• Published 29th Sep 2021
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The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - RedSoarDash

Join the Main Seven as they help save the worlds with Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

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Chapter 9 This is Halloween!

After saying goodbye to Ariel, King Triton, Flounder, and Sebastian. Everyone made it back to the ship. When they entered the ship, their forms returned to normal. Then they waited for the next world to travel to. Fluttershy then started to talk with Red about everything that he has been dealing with.

"Wow... that seems like a lot," said Fluttershy as she was shocked by this.

Red nods as he was resting from the time spent swimming in Atlantica.

He told her, "I'm just lucky that I'm back here. It was such a pain to swim in the world.

She asks, "How did you go through it? It must've been so terrible having us separated like this..."

Red then answers, "Yeah. It was a scary experience through the journey I had. But I'm happy to find all of you guys again. Now I need to find Rainbow Dash, then we will be reunited again."

She smiles at him as she was happy to see him and her friends again. Though worried if Rainbow Dash is in danger or not.

Then they finally entered a new world that is not like the ones the have been to before.

Halloween Town

Their appearances seem to be a lot different too. Sora seems to be a vampire with a pumpkin on his head, Donald is a mummy with the stomach cut off, and Goofy has a small pumpkin on his nose with a screw on his head.

The ponies had a different appearance too. Twilight was wearing a witch hat while having her fur color be green, Pinkie Pie's body was made of straws while having a scarecrow hat and eyes, Rarity had cat ears and a cat tail with her fur being black, Applejack was now a frankenstein style of pony with her fur being green and mane turned black, and Red had the same appearance as Sora but he now has fangs.

Rarity was shocked by her appearance and said, "Oh my goodness! Look at me. This form it... it... it doesn't look that bad honestly."

Applejack turns to Donald and asks, "Is it that world border nonsense again?"

Donald said, "ORDER! And yes! We need to always change appearances in certain worlds to protect the world order. This is to be very careful this time."

Red then included, "Man this is very strange. Right Fluttershy?"

He turns and notices that Fluttershy was now back to her flutterbat appearance. Except her eyes were normal.

This has the ponies except Fluttershy freaked out.

"Wow you guys look scary. Am I as terrifying as you guys," said Fluttershy as she was confused on why they freaked out.

Twilight answers, "Yep. Very terrifying."

Then they turn to see the world they are in.

Goofy said, "This sure is a spooky place. I'll bet the people here are scary-lookin' too."

Donald said, "Don't worry. We look spooky, too. If they scare us, we'll scare them right back!"

Goofy asked, "You think so?"

Red answers, "Yeah. I'm guessing this is a Nightmare Night type of world."

Sora asked, "What's that?"

Twilight answers, "Oh a celebration once a year where everypony in Ponyville dressed in whatever they want and get lots of candy."

Pinkie Pie included, "Yep! Lots of candy to eat!"

Goofy then said, "Wow... I'm guessing Nightmare Night is exactly like Halloween for you guys."

The ponies were confused and asked all together, "What the hay is Halloween?"

Sora answered, "We'll tell you all later."

They started walking in the town and notice a couple of heartless in the way. They expect the heartless to fight them, but the heartless wasn't even fighting them. Which is very confusing.

Fluttershy asked, "Um... I don't mind those monsters not attack us like in Atlantica but... Aren't they supposed to hurt us?"

Applejack answered, "They should be."

Twilight suggested, "Maybe something is stopping them from trying to fight us."

As they were continuing the conversation, they started to notice someone in the size of a cone with a very big hat. He seems to be the mayor of this place.

Twilight whispers to her friends, "Who is that guy?"

They shrug as they watch the Mayor start to make an announcement.

"And now, allow me to introduce... The master of terror... the king of nightmares, Jack Skellington," announced the Mayor.

Then they turned to see a skeleton start to make his big appearance and posed himself.

The Mayor said, "Bravo, Jack! Bravo! Those ghosts will be a big hit at this year's Halloween!"

"Thank you, thank you! But their movement still needs work. It's not scary enough. I want to strike bone-chilling terror. I'm going to consult the doctor," said Jack as he went to through a door.

The Mayor also said, "Then I'll go attend to the decorations."

Sora tells his friends, "Maybe we can go talk to them about the heartless."

They walk over to the Mayor to introduce themselves.

Once the Mayor sees them, he turns and greets them.

"Why hello there! Welcome to Halloween Town! That's are quite the costumes you put on. Very amazing," exclaims the Mayor.

Red nods and says, "Thanks sir. So um what is going on with the heartless?"

The Mayor quickly explains, "These Heartless folks look great, don't they? This year's theme is 'The Heartless Halloween!' You see Jack and the rest of us are always looking for new ways to scare people."

Twilight says, "Oh really? That's...great? So can we talk to this Jack about the heartless?"

The Mayor answered, "Sure! He's over at Dr. Finkelstein's lab. Over there."

Rarity then tells him, "Thank you very much sure."

Then they start to walk into Dr. Finkelstein's lab to find where Jack is.

When they entered, they notice Jack talking with the doctor.

He says, "I don't understand. Maybe the guidance system was damaged in the explosion."

The Doctor corrected him by saying, "Nonsense. My devices are always perfect!"

Jack starts thinking to himself until he had an idea.

"Oh, I've got it! Why, of course! The Heartless need a heart! Doctor, do you think we can add a heart to that device," asked the pumpkin king.

"Certainly. A heart's not all that complicated. Let's get to work," said the doctor as he pulled out a heart shaped container with a lock.

Then Jack read, "To make a heart, first take a container with a lock..."

But he was cut off by the doctor who said, "We need the key to this thing first."

The others watched as Sora had an idea to help with the situation.

Donald asks Sora, "You're really gonna unlock it for them?"

Twilight answers, "I think Sora is right about this. What if we help them and the heartless won't hurt people here?"

Sora included, "She's right. Besides I kinda want to see the heartless dance."

Pinkie Pie also said, "That would be very funny. Don't you wanna see them dance too Donald?"

Donald answers, "Not really."

Sora then used his keyblade to unlock the lock on the container.

Jack watched what happened and exclaimed, "My! That was amazing! Uh, and you are..."

Sora greeted, "Sora. and These are my friends."

Jack then said, "Well done Sora! I'd like you and your friends to be a part of this year's Halloween."

Red told him, "Thanks Jack. But what's this Heartless doing here?"

Jack then explained, "Oh, the Heartless came to town just recently. What's frustrating is I can't get them to dance with me. So the doctor and I are trying to improve the guidance system. He's quite a genius!"

Then he said, "Okay, Doctor, let's continue. The ingredients for a heart: Pulse. Emotion."

Finkelstein included, "Terror."

Jack continued, "Fear. Hope and despair. Mix them all together, and we have a heart!"

They start the experiment on the heartless they were testing, but it starts to become a failure.

"Maybe we're missing some ingredients. Let's try adding memory. Sally! Sally! Good-for-nothing girl! Don't know why I bothered creating her! Sally's got the memory we need. See if you can track her down," said the doctor as he instructed him on what to do.

Jack said, "No problem. Would you guys like to come along."

Twilight answers, "Sure."

They start to leave out of the lab as they enter the town square again.

This was until the Mayor runs to them while in panic.

"Jack! Jack! We have a major crisis! The Heartless are completely out of control! We can't stop them," exclaims the Mayor in fear.

Jack starts to think before saying, "Hmm... Maybe our experiment triggered something. Everything will be fine, Mayor. You have nothing to worry about."

They stared at Jack as they doubt his optimism. Then they walked and entered the graveyard when they see a ghost dog appear from the ground.

Fluttershy sees this as the ghost dog flew to Fluttershy and she giggle from it.

"Your ghost dog is very cute Jack," said the shyful pony.

Jack replied, "Yep! That's Zero alright. He is such a good boy. So Zero have you seen Sally anywhere?"

Zero then flew over and went behind a grave. There they see Sally start to get up and look at them.

She said, "Oh hello Jack. Are these new friends?"

Jack replied happily, "Yep! They are here to help make this the best Halloween ever! But first we need your memory."

"You mean this," asked Sally as she hold up the dead flowers.

Jack nods as she gave him the flowers, but she has a bad feeling about this.

She tries to say, "Jack I have a bad feeling about this. Why don't you try something else? There's still time."

"Nothing could beat what I've got planned! Once we give the Heartless a heart, they'll dance just as I envision it. Trust me. You're going to love it," said Jack as he didn't listen to her and start walking off.

Red asked Sally, "You okay miss?"

Sally looks at the red pony and answered, "Oh I'm okay. It's just that I have a bad feeling about this."

Rarity says, "Oh I'm sure there is nothing to be nervous about since Jack is handling it."

Sally says, "That's the problem. I'm worried the heartless plan Jack come up with will backfire...

Red then included, "Well it isn't bad to make sure things go okay."

Applejack responded, "Don't worry. We'll make sure everything is okay."

Then they start walking out of the graveyard and suddenly three kids appeared. One was dressed in a devil costume (Lock), the other was dressed as a witch (Shock), and the other was dressed as a skeleton (Barrel).

Barrel asked, "Did you hear that?"

Lock answered, "Yeah I sure did! What should we do?"

Shock countered, "Gosh you really are stupid! Isn't it obvious?"

Barrel says, "Tell Oogie Boogie."

They hurried to go tell Oogie Boogie, which was a big bag of bugs, everything about what Jack is up to.

When they told him, he starts laughing.

"A heart? That bonehead Jack is really making a heart? I'll be jiggered! That works for me! Ohh, when I get my hands on that... Well, I've got no hands, but I'm still gonna nab that heart and control the Heartless," said the big bag of bugs as he starts laughing again.

Meanwhile, they returned to Dr. Finkelstein with what they need for the heart. He quickly worked on the heart and was finally done.

"There you go. This time it's sure to work," said the doctor as he was about to move to the heartless.

When he started moving to the heartless, one of the kids were on the ground and the doctor tripped over him.

It made him drop the heart and the other kids got him. Then they start to escape.

"The nerve of those little hooligans just to steal my work," said the doctor in frustration.

Red said, "Guess we better go find them then."

They started to walk through Halloween Town as they don't know where the kids went off to.

Sora said, "Oh no. We lost them."

Pinkie Pie asks, "So now what can we do?"

Jack then said, "I have an idea. Oh Zero!"

The ghost dog appears again and went over to the pumpkin king.

"After them! Quick," commanded the skeleton as Zero started to head where the kids are.

Jack tells them, "Follow him! Quick everyone!"

They start to rush to see where Zero is leading them.

Then finally they made it through and entered the Manor area.

As they arrived they see a strange building that everyone but Jack hasn't seen before.

Red muttered to himself, "Holy shit..."

Then Jack exclaimed angrily, "I knew Oogie Boogie was behind this!"

Sora asks, "Oogie Boogie?"

"He is always trying to ruin Halloween for everyone of Halloween Town. He always does such quick schemes in order to succeed," said Jack as he explained himself to the brunette keyblade wielder.

Twilight then said, "We need to stop him then before he gets that heart."

They nod at her as they headed up the manor to find where Lock, Shock, and Barrel. There was a green door that is shown.

Jack tries to open it but there is no door knob.

"I can't open them. Can those key swords help us," asked Jack as the three keyblade wielders tried to use their keyblades.

When they tried to use them, the door isn't opening.

Rarity asked them, "Something wrong there? Shouldn't those unlock it?"

Red nods and answered, "Yeah. But there isn't a keyblade. Looks like we need to find a way to open this door."

They look all around the mansion and found another room. They went in and saw the three kids throwing the heart in a tube that is sent to Oogie.

They stare at them and panicked.

Sora demands, "Give us back the heart now!"

Shock replied, "Make us! You won't give it back! It is sent to Oogie Boogie already!"

Red then tells them, "Then tell us how to get to Oogie's room then."

Lock replied, "We won't ever help you."

Fluttershy then floated to them and asked, "Can you please help us go over to Oogie Boogie? So the heartless won't hurt anyone?"

Barrel replied, "Ha! Make us you dumb horse!"

"B-but the heartless will hurt a lot of people," said Fluttershy as she was shocked that the kids are fine with heartless attacking people.

Shock included, "Good! Chaos is what Oogie wants!"

As Fluttershy was about to step close, her hoof stepped on a pressure plate. It started to make a noise as a pumpkin bomb appears and it explodes in her face.

The three kids laughed as the others were shocked and feeling bad for Fluttershy. Then something triggered her.

"Hey! Get us over to Oogie Boogie! You three are such terrible children! How dare you not help us save this world! Now open the door! NOW," exclaimed Fluttershy as they pushed her too far.

This makes Lock, Shock, and Barrel coward in fear.

They all said, "Y-yes ma'am!"

Red muttered, "...Anyone else find that attractive?"

Rarity asked him, "What?"

Red quickly says, "Nothing!"

Fluttershy realizes that she might've took it too far, but she was glad that they can be over to Oogie.

Jack quickly says, "I never knew that even she can be scarier than me. That's very neat. You guys should visit us next Halloween!"

Applejack says, "Oh sure then I guess."

Red then said, "Come on. Oogie Boogie probably has the heart by now."

They headed over to the green door as it opens for them. Then they went inside into the Torture Chamber and saw Oogie Boogie.

Jack yelled, "Give us back the heart now Oogie Boogie!"

"You want it? Well then come on over and get it," exclaimed the bag of bugs as he quickly ate the heart leaving the others shocked.

Donald asked, "D-did he just ate the heart?"

Goofy answered, "He just did..."

Red mutters, "I got a bad feeling about this."

Oogie Boogie continued, "Let's see if I can get their attention. Oh heartless!"

When he called for heartless, only two of them come over be his side.

"This is it? Nobody disrespects me! Nobody," exclaimed Oogie as he became very angry and an explosion causes them to be pushed into the arena.

Red exclaimed, "Ow! Damn it he just pushed us in!"

Jack yelled to them, "Guys! Prepare yourselves!"

Oogie Boogie mutters, "C'mon baby!"

He throwed in the dice as it lands on ones.

"Haha! Buzzsaw baby," exclaimed him as he activated something and it starts making a buzz sound.

Pinkie Pie asked, "What is that? It sounds like a cutting sound."

Fluttershy then notice the buzzsaws coming.

"It's because of that! Oh no," yelled the shyful pony as she warns everyone and they see the buzzsaws coming close."

They quickly got away from them and notice the gate slightly go down.

Then Oogie throwed some more dice and lands. Soon they see giant scythes start to slice down on them. But they were lucky to dodge them.

Twilight asked herself, "What kind of place is this... It's like a Torture Chamber!"

Jack answers, "That's exactly what it is."

"That... makes sense," said Twilight as the scythe almost cut her.

Red tells them, "Focus guys! I want to make sure we get out of here in one piece. Literally!"

Applejack asked them, "What can we do? He keeps throwing those dice to bring in more torture stuff."

Pinkie Pie suggests, "Maybe we can attack the dice."

They look at her as that was definitely not a good idea. But it was better than nothing.

Red said, "Alright. Guess we'll try that."

When dice was being thrown in the arena, Donald quickly used fire against them and it works. The gate gets slightly more lowered.

Oogie Boogie mutters, "Those annoying fools."

He used some more dice and it summons the buzzsaws again.

They try to quickly dodge the saws. When one buzzsaw was about to hit Fluttershy, Goofy quickly took the hit with his shield and he was pushed back.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie quickly attack the dice which causes the gate to be finally fully lowered.

Red made sure to try and get to Oogie. Applejack notice the gates were about to get up. Then she rushed over and used her lasso to grab Red with it. She used it to toss him into Oogie Boogie fast.

When he makes it, he then glared at Oogie Boogie with a determined look.

"Time for this to end Oogie," exclaimed the red stallion.

Oogie Boogie tries to run from him, but Red was faster. He was able to reach him and start attacking him fast.

The others were handling the traps themselves.

Sora said, "These traps are so annoying."

Twilight nods in agreement while dodging them. "How can this get any worse," asked Twilight as heartless starts to appear by them.

Applejack looks at her and asked sarcastically, "Ya had ta ask? Didn't you?"

This makes Twilight embarrassed, but Applejack quickly pinned her down so the buzzsaws didn't hurt them.

Oogie Boogie rolls a dice to get two sixes. He was trying to heal himself. But Red showed up and starts to attack him more. Then he uses sonic blade and dashed into him repeatedly without backing down.

Oogie Boogie became stunned and tried to recover, but Red wasn't gonna have that. He rushed over and quickly slashed through him.

He at first didn't feel anything and smiled evilly as he turn to Red.

"Haha! Looks like that trick didn't work! Guess ya have to try harder pony," said Oogie while mocking him.

Red replied, "Guess again Oogie."

Oogie Boogie was confused as a hole appeared in his body which bugs starts to pour out of him. He quickly covered it, but more holes start to appear.

More bugs poured out of him and slowly finishes him. As bugs kept pouring, the female ponies cringe and said ew from seeing the bugs kept pouring more.

Jack said, "So that heart was a failure after all."

Sora says, "We should go see the doctor."

They start to head out of the manor, until Oogie's manor starts to crumble down. It was finally destroyed. Then suddenly a giant keyhole appeared on the ground.

Red, Twilight, and Sora bring their keyblades close and a beam of light appears and finally close the keyhole.

Everyone returned back to Dr. Finkelstein's lab to tell him and Sally what exactly happens.

Jack looks over at Sally while feeling guilty. He asked, "Oh Sally... why didn't I listen to you?"

Sally walks over to him and holds his hands. Then she replied, "Don't feel bad Jack. We'll come up with another plan for Halloween. Next time, we'll do it together."

Jack then turns to Red and the others and told them, "Visit us anytime you want. Next year's Halloween will be the scariest ever!"

Sora replied, "We definitely will visit again Jack."

The doctor was focusing on what had happened to the heart experiment. He said to himself, "Emotion, memory... We put in all the necessary ingredients. What else do you need to make a heart? What is a heart anyway? I can't figure it out."

They quickly think about what he said, then they quickly leave out of Halloween Town.

Author's Note:

Halloween Town is finished. Also this is the second world where they get to change appearances. I do love in the KH games when you can change your look to fit in the world. Next chapter is Neverland. See ya guys there!