and it made a light beam shoot out into the keyhole. The keyhole to Agrabah has been closed.

Once it's closed, everyone felt the rumble of the place. It feels like The Cave of Wonders was starting to come down.

Goofy exclaimed to his friends, "Whoa, we'd better get out of here!"

Aladdin calls out again, "Jasmine!"

Sora then rushed to Aladdin and told him, "Aladdin! We gotta go! Look, Jasmine has been taken into another world! We need to go! No time to explain!"

Aladdin was confused on what he meant by "other world." But for now he and the others got on the magic carpet and start to head out of the cave of Wonders in a hurry.

They finally did it and made it out.

When they got back to Aladdin's house, Donald gave Sora a glare. Sora sighs as he knows that it does break the world order, but he didn't have a choice.

"Sorry Donald, but if I didn't say anything Aladdin would've gotten trapped in there," said Sora.

Twilight tells him, "We know Sora. It's just this whole world order thing seems very serious."

Aladdin overheard and said, "So, Jasmine's no longer in Agrabah...? In another world...? Sora, Twilight, Red, let's go find her. Please take me into this other world..."

They all felt bad. They want to bring Aladdin along to help help bring back Jasmine, but they denied his request.

Sora then sadly told him, "Sorry. We can't take you with us."

Aladdin was shocked and ask, "Wh-Why not?"

Applejack and Pinkie Pie were confused.

Applejack asked, "Why can't we take him with us?"

Pinkie Pie included, "Yeah there is enough room for him!"

Goofy said, "I sure wish we could. I really do but..."

Donald continued, "But we can't. If we take him to another world, we would be..."

Goofy continued, "Muh... Mudd-"

"Meddling," exclaimed Donald as he cut off Goofy to correct him.

Donald then continued, "It's kind of a law we have to do. It will break dire consequences if we do. If we bring him or other folks from one world to another, there could be chaos."

Aladdin sighed and understand as he sat down. He said, "I guess you're right about things getting chaotic if people can cross worlds just like that."

Sora replied to him, "Aladdin, we'll find Jasmine. I promise."

Genie then had an idea and suggested it, "Uh, earth to Al. Hello? You still have one wish left. Look, just say the word. Ask me to find Jasmine for you."

Aladdin then was about to wish that, but just remember about the promise he made to Genie.

He then said, "I...I wish... For your freedom, Genie."

Genie was shocked as he starts to grant the third and final wish. Now he is free from the lamp.

Aladdin told him, "A deal's a deal, Genie. Now you can go anywhere you want. You're your own master. But if you can, it'd be great if you could go along with them and help find Jasmine."

Genie then replied, "Hmm. Sorry, Al. I'm done taking orders from others."

They were surprised that by this and was worried he won't help out.

Genie however said, "But... A favor, now that's entirely different. I guess I could give that a try. After all, we're pals, right, Al?"

They smile as they watched Aladdin and Genie. Then they gave their goodbyes and headed back to the gummi ship to head to the next world.

Meanwhile, Riku was with the legion of villains as they all observe Jafar's failure in Agrabah.

Hades replied, "That smarmy vizier could've had 'em... if someone had stuck around to give him a hand."

Riku then said, "Hey, I did my part. I brought the princess, didn't I?"

Maleficent walks to Riku and said, "Jafar was beyond help, consumed by his own hatred. One should beware of letting it burn too fiercely."

Hades then said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lighten up. I'm as cool as they come, okay? By the way, kid, have we got something special for you."

Riku was confused until Maleficent said, "We had a deal, yes? You help us, and we grant you your wish..."

He then said a hologram of Kairi asleep and he was concerned.

Riku exclaimed, "Kairi!"

Maleficent continued, "Go to her. Your vessel is waiting."

Captain Hook hears and walks to them, "Just remember, this is no pleasure cruise. It won't be a pleasant voyage."

Riku glared at them as he scoffed. Then he asked Maleficent, "Why are you doing all this for me? What's the catch?"

Maleficent then asked while having her hand on his cheek, "Catch? What's the catch? Silly, boy. You're like a son to me. I only want you to be happy."

Riku was doubtful and replied, "I seriously doubt that."

Maleficent then walks from him and told him, "Believe what you wish. But lest we forget, I kept my end of the bargain."

Author's Note:

Woah! Looks like they all found out about Rarity! Will they be able to talk with her again? Or will they hate her for the rest of their lives?