• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 133 Views, 0 Comments

A mare named Target - PurpleArtist

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At the Canterlot war dept she ate lunch which has spaghetti which has uncooked garlic in it but she can't eat uncooked garlic or it'll make her toot but she quickly hid her lunch when her brother entered where she isn't suppose to eat lunch in the archives room where her brother seen her sitting upright in the chair.

he told her to meet her in the war room a conference room styled room her brother gave her a top secret mission where everyone in the higher ups know that tension between the ponies and the outcasts are boiling to dangerous levels where back during the first 50 years if Luna's and Celestia's rule they banished a group of ponies who tried to overthrow the Equestrian government of that each class of ponies should rule themselves earth ponies rule earth ponies, unicorns rule unicorns, pegasus rule pegasus and Alicorn's rule Alicorn's.

They didn't want all the other races combined into one peace loving harmony but over the century more ponies and creatures were abandoned to the island where they tried to overthrow there governments as well where all of them are about to brew over into fighting levels and they need to simmer down.

She didn't leave until almost at 1 in the morning where when she got home she climbed into bed but slept placing her back 2 hooves on the pillow and her face by her husband's back legs where when Purple turned over onto his other side Target she accidently tooted in his face which made him get up and cough where when he sleeps he breath through his mouth where he got up and started to cough.

At a undisclosed airfield there's a plane that's 56 ft 4 inches long, 72 ft 6 in from wingtip to wingtip and 22 feet tall with landing gear out and carries 12 2000 pound bombs or 6 4000 pound bombs but she gotten on board the plane where her brother would go with them where she asked on what in the Tartarus is going on where he told her there going to bomb there little research labs on how they can come back and take over Equestria.

In the air she sat at a small desk with a map where she's there navigator where there's 1 pilot, 1 co pilot, 1 chin gunner, 1 tail gunner , ball gunner and 1 dorsal gunner not adding her as well but after awhile they taken off but hit severe turbulence which shook the plane all around like a toy where all but Target was strapped down where she was tossed around but when it calmed down she got off the floor and sat in her seat then strapped in.

She then seen black clouds and explosion sounds where there getting shot at by enemy flak fire where she used her built in mask radio to report that number 2 engine is on fire where she was told to press a button and have automatic firefighting to put it out but she doesn't know what button where there all the same and none of them are labeled.

She pressed a button where her brother reported that the bomb bay doors are opened where there only a few miles out of the target where she doesn't know which button to push where she pressed another where her brother told her that somepony cut the power off to the ball turret and he's still uncomfortable where the ball turret isn't big enough for him and he's also sitting wrongly.

Over the target she pressed a button the right one that the pilot told her to push and all 12 2000 pound bombs fell making a whistling sound but a flak round landed right in the center or the plane ripping it in half where they all were sucked out but Sergeant Green he used his magic to force open the ball turret door but they all had there parachutes on where the earth pony and unicorn pilots and crew floated safely on down.

She landed wrongly and broken her back hind leg but lied on the ground but they all went to the plane's crash site where they were surrounded by pegasus enemies where she used the dorsal turret and shot at them with twin .50 cal rounds.

At night while under the cover of darkness they crossed a bridge where enemy earth ponies chased them where they left Target to be a sacrifice even her brother where they had a radio and radioed home they need assisstance where a float plane like a PBY Catalina was launched and was there in several hours.

At 1 Am the sea plane landed where the 3 unicorn and 2 earth pony plane crew boarded the plane where while looking out of the side turret he wished Target luck even though he also left his sister behind instead of using his magic to help her or carry her where her leg is broken.

He hoped to go back and help her but probably think she's dead by now where on the flight back he blamed himself for leaving his sister behind so they could escape or have a few minutes head start leaving somepony behind.

At a cobblestone fortress she was placed on a chopping block thing where a earth pony said to her "Bye bye Uni." a earth pony said to her where another earth pony had a giant ax thing and was about to decapitate her but a tear ran down her eye where of her step children, niece and nephew and her and Purple's foal's she won't see them grow up.

Panic quickly insuied where she had a opertunity to break out where she took it but ignored the pain where at LZ Alpha where there suppose to go if they got shotdown where there's tracks of where the fellow ponies she was with were there and a small square where the radio was at where she missed them by a couple of hours.

She sat there and started to cry knowing she isn't going to make it off the stupid rock knowing she's going to die there and most likely not by old age where she just sat there on the beach and quietly cried throughout the night knowing she isn't going home.

She wants to cuddle up with her husband mess around with her foals and so but not die on a Celestia saken rock in the middle of nowhere where she wants to eat food not nothing but barries for the rest of her life or something on the island that grows and all of the creatures and ponies eat.

Unicorn warriors seen her but seen a bright flash where it's 5 in the morning where Sgt Target gotten steel nerves and told Purple where she's at where the unicorn warriors threw spears at him where a spear partially went through his left leg where he let out a painful scream where he used his magic and forced them back where he scared them by that then he patted Target on her head where she looked up.

She asked Purple on how he knows on she was here where he told her that her brother told him where and after force he gotten where and teleport there where they need to come back home where about in 3 minutes they need to get there foals up to eat breakfast, brush there teeth then go to school where he used his magic and placed her onto his back.

Back at work she had a cast on her leg where the first name on it is Purple's name where her brother asked if he can sign it where she told him that he's lucky she isn't going to break it off and shove it up his dark olive green flank.

Purple he came and visited her at work where he's on his lunch break and he asked well every year his extended family they all get together for a few days and well he would like to host it at there place if it's okay with her where she asked on what family where he told her it's his extended family like his uncles, aunts ,cousins and distant cousins well there's a lot of them there's about 15-20 of them.

She asked on there names and spieces where he told them there all unicorns where his uncles Fisher, Ace, Chef and Wolf, there's aunt Sonata, Barracuda and Pointy Spear and there children where Aunt Sonata she's the most lovable but there kids as well and well there family is big,

She asked why his extended family didn't take him in when his parents died where he told her there always busy his uncle Fisher sleeps all night and fishes all day and it's his career, Chef he's a Sous Chef, Ace he's an Underwater Demolitions Pony in the Equestrian Navy Pinnipeds and Wolf well he lives secluded in the deep Celestial forest .

He told her that Aunt Barracuda she lives on a small island in the Lunar Sea and swim with fishes but with teeth like Barracuda, Aunt Sonata she's the manager for the Manehattan golf team and Pointy Spear she has a hobby of poking ponies by accident with her horn but friendly.

At a resturant in Canterlot the 2 ate pizza where she told him fine where when the 2 weren't working they worked on the inventations where they would sign both of there names and Target she's good enough for forging Purple Artist's name and mailed them to the ponies they were going to.

Author's Note:

The Equestrian Navy Pinnipeds are based on the American U.S Navy Seals and i live in America