• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


All that I touch seems to break in my hands, then it just bursts into flames.

Comments ( 12 )

Every word is joyous, bossman. Thanks so much for this.

jmj #2 · Jul 1st, 2021 · · ·

Knocked out 5k today and edited it too. Im glad you liked it, sir.

will there be a sequel, or is Celestia truly evil......


The ending is open to interpretation. Was she still asleep? Was she awake? Is her guilt eating away at her or is Celestia always watching and breaking her down?

Tell me what you think is happening to Luna. Because what you think is what is really happening.

Probably won't be a sequel.

I saw the broken moon and thought this was a crossover with RWBY


Sorry to disappoint.

I love the chapter title. It gives me such trepidation as I click the chapter to read.

Nodding softly, Celestia smiled meekly. “Your glorious night is soon to come. Take solace in knowing that we are a pair, my sister. My bright days are nothing without your wondrous nights. And, similarly, I am nothing without you.”

You know. What struck as I read this is...well thats not true. She ruled many years, perhaps not utterly happily, but? Perhaps, well enough? This is in truth a lie. A lie that could be better met with the truth.

Celestia smiled gently, her multicolored mane wafting gently though no wind broached the terrace of Luna’s quarters. “If only I had your gift to traverse the sleeping mind, Luna.”

Hmm...How do I say this? This not a criticism necessarily but...? Observation on how folks write Celestia. Like you have lived amongst people for how long and you have felt the touch of empathy?

Or she is...warmth. But what is warmth?

I guess after you read Celestia exuding? How do you spell that word? For the upteenth time? It seems odd? Almost farcicale to believe that Celestia thinks she cares? Like what is caring when you do little if anything to show it?

This is not strictly against this story but broader trend rhat I have noticed. So much in fact that it has developed into a strong desire to write a long form piece Celestia. Just to show what I am talking about.

Alas that is srill in the works. But if I failing at capturing what I mean? I would claim try read storys that are not about Celestia? But feature her regardless.

Its kind of a interesting pheneoma. I almost want to write a report on it.

How many dark colored coats do you see, Luna? Where are the ponies who bathed in cold moonlight as opposed to the burning sun? Would you have allowed a legion of the unfaithful to live in your realm?

Yes! I saw those unicorns. White as...:trollestia::raritystarry: Makes one think, no? Perhaps even Celestia has prejudice?

Thats what always gets me. Celestia is given to be seen as good, kind, and justice? And yet folks who are kind, good and just do many many bad things. Goodness can be bastion for evil if unaware. Good is only a word after all.

Kindness can be cruel in the right measure.

Justice? Well? Is it Celestias justice that only lighter coats fall to dine in her court?

There a double standard at play. Either Celestia is smart and aware that something is wrong...

1. If she is just, she would be aware of...and if she knew? Why did she do nothing? Where is her concern?

Or she knows and chooses to do nothing? The whisphers that often fall in your mind. Unbidden often tell a greater truth then the concious mind would often want to allow. After all who wants to say no To the ruler of the sun? To the mentor of the most magical unicorn? Who worhships her?

Frankly that was stunning work. I felt all the way down.


I've used this Chapter title twice. It's a song by Arcade Fire but I prefer the Peter Gabriel cover of it. Slow, deliberate, mournful. That's how I felt about Luna and the guilt eating at her. Her prison is her own mind.

I agree 100%. it's not true. It's Celestia either attempting to build confidence in Luna or show her there are no hard feelings. Or, if Celestia really is still punishing Luna (since we don't know if what Luna is seeing is a recurring nightmare brought on by guilt or the true Celestia) then it's a tool to stoke the doubts in her. Any way you cut it, Luna knows it's a lie. Whether she accepts it as politeness and love or an amused notion at her frailty and weakness is left up to the reader.

I'm not quite sure what you are saying here but if you are referencing why Celestia cares then the answer is two-fold based off of which reading you are taking. If Celestia is the one we all expect then I think showing compassion for her only blood relative is understandable. Celestia doesn;t have the ability to ameliorate the unhappy , subconscious grinding of gears through which Luna is suffering and she genuinely regrets being unable to assist. If she is Daybreaker, it's a ruse to lull Luna into trusting her and questioning herself.

Okay so the show is brightly colored for children and we just happened to fall in love with it too. So, for children, the basic usage of color (white=good, black=bad) is understandable. As adults we know there are shades of gray and nobody is 100% good or 100% bad. But, fanfiction has a chance to take a more adult look at things and kind of poke fun at the limitations the show had. Therefore, why are there fewer dark colored ponies? Well, maybe the darker coats are a recessive gene and they have slowly bred out to the dominant genes of brighter colored ponies. Or... maybe Celestia had an ethnic cleansing after the mutiny. It's all speculation as only Celestia would truly know for sure. And i doubt she'd be open about it... if it happened, of course.

Also, black coat is a reference to the devil and the reference to "Paradise Lost" by Milton. Nightmare Moon being the obvious Satan allegory. So... Black Coats.

I am very happy you enjoyed the story. Thank you so much for all the comments illustrating your thoughts as the story progressed. It gives me an immense amount of pleasure to know that you were analyzing the story and not just reading through, missing little details.

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