• Member Since 29th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


sup! im really kind and love the show and its charaters but you know how it be when those tingly feelings get involved. like my style? talk to me about custom stories and comissions!

Comments ( 53 )

I'm honored to be the one to report this garbage.

  • Sexual content involving human/anthro characters under the age of 18.

Of course only a retarded and depraved little pedophile couldn't follow site rules that have been in place for years.

i don't recall stating any ages, and teenage can easily mean an 18 year old....but i added a single amendment of a sentence to appease your fragile soul!

also it's nice to see you again! i hope you're doing well


i don't recall stating any ages, and teenage can easily mean an 18 year old....but i added a single amendment of a sentence to appease your fragile soul!

With your "foalcon" and anthro tag I'm sure the mods are gonna have a blast with you, especially with the stealth edit.

also it's nice to see you again! i hope you're doing well


Its not really a stealth edit if i blatantly admit what im doing, right? you pointed out a potential vulnerability in my story that trolls could use to report it, so i patched it up.

regarding the foalcon tag, we're not there in the story yet! please be patient!

also, thanks for the shit! if youve read my content youd know i like that kind of thing. i meant what i said, i do miss you and i hope

...hope you the best!

sorry accidentally sent uwu


Its not really a stealth edit if i blatantly admit what im doing, right? you pointed out a potential vulnerability in my story that trolls could use to report it, so i patched it up.

I think the real troll is the one who brushes off the matter of the line between "Oh my murder porn also includes kids" and "My murder porn that is a shining example of why I should be institutionalized doesn't have kids, though that isn't saying much" as an oopsie daisy. It isn't like that report is going to go away, so enjoy the conversation you have with staff.

I'd enjoyed it; can't wait to see what happens next.

Poor Rarity. What exactly did those hands do to her. Is she still alive and suffering, and who the hay wants to risk being a magical girl. If the results for failing once ends in this short of punishment.

I'm not staff, so I can't be the one to blame for why bottom feeders like you aren't where you belong.

yeah you got me there! ive never had sex before. i kinda wish i could, but i dont let it get me down.

i think it's kinda fun sometimes to help each other by pointing out flaws. it's one of the biggest reasons i missed you! but since you showed up after months of inactivity on my end within an hour of my posting, you must have missed me too. do you think i could do to help get laid?

shes alive and suffering for every moment until the end of time!

as for any anyone would do it, i dunno. Cool powers and orgasmic reactions?

hey, someone has to be the one who feeds those at the bottom, ostracized by their obscure fetishes without any other way to experience release. i take honor in feeding the bottom!


yeah you got me there! ive never had sex before.

Good. Stay that way.

i think it's kinda fun sometimes to help each other by pointing out flaws. it's one of the biggest reasons i missed you! but since you showed up after months of inactivity on my end within an hour of my posting, you must have missed me too.

I'm writing a story in another tab. Writing things on FimFiction? Yeah, it's a shocker.

do you think i could do to help get laid?

I'm well above the age of consent, so I won't be any 'help' to you.

actually, contrary to what you might believe, in real life, i've got pretty vanilla interests! id like to have sex with a woman my age and start a family like a lot of other people. a site like this is escapist fantasy, you know, for the parts of me that aren't viable to be public facing?

kink shaming is a real bummer, dude, and it usually doesn't reflect the kinkster's true intentions :c

In the end, i had a good conversation with staff after all! i was told to make absolutely clear there was no underage foalcon, so i did!

thanks ice star, you really saved me cause upon second review there were some other parts i had the foresight to edit, as well as fixing some spelling mistakes. i've added a credit for you as proofreader for your troubles!


i've added a credit for you as proofreader for your troubles!

Anyone who can read worth two shits is going to know I've done zero proofreadings for this, but then again, the kind of people who praise your work would fall into that group so...
I'd sooner take a nap on a highway and believe that I wouldn't get run over than believe something as painfully stupid as that.

And the risk of eternal torment and death of your soul bonded partner is nothing compared to magical powers and and orgasmic bliss.

Fuck that! It ain't worth it. Especially if you aren't strong enough to take on demons like Cliff.


I'd sooner take a nap on a highway and believe that I wouldn't get run over than believe something as painfully stupid as that.

haha dude you crack me up with the things you say sometimes, like not the content of what you say but the way you say it, i swear you're like a tsundre for being my friend or something

i hope my next, NEXT story REALLY blows you away, and i hope you can continue to help me improve in the future! i love all criticism!


haha dude you crack me up with the things you say sometimes, like not the content of what you say but the way you say it, i swear you're like a tsundre for being my friend or something

I think anything would sound funny to someone who writes with the exact syntax of someone stuck on Twitter.

And you wouldn't want anyone to be your friend unless they were just as fucked up as you evidently are.

haha i mean such is the nature of a fetish story my dude! ridiculous death and torture are really only good to me when there's a reason, however asanine, behind it. in the real world, would anyone take on this deal? probably not, but it makes for a sweet outcome in a story, so here it is!

wrong again! three strikes and you're out lol!

a lot of my friends don't know anything about my fetish and kinks, hence why i practice them here, anonymously, on a my little pony fanfiction site. believe it or not, im not a crazed sex demon who thinks about rape and murder 24/7! im perfectly capable of being a good friend to those who don't share my interests, which is like, a large majority of people ^_^

with the exact syntax of someone stuck on Twitter.

This is what I'm talking about lol, the EXACT syntax you say ah yes harumph good sir i tip my fedora at this degenerate

Don't get me wrong. I'm still loving this story and I await your next chapter.:pinkiehappy:


This is what I'm talking about lol, the EXACT syntax you say ah yes harumph good sir i tip my fedora at this degenerate

Yeah, someone who writes as badly as you do would think that pointing out where your writing pattern comes from is... edgy of all things. Noticing details in language is edgy now. Using an incredibly common word exactly as it is meant to be s edgy... according to the little shit who thinks murder and touching kids is great.

hence why i practice them here, anonymously, on a my little pony fanfiction site.

I like how this implies it is better to subject random strangers to the worst of you rather than admitting you have a problem to any friends you may have. Fucking wow.

If you think THIS story is fucked up go read some of headless rainbows early stuff, now that shit is fucked up and is to much even for me.

I’m aware that they exist, unfortunately.

why don't you go after him then? honest question

i know its not bcause he's big and imsmall so it MUST still be cause you wanna be friends with meee

They don't appear to be active beyond logging in. I suppose I can't look a gift horse in the mouth there and should just be glad that Notorious Necrophile and Would-be Predator Number One on Fimfiction is at least gone in terms that they haven't published anything. Either way, nothing of value is lost.

i guess my next honest question (if im allowed) would be do you actually think people like headless rainbow are would-be predators?

“Would be do you” was mangled from what, exactly?

siiiiiigh lol

I guess my next honest question, if I'm allowed, would be: do you think.....

etc etc

come on man makin me put in the lEGWORK here

Oh no, you have to write coherently. What a crime.


I mean, yeah, chastise me all you want, but I think I've already explained why I type the way I do in casuals. But you know what? I'm THIS committed to connecting with you and being your friend, so just for you, I'll write every reply to you like im penning a novel and not talking to a friend on the internet. Okay?

In return, maybe you could give me the decency of an actual conversation?

How about that question I posed?


In return, maybe you could give me the decency of an actual conversation?

Cries for 'decency' coming from the one who writes pedophilia and necrophilia?
Stay mad, alt account. You get what you put out.

It's a different kind of decency, my dude. Kind of like your other weird black and whites, like how you think putting a colon in the sentence "I guess my next question would be: do you think X is Y" is the only way to understand it?

Let me calm down, though, because unlike you, I'm not here to chastise people. Here's the truth: You're on a niche fanfiction site, with hundreds of thousands of unique users. Plenty of people, myself included, use the combination of the site's niche, anonymous audience and its staggering daily traffic to write stories and ideas to get real feedback and reactions that would be impossible elsewhere. Sometimes, people are going to have different interests than you, especially when arguably half of this fandom is fetish chasers. Am I trying to equate my own writings of filly rape and murder to Joe Schmo's diaper fetish story? No, but I am asking you to reconsider that maybe not everyone who is on here for these kinds of things are the terrible, evil trolls you think they are, and are in reality just here to have a good time? And maybe, if you don't like this kind of content, you should just block the users responsible?

I don't want you to block me. I like you a lot, man, you've helped me out quite a bit and, as my biggest critic, you're my favorite commentor. But I'm tired of your microagressions going unchecked.

Just ignore him at this point, he obviously is just a bitter middle aged man thats stuck living in his moms basement causing him to lash out at those he deems easy targets or people he thinks he has morale high ground over.

None of that, please. I don't want to insult or presume anyone's living conditions. If what you said it's true, I'm sure he has his reasons, and I'm not trying to insult that. It's probably not true though.

Ice Star is my friend. Please don't say stuff like that about him.


It's a different kind of decency, my dude.

Ah, so the kind that doesn't apply to pedos and other slime molds like yourself.

Kind of like your other weird black and whites, like how you think putting a colon in the sentence "I guess my next question would be: do you think X is Y" is the only way to understand it?

If I have to read something out loud twice and it still sounds like a typo, something is in need of a correction.

Let me calm down, though, because unlike you, I'm not here to chastise people.

I'm here to laugh at this low-effort edgeporn effort from a persona with very little skill. I said it on the last story, you're bad at being bad. Not just as a troll author, but whatever brand of shock value creeps you're vying to be a part of. Schadenfreude is fun, blah blah.

Here's the truth: You're on a niche fanfiction site, with hundreds of thousands of unique users.

Gonna tell me I'm Ice Star next?

Plenty of people, myself included, use the combination of the site's niche, anonymous audience and its staggering daily traffic to write stories and ideas to get real feedback and reactions that would be impossible elsewhere.

Once again, you keep running in circles around a need to defend pedophilia and murder porn. You don't need to add to the pile or subject anyone to this.

Sometimes, people are going to have different interests than you, especially when arguably half of this fandom is fetish chasers.

I think you're confusing the word "fetish" for "felony" in an attempt to justify this. So... no different from every other person on the site who likes to deflect their shitty behavior somehow.

Am I trying to equate my own writings of filly rape and murder to Joe Schmo's diaper fetish story?

You did just do that.

No, but I am asking you to reconsider that maybe not everyone who is on here for these kinds of things are the terrible, evil trolls you think they are, and are in reality just here to have a good time?

Congrats, you're among the horde of other people just like you using the same excuses of why imposing any of this can be rationalized by people who have the good intentions of simping for murder fetishes, pedophilia, and more.

There really isn't any cause to be had there, that you're choosing this as the hill to die on.

And maybe, if you don't like this kind of content, you should just block the users responsible? I don't want you to block me.

Blocking people only prevents them from commenting on your stories, blogs, PMing you, and similar content.

I like you a lot, man, you've helped me out quite a bit and, as my biggest critic, you're my favorite commenter.

It's not a mutual feeling, and you haven't shown much of an improvement so much as an inclination towards writing things with underage characters with less pretense.

But I'm tired of your microagressions going unchecked.

Unironically saything this is something to roll my eyes at, you of all people unironically saying this.


Blocking people only prevents them from commenting on your stories, blogs, PMing you, and similar content.

I actually didn't know this. Thank you.

It's not a mutual feeling, and you haven't shown much of an improvement so much as an inclination towards writing things with underage characters with less pretense.

Hopefully one day I can change one or more things about that statement, but to be clear, the improvement I'm looking for is in my writing ability.

I guess I'll see you on the next one. I hope you can help me improve then, too.


Hopefully one day I can change one or more things about that statement

I'm not the person you should be vying for attention from, seeing as I'm literally here to poke at a shitfic.

Ok what the hell I just read? This garbage maybe as same as MelodyStory's story.

a snuff fic! basically, porn that sexualizes the art of death, usually with some humiliation on top ^_^

not attention, just friendship and possibly a mentorship where i learn to improve my writing with you!

not the snuff shit cause i know you hate it! i mean more like general writing tips. you've called my writing shit on multiple occasions, which leads me to believe that it's not just the content, but the way its written


just friendship and possibly a mentorship where i learn to improve my writing with you!

I was referring to this.

DeathToPonies just report Ice Star to the mods and block him (reporting goes both ways after all). As he’s clearly harassing you and filling up your entire comment section with his holier-than-thou venting crap. Calling you a “retarded and depraved little pedophile” etc etc.

See the general rules here: Rules (if you're not properly familiar with them). Your best bet would be to screencap the more offensive stuff he’s said in your stories; and then submit a brief report on them using the screens.

P.S I had blast reading all of your silly stories yesterday when I was drunk. Saw a link on /mlp/ with the Flurry Heart Fucking Explodes story. Was kek worthy. Ty for making it.
Also have you read Iron Will's Foalcon Necrophilia Sex Rampage? Some of your stuff reminded me of those a little.

Thanks! Link to thread perhaps? Sounds fun!

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