• Published 9th Apr 2022
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A mare named Target - PurpleArtist

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Not the best Heartswarming

It was freezing cold well below freezing where she looked at the morning weather report where it's -33 Fahrenheit from the morning newspaper where she buttoned up and told her kids also niece and nephew she'll be back with in a few hours but told Flyer and Scalpel to watch there nieces and nephews even the baby ones where they told her they don't want to.

She told them to do it or they'll be grounded until they graduate high school and there only in middle school level of education but they did the "But Aunt Target" song and dance routine but she gave them a stern look where she isn't in the mood to deal with them where she told them it's either they can do on what she said, be grounded until graduation or when the weather breaks she can send them to military boot camp so they did as she said.

At Ponyville General Hospital she sat in the waiting room using her magic to hold a magazine which she read until she could see Purple Artist who's currently being worked on where he was strangled.

On how he lost she couldn't wrap her mind around it on how her husband gotten strangled by her ex boyfriend with a blanket and bed sheet where maybe her ex is stronger then last time back in high school or what not.

She just hoped he would make it where when she started to talk to him but he started to crash going through cardiac arrest where she gotten a doctor where after awhile they tried everything to save Purple but couldn't.

At night she hugged a picture of Purple and cried her eyes out where like she said to somepony that she won't leave Purple even if he dies where there was a knock on the door where she went downstairs where it's her brother who comforted her to morn the loss of Purple Artist.

After awhile there was another knock on the door where it was her ex Bank Note who gotten out of jail but told Purple everything will be ok where bad thing is that her ex is in Purple's spot of the bed where the 2 made love where she thought it was just a nightmare where a month later her and her ex gotten back together and tied the knot.

She gotten up where she seen Purple laying on the bed where she looked at the heart monitor beeping where his heart rate was stablized where she just had a bad day dream of her losing her husband and getting back with her ex was a nightmare for her even in a dream.

She heard her husband say faintly "Target stop crying i'm ok just a little beaten up i'll just be here for a few days to be fixed up and i'll be back home. Also tell the kids that i say for them to listen to you and if not tell'em i'll bust em." he said to her to stop crying and to tell there kids that he tells them to listen to her and if not he'll bust them when he get's back.

She told him she will but he weakly wiped her tears and told her that her ex boyfriend is a jerk where he thinks that not even a sock or a piece of dirt would mate with him but so and so but the 2 kissed but the 2 looked out of the hospital room window watching the snow fall.

She asked if he's a fast healer where he told her that he is when she became his wife and her cooking made him more healither then what he made where he made healthy food but what she makes hoof licking good where he doesn't know on how she can make semi healthy or non healthy food healthy.

After a couple of hours she left after giving him a very big long kiss then kiss to make sure he's fine but she wished him luck and get well soon where she then trotted off to home to do the dishes and so.

In the middle of the night there was a knock on the door where it was her ex boyfriend who's lawyer gotten him out on ROR (Released on own Recognizance) where she owes him a overdue long kiss where she had a fire poker where it's hot but she told him she will ram the fire poker into his eye or if this was an NSFW then his groin.

He came in without asking where she told him to get out or he'll be the next log to go into the fire place where she was about to poke the fire when she was lightly getting up before there was a knock also why in the world he's here it's almost 1:30 AM but she's going back to bed,

He told her that he'll join her in bed where she can keep him warm and in the morning she can make him breakfast and so but she told him to take a hike where she ain't making him breakfast and not cuddle with him and get the heck out.

Later at night she was dead asleep but Bank Note got into bed and cuddled up to Target and called him "Purple" and Bank Note kissed her where he placed his hoof around her where in the morning she seen Bank Note where she screamed which gotten him up where he went with the old lie of that she and him are married and he placed his picture over Purple Artist's and over there wedding picture.

He was about to fight him to get out of her and Purple's house before it becomes a homicide scene where he laughed it off that her killing him she isn't strong enough where he went through there closet and seen Purple's police service uniform where he levitated it with his magic.

He told her it would be "Ashamed" if something happened to it where he used a magic spell and caught it on fire where inside her boiling point boiled over where she got out of bed and she walked over angerly where seeing her husband's police dress uniform get burned.

She attacked him evil like even hurting him in his male area where she threw him out of the 2nd story into the snow where she yelled at him to not to return and if he does he'll be leaving on a gurney.

Downstairs she locked the front, back and side door that leads to the garage where at the front door she heard a knock of Bank Note asking to come back in where she yelled at him to scram and to get it in his head that he isn't going to be with her and to get it done now before he goes back for trespassing.

He didn't leave where she forced him to leave by coming at him with the hot fire poker where he went back to Canterlot where he isn't going to come back where back at the hospital she told Purple that her ex burned his his police uniform and dress uniform where he told her as long she and there family are safe that's fine where he'll spend his hard earn money to get a new uniform and new dress uniform.

He doesn't care as long she and there family isn't harmed where family is one thing and clothing is another where clothing is easily replaced and family isn't where if they died he couldn't or won't get over it where when his first wife died he cried his eyes out for a week when he wasn't working.

The 2 talked where she's there not for her being her husband but she deeply cares for him she deeply cares for him and needs to replay him for not letting them starve or freeze where he didn't have too spend his time to get blanket's, made soups and freshly made bread well multiple loafs he made where he told her he did it out of the kindness of his heart.

Several days later it was Heartswarming eve where she told the kids also her niece and nephew also stepfoals that there father or for Flyer and Scalpel that Purple won't be home due to he's busy where in there mind he's a police stallion so there's a chance there's increase of break ins on Heartswarming so it's all hands on deck.

It stopped snowing but the foals also Flyer and Scalpel who are pre-teenagers where they went out and played in the snow making snow angles, snow ponies and having snowball fights.

It's 11:50 PM where everypony was asleep where milk and cookies were out where the heartswarming lights were on where the front door creaked open where it soon closed where a pony placed some presents onto the floor under the tree, drank a little bit of milk and chocolate chip cookies but refilled the cup with milk and placed some cookies back where the pony went upstairs, into the master bedroom and climbed into bed and cuddled up with Target.

In the morning Target has something in her mind to get up early on Heartswarming day where in the living room it's 7:00 AM where under the tree there were a lot of presents so she gotten the foals up to open there presents where some of them were for Target which the tag says "TO:TARGET FROM:SANTA" where she opened the presents but they found some hidden presents where a few were for Target of the tag saying "TO:TARGET FROM:PURPLE".

On the top of the stairs Purple sat up there watching his wife and there family opening there presents where there a smile on his face and a tear ran down his face but Target seen him sit up there so she went up there and gave him a kiss.

After all presents were opened Target finally told them that there father was home where it was one big happy hug where she heard Purple say in his southern US accent "I love each one of you i love all of you and nopony will seperate us where we are a tight family." he said to them as he and Target were tightly hugged where there happy to have there father and uncle home also her husband back.

She kissed him and thanked him for the presents where he told her that every special pony in his life deserves a present where everypony deserves one but Target deserves 4 then he started to bombard her face with kisses on how much that Purple alicorn loves her.

She told him and them that this is her best Heartswarming she ever had but there was a knock on the door where it's Bullseye, Sgt Green and Red Exciting who came in for Heartswarming but they were happy to be in a heated area and had warm food but there was happy to be with family.

They had there presents given to them and had presents for them where Red Exciting gave Purple a present which he opened which was a mug that says "WORLD'S BEST SON IN LAW" where Purple complimated it but he bought the basket, soup jars back and additional blankets back.

Bullseye also a cream coated mare like her twin sister Target asked on why there mother isn't there where Red Exciting told her that she isn't going to leave Canterlot thinking Ponyville is nothing but a hick town but he doesn't care as long Purple takes care of Target.

It was there best Heartswarming ever to them all.