• Published 29th Sep 2021
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The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - RedSoarDash

Join the Main Seven as they help save the worlds with Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

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Chapter 10 Off to Neverland!

After the events of Halloween Town, everyone said their goodbyes to Jack and the others. Then they enter the gummi ship and was waiting for the next world. No worlds have shown in the radar. So now they are just taking a break. Twilight, however, is thinking about the cloaked pony. She is definitely sure she hasn't met her before. Or know anyone that resembles Star Mage. She was as confused as ever.

She asked herself, "Who is she... She told me that I did something bad to her, but I would never do anything bad to anyone of Equestria. I want to say she is lying, but she doesn't seem to be lying about this. Hopefully in the next world I can finally speak to her and make things right."

She stops thinking when she hears the gummi ship alarm. Twilight rushed over to Donald and Goofy. When she did, everyone was shocked by what they see.

Twilight looks out and saw what she couldn't believe she saw. A giant ship floating.

"Is that a ship," exclaims the element of magic as she stares in shock at the ship.

Goofy replies, "I think it is. And it's comin' straight for us!"

Sora exclaims, "It's gonna ram us! Hold tight!"

The ship rammed into the gummi ship. Causing everyone to be knocked out.


A few minutes later, Sora, Red, and Twilight wake up on the ship.

Red groaned, "Ow... my head."

Twilight looks around and notice where they are. She says, "Looks like we are on the ship. Oh great we're separated again!"

Sora gets up as they heard a familiar voice.

"I didn't think you'd come Sora," said the voice which belongs to Riku.

Sora asked him, "Where are Donald, Goofy and the other ponies?"

Riku replied, "Are they that important to you? More important than old friends? Instead of worrying about them, you should be asking... about her."

He step aside and showed Sora that Kairi was on the ground asleep with her eyes opened.

Sora yelled out, "Kairi!"

Riku told him, "That's right. While you were off goofing around, I finally found her."

As they were about to head to Kairi, a hook stopped them. It had belonged to a strange pirate in red.

"Not so fast. No shenanigans aboard my vessel," said the pirate stopped them.

Red ask him, "Why are you doing this Riku? Why are you siding with the Heartless?"

Riku answered, "The heartless obey me now. Now I have nothing to fear."

Sora countered, "You're stupid! Sooner or later they'll swallow your heart."

Riku replied, "Not a chance. My heart's too strong."

Twilight tells him, "This isn't the right thing to do Riku! What would Kairi say if she sees you doing this?"

Riku tells her, "You don't need to worry about that. You just need to worry... about this."

He raised his hand and summoned a strange shadow version of Sora.

Red asked, "Is that a heartless?"

Riku answers, "Only his shadow. Now since you miss you friends, you can go see them."

The floor beneath them opens the hatch and it made all three of them fall.

When they fall, they landed on something soft but weird at the same time.

"O-Ow my hoof! Oh hi guys," said the cheerful Pinkie Pie as she was happy to see them fall on her and their friends.

Sora asks, "Are you guys okay?"

Rarity tells them, "We are thankfully. Guess Riku send the heartless in our ship to capture us after we crashed here."

Sora then started to tell them that he finally found Kairi.

Goofy asked, "You don't say?"

Sora answered, "It was definitely Kairi! I've finally found her."

Pinkie Pie tells him, "That's great Sora! We're so happy for you!"

Goofy also said, "A-hyuck! Then let's go up and talk to her."

Red nods and says, "Yeah! About time we finally get to see her."

Donald then starts to say, "But first... How about getting off?!"

Sora chuckles nervously before saying, "Sorry."

They quickly gotten up as they try to leave but they can't leave.

Applejack says, "Looks like we can't get out. Can your keyblades help?"

The three keyblade wielders shook their heads no.

Fluttershy looks around as she can't find a way out. She asks, "What can we do now?"

Then suddenly a voice start to speak to them. It felt familiar to the ponies.

"Haha! Looks like you guys need some help," said the voice.

Out of one of the barrels came out a blue female pony with a rainbow mane, and a cutie mark with a cloud and a rainbow.

The ponies exclaimed, "Rainbow Dash!"

They rushed over to her to hug her close to them.

"Thank Celestia you guys weren't hurt! I was extremely worried those monsters got you guys. But I finally find you and get to save you," said the blue mare.

Red then said, "Oh yeah. These are our friends that helped us. Sora, Donald, and Goofy."

Rainbow Dash smiled and goes over to them. She said, "Hiya! The name's Rainbow Dash. The most awesomenest pony of all of Equestria... well not as awesome of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. But still almost as awesome as them."

Donald shook his head and muttered, "Oh great. Another show off."

Goofy greeted her, "Nice to meet ya Rainbow Dash. A-hyuck!"

Sora then asked, "Wait but aren't you trapped in here as well?"

Then they start to hear a voice that was male. "Not trapped! We snuck in. Plus we're waiting for someone," said the voice as out of the barrel came a young male with orange red hair and green clothes.

Fluttershy asks, "Who are you?"

He answers, "I'm the answer to your prayers."

Donald was already starting to not like him immediately.

Rainbow Dash asked him, "Is Tinkerbell here Pete?"

He replied, "Yep! She's here now!"

Then they see a small ball of light and it came out a blonde fairy.

"Come on Tink. I can't leave Wendy here. What do you mean there's another girl here," asks him as Sora hears and was very interested.

Donald starts to chuckle and say, "Aha. She must be pretty jealous."

When he said this, he quickly shut up after she kick him hard. Then she went out and helped unlock the door for everyone.

"Ahem," said Sora trying to get his attention.

He looks at him and greeted himself, "I'm Peter Pan."

Sora then said, "I'm Sora-"

"Okay! But we're in this together until we find Wendy," said Peter Pan as he cuts off Sora.

Red whispers to Rainbow Dash, "What a nice guy huh?"

"Yeah he's kind of a jerk, but he's a good guy. Trust me," said Rainbow Dash as Red trusted her on that.

They started walking off as everyone but Rainbow Dash and Tinkerbell were confused on Peter Pan flying.

Fluttershy asked, "Excuse me but how is it you are flying without wings?"

He answered, "Anyone can fly. You wanna try?"

Everyone but Rainbow Dash, Red, Twilight, and Fluttershy nodded and then Peter Pan calls Tinkerbell. Then he grabs Tinkerbell and rains pixie dust on them.

"There! Now you can fly," said Peter Pan as he finished putting pixie dust on them.

Donald jumps up to flap his arms but he falls down instantly.

He grumbled and Tinkerbell laughed and pointed at him.

Everyone else started laughing at what happened as Donald was getting more angry.

Meanwhile, Riku and Hook were talking in the captain's quarters.

"What? So Wendy's not one of the chosen ones," asked Hook as Riku confirms his theory.

He told him, "There are seven, supposedly, and Maleficent says she's not one of them. Hoist anchor as soon as possible. Leave all the dead weight behind, including her."

Hook then was confused as he questioned the silver haired boy, "After the trouble of capturing her? And why those seven? What is Maleficent planning, anyway?"

Riku turns from him and answers, "Who knows? As long as it means getting Kairi's heart back, I couldn't care less."

"You're wasting your time! The Heartless has devoured that girl's heart. I'll stake me other hand it's lost forever," said Hook as Riku doesn't listen to him.

Then suddenly a voice on the intercom has been heard. It was from Hook's right hand man, Smee.

"Uh captain," said the voice in the intercom.

Hook sighed and replied, "What?"

Smee replied, "The prisoners have escaped. What's more, Peter Pan is with them."

Hook's eyes widened and he starts to get very upset by the name of Peter Pan.

"Blast that Peter Pan! All right then! Bring the hostage to me cabin, Smee! Hop to it," replied Hook.

Back with the mane seven and the trinity trio, they continued searching on until Tinkerbell starts to tell them that she found Wendy in the room above them.

Peter Pan yells, "Wendy!"

She hears him as she went to the floor to see him.

"Peter! Peter Pan," exclaimed Wendy as she was happy to see them.

He tells her, "Don't worry Wendy. I'll be right up there."

Sora walks up and looks at Wendy as he asked, "Uh Wendy? Is there another girl in there with you?"

Wendy sees Sora and looks up at Kairi who looks dead but she isn't.

"Oh why yes. But she seems to be asleep. She hasn't budged an inch," answered Wendy as she looks at Kairi.

Pinkie Pie was freaked out as she figured she is dead.

Twilight sees this and calms her down by whispering, "She isn't dead. If she is Riku wouldn't be this protective over her."

Red asked, "But why isn't she moving anything? Shouldn't she be happy that Sora is here?"

They look up as they heard Wendy gasped. But no answer.

Peter Pan tells them, "Let's get over there fast!"

They rushed over to look for Wendy and Kairi. The door to their cabin was locked. So they wondered what to do.

Sora had an idea as him, Donald, and Goofy stand on each other and opened a way open.

They went in and found Riku holding Kairi.

Sora says, "Riku wait!"

He tries to catch up to him but Shadow Sora got in the way.

Riku escaped with Kairi in a dark corridor while Shadow Sora was in the way waiting for a fight to happen.

Sora went to attack his shadow, but it attacked back. Rarity tries using her magic to hold back the Shadow Sora, but it does strike raid and it was able to hit her.

"Ow... If only that stupid mare didn't ruin my magic. I would've been a better help to everyone here," said Rarity as she got back up.

She got back up, only for Shadow Sora to attack her very hard.

Donald quickly uses cure to help heal her.

Rainbow Dash started to fly and charge into Shadow Sora, who dodged easily and attacked her.

She gets back up and charge into it to attack very fast. The shadow was finally being able to get hit by her.

Peter Pan rushed over to stab Shadow Sora a few times.

Shadow Sora had a enough has it started to duplicate it self into 4 copies.

Pinkie Pie exclaims, "Oh no! Too many shadows! Which one is the real one?"

Applejack then suggested, "Maybe we split up to take on all of these to see which one is Sora's real shadow.

Pinkie Pie, Donald, and Goofy teamed up against one shadow. Rainbow Dash and Applejack teamed up against another. Peter Pan and Fluttershy handled another shadow. Twilight helped rarity with fighting a shadow. Red and Sora teamed up together against a heartless.

As they were all fighting against the shadows. Until 3 of them disappeared quickly except for the one that Red and Sora were fighting. This implied that this was the real Shadow Sora.

Shadow Sora starts to glow in a dark purple aura as it starts doing dark ars arcanum against the real Sora as he was too late to block it. Then it did it's strong finisher where it stunned Sora.

Then Shadow Sora was about to do its final attack. Red sees it and hurries as he starts to use Stopra to stop it. It worked as Shadow Sora was frozen in place.

This worked as it gave Red the chance as he started to glow an aura of light and used a stronger ars arcanum that was very fast.

He dashed repeatedly into Shadow Sora a lot more faster than he original did. Then he stopped and shoot a powerful pearl spell where it launched a big ball of light.

It hit Shadow Sora as it was defeated. When the shadow got unfrozen, it disappeared into the ground and went back to Sora.

Rarity says, "For a shadow... he sure was tough."

Red included, "Tell me about it."

Fluttershy then said, "Well at least Sora has his shadow back."

Peter Pan then spotted Wendy unconscious on the ground while sitting.

"Wendy," exclaimed Peter Pan as he went over to Wendy to check on her.

Tinkerbell tries to tell Peter Pan something but he waved her off.

"Not now Tink! Well guys, this is as far as I can go. I've gotta help Wendy," said Peter Pan as he carried Wendy and went off.

Tinkerbell took it very hard as she started to fly away in sadness.

Rainbow Dash was very upset with Peter Pan leaving them like this. Especially Tinkerbell of all people.

"That jerk! He left Tink behind," exclaimed the blue mare as she didn't expect him to be like this to her.

Red looks at her and asked, "He never acted like this before?"

"I told you before he was a jerk sometimes. But this is just being an asshole. I know Wendy needs help but we're his friends too," said Rainbow Dash as she looks down.

Red then told her, "Maybe he'll come back and say sorry to Tinkerbell."

"I guess so," said the element of loyalty.

Fluttershy then started to ask, "So... What now?"

Sora answers, "We have to go and find Riku. He has to be here with Kairi and he is siding with the heartless now.

Donald then remind him, "And we need to find the keyhole to this world."

Rainbow Dash was confused and asked, "Keyhole? Aren't those in doors?"

Twilight quickly answered, "No no. Special keyholes. Ones found in any worlds we travelled to."

Rainbow Dash asked, "Wait you mean other worlds? Wow I can't believe I didn't get to explore those with you! Very unfair man."

Red chuckles and tells her, "After we finish with all of the keyholes we'll go see the worlds again."

They look around for a way out as they finally reached the outside of the ship. and saw pirate heartless with Captain Hook.

Hook starts laughing before saying, "Quite a codfish Riku is. Running off with that girl without even saying goodbye."

Sora then asks angrily, "Run off where? Tell me, where did he go?"

This causes him to accidentally hit Rainbow Dash.

"Ow," said the blue mare.

Hook answered, "To the ruins of Hollow Bastion, where Maleficent resides. But you won't be going there."

They gasp at Hook as he revealed to have the fairy trapped in a small container as a hostage.

"Unless you intend to leave your little pixie friend behind," said the pirate captain as he shake the container.

Rainbow Dash glared and says angrily, "Let Tink go you jerk! She's innocent!"

He tells her, "Oh I will. I'll let her go if you give me the keyblades. Hand over the keyblade and I'll spare your lives. Be glad I'm merciful, unlike the Heartless. So what will it be? The keyblade... or the plank?!"

They couldn't do anything. If they do then that will risk Tinkerbell's life. So Sora was the first to go as he got onto the plank.

Rainbow Dash whispers to her friends, "Guys we gotta do something."

Twilight whispers back, "What can we do? If we go help Sora, that will probably risk Tinkerbell. If we go help Tinkerbell, Sora will be done for."

They wished they could help them, but they can't do anything. This was until they heard a strange tick sound that is familiar to Captain Hook.

He looked down and saw the crocodile at the side of the ship in the water.

"It's him! The crocodile that took me hand! He's after me other hand! I can't stay here! Go away! Oh I can't stand the sight of him! Smee you take care of them," said the captain as he gave the fairy to his right hand man and rushed into his room quickly.

Sora was very close to the end as he had no way of escaping. Until he starts hearing a familiar voice.

"Fly Sora! Just believe and you can do it," said the voice as it sounded like Peter Pan.

Sora understands the voice as he closed his eyes and jumped to the side. His friends watched as they felt bad for what happened. Until they saw Sora actually flying in the sky. Everyone was shocked by this.

While Smee was shocked to see Sora flying, Peter Pan flew by quickly and saved Tinkerbell.

Sora looks at Peter Pan and said, "Thanks Peter."

"Hey don't mention it. You didn't think I'd leave you and Tink behind did you," asked Peter Pan as the heartless start coming very close.

Sora then turns to his friends who can't fly and said, "Guys! All you have to do is believe!"

His friends nod as they start thinking, then they start to float.

Pinkie Pie exclaims while floating, "It works! It really works! Now I know how you guys can fly."

They all saw the heartless and got ready to fight.

Then Sora tells them, "You're all going down!"

They charge into the heartless to fight them.

They were doing very well against the heartless.

Fluttershy was being surrounded by some as she was backed into a wall. She was getting nervous as she panic hits one heartless by kicking it. She notices and was surprised. Then she tried kicking more but some were very strong.

Red notices and used thundara to stop them from hurting her.

Pinkie Pie notice some were closing in on her, but she makes sure to try and kick them off of her.

Some heartless appeared and are able to fly, Sora flies up and starts attacking them. Peter Pan helped team up with him so they can take them on together.

Rarity sees two heartless going after her as she used her magic to hold one back and then kicked one away from her.

Some of the heartless see her, then they start to charge at her. Rainbow Dash quickly kick them down and then start to bounce on one of them very hard.

"Ha! Take that you monster," exclaims Rainbow Dash as she keeps bouncing on it.

Twilight sees some surrounding her as she used aero to blow them back.

Applejack then sees some barrels on the ship as she kicks them into the heartless that were blown by the wind magic.

The barrels were able to defeat some of the heartless.

Donald was able to use thundaga to shock them and stun them. Goofy sees this and charge into them very fast.

He bashed his shield into them and threw his shield at the heartless to take them out.

When they defeat the heartless, two more show up. It was pirate ship heartless. They weren't the actual size of a ship, but they still are very strong.

Red went to fight against one and Sora went to fight against the other.

The two heartless ships charge into them and cause them to be stunned.

Twilight hurry and used gravity to bring the heartless ships down and flatten them.

Donald then rushed over and screamed, "Blizzard!"

He launched blizzaga at the heartless ships to freeze them.

Then Twilight rushed over to strike at the heartless and defeat them.

After that, Sora and Red recovered from being stunned. Now they can finally fight Captain Hook.

They went to the side of the door and Peter Pan knocks on the door.

Hook says, "Is that you Smee? Did you finish them off?"

Peter Pan and the others chuckled to themselves. Then he hold his nose to start impersonating Smee's voice.

"Aye, Captain. They walked the plank. Every last one of them," said Peter Pan as he impersonated Smee.

Hook quickly went out to see, but no one was there. As he was confused, Peter Pan poked him from behind with his dagger.

"Ah! P-Peter Pan! Blast you," exclaimed Hook.

Peter Pan smirked and said, "Ready to make a splash you codfish? Now it's your turn to talk the plank!"

"Take that," exclaimed Hook as he went to attack them but they all dodge.

Hook then strikes at Peter Pan as he dodged and counter attacked him.

The pirate captain was pushed back as Goofy bashed into him with his shield.

Hook had enough and screamed, "Fire!"

He throw a bomb and it hit some of them. This makes Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Goofy, and Rainbow Dash stunned.

Sora rushed over and attack Hook. Then quickly blocked then Hook went to attack back.

Donald had an idea as he remembered about the crocodile that scared Hook.

"Fire," exclaimed Donald as he used firaga against Hook.

The fireball was able to get him as he said, "Hot hot hot!"

He panics and tries getting the fire of him, until Peter Pan smirked and pushed him off to where he got bit by the crocodile.

He got back on the ship and panted.

Rainbow Dash saw what happened and was laughing at Hook when she recovered from being stunned.

"Blast you, you stupid pony! Take this," exclaimed Hook as he threw three bombs at her.

Rainbow Dash sees this and kicked a bomb back at him. Then she quickly got out of the way.

The bomb was able to hit hook, then Applejack lasso him and pulled him close to her so she can kick him back.

Rarity tries to attack the pirate captain, but he managed to dodge and attack her.

Rarity got hurt, but Goofy hurried and used a potion to heal her.

Goofy then threw his shield into him, then Sora did a blitz attack to hit him.

Then Red went over to finish him off by using firaga which made him flew back in the water.

There he sees the crocodile and start to run.

"AHHHHHHH," yelled Hook as he run off while being chased by the crocodile.

They all rest as they defeated Capatin Hook.

Goofy starts whispering to his friends only, "Uh guys. Kairi couldn't wake up. So maybe she's really lost her-"

Donald shushed him quickly before he said too much.

Twilight explained to him, "He probably knows Goofy. He just needs time."

Sora mutters and then speaks, "I still can't believe it."

"I really flew! Wait 'til I tell Kairi! I wonder if she'll believe me. Probably not," said Sora as he looked down.

Peter Pan replied and said, "You can bring her to Neverland sometime. Then she can try it herself."

Sora nods and says, "If you believe you can do anything right? I'll find Kairi. I know I will. There's so much I want to tell her, about flying, the pirates, and everything else that's happened."

Then suddenly Tinkerbell flew over to Peter Pan.

He asks, "What's that Tink? What about the clock tower? You say there's something there?"

They then headed back to London as they went to Big Ben.

Tinkerbell starts to tell something to Peter Pan as he looked over to the world travellers.

"Hey guys. Tinkerbell said something about there's something weird with the clock tower. You mind checking it out," asked him.

They nod and went to check on the clock tower. For a while, they haven't found anything.

Until Pinkie Pie started messing with the arms on the clock. She was confused until she started messing them with more. When it hit 12:00, a giant keyhole appeared on the clock.

Twilight, Sora, and Red flew in front of the keyhole and aim their keyblades at it. Then light beams appeared from them. The keyhole is finally sealed in Neverland.

Meanwhile, Riku was back to Maleficent as he was very injured.

She starts to speak to him, "It was reckless to bring her here without at least using a vessel. Remember, relying too heavily on the dark powers could cost you your heart."

Then suddenly they heard a strange growl.

"A castaway. Though his world perished, his heart did not. When we took the princess from his castle, he apparently followed her here through sheer force of will. But fear not. No harm will come to you. He is no match for your power," said the dark fairy.

Riku was confused as he asked, "My power?"

Maleficent nodded and answered, "The untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your true potential."

There she awakened his darkness inside of him. He was feeling stronger by the minute and was determined to keep going.

Back with the mane seven and destiny trio, They look over at Wendy and Peter Pan.

"Peter are you really going back to Neverland," asked Wendy.

Peter Pan answered, "Afraid so. But we can see each other any time. As long as you don't forget about Never Land that is."

Donald laughed at Tinkerbell who was jealous and covered his beak incase she kicked it again. But Applejack hit him in the back of his head.

Tinkerbell flew over to Peter Pan angrily and flew around him.

"She's getting' steamed again. Do me a favor. Look after her for me will ya," asked Peter Pan.

They were confused as to why he wanted them to look after her, but they decided to do it anyways.

Author's Note:

The Mane Seven are finally reunited. Now they can finally be happy. Next chapter will be them going back to Traverse Town. I have to get 100 Acre Wood out of the way anyways.