• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 2,080 Views, 121 Comments

The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - RedSoarDash

Join the Main Seven as they help save the worlds with Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

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Chapter 5 Back to Traverse Town

After their adventures in Deep Jungle, the group heads back to Traverse Town. They eventually made it back to the world, but before they can enter the world again both Applejack and Pinkie Pie told them about Rarity and the pony with a black cloak. Of course this makes them very shocked.

Red then exclaimed, "Oh no! Rarity is kidnapped!"

Sora asked, "She's your friend right? Maybe we should head back to see if she is okay."

Donald didn't like that and thinks it would slow them down from finding King Mickey. But he knew it wasn't right for them to leave this "Rarity" that they mentioned.

Pinkie Pie also exclaimed, "Maybe even fight against that meanie who has her!"

Applejack said, "Look guys. They probably in another world. Maybe whoever this pony is might not be threat."

Twilight included, "She's right. We just have to question this cloaked pony. If she is an enemy then we have to fight her and bring back Rarity."

With that the group agreed and head into the Traverse Town again.

Red SoarDash said, "Finally back..."

The others followed him through the doors. Both Applejack and Pinkie Pie was amazed by how it looks.

Applejack says, "It looks very nice."

Pinkie Pie also said, "I agree! But what if those weird heartless meanies start showing up again."

Red tells her, "There's nothing to worry about. We just have to fight them off and we'll be okay."

As they continued on they saw Yuffie by the stairs that leads to the Accessory Shop. So they hurried and walked to her.

Yuffie saw them and waved at them. She said, "Hey guys! So how did it go for your first time in other worlds?"

Red SoarDash answered, "It was pretty fun, but tough because of the heartless."

The ninja girl then notice the two ponies there and asked Red and Twilight, "Are they your friends?"

Red answered, "They are. This is Pinkie Pie and Applejack."

Applejack said, "Howdy."

Pinkie Pie said, "Hello!"

Red then asked, "Do you know where Leon is? We have to ask him something."

Yuffie then tells them, "Leon's probably at the underground cavern with Aerith. You see he trains there often. You can get to it through the alleyway. It's connected to the cavern."

They nod at her and started to went out to find the alleyway in the second district. Unfortunately, they haven't found anything. But they keep on searching until they see a way into the alleyway. But it a grate was blocking a way.

Red then sighed and asked, "Great, so now what guys?"

Applejack then answered, "We can always kick this open."

But Goofy had a different idea. He suggested, "I have an idea fellas!"

This makes him whisper to just Sora and Donald. They nod at him and went to the grate.

Red asked his friends, "Should we be worried?"

Twilight answered, "I'm sure they might have a very smart idea."

This was until Sora ram into the grate, then Donald, and then Goofy and the grate was pushed down.

The trio was on the ground and groaning in pain.

Twilight then facepalmed with her hoof and said, "Nevermind..."

Pinkie Pie then said, "Cheer up Twilight! At least we get to head into the underground cavern!"

They headed into the cavern and saw Leon training by himself with Aerith next to him. When they walked over to them, they introduced Pinkie Pie and Applejack and told them about the keyholes they have found in Wonderland, Olympus Coliseum, and Deep Jungle.

Leon told them, "So, you found the keyholes."

Sora nods and answered him, "Yeah. Our keyblades locked it automatically."

Aerith replied, "That is very good."

Twilight asked while wanting to understand, "So how is this good exactly?"

Leon answered, "Every world among the stars has a Keyhole. And each one leads to the heart of that world. There must be one in this town as well."

Sora asked, "What do you mean?"

Aerith answered, "It was in Ansem's report."

Leon continued, "The Heartless enter through the Keyhole and do something to the world's core."

Red asked Leon, "Wait so what happens to the world?"

Aerith answered his question sadly, "In the end...it disappears."

This makes everyone except Leon and Aerith yelled, "What?!"

They never realized that the worlds would disappeared like that. This makes them very worried about the worlds they are gonna travel to.

Leon told them, "That's why your keys is so important."

Aerith then continued, "Please lock the Keyholes. You're the only ones who can."

But Sora said, "I don't know..." Which implies he doesn't know about all of this. He is very worried about the worlds, but he just want to find Riku and Kairi to see if they are okay.

Leon then said, "Seeing other worlds would probably serve you well."

Donald implied, "Yeah!"

Goofy then exclaimed, "We gotta find your friends! And King Mickey!"

Sora then said, "I guess you're right... Okay!"

As they were about to leave Applejack reminded them about the gummi blocks they had found.

So Sora asks Leon, "Hey, Leon. This gummi block's different from the others. Do you know what it's for?"

This makes Leon stayed silent. They were very confused by this.

Pinkie Pie asks, "Uh...Is Mr. Leon okay?"

Aerith nods and chuckles nervously. She said, "You should ask Cid. He is an expert on gummis.

Leon finally spoke again, "Wait take this with you."

He gave them a strange gem which is called, "Earthshine."

He explains, "This stone holds some mysterious power. I've been carrying it for luck. I want you to hold onto it."

Red then replied, "This is very cool Leon thanks!"

Leon nodded at him.

Applejack however asked, "So how do ya use it?"

This makes him silent again.

Sora asks, "Leon? Are you okay?"

Aerith then replied, "He'll be okay. There should be someone around here that can help with that gem."

They nod at Aerith and head out of the underground cavern. Then they headed to the first district to talk with Cid about the gummi blocks they got.

They showed the blocks to Cid and ask them about what they do.

"You're kiddin' me! You're flyin' a gummi ship and you don't know nothin' about navigation gummis? Bunch of pinheads. Interspace ain't no playground," said Cid after he takes a look at the gummi blocks.

Sora then replied while being upset at what Cid said, "There's a lot we don't know. So what! We have to use the gummi ship to go to other worlds. We don't have a choice."

Cid saw how upset he is and then said, "Whoa, easy. I didn't know. No hard feelings, all right? Well, I guess I could lend y'all a hand, then. So basically, with navigation gummis, you can go to new places. You want one on your ship, right?

Twilight replied to him, "Sure. I guess we can use that then."

"I'll install it for you. But I got this thing I gotta go deliver first," said Cid as he wants them to do a favor.

Sora asked, "What do you need to deliver?"

Cid answered, "Just this book. It's real old. When the guy brought it in, it was practically falling apart. Too beat up to restore it to the way it was. But overall, I did a decent job puttin' it back together. Anyway, you mind deliverin' it for me? It's the old house past the Third District. Look for a big fire sign."

They looked at the book and nod at Cid.

Twilight answered, "Sure Cid. I guess we have to lo-" She was cut off from hearing a strange loud bell sound and a strange rumble.

Sora asked out loud, "Wh-What was that?"

Cid replied, "The bell at the gizmo shop is ringing. Go check it out if you want, but deliver that book for me first. When you're done, stop by the house in the Third District. I'll be there."

They head through the second district so they could find the entrance to the third district again. But suddenly they notice a strange door that has a fire symbol on it.

Donald then had an idea and used his fire spell to get the door open. They reached an undergound part of the second district.

So they continued on into a strange room that seemed very dark and empty. Until a voice was heard. This voice was something only Sora could hear.

"There's something about this musty place," said the voice and it turns out to be Kairi. Sora was very shocked to see her there.

She continued, "It reminds me of the secret place back home, where we used to scribble on the walls. Remember?"

Sora questioned, "...Kairi?"

Goofy then asked, "Sora?"

Unfortunately when Sora turns back he noticed that Kairi wasn't there anymore.

Applejack asked him, "Ya okay sugarcube?"

Sora stayed silent until he spoke, "I thought I saw...."

Pinkie Pie said, "We're the only ones were Sora. Did you see a spooky ghost?"

Sora sighed and shook his head. He answered, "No...It's nothing."

His friends felt like he was hiding something, but let it go so they don't annoy him.

Then they heard another voice. This time everyone could hear it.

"Well, well. You've arrived sooner than I expected," said the voice and it turns out to be a wizard with blue clothes, a long white beard, and glasses.

Sora asked the wizard, "Wha... You knew we were coming?"

Merlin nodded at him, but the others were still very confused.

Sora then asked, "Are you...a Heartless?"

Donald replied, "He doesn't look like one."

Twilight answered, "Of course he isn't..."

Merlin told them, "She's right lads. My name is Merlin. As you can see, I am a sorcerer. I spend much of my time traveling. It's good to be home. Your king has requested my help.

This makes both Goofy and Donald shocked to hear.

Goofy asked the wizard, "King Mickey?"

Merlin answered him, "Yes, indeed. Donald, Goofy. And who might this be?"

Sora answered, "I'm Sora.

Twilight said, "I'm Twilight Sparkle."

Red also said, "I'm Red Soardash."

Pinkie Pie said, "I'm Pinkie Pie Mr. Merlin the Wizard."

Applejack answered finally, "And I'm Applejack."

Merlin said, "Ah. So, you have found the key. And two more keys."

Donald asked him, "What did the king ask you to do?"

Merlin said, "Just a moment..."

He then grabbed his wand and start to move a bunch of furniture into the the empty room. They were shocked that Merlin made the empty room look so impressive.

Twilight then told him, "This room is very amazing."

Merlin replied, "Thank you."

Red however asked, "So what did the King asked you to do?"

Merlin answered, "The King asked me to train you in the art of magic. We can start anytime you like. Let me know when you're ready to begin the training. Oh, and one more thing."

Then they notice someone appear across the room. It was an old lady with a blue dress on.

Pinkie Pie asked, "Who are you?"

Fairy Godmother answered, "Well I'm the Fairy Godmother. The King asked me to help, too. I will assist throughout your journey.

Merlin also said, "I do not know how much I can be of help, but do stop by anytime."

They nod, but start to remember about the book they promised Cid to deliver. So they showed the book to Merlin and asked him about it.

Merlin told them, "Oh, that book... So, Cid asked you to bring this. Thank you. You wish to know what kind of book it is? I don't even know, myself. In fact, it's not mine. Somehow it found its way into my bag one day. It was such a curious book, I asked Cid to repair it for me. Well, I guess I'll put it here somewhere, for now. This book holds a great secret. The missing pages will unlock it."

They nod and understand that they had to find the other pages in other worlds that they will travel. Then they asked Merin about the summon gem to see if he knows what it is.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know. So they went ahead and asked Fairy Godmother about it.

She said, "Oh this poor thing has turned into a summon gem."

Red questioned, "A summon gem?"

Fairy Godmother answered, "Yes dear. This little creature lived in a world that was consumed by darkness. When a world vanishes, so do its inhabitants. But this one has such a strong heart, he became a gem instead of vanishing with his world."

Sora then asked, "So can he be able to regain himself?"

The Fairy Godmother answered, "He can, but only his spirit."

They were very confused by what Fairy Godmother meant by that.

Twilight asked, "What do you mean by 'spirit.'"

She answered her, "It's quite simple dear. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"

The strange stone started turning into a full summon gem. There it seems to have a lion symbol on it.

She continued to explain, "This one is named 'Simba.' Whenever you call, he will help you. If you find any more of these, bring them to me. Don't worry, when their worlds are restored they will return there."

Sora then replied, "Don't worry. We'll help them all."

They went and head out Merlin's house. Then they head forward to into the third district. Where a few shadow heartless appeared.

When they are about to fight the heartless, the heartless got slashed by a strange attack. After they disappeared, a strange older boy with silver hair appeared in front of them with a strange dark blade.

He spoke out, "There you are. What's going on?"

He was speaking out to Sora, which he seems to recognize. Then Sora recognizes him also. He seems to be very happy to see him.

Sora exclaimed, "Riku!"

This makes him mess with Riku's face to see if he was real.

The one called Riku exclaimed, "Hey hey cut it out!"

Then he ask himself, "I'm not dreaming this time right?"

Riku answered, "I hope not. Took forever to find you."

Applejack asks Red and Twilight quietly, "Have ya met him before?"

Red answered, "Well not really."

Twilight also answered, "We only met Sora when we first arrived here. This seems to be one of the friends Sora mentioned."

Sora was still excited to meet Riku again, until he notice someone wasn't with him.

So he asked Riku, "Wait is Kairi here?"

Riku asked back, "Isn't she with you."

The question was answered from Sora looking down in sadness as his other friend, Kairi, wasn't with Riku.

Riku sees this and attempts to comfort him.

He told them, "Well, don't worry. I'm sure she made it off the island, too. We're finally free."

Before he continued, a heartless starts to appear behind him. The others notice this.

Riku continued, "Hey, she might even be looking for us now. We'll all be together again soon. Don't worry. Just leave everything to me. I know this-"

He was cut off when Sora rushed towards the heartless and slashed it to defeat it easily.

"Leave it to who," asked Sora as he had a cocky tone.

Donald then muttered, "Show off..."

Riku asked Sora, "Sora, what did you-"

"I've been looking for you and Kairi, too, with their help," said Sora as he cut off Riku and mentioned his new friends standing next to them.

Riku asked, "Who are they?"

Donald was about to answered, "Ahem. My name is-"

Unfortunately he of course was cut off by Sora.

"We've visited so many places and worlds, looking for you," said Sora.

Riku then said, "Really? Well, what do you know? I never would have guessed."

Red, Twilight, and Applejack started to notice a very slight difference in his tone of voice. Was Riku upset? Why would he? He finally gets to reunite with his best friend.

Goofy then told Riku, "Oh, and guess what? Sora's one of the Keyblade masters."

Donald responded sarcastically, "Who would've thought it?"

Sora heard what he said and responded back, "What's that mean?"

As they were about to argued, Riku was able to take Sora's keyblade away from him to take a look at it.

"So this is a keyblade," asked Riku as he was able to hold onto it.

Sora then notice that his keyblade is gone and it's in Riku's hand. His friends were confused by this. How did Riku held the keyblade without it going back to Sora.

So Riku tosses it back to Sora and he caught it.

Sora then asked, "So you're coming with us right? We've got this awesome rocket. Wait 'til you see it!"

Red also said, "He's right. The rocket is very cool. You are welcome to come with us if you want."

They all agreed that Riku should join with them until of course someone disagrees with everyone.

"No he can't come," exclaims Donald angrily as he refused to let Riku join with them.

This makes them very confused.

Sora then exclaimed, "Oh come on! He's my friend!"

Donald countered, "I don't care!"

Red was upset by this and said, "Donald we gotta bring him. He is Sora's friend."

Donald told him, "No way!"

Goofy however noticed something and tell them, "He's gone."

They look and saw that Riku is gone. No where to be found.

Sora muttered, "Nice going..."

Twilight then suggests, "Maybe we should look for him."

Applejack then said, "Well he seemed to be safe. Besides we should head to find Cid."

Sora said, "Yeah...if he's okay then maybe we should get going. And who knows? Maybe we'll run into Kairi soon too."

They look at the houses in the third district. They found the one that Cid owns and lives in. In there was him, Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith.

Once they entered Cid's place they started to talk with him. But he ask them a strange question.

"You guys ever hear of Maleficent? I hear she's in town," said Cid as he mentioned the name Maleficent.

They were confused by the name. It was something they never heard of before.

Twilight asked herself, "Maleficent...?" She looks to her friends to see if they know her. But they said no.

Sora asks Cid, "Who is she?"

Cid exclaims, "A witch, man, she's a witch!"

They were very shocked by the response.

Pinkie Pie asks, "A witch? Like a spooky one?"

Yuffie answers, "Not the kind of witch you were thinking of, Pinkie Pie."

Leon nods and says, "You see she's the reason this town is full of Heartless. Don't take her lightly."

Aerith also said, "She's been using the Heartless for years."

Leon continued, "We lost our world, thanks to her."

They felt bad for them as they start to feel like this "Maleficent" could be a threat.

Yuffie said, "Yeah...It happened nine years ago. A swarm of heartless took over our world."

Donald exclaimed, "That's awful!"

Leon also said, "Our ruler was a wise man named Ansem. He dedicated his life to studying the Heartless."

Cid responded, "His report should tell us how to get rid of the Heartless."

Sora asks, "So where is it?"

Leon answered, "We don't know. It got scattered when our world was destroyed. Maleficent probably got most of them."

But unfortunately for them, there were people watching them. It was Maleficent, the cloaked pony, and Riku.

Maleficent tells Riku, "You see? It's just as I told you. While you toiled away trying to find your dear friend, he quite simply replaced you with some new companions. Evidently, now he values them far more than he does you."

The cloaked pony tells him, "She's right... It seems like the only thing that he does is have fun in these new worlds, not caring about that redheaded girl."

Maleficent also said, "You're better off without that wretched boy. Now, think no more of him and come with me. I'll help you find what you're searching for..."

Riku kept watching Sora hang with the ponies and Donald and Goofy. He felt very upset that his friend replaced him and Kairi with them.

Cid then look at Sora and the others. He said, "I got another favor for ya'll. Since I fixed that navigation gummi, the bell in the second district has been ringing. Maybe you guys can see what it is."

They nod and head to the second district to see what they can do with the bell. After messing with it they saw the fountain started changing.

So they heard towards it. Unfortunately they run into the Guard Armor heartless from before. This time he change forms to be called, Opposite Armor.

After the defeat of the Opposite Armor, Sora, Red, and Twilight managed to spot the keyhole of Traverse Town. They used their keyblades to lock the keyhole there another navigation piece. Donald grabs it to hold onto it. They went to Cid to talk to him about the gummi piece.

Cid said, "Hey, got another navigation gummi there, eh? I'll bet you want it installed."

Twilight nod and says, "Yeah. Can you help us?"

Cid answers, "I'd love to, but it seems you need to find the second piece to this one."

They nod and head into the Accessory shop to see if they need to prepare to travel.

As soon as they arrived they seen a strange small puppet that looks to be a boy. They walk towards him as Jiminy appears out of Sora's hood.

"Well, well, as I live and breathe! If it isn’t Pinocchio," said Jiminy as he was surprised and happy to see the one called Pinocchio.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie was confused by the cricket that came from Sora's hood. Twilight explained to them about Jiminy.

Jiminy asked, "What in the world are you doing here?"

Pinocchio answers, "Oh um... just playing hide and seek."

It seems like the truth but.... it turns out that it was a lie. Due to the fact that his nose grew.

They continued talking until they found out that his father isn't with him. Jiminy then promised him for them to find Geppetto...without asking them.

So they got what they need and head out.

Red then tells them, "Alright we should go ahead and find the rest of the worlds' keyholes."

But Pinkie Pie asked, "But what about Rarity and that pony?"

Applejack was even more worried. She did want to see if Rarity is okay and that she wasn't hurt.

"Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to look around again," said the orange colored mare.

Twilight however told them, "We searched all over Traverse Town guys. She could be in another world."

Sora then said, "Let's just search other worlds to find her and the rest of our friends. We did find Riku, so maybe your friend could be still out there safe."

Red tells them, "He's right. We'll find her and our friends so don't worry guys."

They all nod and smile at him. Then they finally start to head out in the other worlds.

Author's Note:

We are now in the second part of the main journey. Hope you guys enjoy so far. Sorry about this being late. Had to focus on family and college. But enjoy reading guys!