• Published 29th Sep 2021
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The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - RedSoarDash

Join the Main Seven as they help save the worlds with Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

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Chapter 3 Zero to Hero in Olympus Coliseum

After the events of Wonderland, the members of the trinity team are in their gummi ship heading to the new world. They even bring in a new member of the team, Pinkie Pie. Red, however, was thinking about everything that happened. He was feeling so guilty ever since he found out that Alice got kidnapped. Twilight Sparkle notice this and went to talk with him in private. She attempted to cheer him up.

"I have helped Jiminy write about the world we live in. Despite how crazy it is... it was very interesting I have to admit. That Queen of Hearts lady was definitely insane isn't she," asked Twilight as she tries to cheer him up but it didn't work.

He sighed and responded, "Sorry...I know you're trying to help Twi. But honestly I'm worried about Alice and our friends. We didn't even get to see if she is okay. What if were too late to find them?"

The princess of friendship could tell he is not feeling like himself. She says, "You don't have to say sorry Red. It is natural to feel worried about your friends. Yeah we didn't save alice... but we found Pinkie Pie. If we can find Pinkie Pie, then we can find the rest of our friends. Maybe in the next world we can find Fluttershy."

The last statement she said was teasing him on purpose. She smirked and this causes him to blush.

He chuckles nervously at what she said. This was able to have him be cheered up a little and smiles at his friend.

Then he said, "Thanks Twilight." When she nodded at him, there was a strange rumble which causes them to move around.

They fallen off and wonder what is going on. Sora was on the ground too and asked, "What is going on?"

To the three's surprise it was Pinkie Pie that was flying the ship and was bumping into stuff.

Donald asks Goofy, "Why did you let her fly the ship?!" He tries to hang on and stay calm.

Goofy answers, "She asks nicely so I thought she can get a turn."

They try to hang on as Pinkie Pie was flying the ship and bumping through stuff.

After landing in a new world, the element of laughter almost manage to crash the ship. Everyone, but Pinkie Pie was groaning and in pain.

Pinkie Pie bounced out of the gummi ship and was excited. She said, "I don't know about you guys but that was so fun! Let's go again!"

Donald said angrily, "No! Not again! I'm driving from now on!"

They moved on and notice what world they live in.

Olympus Coliseum

They started walking into the lobby of the place and notice a satyr. They walk over to him to talk to him.

Sora says, "Um..."

However, the satyr spokes to them without looking. He said, "Good timing. Give me a hand will ya? Move that pedestal over there for me. I gotta spruce this place up for the games."

Sora shrugged and turn toward his friends. He told them, "I guess we should try moving this."

Each member of the group tried pushing, but the pedestal hasn't moved an inch. So they returned to talk to the satyr, whose name is Phil.

Red said, "Sorry but it's way too heavy."

The satyr exclaimed in surprise, "What? Too heavy? Since when have you been such a little-"

He then sees them and continued, "Oh wrong guy. What're you doing here? This here's the world-famous Coliseum-heroes only! And I got my hands full preparing for the games. So run along pipsqueaks."

Sora gave a look of upset and Phil continued again.

He said, "Look it's like this. Heroes are coming from all over to fight ferocious monsters right here in the Coliseum."

"You got heroes standing right in front of you," said Donald as he felt insulted.

Goofy included, "Yep They are real heroes chosen by the keyblades."

Donald said, "And we're heroes too!"

Pinkie Pie even said, "Yep! The mightiest heroes of all time!"

Sora, Red, and Twilight smiled and hoped that the satyr would let them in.

"Heroes? Those runts," said Phil as he starts laughing at the statements that both Donald and Goofy have made about the keyblade wielders.

Sora exclaimed while feeling insulted, "What's so funny?! I've fought a bunch of monsters!"

Red and Twilight nodded as they remember their adventures in Equestria fighting against dangerous villains.

Phil responded after laughing, "Hey! If you can't even move this..."

He starts moving the pedestal and struggles to move it. This makes Twilight and Pinkie Pie struggling to not laugh.

"...You can't call yourself... A hero," said Phil as he stopped and panted heavily.

Then he said, "Okay so it takes more than brawn. Let's see what you can do."

During their training with Phil, the pony in the black cloak was watching them. Especially Twilight Sparkle. Her eyes hasn't gotten off of her. Rarity notice this and tries to question her.

"Darling why do you even hate us? We haven't even done nothing to you," said Rarity.

The cloaked mare glared at her before looking back at Twilight and continued watching over her.

"Are you mad at Twilight," asked Rarity.

The mare stayed silent and didn't want to talk to her about her problem, but is afraid that she will keep questioning her.

She sighed before answering, "Yes...I don't just hate you all. I hate that stupid mare for what she has done to me."

This makes rarity so confused. What has Twilight ever done to her? She has to know what was she talking about.

The group has finished their training with Phil and went to talk to them.

He tells them, "You know. You ain't half bad kid."

Sora chuckles and then said, "Looks like we're heading for the games."

This seems like a victory for them right? Guess again readers.

"Afraid not," said Phil and they all look at him with shock.

Sora asked, "Why not?"

Phil then explained, "Two words: You guys ain't heroes."

Sora complained, "Come on!"

Twilight then said, "Hey that was four words."

Red sighed and shook his head. He told twilight, "Just forget it Twilight. Let's just go. Maybe we can go to another world to find our friends."

Phil quickly gave them the spell thunder before they start leaving. When they left the lobby and was about to leave the world a voice spoke to them.

The voice spoke, "Rather a stubborn old goat wouldn't you say?"

They all turn to see the god of death and ruler of the underworld, Hades.

"Who are you," asked Donald as he was suspicious of him. The others were suspicious too except for Goofy and Pinkie Pie.

Hades started walking towards them to explain. He says, "Whoa hold on there, fuzz boy. Wait let me guess. You want to enter the games right? Well then get a load of this."

Then he summons a golden paper which is the pass for the games.

Red questioned, "A pass?"

Hades responded, "It's all yours. Good luck kids. I'm pulling for you little shorties."

They all watched him leave as they were discussing.

Donald asks, "Do we trust him?"

Pinkie Pie answered, "Don't be so grumpy Donald. He must be very nice to give us a free pass."

Red gave a look to Twilight if she trusts Hades. Twilight gave a confused look as it can tell that she doesn't know whether she can trust him or not.

Sora then responded, "Well at least we have a pass I guess. Now we can enter the games."

The six of them headed back into the lobby. They walk towards Phil and show him the pass they received from Hades.

"Hey how'd you get this," asked Phil as he was shocked they have a pass.

Sora asked, "Can we enter the games now?"

Phil answered, "Well... I guess so. We start with the preliminaries! Ready for the preliminaries?"

They nodded and was ready to enter the games.

They went into the arena and start the match. After the struggle of going through the first match, they have successfully won it.

Phil told them, "You're no heroes yet, but you ain't doing bad. Lucky you came to me for coaching."

After he complimented them, a blonde swordsman walked by them to enter his match. He looks at them while walking and turns away.

Phil says, "Something tells me he'll be a tough one to beat. Who knows, maybe you'll end up facing him."

Red tells his friends, "We better be ready in case we have to fight him." They nodded at him and continued on with the games.

They made it passed the third round and Phil goes to talk with them again.

"Say, you're better than I thought kid! Wish he was here to see this," said Phil as he mentioned someone.

Twilight asked, "Wish who as here?"

Phil answers, "Hercules. He's a hero if ever there was one. Too bad he's off visiting his father."

They started thinking about who Hercules is. Then they went to continue their matches in the games. They have struggled through the fourth and fifth matches, but they managed to won.

In the waiting area, Hades was talking with the blonde swordsman from before.

He told him, "Those little punks are your next opponent okay? Now don't blow it. Just take them out.

The swordsman, Cloud Strife said, "The great god of the Underworld is afraid of a kid and a couple of horses? Sorry, but my contract says-"

"I know! You think I don't know? I wrote the contract! I know it says you're only required to kill Hercules in this tournament. But you've gotta fight those punks to get to him. Come on," said Hades.

The God of the Underworld continued, "Hey, it's like that old goat says. Rule number 11: It's all just a game, so let loose and have fun with it! I mean, a casualty along the way is no big deal, right?"

Cloud sighed before getting up and goes to prepare for his next match. Hades then talks to himself.

"Geez. Stiffer than the stiffs back home. Still, suckers like him are hard to come by," said Hades as he said to himself.

After the sixth match they had, the group enter the match and sees the blonde swordsman. They went and get ready to fight.

Goofy mutters to them, "He seems to be very strong. What should we do?"

After he muttered to them, Cloud did a charge attack and thrusts to Pinkie Pie in a very impressive speed where she gets unconscious. They were all shocked to see this.

Twilight and Red exclaimed, "Pinkie Pie!"

Cloud tells them, "You should have a better time planning than a better time talking."

He strikes at them, but they managed to dodge him. Then he slashed Sora, but he managed to block him barely.

Donald tries using fire against him and does a blizzard spell. None of the magic effects him that much. Red rushed and tries to do a combo on him. Cloud got hit by it, but he strikes at Red. The stallion got hit by him. He groans in pain a lot and glared at him.

"Hmph...Thought you were tougher than you look," said the Ex-SOLDIER.

Twilight first uses thunder to try and attack him then starts striking. Then does a combo against him. It manages to hit him very well. Then Sora uses Sliding Dash to charge at Cloud then use Blitz as a strong finishing move on him.

It makes Cloud flew back and he groans before recovering. Then uses his wing to flew up and goes towards them to slash them repeatedly. They got hurt, but got back up. Red stands his ground and waits for him to charge at him. Then uses his wings to charge at him also and their blades slashed each other. It causes them to stop.

Goofy uses his tornado attack to attack Cloud from behind. This was able to hit him. But Cloud strikes at Goofy very fast. Twilight aimed her horn at Cloud and shot a powerful beam of Magic at him.

Cloud sees this and blocks it. He was struggling to keep blocking. But it was too late as he couldn't held his block for too long. It was able to hurt him badly. He was on the ground and held his arm. They walked up to him to see if he is okay.

Pinkie Pie was still on the ground unconscious. Twilight was about to check on her until they heard a strange rumble sound. It was from the giant three-headed dog, Cerberus. He stepped on Cloud. Sora gasps while being shocked at what happened.

"Oh, right, there was one other rule I forgot: Accidents happen," said Hades as he was watching secretly.

Cerberus was about to attack, but was stopped when someone hold him back. That person was Hercules.

Phil exclaimed, "Herc!"

Hercules replied, "Phil get them out of here!"

They rushed back inside while Hercules handles Cerberus. When they rushed back in they also helped carry Pinkie Pie back in.

They were panting heavily and exhausted after running back as fast as they can.

Red muttered, "We...did it. What was...that?"

Phil answered, "That was Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld. Herc should be able to handle him. But then again, maybe not... This doesn't look good."

It was clear Phil was worried. A groan was being heard and it turns out it's from Pinkie Pie who was starting to awaken.

She asked, "What happened..."

Twilight said, "Thank Celestia you are okay... The human with the sword attacked you."

Goofy also said, "We were very lucky to save you. It would've been scary to think of what could happen to you."

"Sorry for making you guys worry," said Pinkie Pie who was feeling guilty.

Sora said, "Don't apologize. We were just glad nothing very bad happened to you."

Her friends nodded at what Sora said. This makes her very happy.

Red then told her, "You should get back on the gummi ship and rest. We'll go fight Cerberus and help Hercules."

Pinkie Pie nods at them and headed to the gummi ship as they headed outside to fight Cerberus. They were running to behind Cerberus who was distracted by Hercules holding the unconscious Cloud. The three-headed dog hears them and turns away from Hercules.

This gave Hercules the chance to run back inside while holding Cloud.

Phil yelled, "I got two words of advice for you: Attack!"

Twilight yelled back, "That's one word!"

Red exclaims at her, "Now isn't the time!"

Cerberus makes a very loud roar and walks towards them. In his mouth he spit out fire balls towards them. This makes them start to dodge the attacks before they could reach them.

More fireballs keep shooting at them and they kept on dodging. Then Cerberus breathes dark fire into the ground and then under them a strange dark vortex appeared. They look down and felt something coming out of it. Then they rushed to avoid it. The attack was blast of darkness coming out of it.

The three-headed dog tries to shoot fireballs again. The others dodged again, except Sora and Red who blocked the attacks. When they block some of the fireballs deflected back at Cerberus.

Then he stopped to roar and start using his heads to bite them. Donald tries using thunder against against the heads and lightning shot down on them. Sora also does the thunder spell and it worked too.

The Cerberus creature got more angry and kept trying to bite them. Goofy managed to barely keep blocking the biting attacks. Then the creature backed up a bit before lifting itself up. Everyone was confused while watching the creature. Until Twilight notice what it is about to do.

"Guys watch out," exclaimed Twilight as she tries to warn everyone.

The creature slams itself back on the ground and it creates a dark shockwave. It goes and hits Sora, Donald, and Goofy critically. Red was able to fly and barely avoid it, but got hit a little bit. Twilight was lucky enough to fly up enough to avoid the hit.

Goofy threw his shield at the Cerberus and the creature growled loudly. Donald tries to using blizzard but it doesn't effect it more.

Twilight managed to fly on the back of the Cerberus to try to attack the heads from behind. But the three-headed dog realizes what she is doing and starts moving around to try and get her off.

Red gets close to the heads and strike at them. Sora goes and strikes at the heads also. It got hit and it growled more.

Twilight tries to keep her balance and she accidentally stab her keyblade in the back of Cerberus. It starts making him very angry and breathes fire into the ground.

The dark vortexes were back and everyone tries to escape, but they were able to catch up and hurt them.

Everyone was groaning in pain and struggles to get back up. Cerberus kept on moving and was able to make Twilight fall off. She groans in pain and notice that the three-headed dog was about to lift himself up.

Sora notice this too and tries to get out some potions for them, but it seems like they wouldn't have enough time to drink the potions.

Then it was about to send another powerful shockwave at them, but suddenly it was stopped when a strange rope was wrapped around the neck of the middle head. The giant dog was confused and gotten more angry as he was trying to release from the grasp of the rope.

This gave them the chance to use potions to heal themselves. Then Sora run towards the creature and does a final attack to defeat it.

Cerberus growls in pain and slowly starts to fall on the ground. It was finally defeated and unconscious. Everyone panted heavily after winning the battle.

Donald exclaimed, "We did it!"

Everyone agreed to what Donald said and was happy. Until Goofy asked, "But how did that there dog stopped its attack?"

As they were questioning it, they heard a strange voice that was only familiar to Red and Twilight.

The strange voice spoke, "It's great to see y'all again."

They turn to see a orange mare on the unconscious Cerberus with a blonde mane, green eyes, a brown hat, and she seems to have three apples on her side as a cutie mark.

This seems to be the Element of Honesty, known as Applejack.

They were shocked to see her there. Especially the two keyblade wielder ponies.

"Applejack," exclaimed the two ponies as they were happy to see her.

She gave a smile towards them and walk towards them. She said, "Ah course it's me. It's good to see you two again."

Twilight said, "We are glad to see you Applejack. You were here all this time?"

The earth pony nodded at her before answering. "That's right. That big mysterious portal brought me here. Then met some weird goat fella where he told me that ah need to train to be a hero. Then met these weird creatures that started to attack me. That seem to be black with yellow eyes," said the earth pony.

Red and Twilight was a little scared that she ran into heartless, but felt relieved that she doesn't seem hurt. The red stallion said, "Well we're glad you're safe."

Goofy said to Applejack, "Hiya Applejack. We're Sora, Donald, and Goofy. A pleasure to meet ya."

After he gave a innocent laugh, Apple jack nods and smiles at him. "Well it's a pleasure to meet ya Sora, Donald, and Goofy," said Applejack.

They then walk back inside where they talk with Phil and Hercules and they started talking with them.

Phil starts explaining, "Thus I do hereby dub thee junior heroes, and confer upon thee full rights and privileges to participate in the games. Further-"

Red exclaimed, "Junior heroes?!"

Donald asked, "What do you mean 'junior heroes?!'"

"You rookies still don't understand what it takes to be a true hero," said Phil as he continued.

Goofy then asked, "So what does it take?"

Hercules answered, "Well that's just something you'll have to find out for yourselves. Just the way I did."

When Sora was about to talk to them he notice something very strange at the pedestal. Him, Donald, Goofy, Red, Twilight, and Applejack notice it too. They talk towards it and try to push it.

It made them struggle, but soon they were able to push the pedestal. On the ground there was a keyhole was showing. Donald questioned, "Another keyhole?"

Sora, Twilight, and Red's keyblades appeared and it shot a beam of light at it to finally close the keyhole. Everyone was surprised.

Applejack was confused and asked, "Alright somepony is gonna have to explain." This makes them chuckle except for Herules and Phil who were talking about what they did.

Phil whispered to Hercules, "What do you make of it Herc?"

Hercules whispered back, "Earlier I did try to move that pedestal before, but I failed. Phil... those guys are really something else. They sure seem different."

Sora then explained to the both of them before they leave, "We'll be heroes the next time you see us. Don't worry. We'll prove it."

Then they headed out and notice the same spiky haired blonde swordsman.

Sora asked Applejack, "Have you ever talked to him?"

Applejack shook her head no. Then she said, "Ah didn't. He seems that he doesn't wanna be bothered."

Then they started walking towards them both.

Sora asked, "Hey are you okay?"

The swordsman looks up at them. He said, "Yeah. Don't worry kid."

Red looks at him confused before asking, "Why did you go along with that guy anyway? He doesn't seem to be very trusting."

"...I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness and couldn't find the light," said Cloud as he sighed to himself.

Sora replied, "You'll find it. We're searching too."

Cloud asked, "For your lights."

Everyone but Pinkie Pie and Applejack nodded at him.

Then Cloud gave a small smirk before giving handing an ability to them. "Don't lose sight of it," said the EX-Soldier.

He then starts walking back into the lobby of the coliseum.


A voice was heard and it belonged to Hades watching over Hercules.

"He's strong, he's kind. He's always there for you, and he's handsome to boot. He's perfect. Perfect. Perfectly infuriating! He makes me crazy," exclaimed Hades angrily as he was frustrated at the thought of Hercules.

Then he calmed himself before talking. He said, "Wait a minute. What are you worried about? All the pieces are in place. Relax. Here's what you do. Let Hercules train the kid and ponies. In the next games, I'll take care of them."

As he talked to himself someone approached behind him. It was Maleficent. He told her, "Who invited you to the party? Stay out of this. This is my show."

Then she spoke, "As you wish. Fight to your heart's content."

Then she left him to do as he pleases.

Author's Note:

A/N: Just to let you guys know that I won't be doing the cups they will be off screen. That's why they are able to move the pedestal and close the keyhole for this world early.