> A mare named Target > by PurpleArtist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The stupidest thing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Target gotten out of bed in Canterlot where the 19 year old mare cracked her back where when she trotted down stairs where her mother told her to go get a job where she did and just hummed as she walked around Canterlot. There was a military building where she walked into it where she asked for an application where the unicorn soldier gave her one and she took a seat and started to fill it out where she had a number 2 pencil and she filled it out and it took her half a hour. She wrote "TARGET BULLSEYE AGE 19 SPECIES: UNICORN, SEX:FEMALE, STRENGHTS: SLEEPING, STEALTH, WOODWORK,CAMPING, SURVIVAL. WEAKNESSES: Easily hostile, heat/hot tempatures." she wrote on the form and she written a lot. Back home she waited a few days where on a rainy day she walked out and gotten a letter and well she's in the military now but she's needed to be at a center for trainees so she packed her bags and left and she headed off to a secret military location for training where in a room she was given her uniform which is a balaclava mask, white undershirt, dark olive green over shirt and 4 combat boots but leaving her flank and tail exposed. In a room there were a lot of shipping crates her objective was to sneak by ponies where if she get's caught she has to restart where there was a pony she snuck up behind whom she used her magic and broke the unicorn soldier neck where she isn't suppose to kill them but either knock them out or get around them. At night it was 22:00 Hours or 10:00 PM by a fence she talked to a pony on the other side where she gave him several bits and he gave her some narcotics where it was barbiturates where she always had a hard time sleeping where she snuck back into the barracks and went to sleep after taking the barbiturates. Her training went on fine and no pony suspected she took drugs to go to sleep better at night but it felt like forever for her to finish training but the day came on August 12th for the training to become a career. She was assigned to the ESFG1 or Equestrian Special Forces Group 1 which is a elite unit of the Equestrian military focused on search and destroy, assassination, counter-terrorism, covert operations, hostage rescue, intelligence, unconventional warfare and other stuff. Back in Canterlot in her room she was sitting on her bed where her twin sister Bullseye Bullseye (i know matching first and last name) seen her use her magic and inject a needle into her right leg and she gotten a shot of energy of taking morphine. She fell back onto her bed and went to bed but if she took another shot where her heart would've stopped where her brother caught her where Sgt Green said to her "TARGET! Morphine is a military drug where one dose can knock a pony out for combat surgery ; 2 doses can kill a pony stop there heart completely promise me you'll stop or i'll be forced to make an citizens arrest to arrest you for narcotics use and you'll be arrested and kicked out of the military." he said to Target about the morphine and what he'll do if he catches her doing narcotics again. She entirly didn't tell him she would stop where she would do it behind his back but he asked on what happened to her boyfriend she has since high school but she told him that they broke up for a good reason where she'll find a stallion and date him when the right one comes along. > First Mission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 19 year old she was in the armory with lilac sniper rifle Target she was shooting targets about 50-80 feet away but the team she's in there work enviroment is everywhere and can move rapidly but mostly use the darkness to cover there advance. A earth pony came and disrupt her where they gotten a mission of a terrorist group called Steel Alliance a group of ponies and few creatures who believe in disharmony and enjoy terrorizing ponies where they captured a town full of earth ponies where so far all the stallions are killed but the foals, and mares are still alive. A pony soldier he asked on why kill the stallions but keep the rest alive where Target told him that mares carry foals and bring them into the world and foals well there easily persuade then adults. Over the DZ she jumped out of a plane she used her hoof and the parachute jerked open where she just quietly whimper but landed in a tree where she used her magic and got her knife then sliced the parachute cords then fell where she said "Gravity always let me down." she said as she hit the ground almost breaking a hoof or leg. Over the radio a pony said "Sniper team 2 checking in the bad ponies aren't really moving just guarding the town all main ways in are heavily guarded. We suggest a distraction to lure a majority of them away." a earth pony sniper said that the bad ponies aren't moving but where a majority of them are. She vaulted a fence but fell face first but she used her right hoof and brought down her NVG or Night Vision Goggles to see through the darkness where she went for town hall and drew her Lunar suppressed semi auto .45 where a scoped rifle isn't for close quarters. She entered town hall where she was jumped on and beaten badly then captured where her rifle and pistol fell off of her body and secretly taken as POW and placed in a dirty cell where every day she was beaten, tortured and raped where she would cry at night to make herself go asleep where she just hoped for a quick and painless death. After a month she tried to escape but only got caught in the barbed wire fence where she was tossed into her cell again thinking on how to escape where she didn't want to be there anymore where she finally caught a break where she escaped where they were hot on her trail. A pony officer he shouted "Run Target Run!" as they started to shoot at her as she galloped away hoping not to get shot where they even had a plane that would fire it's 8 .50 cal machine guns at her where she didn't stop not even for a second but she stayed ahead of the enemy where she just galloped like a bat out of Tartarus. In the bushes she seen a few of them with flashlights where there searching for her where they bought dogs out to look for her where she jumped into a river and floated down river and got away but she seen the plane fly away returning to base where they lost visual of Target . She got away when she tripped into the river where she finally got away but removed the magic suppression ring and teleport back to Canterlot where she was finally safe and sound but went home, locked her bedroom door and cried throughout the night. Bullseye she sat at the door and asked on what her sister is crying about where Target she told her that she won't know on what she been through of torture and pain for several months where she doesn't want to talk about it. In the morning at the war dept she went to talk to a therapist who specializes with rape and just talked to Target as on why she didn't even know where to begin where she just could tell on how terrible she was treated where she was beaten, tortured, raped and it got more worse as the days went on and each day felt slower then the last. The therapist done her best to do her job and comfort Target about what happened to her but the therapist told her that no amount of words she's going to tell her won't ever make her feel happier or like it never happened but the therapist told her that she'll get revenge on the ponies and creatures who did it but one day she'll find a nice stallion or mare and get married. She told her that she's straight so the therapist told her that she'll find a stallion, get married and have a family one day. For the time being Target just went to work and took out her anger on any pony that Equestria marked to kill in the most savagely ways. > The Opera > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 years later. At the Canterlot Opera house Target she sat next to Princess Celestia where she asked Celestia on what the play is about where she told Target that the Equestrian military and royal guards been losing numbers and well the play is suppose to increase the numbers where there losing members either due to retirement or dying to protect this fair country where there losing too many at an alarming rate. The audience lights went out and the curtain raised where they seen a purple alicorn started to sing where Target she had an heart in her eyes a heart in 2 of her eyes where she's in love of hearing him singing where he sounds like famous singer like Dean Martin where she just said "I think... I think i'm in love." she said as she heard Private Purple Artist (my main OC) sing. In her mind she though on what type of couple they would be and what type of foals they would have like grayish violet,light grayish red, slightly destraughted violet, & grayish magenta where for the next 2 hours just hearing him sing she just thought of being with him. After the opera she had butterflys in her stomach where she wanted to ask him on a date where he and the military singers were already gone but unbeknownst to her he has the same feelings about her where he wants to know if she's single or not where if so he'll ask her out on a date. 2 weeks later in a field Target and her twin sister were in ghillie suits where Target told her that there's miles of barbed wire and land mines so they have to go and take a detour. By a wooden barrier where the 2 sniped 2 ponies a earth and unicorn ponies where they just carefully walked to a house where there's 4 earth ponies playing blackjack and a sleeping unicorn but there ghillie suit made them invisable but Bullseye sniped a guard in a tower where Target told her beautiflue but let 2 unicorn soldiers walk by but they entered a abandoned building but entered a small graveyard but hid as 3 pegasus's fly over. In a open field they got down and lied there on there stomach as about 20-30 earth ponies walk by but they gotten by undetected but found more where getting by them would be difficult but they did and stuck with the bushes. Over a wall they were still undetected where a pegasus pony came out onto the top fire escape where they both shot and the pegasus soldier fell down letting out a scream but hit the ground like Humpty Dumpty but they continued. They entered a big building where Target just said "Look at this place 80,000 live here in this derilict place just breeding popping out new terrorist to try to destroy our world." she said as the 2 galloped in a ruined building. In a ruined penthouse the 2 spent 3 days just waiting where Target deployed a heavy .50 caliber sniper rifle where she just waited then used her magic and fired twice where both rounds took off there target legs 1st took off the frontal right leg and the 2nd took off the behind left leg where they decided to evacuate out of there. They repelled where back on the ground Target used a walkie talkie and called in there evacuation where the pilot told them LZ Alpha but got 15 minutes to get there where only 1/2 way there there was a VTOL plane where they shot it down where on the ground Target looked at Bullseye where Target said "Damn it i can't move if you leave me i will kill you or haunt you for the rest of your life!" she said to Bullseye that she can't move but don't leave her behind. Bullseye she used her right leg and hoof and met Target's right hoof where Bullseye carried her on her back where Target would fire her rifle when being persued by ponies and creatures that's going to kill them. They went through an abandoned swimming pool building where they went to the abandoned fair ground. Bullseye placed Target on the ground by a hedge where she sat there where Bullseye went to the other side and covering each other where after 20 minutes Target asked on where are they were the pilot told them about 14 minutes where it took additional 18 minutes where it landed where Bullseye got Target and raced to the Helicopter and they got the heck out of there. They just had a long flight back to the land of Equestria after they acrossed the Celestial sea and land at a secret location. In the medbay Target she wouldn't walk for about 8 months where Target just really didn't do nothing but listen to the radio and listened to a new radio program called "As Equestria Rotates." but just waited until her legs well 2 left side legs were healed. > The Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 4th in Canterlot Target was eating dinner in a resturant where while eating a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup where a mare sat behind her. The mare she gotten up where she spilled soup intentionally onto Target where Target cleaned up in the bathroom, paid the bill but trailed the royal blue mare where it took a couple of weeks but asked on why she didn't take a train on the destination where she told herself that it must be off the radar or unaccessable by rail and accessable by hoof. It took about a few days but she crossed into the arctic north where Target pulled out of her saddle bag a nice warm jacket and wore it and continued through the winter weather where the 2 just ignored it but soon entered the Crystal Empire where it was nice and warm. She seen her enter a motel lobby then come out with a room key then enter an apartment on the 2nd floor where Target followed close behind where Target entered the room and after a hour later she walked all out where there was blood covering every square inch of the motel room and she escaped, clean the blood off of her and got out of there before the CEPD (Crystal Empire Police Department) gotten there. Back in Canterlot she lied down on her bed and just relaxed where her mother asked on when she's going to get her own place where she told her when she either gets the money where living in the city it isn't cheap where her mother left and she pulled out a metal box and opened it where it's full of narcotics mostly recreational. She decided to shoot up some heroin to help her relax where she know it's illegal and wrong but needs help to stop doing it where she wanted to get help but if she told somepony then they'll tell her family and she'll be disowned from her family and pretend that Bullseye is there ownley daughter and don't have a sister. She was just afraid of getting help where she wants it but her family is rich and being in her family well if they found out they'll discredit her and banish her and ban her from talking to them, socializing with them and so on where she's just afraid of getting help but would rather get self help and do it herself where she doesn't know how to do it. > The Date and the stallion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the War Department Target and Bullseye were given new orders where a soldier named Purple Artist he was starting to wear down in the mental state where his wife was recently killed and his mental state is lowering where Target told command that it would be better to let him to find his place to get better. Command told them to go where he lives in the outskirts of Ponyville where they took a train where at the house they seen a moderate purple alicorn on a lawn chair with sunglasses where the 2 mares came into his vision where he asked the 2 petiet and cute mares on what they want where they told him they were there to watch him where he doesn't want to be spied on but got to follow the chain of command. They followed him on the room where they'll be staying at but she seen him hold a picture to his chest holding it by magic and lightly crying where the picture he's holding is of his ex sister in law/ ex wife who was killed well she was killed when they were still married but she just placed her hoof around the 20 year old stallion and told him it's ok where she hugged him to comfort him. He told her that she's soft and cuddly like how his wife Doctor Healing was where she was a doctor in Manehattan and friendly but cuddly and cute like how she is where what he told her made her blush. She told him that he isn't bad looking either where he's cute but asked on how was his wife where Purple told her that she was well very friendly and sweet where she was a good looking mare who was married to his brother before divorcing him and coming to live with him away from his brother and stayed with Purple then the 2 gotten married but she was bigger then life. She was a nice mare always saw the goodness in ponies but worked at the most worked a tough job but she died about a month after giving birth to twins a earth pony filly and colt pegasus where his 7x grand cousin was a earth pony and his wife was a pegasus and there daughter her husband was a pegasus. He told her about his sister who she was a lovely pony where she drowned to death instead of teleporting away where his real parents well his father was a red unicorn and mother was a blue pegasus where his brother is ice blue pegasus well his sister was the same color but he's purple but his and his wife pegasus son is ice blue and daughter well she's light red. The 2 talked and gotten to know each other better where the 2 from Target eyes she used her hooves and drew a heart around them calling them a perfect couple where Target she used her hoof threating to beat up her sister where she just didn't bother them anymore. At night it was a warm night not too hot not too cold just right where it's nice and warm where Target was tossing and turning where she got up and went into Purple Artist's room and asked if she can sleep with him for the night where she can't sleep where he told her sure just for the night but don't cuddle up with him where she gotten into his bed and still cuddled up with him and she had a relaxing night with him behind her to keep her warm and safe. After a week of of watching him she was ready to make a move on him but didn't thinking it was either too soon or don't want to make him think to that she's going to forget about his dead wife so she just waited where she thought the timing needed to be right not too soon or not too late just in between where she doesn't want to make him think that they need to be together or what not. After almost a 2nd week went by they were called back to Canterlot where before Target left she stayed behind where in the backyard Target seen Purple Artist getting a tan on his belly well under side and face where Target she walked up to him and asked him out on a date which he told her fine but in Ponyville where she told him alright she'll be there. Friday evening in Canterlot she came out of her room in a laundered rose colored dress where her mother asked on where she's going all fancy where she told her that she's going on her date but she needs to get to the train station with in a few minutes or she'll run late on her date so she quickly left and got to the train station and boarded the train and gotten to Ponyville in the nick of time to see Purple was waiting for her to walk with her to the resturant. In the resturant she told him it looks nice for a small town where he told her it's alright it may not be a Canterlot level of fancy but it just get's by. The 2 just talked on what they were going to get where he was going to get spaghetti and garlic bread and she was going to get daffafiole sandwich, spaghetti with sauce with a salad but the 2 gotten water as a drink but the 2 started to stare into there blue eyes where they were in love with each other where the 2 also talked as well. There meals arrived after awhile where they ate then talked again where they just talked more when they didn't chew but before they where after they ate and gotten desert where they ate then Purple paid the bill where they left where they enjoyed the night and she stayed the night. After a few months of dating it's march where Target seen something with on Purple where she asked on what it is where by the window he sat down where he had a small box and used his magic to open the box where he asked her to marry him where a tear ran down her eye. She told him she will marry him where he used his magic and placed the engagement ring on her horn and the 2 kissed and hugged where she was incredability happy where she went home after tearing up where she started to pack up where her father asked on where she's going where she told him the good news that she's getting married and going to move in with her fiance now where she isn't living under there roof anymore where her unicorn father told her to take care but if he starts to treat her like a jerk then let him know and he'll deal with her soon to be husband. In Ponyville she was at the kitchen table where she planned her and her fiance husband's wedding but didn't know if she wanted in Ponyville or in Canterlot her and his home town or in her new residence where she didn't get to bed until almost 2:45 AM but Purple he was out dead asleep where she didn't have a hard time to cuddle up with him but his alarm clock gotten her up where he gotten up, kissed her on her head then he went to work closing the bedroom door and the shades were closed to keep the sunlight out. A week later in Canterlot the 2 gotten married but Target she felt sick where she threw up in the bathroom after getting married but went to the doctors for a check up only to find out she's expecting a foal where she couldn't wait to tell Purple where when he got home from work he was excited where he hugged her almost breaking her back but he let her go before he gotten hurt. > New Role > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 months later. At the Ponyville Hospital Target she was in a hospital bed where her due date is coming up but she wondered on where Purple is where she's going to give birth to there first foal where he just been tied up with work where before he could get off of work she felt pain where there baby is coming where by the time he gotten there she was lying in the bed where Purple seen her holding a foal a son she named Artmark a combination of Artist and Marksman where at home she placed there newborn in a crib. Out in the hallway she asked on what took him so long where she wanted to hold his hoof as pushing there newborn baby out of her which was the most painful thing ever but can't believe a book horse took over now where he told her what a way to change the subject from him not being there and Twilight Sparkle being princess now where she just smacked Purple in the back of the head but the 2 just kissed. He told her that he couldn't believe that the military and her brother could suspect her of committing treason and terrorism against Equestria but can't believe her own twin sister committed treason against Equestria but the 2 just went back into there bedroom and privately talked where they don't want his niece and nephew and his twin kids or her niece and nephew and 2 step kids where they really didn't argue. She then wrapped her tail around his and he told her he needs to get down stairs and make dinner where he finally did after she unwrapped her tail from his and he went where downstairs and made dinner but he trotted upstairs giving Mrs. Bullseye-Artist her share of dinner where she gave him a quick smooch on the mouth and he went downstairs to eat with his niece and nephew and 2 other kids. She went downstairs after eating where she gotten a baby bottle and filled it with milk but levitated it with her magic where upstairs she fed the baby with the bottle where she sung a lullaby where after feeding there newborn the baby went to sleep where she just said that she's going to be a proud momma where her and Purple's baby will be a fine stallion one day and deliver a lot of healthy foals where she and Purple will be happy grandparents. She was happy looking at there violet grayish foal son where a tear ran down her face where her and Purple haven't been married not for a year but already made a beautiful son already where she just watched as there foal slept and she sat on the hardwood floor but Purple he really didn't bother her as he was afraid she would hurt him badly where he won't be able to walk and fly anymore but he just kissed her on her forehead and told her that she's the most beautiful mare who could've done this. She told him that she couldn't have done this without him where he told her he couldn't do it without her where she told him on that's one reason she married him where the 2 kissed where he placed her hoof onto his back then the 2 hugged. Hours later it's 1:34 AM the unicorn and her alicorn husband were dead asleep where there was a knock on the door where Target told Purple she would get it and he should get back to bed where he just fell back down and went to sleep where she got up, yawned then walked down the stairs. She opened the front door where it's her brother Sergeant Green where outside he asked if she been taking any drugs where she told him no where she just had a foal but didn't take any due to she wouldn't want to harm the foal where he asked if he could meet his niece or nephew where she told him it's almost 2 AM where maybe tomorrow but she's still in pain from giving birth which is the most painful thing a mare can do. She told him that the foal entered one way and came out the one way she didn't take any of the painkillers or get an C-Section where it was painful for her but asked on what he wants to disturb them at 01:38 hours or 1:38 AM where he told her that a new special forces team is being created and she'll fit the ticket perfectly but got to instruct one class. She asked on how tough is the class where he told her that it'll be brutal where they'll hardly be any breaks no timeouts where he thinks it'll be her role now where she told him that she doesn't want it where she has a baby with her husband and doesn't want to leave or end up dead and not being with her son to see him grow up, get his first date, go to prom, graduate and so. He told her not to be a square where she told him when he gets married and has a family then his reality will be differant. Sometime later about 1/2 a week back in Canterlot she was in the hospital visiting her sick uncle where he has lymphoma and kidney cancer in the waiting room there was other family members talking to him where she was just sad where before she could talk to him he flatlined. She now knows what it's like to be her husband Purple where he couldn't say goodbye to his adoptive father before he passed away where he's just busy of being a hard worker, father and care taker not adding of making his wife happy. Back home she sat on her and Purple's bed and pulled out a metal box where she just threw it against the wall where she blamed them for her problems where she doesn't want to be an addict anymore where she gotten the courage and walked straight downstairs. Purple he hugged her even wrapped her up in his wings telling her he's sorry for her losing her uncle but at lease she got somepony to cry on where she also came clean of her being a addict where his reaction was diffreant from what she expected where she though he would've been hopping mad but he was actually calm and relaxed. He asked if she would like help like rehab where she told him that she would've prefer if he helped her just to be between the 2 so it wouldn't be on a file and she wouldn't be out of a job that she loves now as a desk jockey somewhere. He kissed her on the head and told her alright. > Getting help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a week after having a son and losing her uncle to cancer she finally came clean about her narcotics use but begged Purple not to leave her or place her in rehab where she thinks there's going to be a record and she'll be out of a job where she loves her cozy position at the war dept not on dangerous missions due to of getting pregnant and having a foal. In the living room the front, back and house/garage doors are locked but he turned some music on where no pony can hear them from the outside if they were spying in where the 2 just spent time together where they just talked where she knows the road is going to be tough ahead of being in withdrawal but she did it when she had a bun in her oven aka pregnant. He told her that no detail is too small where she told him yeah right where he told her that he may not have a degree is psychology but does has a BS meter due to from his brother who's a major jerk and gotten to see through his lies. He had a clipboard where he just wrote down what she told him and he gave the best advice he could but he has no experience working with addicts before but professional help wouldn't want her to lose her career and he disowned from her family where he told her it'll just be between them no pony else. She told him that it's going to be hard to get clean where he told her that when it gets hard he'll be there for her how a husband should be there for his wife when it get's rough or not and he'll be with her to help her when she wants to turn back and so where it's going to get tougher for the following days if not weeks or months. It would be rough where when school ended there session ended where she wouldn't want to have her step foals hear that she's an addict where he would end it at 3:00 on the dot. At night while sleeping she was twitching wanting another shot of drugs where she accidently kicked Purple with her behind right hoof leg where he had to use his magic and turn Target over onto her other side so she wouldn't kick him but he cuddled up with her placing his right hoof around her. He told her while sleeping that she's the best mare in Equestria and placed his chin on her head and kissed it but placed his right behind leg around her and there was a smile on the 2's face where he kept her nice and warm where there house has no insulation where it gets warm sometimes hot in the day and cool at night but the house creaks when it settles. While sleeping she's a light sleeper she told him thanks for helping her and she loves him very much where she backed into him pressing against his under torso aka belly and chest and the 2 would transfer body heat to keep'em warm where it was nice and cozy. They heard a loud breaking sound where he told her that he heard a shattering sound but he's going to go check it out but she said "Don't worry love my husband he's a soldier and he'll deal with it." she said while sleeping where she's sleepy. He just looked at her and said "I'm your husband you better not be cheating on me if you are we're going to have a serious talk." he said to her that he's her husband but if she's cheating on him they'll have a serious conversation where he did go and check it out. His niece and nephew also his and deceased ex-wife foals were playing baseball but don't know why there playing baseball at 2:00 AM where he just scolded them and get back inside then go to bed right now not in 2 minutes not 10 but right now. They did do due there father isn't the type of stallion to mess with where joking around is one thing and conversation is another but trying to brainwash him or attack him or convince him of betraying his home country he would die first where it's impossible to get inside of his head and mess with his mind. He then looked at the window and said quietly like "Damn it well i got to punish them and lose hard earn bits just to fix it. Gonna give em a punishment that my adoptive parents always gave me and that's a tannin." he said almost whispering that he's going to give em a tanning and lose hard earn bits to replace the window. 15 minutes later Target felt the bed move a bit as it was her husband getting back in bed where she asked on what took so long where he told her that the kids broke the kitchen window playing baseball in the middle of the night and he had to give'em a tannin and well that was that but he did tempoaraly sealed the window so bugs won't get in. In morning she and her husband kissed where he walked off to work and she teleport to Canterlot to go work at her desk where she started to see things while in the archives room that wasn't there where she started to rub her right frontal leg with her left leg really wanting another fix but fought it. At home after work she sat on the bed twitching fighting herself wanting another fix of drugs that are in syringes where she's craving for a fix but she started to fight herself to stay clean from not getting another fix but she was having trouble where she doesn't want it but her addicted side was telling her yes. Purple came home a bit late with a new window where he fixed the window and he went to go find Target where he found her shivering and fighting herself where he did the unstallionly thing and he slapped his wife across the face a few times and told her to snap out of it where she unwilling hit him telling him she needs a fix but he used his magic to suppress her to hold her down. She peacefully asked him to let her go and un-restrain her where if he doesn't she'll castrate him where he told her it's for her own good if he keeps her from getting drugs where he wants her to heal up and be fine and not an dependent on drugs where she yelled at him to release her where he told her she wants help and he's giving her help even if it's magical to hold somepony down. She asked for something to drink where he quickly teleported away and teleported right back where he reused his magic to restrain her but let her use her own magic to hold the plastic cup for a sip of water but she threw the cup at him after taking one big gulp of water where he closed his eyes where he told her she'll have to do better then that. He told her to stay when he released her and don't move where he's going to go make dinner where after an hour he came back and the 2 shared the same plate of pasta where after he left to go to place the plate in the sink she wasn't on the bed where he then suddenly fell on the hardwood floor where he just said "Ow my back." he said as something heavy fell on his back where it was Target where she told him for the next few hours he belongs to her. He didn't like the sound of that where it wasn't bad as he though where the 2 just talked and he covered his face is kissy faces where when he looked in a mirror every square inch of his face was covered in red lipstick where he told her that his fellow pony coworkers will pick on him for sure where she told him that she gave him a fair chance to release her but he didn't for almost a hour. He went to go wash it off of his face but she used her magic and locked him in the bedroom with her then used her magic to suppress him like how he suppressed her to not to fight him but she sat next to him where she asked on a reason she shouldn't hurt him where he told her that he's the only one to give her very healthy foals where she told him that't the reason she was looking for well second answer she was looking for. He asked on what's the first answer she's looking for where she told him she wouldn't have a cuddling partner at night anymore where she cuddled up with him while suppressing him where after a couple of hours later she called him "still the best pony she met." but also told him that about in 11 months they'll see there daughter or son. He just kissed her where the 2 just hugged and kissed on the mouth where after that the 2 went there seperate ways for the evening where at night the 2 rejoined where she was done fighting over for the drugs. The following days and weeks were hard on her but with a lot of tough love and support from her husband she finally gotten over her narcotics use where she just focused on her family more and more but at sunset she and her husband sat outside enjoining the weather where a pony in a suit came and gave'em some bad news where her uncle who was a typical Canterlot snob well he just passed away not from old age but from narcotic abuse. She gotten her narcotic well used them when she was a teenager due to of her uncle who forced crack, heroin, meth and so on onto her but he had a nice condo in Canterlot too. She inherited everything he had even the condo where she told Purple that at lease they have a new home when there not working where he told her that he isn't a condo type of stallion but the type that loves the wide open fields and not crowds of ponies in a city but a country stallion. > Captured > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Canterlot war dept she ate lunch which has spaghetti which has uncooked garlic in it but she can't eat uncooked garlic or it'll make her toot but she quickly hid her lunch when her brother entered where she isn't suppose to eat lunch in the archives room where her brother seen her sitting upright in the chair. he told her to meet her in the war room a conference room styled room her brother gave her a top secret mission where everyone in the higher ups know that tension between the ponies and the outcasts are boiling to dangerous levels where back during the first 50 years if Luna's and Celestia's rule they banished a group of ponies who tried to overthrow the Equestrian government of that each class of ponies should rule themselves earth ponies rule earth ponies, unicorns rule unicorns, pegasus rule pegasus and Alicorn's rule Alicorn's. They didn't want all the other races combined into one peace loving harmony but over the century more ponies and creatures were abandoned to the island where they tried to overthrow there governments as well where all of them are about to brew over into fighting levels and they need to simmer down. She didn't leave until almost at 1 in the morning where when she got home she climbed into bed but slept placing her back 2 hooves on the pillow and her face by her husband's back legs where when Purple turned over onto his other side Target she accidently tooted in his face which made him get up and cough where when he sleeps he breath through his mouth where he got up and started to cough. At a undisclosed airfield there's a plane that's 56 ft 4 inches long, 72 ft 6 in from wingtip to wingtip and 22 feet tall with landing gear out and carries 12 2000 pound bombs or 6 4000 pound bombs but she gotten on board the plane where her brother would go with them where she asked on what in the Tartarus is going on where he told her there going to bomb there little research labs on how they can come back and take over Equestria. In the air she sat at a small desk with a map where she's there navigator where there's 1 pilot, 1 co pilot, 1 chin gunner, 1 tail gunner , ball gunner and 1 dorsal gunner not adding her as well but after awhile they taken off but hit severe turbulence which shook the plane all around like a toy where all but Target was strapped down where she was tossed around but when it calmed down she got off the floor and sat in her seat then strapped in. She then seen black clouds and explosion sounds where there getting shot at by enemy flak fire where she used her built in mask radio to report that number 2 engine is on fire where she was told to press a button and have automatic firefighting to put it out but she doesn't know what button where there all the same and none of them are labeled. She pressed a button where her brother reported that the bomb bay doors are opened where there only a few miles out of the target where she doesn't know which button to push where she pressed another where her brother told her that somepony cut the power off to the ball turret and he's still uncomfortable where the ball turret isn't big enough for him and he's also sitting wrongly. Over the target she pressed a button the right one that the pilot told her to push and all 12 2000 pound bombs fell making a whistling sound but a flak round landed right in the center or the plane ripping it in half where they all were sucked out but Sergeant Green he used his magic to force open the ball turret door but they all had there parachutes on where the earth pony and unicorn pilots and crew floated safely on down. She landed wrongly and broken her back hind leg but lied on the ground but they all went to the plane's crash site where they were surrounded by pegasus enemies where she used the dorsal turret and shot at them with twin .50 cal rounds. At night while under the cover of darkness they crossed a bridge where enemy earth ponies chased them where they left Target to be a sacrifice even her brother where they had a radio and radioed home they need assisstance where a float plane like a PBY Catalina was launched and was there in several hours. At 1 Am the sea plane landed where the 3 unicorn and 2 earth pony plane crew boarded the plane where while looking out of the side turret he wished Target luck even though he also left his sister behind instead of using his magic to help her or carry her where her leg is broken. He hoped to go back and help her but probably think she's dead by now where on the flight back he blamed himself for leaving his sister behind so they could escape or have a few minutes head start leaving somepony behind. At a cobblestone fortress she was placed on a chopping block thing where a earth pony said to her "Bye bye Uni." a earth pony said to her where another earth pony had a giant ax thing and was about to decapitate her but a tear ran down her eye where of her step children, niece and nephew and her and Purple's foal's she won't see them grow up. Panic quickly insuied where she had a opertunity to break out where she took it but ignored the pain where at LZ Alpha where there suppose to go if they got shotdown where there's tracks of where the fellow ponies she was with were there and a small square where the radio was at where she missed them by a couple of hours. She sat there and started to cry knowing she isn't going to make it off the stupid rock knowing she's going to die there and most likely not by old age where she just sat there on the beach and quietly cried throughout the night knowing she isn't going home. She wants to cuddle up with her husband mess around with her foals and so but not die on a Celestia saken rock in the middle of nowhere where she wants to eat food not nothing but barries for the rest of her life or something on the island that grows and all of the creatures and ponies eat. Unicorn warriors seen her but seen a bright flash where it's 5 in the morning where Sgt Target gotten steel nerves and told Purple where she's at where the unicorn warriors threw spears at him where a spear partially went through his left leg where he let out a painful scream where he used his magic and forced them back where he scared them by that then he patted Target on her head where she looked up. She asked Purple on how he knows on she was here where he told her that her brother told him where and after force he gotten where and teleport there where they need to come back home where about in 3 minutes they need to get there foals up to eat breakfast, brush there teeth then go to school where he used his magic and placed her onto his back. Back at work she had a cast on her leg where the first name on it is Purple's name where her brother asked if he can sign it where she told him that he's lucky she isn't going to break it off and shove it up his dark olive green flank. Purple he came and visited her at work where he's on his lunch break and he asked well every year his extended family they all get together for a few days and well he would like to host it at there place if it's okay with her where she asked on what family where he told her it's his extended family like his uncles, aunts ,cousins and distant cousins well there's a lot of them there's about 15-20 of them. She asked on there names and spieces where he told them there all unicorns where his uncles Fisher, Ace, Chef and Wolf, there's aunt Sonata, Barracuda and Pointy Spear and there children where Aunt Sonata she's the most lovable but there kids as well and well there family is big, She asked why his extended family didn't take him in when his parents died where he told her there always busy his uncle Fisher sleeps all night and fishes all day and it's his career, Chef he's a Sous Chef, Ace he's an Underwater Demolitions Pony in the Equestrian Navy Pinnipeds and Wolf well he lives secluded in the deep Celestial forest . He told her that Aunt Barracuda she lives on a small island in the Lunar Sea and swim with fishes but with teeth like Barracuda, Aunt Sonata she's the manager for the Manehattan golf team and Pointy Spear she has a hobby of poking ponies by accident with her horn but friendly. At a resturant in Canterlot the 2 ate pizza where she told him fine where when the 2 weren't working they worked on the inventations where they would sign both of there names and Target she's good enough for forging Purple Artist's name and mailed them to the ponies they were going to. > Meeting Purple's extended family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the kitchen she and Purple were cooking where she's taking a few personal days off of work and lied that her and Purple's son Artmark is sick well he's actully suffering from Poison Joke after walking through a field of blue flowers in the Everfree Forest even though told not to walk in the forest without adult supervision even if it's a complete stranger he should have not been in the forest without being watched. He told them that he always see ponies go in there all the time where she told him that there adults that mostly go into the forest and there more careful but she's going to go and talk to Zecora while Purple get's everything ready. In the Everfree Forest it was a good 15 minute walk from the enternce to Zecora's place or 30 minutes from there house to Zecora's house but problem is that Zecora was gone so she left a note on the door for Zecora to read when she get's back. Back home she seen everything all set where at 9:30 AM there was a knock on the door where she seen Purple open the door where he seen his 28 year old aunt Sonata a charcoal colored mare with brown hair and blue eyes and a cutie mark of golf ball where she and Purple kissed each other on there cheeks and greeted each other as if they didn't see each other for a long time. Her 7 year old bratty son was with her where he told his mom that he doesn't want to be here where Ponyville doesn't even have any arcades where she told him that it's a family reunion not Gamescon and made him say hi to his nephew or uncle Purple or he won't get any bits to play video games any more. He showed her there room for the following 3 days but she placed something that's wrapped in aluminum foil where she placed it onto the dining room table and followed Purple to there room. She asked on where her cousins are at where Target told her that Artmark is sick and sadly won't be joining us, Harp and Double Eagle they'll be joining us only for dinner where Purple told them to get out and don't bother them unless if it's an emergency. Harp is Purple's mother name or Sonata's older sister name and Double Eagle is close enough to Albatross another term for Double Eagle in Golf a red unicorn and the name is to honor Purple's father or Sonata's brother in law. In the kitchen the 3 sat at the table playing cards where she asked the 2 on what they do where she heard Purple say that he's a delivery pony at the Arts and Supply store in Ponyville and Target told her she works at the Canterlot War Department as a desk jockey and every now and then field operative but planning on using Purple when this is over to have another foal so far they have 2 colts and 1 filly. She seen Sonata use her levitation magic and pick up a dinner roll and gave it to her son where the young dim gray unicorn 5 year old knocked it out of his mother's hoof where she placed it onto her hoof and stop levitating it. They heard her tell them that she and her son will be back in a few minutes where out of a side window Target seen Sonata break a tree branch out of a tree in there yard where from the deck they heard the 5 year old unicorn say to his mother or what did he do wrong. The 2 just minded there own business where she asked Purple on what his Aunt is doing where he told her calmly that she's whipping her son with a switch and a switch is a fancy term for stick not small as a twig nor big where it's in between and it hurts like hell well very painful. After a few more minutes there was another knock so Target took a sip of coffee and answered the front door where it's Purple's uncle's Fisher, Chef, Ace, Wolf, and his aunts Baracuda, and Pointy Spear were there but to be a pain in the ass she asked if there married to each other to find out that only way there aunts and uncles of Purple where his uncle's are his deceased father's brothers and his aunts are his deceased mother's sister's with Sonata being younger due to she was 7 when Purple was born. She looked at Pointy Spear with confusion where her mother and father there in there mid 60's but they were 25 when Harp aka Purple's mother was born and 51 when Sonata was born via IVF something that Target didn't want to know. They played cards in the kitchen where the kids were shunted off outside to play if they like it or not where if Artmark can handle it then they can but there nephew he's actually sick where after playing a round of blackjack Target told her to start the next game without her where she got up from the table and went upstairs. She checked on Artmark where he was fine where the grayish violet colt was laying in his bed covered with blue spots where he asked if he could come downstairs for a cup of water where he was told no where if it's contagious well there's family downstairs and don't want them to get sick as well. He told her that he hopes it ain't contagious but he would like a cup of water so she left his room and went downstairs and gotten her son a cup of water where they asked on how her and Purple's son is doing where they were told he has Poison joke but the only pony who know's the cure she's not home and got to wait until she's back. They just chatted and so where all but Uncle Wolf there all but him are super friendly to Target where Uncle Wolf was more or less sexist to Target telling her instead of playing cards she should get her cute flank up and start making dinner. He looked behind Sonata where Purple had a angry face where he's about to jump over Sonata and attack Wolf as he just made that mark to Target where he got out of the rolling chair instead and made dinner instead where his uncle told him that it's a mare job to cook, clean, make the husband happy and have foals where Purple told him that a mare has the same rights as a stallion where if a mare wants to settle down and have foals then that's her, if a mare wants to be a housewife then that's her and Target isn't a housewife she's a hard worker and she may bring more money in then Purple he loves her evenly and chose to have foals. He made dinner early but they just played the cards game.without Purple where the purple alicorn made dinner for his extended family. It was 4 PM when they ate dinner where the kids didn't eat with the grown ups but sat in the living room either on the hardwood floor or the couch and ate. The spare beds they had weren't comfortable where Purple told them that they can get a motel or take what they got so far and sleep on the camp beds but they took on what they have. In bed Target she head Purple say that he doesn't know on how much of a pain in the flank a majority of his family is but Target told him that Sonata she's sweet and friendly where he told her that she's the only one. The night was mostly peaceful until they heard a shatter where the 2 gotten up where downstairs they seen Sonata and her son arguing where she's getting mad at her son for being totally disrespectful and rude around family and purporsley breaking Purple's and Target's vase they have worked so hard to earn. She was tired of hearing him with lame excuses and bratty additude but she then notice the 2 sitting there watching so she walked up to them casually where she apologized for them hearing there little argument and getting them out of bed where they didn't like it but apologized for her yelling. They were cool with it where all 3 off them looked at her son who broke the vase where Purple told them that he's going to kill him where it's not a vase there going to replace easily where it's his adoptive mother's vase but the 2 used a restraining spell to hold Purple back before he kills his cousin. He stayed there as he, Target and Sonata went upstairs where in there bedroom he gave her his leather belt and told her not to go easy where he'll buy another where she told him it's his good belt. He told her that he'll get a new one where his cousin deserves a beating a hard one where he doesn't have a lot of memorbilla of his adoptive parents and he got 3 remaining a picture on his nightstand, in his heart and mind on how he loved them as his real parents but his real parents died when he was only 3 days old. Downstairs she did hit him with the belt to punish him where she levitated the belt with her chestnut colored magical aroura and spanked him with her nephew belt where after a good long 1/2 a hour she placed it onto the counter and forced her son to bed but left a note for Purple or Target to read later in the morning. In the morning he 2 notice the vase was glued back together but found Purple's belt and a note where the 2 read the note of Sonata apologizing on that she used his belt to punish her son and wore the belt out but she'll get him a new one when she's back in Manehattan where she didn't go easy on her son. The 2 kissed where Purple still had to work where she did her job to keep his family fed and happy but had to deal with sexist remarks from her uncle in law uncle Wolf who he actually smacked her on her round flank where she though about ramming her unicorn horn through his eyes but didn't where she'll deal with him another time. Outside the mares threw a football around just doing whatever they want of them not caring but enjoying life while the Stallions besides Purple they just messed around where Purple he wants to be here but can't due to he has work and his boss is an perfectionist and has a stick up his flank of everything has to be straight where if one thing is slightly crooket then the entire store has to be reorganized for all of it need to be straighten out. The mares chatted sitting on the grass getting to know each other better like how they discussed each other's careers like Barracuda she's a diver, Sonata she's a golf manager and friendly and Pointy Spear she makes spears for the Royal Guards but besides that she lives in a somewhat secluded life style but Sonata she isn't the type to talk about her life anymore in Manehattan. They didn't pressure the mare because on what she's going to hide is what she wants to keep to herself she might open up to Purple but she isn't going to open up to them where what happened in Manehattan is her life and wants to leave in the past and what happened resulted in her bratty son. They didn't push her where they just continued with there game where they just left it behind where there here to have fun and relax and not to get into each other's business where whatever there business is isn't everypony else's business. When Purple got home for lunch he asked his aunt Sonata on what's wrong where she didn't budge so Purple did the calm approach and slowly worked it way up. She told him due to she has trust in him where he doesn't find nothing serious as funny where she told him her boss he's a pegasus where he held her down, placed a magical suppression ring on her horn and raped her where that's how she gotten her brat son a son she never wanted. Target was called over where Purple told her she's in charge until he get's back where she asked on where he's going where he's going to give Sonata's boss a piece of his mind where Target told him not to where last time he gave a pony a piece of his mind some poor pony was sent to the hospital for 2 months where he had a fracture skull, no teeth, broken jaw, 2 black eyes a majority of the stallion ribs were broken, punctured long and busted nose to count a few. He took a train to Manehattan where at the golf course he asked for Sonata's boss where his secratary told Purple that he's busy where Purple took that as a invintation to walk in and told Sonata's boss there going to have a little chat where he used his magic to close the door and lock it. Still outside the mares talked to each other where they don't know on what Purple is doing or going to do . During day 3 after 2 days today was fun where the 3rd day is the last where they did the same of them talking and getting to know each better where she seen Sonata talk to Purple where she kissed him on the head and thanked him for what he did and had a nice chat with her boss where he just said "Yeah... A nice chat." he said somewhat nervously to her and not telling her on what he really did. After day 3 all of them left where the 2 waved them by but after they left Zecora came by with a cure for Poison Joke and gave it to there son where he was better after drinking it. > The Secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Target she teleport home where it's 4:00 PM where she used her magic to open the door knob where the house was a tab bit quiet where she just assumed her husband was out getting wing or hoof exercises like cardio or what not but she walked into the kitchen and made herself dinner. She heard a poorly done Southern accent doing a mare accent where she carefully walked up the stairs and opened the door without a creek where she seen her husband looking at himself in a mirror wearing her spring dress that's a pink sundress with a red ribbon on it. She heard him say that if anypony found out his secret hobby then he'll be a laughing stock of the whole world and his brother will hate him more but he does look cute in his wife's dress but Target cast a spell and more or less took a picture of her husband and she then startled him. He told her that it isn't on what it looks like where he seen mares in his whole life wearing dresses and want to know on how it feels where she told him she won't tell anypony where sometimes she wears his clothing mostly his military uniform but she won't eat uncooked garlic before only after she takes it off. Before he took off her dress and hid his face in shame he asked her on why she eats uncooked garlic where she knows it makes her fart but she only said "A mare doesn't fart but toot a stallion farts when we eat certian food but i don't know i like doing so." she said to him that a mare doesn't fart but he told her that a toot is just another word for a pony or creature to fart. He then went to save what remaining masculinite he has and hid under the covers where she just left and continued to make dinner where after it was done she called Purple Artist down for dinner but he didn't come so she made him a plate placing the dinner onto a blue ceramic plate and took it up to him where she just placed it onto there dresser and told him to eat dinner and it won't kill him. After she ate her daffidoil sandwich and garden salad where she thanked Purple in her head for him having green hooves where she then went upstairs to check on Purple where she noticed the plate licked clean where he ate his wedge salad where she's going with a healthier eating for the month. She placed her and his plate into the kitchen sink where she told Artmark, Harp and Double Eagle to go out and play where the 3 foals did where she then went back upstairs to check on Purple where she seen him place her dress back into the closet where she wanted to talk to him. He wasn't in the mood to socialize where she reassured him that nopony but them will know then gave him a smooch on his mouth but told him to guess on why she want's to talk to him urgently where he asked if her brother is going to get married and there going to be the best ponies where she told him not in a million years that he would ever get married. He guessed that her snotty parents are in the hospital but wants comfort where she told him no but he got one more guess where he guessed that he needs to sleep by the window where she laced her salad with shredded down uncook garlic where she told him not entirely that but close enough where she told him he's out of guesses. She asked if he's ready for the news where well lately she been feeling sick where during her lunch break she went to an urgent hospital and after a few test but before she could say there news there son Artmark came running in that he got thorns in his right front leg. After the 2 removed the thorns out of there son leg she kissed him on the head and then he ran back outside to play after Purple told him to get back outside. After there son left she was about to tell him something where Harp entered there room and she asked for a drink like Kool Aid to drink where she's getting thirsty where the 2 walked downstairs and gave her a cup and after she drinked it there daughter went outside. She sighed and hoped that is the last destraction where she finally told him that well she's expecting where he asked if it's a package and he needs to sign for it tomorrow or what not where she told him no where he told her that she and he are going to have another foal where she told him yes. She told him it's well 10% of it being a earth pony, 80% being a unicorn, 40% being a pegasus and 10% being a betacorn where he asked on what's a "Betacorn" where she explained that a betacorn is an alicorn that doesn't have royalty in there blood and have an genetic mutation of having 2 parts of there parents i.e Purple Artist is an Betacorn where he inhertied his mother's wings and father's unicorn horn. He looked down but told her that she can call it whatever she wants but an Alicorn is an Alicorn no matter what even if ponies like him has a mutation of having 2 things like him having wings and a horn which he gotten from his parents and he isn't a purebred Alicorn. She hurted him where he and other's always seen him as a alicorn and now she's telling him that he has an genetic mutation where he more or less accidently obtained a piece of his parents either his father's unicorn horn or mother's pegasus wings where he just said in his head "Heck i could be an earth pony and just obtained both of my parents there wings and horn." he said to himself that he could just been conceived by a unicorn stallion and pegasus mother but could actually be an earth pony who obtained his parents wings and horn. She just doesn't know on how much she just hurted him of saying that where he doesn't care about being an alicorn but being use of it since he was a colt and now that he now has a new way of thinking on how his life could've been if he was born as an earth pony, unicorn or pegasus. Only reason that his 7x grand cousin she married a earth pony and had 2 mares an earth pony and a pegasus they gotten married and so on but due to an world war back before FIM started before the Mane 6 were born his grandfather he was an unicorn and his wife had an affair on her husband and had an earth pony son and well he came back and there was an Equestian baby boom and that was that and more behind to it where he isn't going to explain. His grandfather from his mother side was an earth pony who was always grouchy and rude but Purple he's 95% Friendly, 4.999999999% neutrual and 1% hostile but mostly friendly, sweet and kind. While sleeping Target she tried to cuddle up with Purple only for him to slide over more and more until there was an thud sound where Purple fell out of bed where he doesn't want to cuddle up with his wife where unbeknown to her she's the first pony ever to break his mind on what she said earlier. In the morning she couldn't find Purple so she checked at where he works at where his boss told her that he came in where his Aunt Sonata is sick where he well the only one that's going to take care of her where he gave him the week off to look after his sick aunt where unbeknown to his boss that was an lie. In Manehattan outside of a 1140 square foot house where Purple walked up to the door and knocked where his aunt Sonata a charcoal black mare with chocolate hair and tail she opened the door where she has an headache of dealing with her brat son she never wanted. Inside she gave him a cup of coffee where she asked on what he wants where he asked if he can stay with her for awhile where things aren't running smoothly back home so she set him up to take her bed while she'll take the couch. She told him that she and another mare with the same name well ponies say that she and her look alike besides Purple's aunt has blue eye's and 2 diffrent cutie marks but besides that there mane, hair and tail color are black and brown but she never worked for anypony who blackmailed other's for there own gain where he told her that she hasn't tried to get any attorney and the annoying pink pony named "Pinkie Pie" arrested only to take it back. He kissed his aunt on the head and she went to work where he took care of her house while she was out. At the war dept Target was sad where her brother Sergeant Green asked on why she's sad where she told him that she broke Purple and she's the only one to fix him but don't know on where he could've went where he got extended family besides his brother who hates his guts where he got 4 uncles Wolf, Ace, Chef, Fisher and aunts Barracuda, Sonata and Pointy Spear and Barracuda she lives on a small island in the Lunar Sea and there all spread out. He told her he'll find out which one he's staying with and will track him down where there's 7 and he'll check in Alphabetical order starting with Ace,Barracuda, Chef, Fisher, Pointy Spear, Sonata, and Wolf but she'll have to repay him and she told him the usual 2 crates of cider each one with 29 bottles. They shook hooves and went there seprate ways where she worked and he tracked down his brother in law where it was tough especially with Wolf who lives in the forest and almost killed Sgt Green on why he was there thinking he was there to kill him.. While sleeping it was 1:55 AM there was a knock on the door so Target she answered it where he told her that nopony of his aunts or uncles saw him not even his brother and Purple's brother Base not even him seen him and the ice blue pegasus male gotten his feathers all ruffled up. She looked at him with uncertinty where he told her that nopony was at his Aunt Sonata's house where it was unoccupied but he check back in the morning or afternoon where he asked on where she works at where Target doesn't know where her aunt in law works at especially when Purple gotten her fired for beaten the snot out of her ex boss for raping her and giving her a foal she never wanted and she believes in abortions as unethical like chemical warfare. She then went back to bed and had a picture of her and her husband in her legs/hooves and silently cried where she driven her husband away where if she didn't say anything about him not being a "Purebred Alicorn" of not being a decendant of royalty or being a decendent of Luna or Celestia but having somekind of genetic mutation of him taking his father's unicorn horn and mother's pegasus wings where he now thinks that he could just be an earth pony having pegasus wings and unicorn horn. She told herself that she broke him and she's gotta fix him. In the morning Target gotten up and flipped her pillow over where she gotten her and Purple's foals there breakfast and sent them on there way to school and gave them there home lunches so where they thanked there mother and trotted off to school where she teleport to work. Outside of the house Sgt Green he seen Purple Artist come out of his aunt's house where he was going to walk with her to the bus stop and the 2 just socialized on the way where instead of family it's like there friends. At the bus stop 3 blocks away Sgt Green startled Purple Artist of appearing behind him without warning where he told her to go home and it's an order where he told him no until he get's his mind back in one mindset but tell Target he's sorry but he want's to spend time with his favorite aunt even though she's 7 years older then him. He told his brother in law no where he needs to go home now but Purple told him that he isn't a baby and won't listen to him even if he beats him up he isn't going to go home until Sunday evening where he told his boss that his aunt is sick but let that ruse play out a tab bit. Sgt Green told him that his sister or Purple's wife is home alone dealing with there foals, his first 3 triplet foals from him and his first wife and niece and nephew and dealing with them is like a nightmare but Purple told him that Target faced worse then that where it's not like there going to try to rotisserie her and eat her where if that was the case he'll leave and teleport right now. At the war dept in the head security office Target was on a typewriter typing where her brother entered where he told her there's good news and there's bad news good news Purple he's with his aunt Sonata in Manehattan bad news is he isn't coming home until Sunday evening if not early Monday morning. She told him alright where unless if she apologizes on what she said on making him do on what he did but before he left she asked if he would like to know a secret where he told her sure. She told him that Purple loves to cross dress into Target's clothing and she heard him say that he would look better in this if he was an mare he would look adorable where she has photographic evidence of it and he actually laughed of seeing a stallion in mare's clothing especially in a sunpink dress with red ribbon around the torso where if it was human around the belly button. She told him to keep it just between them where after he left he told everypony in the building where she didn't find out that everypony was told about it until a stallion in the building told Target on how it feels to sleep with a mare in a stallion body where she told him to shut up and she loves Purple even with all of his flaws of having weak unicorn magic but better flying of his genetic mutation of having both of his parents things mother's wings and father's horn. She couldn't believe that everypony in the building knows that her husband likes to wear mare's clothing where she told herself that if Purple ever found out then his self esteem will be lowered more then on what she did if not completely gone and he wants to remove himself from society and lock himself away from everypony and he think's that Target's and his foals also his and Dr. Healing his ex sister in law then ex-wife who's deceased foals would be picked on if not shunted and something like the Foal Free Press would've love to hear if Diamond Tiera was still in charge. She more or less just shammed her husband and kids but what is she gonna to do she can't teleport them all to the moon where she ain't in royal to do so and ain't going to waist the princesses time with that trivial matter for something she did by showing and telling her brother then he spreaded like an wildfire where she caused it and she's the only one to fix it. When her brother came back and asked on what is she doing where she only said "I've been sitting here and thinking i'm the one who more or less told everypony else and ruined my husband's public image and i'm the only one to fix it where i broke him and i'm the only one that can fix him. Last time i broke him i fixed him with good Ol' fashion love making but that won't work in this case i broke him calling him a "Betacorn" a Alicorn that has an genetic mutation or not a purebred alicorn. That got to him good and i broke his mind and i'm the only one that can fix it." she said while staring at the ceiling that she been thinking on how to fix her husband but really gotten to her husband with that he likes to dress like an mare and calling him a Betacorn and not an Alicorn. The week went by slowly but when it got to Sunday evening she heard the front door open and close where she was making home made bread and making a cake where she wanted to apologize to Purple but he told her to save her apology where he's the one who walked out and he's the one who needs to fix it where instead of socializing with his wife to fix it he just walked out like a big baby. She told him that well everypony in her workplace knows about his secret of dressing like an mare where he told her that they can laugh at him or not he doesn't care anymore and about the "Betacorn" thing he's completely over it and he don't care about if he's an purebred alicorn or not. She asked him if his aunt was really sick where he told her no just an headache with her brat son. She heard him say that he doesn't care about his public image and if ponies and creatures are going to judge him where he don't care about what they think but he only cares about his wife's opinion about him and she's the only one he thinks about and she told him the same. > Old Habit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was 1 Am where while sleeping Target she was tossing and turning where her husband was facing away from her but she went for a quick stroll throughout the town to tire herself out but she then talked to a shady pony in a trench coat and fedora where she's clean. Back home she enjected a needle into her arm where she had a sad face where she's reigniting her narcotic habit where Purple scolded her when he came down and got a cup of water to drink where he's feeling that he went through hard work to help her to kick her drug habit and well it'll be weeks until there little pride and joy will form in her stomach and well he doesn't want there daughter or son to be born prematurely or dies from an narcotic use. She felt ashamed of herself where it was one of those things where she may have been out of an addiction but it reignited in her somehow where that's the main reason she got up and trotted off where she tried to fight herself but she didn't want to restart her drug addiction. He used his magic and made her to come back to bed and covered her up and placed the pink cover on her and he kissed her on the forehead and the 2 cuddled up. She was a bit jumpy while sleeping but it was almost 4 AM when she gotten up again but she then went downstairs and made herself coffee and sat on the couch jittering a bit where she then used her magic and levitated a picture of her and Purple before she was first pregnant of when the 2 were first dating before they gotten married. She accidently dropped her coffee cup which it shattered when it hit the hardwood floor and some of the hot blistering coffee jumped and landed onto her lower back right hoof and she let out a scream as the hot coffee hitted her hoof. She just cleaned her hoof off then mopped up the puddle and threw the shattered coffee cup up and threw it away but made herself a garden salad for breakfast where she know's that Purple is right of that she needs to be healthy for the foal that's going to be forming in her soon enough and she doesn't want to either have a stillbirth or a miscarrage of narcotics abuse again of her abusing narcotics where last time she gotten herself clean and wants to stay like that. She then teleported to work and went to her office of head security mare but she just scratched her leg on which she injected the needle into her leg last night where her old habit of wanting another drug fix where she knows her somewhat intelligent husband will give her an ear full of a list of reasons why it's bad to do drugs expecially while expecting a foal. It wasn't until 12:00 PM where she was about to go on her lunch break where she had to finish multiple reports until there was a knock on the door and she asked on who is it where the voice said it was her brother Sgt Green so she told him to enter where she was in somewhat of a shock only for it was for her husband to open the door where he took the liberty of buying lunch for them and they can eat in her office. The 2 sat on a sofa and had there lunch on a coffee table and they ate using there magic to hold there forks where he told her that he has better speed then magic so if he was more or less a pegasus if he didn't gain his father's unicorn horn where she told him he could suffer from less magicitis where a unicorn have weaker magic then a normal unicorn and has fasters wings making him fly faster and better then a normal pegasus. To him he just doesn't care about what he would've been and he doesn't care if he's an Betacorn or what it's called when there not purebred Alicorns like Celestia and Luna and he may not be a "Purebred Alicorn" but he's fine on who he is where he gotten over it on when Target called him a Betacorn and a non purebred Alicorn. She tried to eat his asparagas where he blocked her using the fork but the 2 looked into each other's blue eyes but still used there magic arouras to hold the fork where she complimented his moderate cobalt blue and he complimented her very light cornflower blue and the 2 kissed. She then used her magic and close the window shades and time passed as an hour and 1/2 where it's now 2:00 PM where she lied on her husband's torso taking a nap and using her husband as a pillow where the 2 are tired out. At 3:30 PM she left work a tab bit early where at night after eating dinner it was dark out Target looked at a needle where she took a gulp sound then stuck it into her front right leg again where she just letted out a sigh of relief again where she knows Purple well if she was another guy or if Purple was a woman and if they were lesbians then Purple would've kicked her flank already but Purple Artist is a gentleman and he won't harm a mare. She then trotted upstairs and climbed into bed where she was shivering even while under the pink covers where unintentionally she gave her husband a charlie horse but it didn't help that when he went back to sleep on his back Target placed her head onto his chest again to sleep better but she started to drool where his eyes opened where he doesn't want to be drooled on all night by his wife but he been through worse. She ate breakfast with her family, then brushed her teeth with her husband, then the 2 kissed then each went to work where she would scratch her front right hoof/leg a lot even though she wasn't itchy where her brother came and talked to her where he asked if she's back using drugs where she lied and told him that she's just itchy where when she get's home she's going to wash the bed sheet and blanket also the pillow cases and place new ones on when she get's home. He asked on how she been where she told him everythings fine but she said it nerve wracking where he asked on what's wrong and if Purple hitted her then he'll fight him where Target told her brother that Purple will kill him where he told her he'll fight his brother in law in mixed martial arts, boxing, wrestling, kung fu, judo, Brazilian Jiu-jitszu and/or Taekwondo where to each one Target told her brother that Purple will kill him. He told her to give him a little credit where she told him that he would use his magic to pick him up using his wings or hooves and body slam him at a angle that would break Sgt Green's neck at the same time killing him. She just hummed her mind to get through the day where at lunch time Purple visited her for lunch in Canterlot where where Sgt Green intercepted them wanting to fight Purple where Purple placed his brother in law in a most unfortuinate way of placing his legs around his neck and he was about to break it but he didn't where he told Sgt Green that he won't ever hurt Target and if he keeps coming at him like he is then he'll be in a cast for the rest of his life. The 2 went out for lunch then where back home after work she looked through the lock hole of the door knob and seen Purple cross dressing again calling himself a petite stallion where he would be a sexy mare where Target she tried to hold back her laughter and giggling but couldn't where she can't believe she married a stallion who likes to cross dress mostly into dresses. She rolled on the floor laughing onto the hardwood floor where Purple heard her laughing where he didn't care but she then fell down the stairs hurting herself so he quickly took off the dress and he went and checked on her where she's fine where she just hurted herself not badly but just she'll walk it off where she didn't hurt herself badly. He used his magic and helped her up but the 2 sorted through the mail together where she told him that she's done with dieting where she's making lasagna where while he paid the bills she placed on a pink apron which says "KISS THE BEST WIFE, MOTHER, COOK BUT DON"T DISTRACT THE BEST WIFE & MOTHER" says the pink apron that she more or less made by hoof and magic which resembles an 1950's apron. While placing noodles into the layers Purple surprised kissed her on the mouth where she told him don't distract her where she isn't a perfectionist but wants everything to be even and it's hard to make a even layered lasagna. She then placed it into the oven but before she teleport home she went to a liquor store and bought a expensive malt bottle for 2000 bits that was exported from far away lands where they enjoyed the expensive drink but they had a timer out and it was set for 25 minutes for them until the lasagna was done. He told her expensive but good tasting malt whiskey but the timer ringed so she sat there as her husband turned the oven off and placed the lasagna onto the stove where he cut the lasagna and placed each into ceramic plates but let it cooled where Target called the foals, step foals and her husband's niece and nephew for dinner where they all came running. She took a bite which she burned her tongue but she didn't have nothing to drink but she did tell her husband he could've left some back in the pan where she gotten a response that his adoptive parents were the type of get what you want now because there's a good chance when you want seconds it won't be there. She couldn't believe of seeing her husband eat it while a majority of it is scalding hot where when his nephew Flyer asked on how he can heat very hot food where they only heard Purple say "I don't want cold food i want warm food and one day you'll be in a position where you'll have to eat cold food and wanting hot food." he said to his nephew on why he's eating hot food. She just blew on hers to cool it down a bit but her husband gotten up where he walked over to sink and washed his plate where she gotten surprised smooched again as her husband went back into the living room and to read the bi-weekly town newspaper starting with the sports section and the weather. Target was the last one to finish where she told the kids to get out where they all made an mad dash for the front door but she yelled at them not to gallop or trot in the house where it's more easier to break things so just walk. All but Scalpel and Flyer just asked there father if they could run in the house this one time to get out of the house quick where Purple just said "Kid's listen to your mother." he said shortly for them to listen to there mother. Target read the newspaper the sections Purple wasn't reading well got done reading where she told him she's proud of him of eating a lot in the contest of eating 50 blueberry pies, 32 apple pies, 12 banana cream pies, 11 apple pies and 4 cherry pies. He told her that was last week and his stomach still hurts a tab bit but mostly gone but it hurted awhile but he just ran around a but to keep him in shape where he ran about several miles out of town and back home to keep in shape. While everypony slept she jabbed her front right leg again with an needle where she just told herself that this is the last time but she then trotted upstairs, jumped into bed actually jumping sending her husband flying out of bed, and stole the blankets leaving her husband in the cool air shivering where she wouldn't let him back under the blue fleece blanket but he forced his way back under the covers to keep warm where she felt warm cuddled up with her husband. It entirely didn't help that she sneezed on his face but the 2 just stayed cuddled up. > Busiest week there was > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At home Target kissed Purple bye but asked on what training he got where he told her that it's top secret and no pony can't know not even the princesses but he'll be back soon where it'll be about a week or 2 but she told him alright. The 2 kissed again where he walked out wearing a casual suit but she had special ops training where that'll last a week but her aunt in law Sonata came to watch them even though she has a problem watching her own son but she let her aunt in law take there bedroom. A secret location she removed a blindfold and magic suppression ring off of her horn where each pony has to complete an obstical course but each one will be diffreant from the last and when they got to redo it it'll change and get more difficult from the last and more challenging from the last but the kicker is that unicorns can't use magic, pegasus's can't use there wings and earth ponies can't use there strength. She charged in head first where she had to shoot some target's where she hesitated at a purple looking unicorn where it looks like her husband where it's a moderate purple unicorn but with hazel eyes where her husband is an alicorn with blue eyes but he's moderate purple. She then knocked down the target then kept going where of her being hesitated costed her a few seconds but she then trotted to the finish line where she lost to her young record of 30 seconds where her new record is 48.9 seconds. She did beat the timer of losing where if it get's to 50 seconds you got to redo the course but it'll change and the pony won't know the where to go where it's also like a maze at times. They had hard work where they had to use there teeth to pull a homemade rope to open a door for them for each where one was heavy and Target she though she was going to lose her teeth of it where she opened her's and she galloped fast but made it across the finish line in 4th place in 2 minutes and 43 seconds but she started to push herself more harder and harder. At night her back was sore where she lied in a bed that's for her where while sleeping she and the other re-trainees were underwater trapped where the door was stuck where she started to kick a wall where it started to chip away where she broke it where it lead into another room where it was a thin wall. In the other room she coughed up the water where the other ponies did as well but noticed a pony just laying on the floor motionless so she galloped over where she checked on him where there was no pulse so she preformed CPR but nothing so she yelled at a re-trainee to get a medic but a medic won't help him. 2 medic ponies came where they just placed a white sheet over him, placed him onto a stretcher and moved him to the morgue where he's dead where he drowned before the thin wall broke. They just had a quick moment of silence for him where they had to sleep in another room in fresh beds but that room after a hour of sleeping they started to smell moldy hay where it's Phosgene gas where until they could get out they didn't have the luxury of panicking where the gas slowly lowered down to the floor but like last time the door was locked from the other side. Target rallied them and told them to start bucking the walls where one of them as to be weak so they all did where a re-trainee did where they got into another room and left that room closing the other door and after there escape a HAZMAT team went in and sucked up the gas so it wouldn't linger around anymore in the room. 2 more re-trainees were killed of not being fast enough. In the morning Target she was tired where she couldn't keep herself awake for breakfast where her face almost fell into the oatmeal but she ate the meal and placed it back onto the counter where she wants sleep badly. She slept she gotten chewed out where she always can back out of training but her memory would be wiped of her ever being a special forces pony but if they wipe her memory she won't remember dating then marrying Purple Artist, having a family, living in Ponyville and that the 2 princesses retiring to name a few also her promotion at the War Dept to Head Security Mare and she'll think she's 19 again. There were helmet's lined in a row next to a bell of the trainees that dropped out of the brutal training where within 4 years she'll and the other's will have to redo the training. Outside it was blistering hot where they had to run a small obstetrical course where the drill instructor pony was a real jerk where she and the remaining few kept running in a circle going up, going down, jumping a 4 ft wide gap and had to do it over and over where in the 135 degrees heat it didn't help either. After that she sat down for a bit where she used her frontal right hoof and moved her belly a bit where she said to herself that she letted herself go a tab bit where back in her youth she could run circles for several miles and hardly be tired where she just assumes she's flabby of being pregnant a few times, giving birth and mostly sitting and not doing a lot of exercise where when she get's home she's going back on a diet. She was forgetting about now where she's pregnant again but the belly hasn't formed yet but she and Purple are going to do exercises when he get's back but his job as a delivery pony he get's enough cardio and muscular exercise to keep him fit as a horse or fit as a fiddle or as fit as a butcher's dog even though ponies don't eat meat. There was a spy in the camp where while making her night patrol she came across an tower lit up where she entered it and heard somepony or some creature talking where she walked behind the creature and told the creature there under arrest for treason where the 2 gotten into a hoof fight but the creature a unicorn used his magic where she noticed the unicorn use his magic where it's a scarlet red aroura. He broke a piece of railing and knocked her out cold where after awhile she seen 2 MP ponies standing in front of her where a red unicorn MP used his magic and picked Target up that she's under arrest for treason against Equestria where in a jail cell she had her locket removed where the Intel pones downstairs will examine it for any clues. In the interrogation room across the hall she was interrogated where a intelligence pony came in that her locket they searched every inch of it where it's just a picture of her and Purple Artist also there family where she has nothing beneficially of betraying Equestria. They more or less told her that if she won't talk on who's she talking to then the trial will appear in front of the princess and the high council but like she said she has nothing to earn of betraying Equestria where if she did betray Equestria then she and Purple would've been divorced already where he loves Equestria and he will die to protect it. A MP that the only reason he didn't leave her yet due to she stole something from him to have a foal where she told the MP that she wouldn't rape her husband but is the dominate one when it's just them 2 but she wouldn't harm her husband any way where she deeply loves him and he deeply loves her. A week later in a poorly lit room there were 8 ponies 5 stallions and 3 mares where some of them are smoking cigars or cigarettes where she couldn't see them but they could see her where they asked on a reason why they shouldn't have her executed right off the bat where they don't need to involve princess Twilight where her excuse was that she did enough dirty work where if she and other's like her wouldn't then they wouldn't be having this conversation. One of the council ponies asked her on what does that mean where she told them that she and teams of highly trained ponies infiltrated enemy places and ruined there plans of an invasion and if not high chance all the mares in Equestria would be on breeding farms not to repopulate the pony race but whatever creature invaded them where ponies did it to the mares or women of other societies that they were at war with in the pass of raping the women and impregnating them and the mares of Equestria wouldn't be treated with friendship but forced to repopulate the enemy numbers. She even told them that not even the princess would be safe if they lost where all the stallions would either be executed or castrated where they can't have foals with mares of there choosing like how she and her husband chose to have foals together not because he wanted to reproduce with her but of her wanting to reproduce with him. She went on and told them that she did enough dirty work to protect Equestria and her family where the cream coated unicorn told them that she did a lot for Equestria where she can't even talk about it to her family on how dark the stuff she did where the banished a subclass of ponies who tried to take over Equestria and install communism they had a bomb where if it detonated in Canterlot they all would be wiped out the whole city gone, Manehattan hardly any survivors and the whole world is watching either disarm the bomb or have millions of ponies death on your mind until you die. They can't go get her records and the missions she was on due to there inked out of the detail of the missions so it won't fall into the wrong hands or what not where she told them on how she deals with it is good old fashion love making with her husband where she may take lives of ponies and creatures to stop more harm but she thinks she can fix it by bringing life into the world. The council threw her questions and she answered them truthfully like how she seen lights on in the tower, seen a unicorn talking into a ham radio and told the unicorn he's under arrest, the 2 got into a fight and he knocked her out. Not all of the council ponies believed that where only 2 out of 8 did where the traitor knocked her out, left and get 2 MP's where they see her there frame her and arrest her and case closed she get's executed and the real traitor keeps doing his job also a council pony seen that she isn't feeling well where the female council pony called for a quick recess. In the holding cell the council mare talked to her where she asked if she's pregnant where Target told her to not start with chit chat and what she really wants where she told Target that she believes her where the other 7 don't and the council needs an 100-100 ratio to not to give to Twilight where she has enough stress anyway and her just choosing council members is hard enough where she has to sit through 350 ponies who want to be but got to tell 342 to scram while the remaining 8 are council members. She really couldn't convince the other council members of her innocence where there was a bit of a commotion outside where 2 MP Ponies tried to stop Target's husband Purple from entering until they heard one of the MP's give out a loud scream as Purple rammed his unicorn horn into a MP Pony eye and used his magic and slammed one against the wall. He barged into the room to get his wife where he more or less told the council that if there going to banish or execute her then they would have to execute him as well where there a team and stick together where he knows that she wouldn't betray Equestria where this is her home and she wants to die here and she doesn't have a reason to betray the land she loves. She leaned into Purple Artist saying "Thank you" to her where to her he is the character witness she needed for her loyalty to Equestria where every night before sleeping she sings the Equestrian national anthem and wish Equestria a good night and good day when she goes to bed and gets up in the morning. The council ponies left into there conference room they have behind the room there in where they went in to deliberate where after a hour of her sobbing on Purple's chest he told her that he isn't a tissue but he would rather be a tissue for her or something corny or something stupid that ponies say to the ponies they love. The council ponies returned where they gave Target there punishment of being temporarly suspended from the military and work for a year where she can return back to work tomorrow next year on April 7th but she'll be paid as normal but can't work as a special forces pony nor as head security mare. Back home she asked Purple on what she's going to do were Purple told her to think about it as stay at home vacation but when he get's home they'll spend more valuable time together. Later at the art and supply store Target gave a pony a list of supplies she wants tp be delivered to her and Purple's house where she paid for it in full and a bit extra where she trotted off home and sat on the couch listing to the radio listening to "As Equestria Rotates." where after awhile she was eating a sandwich where there was a knock. It was Purple where he asked confusingly "Honey why did you order a bunch of art and office supplies? I could've bought these for you instead of you wasting your hard earn bits." he said asking Target on why she ordered a whole bunch of art & office stuff where he could've bought it for her. Inside the 2 made out where he told her she has a piece of lettuce in her teeth then he trotted off to continue to work where she started at his purple flank as he trotted out then she got the piece of lettuce out of her teeth where she took her supplies and placed them in her and Purple's study and went to prepare dinner to make it at 3:00 PM and get it ready for when Purple get's home. At night it's 8:30 PM where she lied on the bed seductively where Purple walked into the bedroom with a wine bottle where Purple told her that it took him some persuasion to convince the shop owner to let him in and it was the more harder but when he seen her he dropped the bottle then used his magic to catch it where he's embarrassed but his wings pomf up even though he didn't want it to but his face turned red. She just said seductively "Well well my little soldier as an wing boner and embarrassed now my little soldier needs to pleasure his new princess. Come on my little Purple your princess can't wait any longer your princess been waiting since my hero to find me." she said to Purple who stood there with a wingboner, embarrassed, and looking at her trying not to drool where he used his magic and placed the wine bottle on there dresser. They blew out the candle where after a few hours the 2 were tired but relit a candle where he poured the wine into 2 wine glasses where the 2 drank the wine ,and talked even though the 2 are tired after a few hours of intense love making. After a month of being stir crazy even though she would go outside and garden where when Purple came home for lunch where in the kitchen she placed her 2 frontal hooves onto her belly and told Purple to guess where his first guess was that she's carrying there foal where he told her that she is where the 2 made out after eating. After days if not weeks and months of being stir crazy she just garden, listened to the radio or stared out of the window where she didn't do much especially when a foal was in her where she just hoped it was another filly to well the males outnumber the females in the house where it's Purple Artist, Artmark, & Double Eagle vs Target and Harp where she wants a filly to make it 3 on 3 not 3 on 2. She's just happy that she has a family but wants to have another filly where if have to she and Purple will have lots of foals until she get's another daughter but Purple he doesn't want to have a house tight full of children where his minimum amount of foals he wants is 1 and the max is 10 but if it get's past 10 it would be well he would sleep on his torso for now on. > The surpirse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While at work she heard over the radio in her room of a fire at the Ponyville Art and Supply store but she didn't go due to her tummy been hurting since this morning and it doesn't help that she's pregnant where she just sat there on the couch listing to the radio to her program that runs between 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM where at 2:44 PM she heard the door creek open where she also heard coughing where she turned around. She seen Purple and asked on why his body is covered in smoke where she asked on what happened where he told her somepony caught fire to the store, the fire spread fire so fast and he tried to put out the fire where it speaded faster then a heart beat but she asked on what he wants for dinner where he told her pizza where she told him the only Pizza joint in town is owned by a weird red unicorn that's a distant cousin of Pinkie Pie. He told her that he's been giving him business since he moved to Ponyville but he does make a delicious pizza which she agreed to as well where she told him she'll go and order it around 3:30 and go pick it up when it's ready but she doesn't like how crazy he is where Purple told her that she's the only mare that farts well toot but it better not be garlic throughout the pizza or he'll be sleeping with a gas mask his military M3-10A1-6 gas mask or M2 gas mask so he won't suffocate or asphyxiate on her gas. She just smiled where she told him she'll get 3 pizza's and have 2 of them with garlic for her and let him suffocate or what not when she toot's where she told him when she cooks beans and when he eats beans he toot's well farts when he eats beans but she places her hoof on his flank. He just went to take a shower to get the smoke off of him where after awhile she seen him soaking in the bath tub after a shower soaking in warm water and soap where she asked if he wants anything where he told her for a cup of soda where she went down stairs and it didn't help of her and Purple's foal in her to be kicking but the foal been kicking too much where she been thinking about going to the hospital to get it checked out. She placed the soda onto the table that surrounds the sink but noticed Purple's moderate cobalt blue magic aura around her and he bought her into the bath tub where she and he talked romantic like until there were some air bubbles that popped where Target was embarresed where she tooted but Purple kissed her. The 2 showered to get the soap off of them but while drying off the 2 made out where after awhile of fully drying off she gotten the menu for the pizza place where Target used telecommunication magic and placed the order of 3 pizza's and 2 of them covered in garlic and with garlic dipping sauce where she's going to put Purple through Tartarus where it costed her 50 bits for the pizza's and a pizza cookie with M&M's on them. At night after she and her husband and there 3 foals also there niece and nephew ate the pizza's, brushed there teeth but she didn't tell that the 2 pizza's she and the foals ate had garlic on them where she heard Purple cough then get up where he galloped over to the window and breath deeply where he used his magic to get his military gas mask where she heard breathing through an mask where Target used her hooves and removed her husband's military gas mask and placed it onto the floor. She heard him looking for the gas mask but then heard him fall where he broke his gas mask & respirator where he went to sleep in the living room sleeping on the couch but she had a plushie to cuddle with where she the light sleeper told herself that he'll be crawling back. She slept through out the night in peace just sleeping on her right side with a plushie where it was 8:50 AM when she got up where Purple was gone but the kids were off at school. She went out to get a few things then go shopping for food where she seen Purple back at home upstairs cleaning out his nose to make sure there's no boogers in his nose. A month later she came in with a couple more Pizza boxes where she seen Purple in a light blue shortsleeved shirt with dark accents and tie, dark blue trousers with yellow side stripes, utility belt and police hat where she was kinda shocked to see him in a uniform where she loves stallions in uniform espescially a certian purple alicorn whom she's married to and bearing his foal. The 2 kissed but asked if he should be working where he told her not until tomorrow morning but he spent some money to pay Rarity to make his uniform and it took several hours but he's just getting use of breaking in to his new uniform and the trousers are a tab bit tight around his male area where he'll make the uniform comfortable. In the morning in the kitchen she sat on the floor where she had a stainless steel pot that slopes inwards but painted chrome where she just waited for the coffee to get ready but she heard a thud where she got up and trotted over to the door and she brought in the morning paper like a dog where at the dining room table she read the morning paper where when she got done she closed it and fold it back up as she never opened it but the coffee got done. She made herself a cup of coffee where she used her light cornflower blue magic aura where she placed 2 sugar cubes and a 1 tablespoon 1/2 teaspoon worth of cream into the coffee cup where after she stur it with a metal spoon but let it cool off a bit so she wouldn't burn or scold her tongue, mouth and neck. After lightly blowing on the coffee her husband came down where he made himself a cup of coffee where even though it's scalding hot she seen him pour himself a cup and drink the coffee that's scalding hot like it was nothing where she placed a thermometer where it's 175 degrees Fahrenheit where he just got out of bed and not out of bed for a few minutes. After the 2 waken up the 2 made breakfast where when it was almost done Target went upstairs and gotten the foals up for breakfast where it maybe a little late where she told them either eat breakfast or start walking off to school where Artmark, Double Eagle and Harp, Scalpel, & Flyer the 3 colts and 2 filies ate there breakfast which is scrambled eggs with orange juice. At the front door he and Target kissed and she watched her husband trot off to work as a police stallion but she misses watching his purple flank but kinda feels sorry for him where he suffers from short mane & tail-itis meaning his mane and tail are shorter then normal where his is 2 7/8th inches long where a normal pony tail is 5 inches long. Several months later Purple came home for a quick lunch but while eating Target asked Purple to take her to the hospital where he asked why where she told him she's in pain so he used his stallion strenght and carried her off to the Ponyville General Hospital where after a few minutes after arriving she went into labor. After giving birth the doctor told them congrads where they have Quintuplets where she heard Purple say "Quintuplets! We have 5 foals!" he said panicked like before falling down passing out but Target named them Arrow, Bow, Battle Axe, Mace and Dagger. After some time she seen Purple get up where he hit his head on the table and seen 5 baby foals sleeping 4 of them fillies and 1 is a colt where 2 are unicorns, 1 is a pegasus, 1 is a earth pony and 1 is a alicorn but he kissed his wife on the forehead and now they knew why she was in pain more due to not having 1 or 2 foals but 5 and she thought it was just a foal that was too healthy. She told him to go back to work or clock out or what before he's chewed out or what not but he told her that he'll explain that she went into labor and that he won't mention that he passed out where the police mares and stallions there won't think he's tough but a soft pony. He did go back to work and slipped in undetected where they knew he was gone for most of the afternoon but the boss doesn't want to hear that his wife went into labor but to more or less to check out where he's finished for his shift. Back home she seen Purple shivering where she asked on what happened to him where he didn't say but when she placed her right hoof onto his left shoulder he jumped up where she told him no matter what he shouldn't be afraid to tell her anything but he didn't tell her anything not even when she slapped him several times across the face where she used her magic and took him to the garage and told him he has 2 options Option A tell her on what's wrong or Option B she can break him where the strongest of creatures will hold out for hours if not days. He just stared at the wall doing the thousand yard stare where she through slapping his flank which made him jump up and hide in the wooden boat he's building that's 75% done. After a few hours after figuring out he's super sensitive of being touched on the flank where he is super chill of her touching his flank but finally got to him where he finally told his wife where her reaction was shocked and angry but she said "NOPONY DOES THAT TO MY HUSBAND WITHOUT PAYING I"M GOING TO WEAR THERE MANE'S AS WINTER COATS AND WINTER BLANKETS!" yelled Target after Purple told her what happened. Tomorrow morning at the police station she walked in through the front double doors as nothing where she asked the receptionist police pony on which way to the station day officer but the doughnut eating earth pony officer laughed at her where she didn't take her as a threat until she told him she slept with stallions as a special forces pony and used her top and bottom teeth off and ripped there nuts and pecker off and forced them to eat it then let them bleed out of the blood loss as a form or torture and to get information but they don't have visable gentitles. He told her take the door on the right, walk 10 feet, walk up using the stairs to the 2nd floor and first door on the right so she followed and walked that way steaming hot where she walked by a whole bunch of police ponies even interrupting there conversations by walking between 2. In the office she closed the wooden door and she let out a ear bursting yelling on the audacity of having 2 police stallions rape Purple Artist as he was getting undressed to go home where he's shaken up but her yelling was so loud that the glass started to crack both windows and the glass on the door where Purple Artist is the most friendliest and nicest pony there is but having 2 police ponies rape him because he decide to leave because Target went into labor was a major no. Back home she seen Purple sitting on the couch drinking coffee and listening to the radio where he just said in his southern U.S Accent "Honey next time when you yell at somepony keep it down i could hear you across town yelling at my boss." he said that next time when she yells at somepony to keep it down where he heard her across town yelling at his boss. She apologized where she didn't know on how loud she can be on but she went mama bear on Purple to protect him but she kissed him and he placed his left wing around her and kissed his wife. > Winter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking out of the window Target seen in snow where she has her suitcase next to her where she asked Purple if he's ready to go back to Canterlot to spend time with her parents for Hearts warming but he told her no where her parents don't like him and he don't like them. She seen the snow blow and fall faster where she told Purple that she'll be taking Artmark, Double Eagle, Harp, Arrow, Bow, Battle Axe, Mace and Dagger so they can see there grand parents so she got up and placed on her winter jacket and asked Artmark, Double Eagle and Harp if there ready to go see there grandparents where they sided with there mother but Purple placed his hoof down and stated he ain't going. She opened the door where a powerful winter draft entered the house where she closed the door until the colts and fillies placed there jackets on and covered up there babies so they wouldn't freeze. He kissed his wife on the mouth and wished them luck but he didn't try to stop her but at the train station they took the last train to Canterlot where they visit Target's mother and father whom they finally met there grandchildren. They asked on where's the stupid purple one where Target told them that he isn't coming where his niece and nephew are home and court order says they must live with them where his brother is unstable ish and there always rude to him where he's at the point on punching them in the mouth and shatter there teeth. The lights flickered in the Canterlot house until the lights went off where the power went out and the house went cold where they were getting cold where in Ponyville Scalpel and Flyer were nice and warm sitting in front of the fireplace nice and warm not freezing drinking hot chocolate with chocolate straws that there uncle made them before heading out. Her father Red Exciting asked on how's her husband where she told him he's fine and gotten a new job as a Police pony as somepony or some creature setted his former work place ablaze but he seems to love it but he still loves her since the day they met. He told her that as long he treats her right and takes good care of her then he's okay in his book but she told him that she couldn't believe that last month she given birth to 5 foals and it was more painful then given birth to a single or a set of twins and she didn't use painkillers nor a c-section. He told her she's a tough mare where she gets it from her father of him being a tough stallion where her mother she used painkillers and did a c-section when Sgt Green, Target and Bullseye were born. She sat staring out of the window watching the snow fall hard where she thinks Purple was right where he knows it was a bad idea where he's nice and warm in front of the fireplace back home. Back in Ponyville Purple was out walking in his police uniform but a long sleeve one not short sleeve, heavy winter jacket, scarf and beanie hat where he seen ponies hoarding and places price gouging of the incoming winter storm that'll block Ponyville via road and so cold that Pegasus won't fly. He went into the store and bought food and drinks which was more then normal where he went home and placed the food into the cabinets, and drinks into the fridge where he seen Flyer and Scalpel sitting in front of the fire place of the brother and sister cuddling to exchange body heat but he made the 2 more hot chocolate with chocolate straws for them to drink through then eat afterwards but asked on when Aunt Target is coming back. He told them that she's visiting her parents and there nieces and nephews are with her finally visiting there grandparents but he kissed them on the head and he then went out back into the freezing cold to continue policing. In Canterlot Artmark told his grandma he's hungry where she yelled at him that she can't make nothing where there's no power but Target told her mother to make a sandwich where at night or what not Purple makes them a sandwich of a slice of bred, some mustard, and a slice of Equestrian cheese and that's it one slice of bread with some mustard and a slice of Equestrian cheese. She told Target she ain't feeding her grand children primitive food where they need there Canterlot prepackaged food not primitive food that lower class ponies eat where they'll be better off here in Canterlot not in Ponyville with advanced education and better food not in Ponyville with old education and primitive food. They'll have to deal with her mother and her anti-lower pony hate talk where she's snotty and that's one reason she and Purple didn't invite her to there wedding where Purple was right of not coming where he would have to deal with her anti lower class hate against him and other lower class ponies. To her that her hate of lower class pony speech would get to her where there middle class ponies but choose to live in a lower class town where ponies are more friendlier then Canterlot and not worry as there children can run around and them not worry as in cities they would worry if they would be kidnapped or not. She went to a table and wrote a letter to Purple where she used magic and teleported it to him where it went to there house where Scalpel and Flyer had it where the 2 pegasus opened the letter and read it of on how Purple was right on how rude her mother is. She never realized on how rude her mother can be where she's starting to think on if that's where she get's her hostile side at where her hostile side is mostly mama bear mode to protect Purple and there foals where she thought about secretly getting her and Purple's foals and secretly teleport them and herself home if her mother continues her anti lower class ponies talk. Her mother started again of her hate for her son in law especially now he carrys a badge where her ex boyfriend back in high school where he's a banker and earns 4 times more then what Purple makes a year where but she told her mother that her ex tried to kill her husband and Purple isn't a snooty pony he's not self centered like her mother and everypony else in Canterlot. She told him that Purple that he's the most friendliest, artistic, bookwormy, green hoof, handy, athletic, brave, disciplined, light sleeper, neat, loves the nice weather, flirty, friendly, great kisser, and pony pleaser where he can make ponies happy mostly Target. The wind picked up more and the snow came down at an alarming rate where it didn't help that they were out of power and there was no heat but after awhile there was a knock on the door where Target opened it where it was Purple where the 2 hugged but the 2 didn't kiss due to they don't want there lips to stick together. He well his husband sences were tingling where he bought the extra blankets for them where he came in where he was shivering a bit of the tempature was dropping a bit where the gave her family the additional but when he tried to give his mother in law a blanket where she was acting like a stuck up witch where he told her fine that everypony else in the house will get the blankets and she can freeze. She heard him that he'll be back where after a few hours it was 4:00 PM where there was another knock on the door where Target letted her husband back in where they besides Target's mother asked on what's in the basket where in the kitchen he opened it where he made Acquacotta, Barley, Noodles, Vegetable soup,Gumbo, Tomato soups, about 4 loafs of bread he made back at home. He more or less placed it into the kitchen where all but him and Target's mother ate it where she called it "Lower class food" where she has standards where she isn't going to eat peasant food nor have peasant blankets on her neither should her husband or grand kids. Her husband told her that there son in law was nice enough to waste his time to give them blankets and food that they bought and he made so they wouldn't starve and won't freeze so she should get off of her high horse and try some of the soup that there son in law made where it's delicious. She didn't get off of her high horse and walked off and sat on the couch where Target sat with her mother on the couch even though it's dark but she tried to convince her to try where she wouldn't saying she isn't going to eat peasant food she may but she isn't going to eat the food that her husband or Target's mother son in law won't eat it. Target she took a spoon and forced it into her mother's mouth and try the veggie soup where she liked it but she stuck to her high horse saying it was the worse thing she ever tasted and shoved down her throat and Target she isn't old enough to stop getting punished and she isn't lucky yet if Target does it again she's going to spank her daughter to punish her even though she's an adult. The 2 sat with there backs to each other where there distaste for each other grew where she, her father and there children ate like nothing where her father told her to tell Purple thanks for the hearty meal that he shouldn't have to make them that meal but if his wife could get off her high horse and eat some of the food which was good and need to personally thank there son in law. She told her father that when she goes back or when he comes back or what not but he'll get the message but she said message awkawrd enough but he knew on what she meant by saying it weirdly but he didn't care she isn't a filly anymore or a teen anymore. At night she went to bed where in the middle of the night there was a knock so she answered it tiredly where it was her ex boyfriend where he barged his way in and closed the door and told Target it been too long and she belongs to him not to a purple pony who's tail isn't even 3 inches long where a normal pony tail is about 5-8 inches long and he did the unthinkable of measuring Purple's pecker is short only 2 inches and 1/9ths long even though there genitiles aren't visable. She told him she wouldn't care if her husband's male area is not even 1/9th long but he should leave before she hurts him so bad he won't make it to the hospital until the snow melts but he didn't. Her mother came into the living and told her daughter to go with her ex boyfriend and start a family he's a banker and wants to have his grand kids not Purple's grand children but Target told her mother and ex boyfriend that she's happily married to Purple and loves him more where they don't know what it's like to wake up one day to see your husband seeing next to your side of the bed with a plate of breakfast and it's still hot. Her mother did the original song and dance routine of wanting grand foals to have money not country where to go to collage or university not working out on the field but she yelled at her mother to stay out of her love life. Her and Purple's daughter Harp came looking for Target where she's getting thirtsty where Target told her to go back to bed she, grandma and her ex boyfriend are having a 2 argument fight where she made it perfectly clear she isn't going to leave Purple even if he dies she isn't going to leave him it's called loyalty something they don't have. They more or less backed her into a corner of them wanting her to leave her husband until she punched both of them then stormed off where she gotten her and Purple's kids and foals and teleported back home but ended up outside but went inside where she put them in there beds or cribs for the babies and got into bed cuddling up with her husband. In the morning she sat in front of the fire place and stayed warm drinking hot chocolate with a chocolate straw like her niece and nephew yesterday and now but Purple still had to work but he'll be on desk duty until they can go back to work in the field when they can walk again. She made her niece and nephew also foals beside the 5 1 month old's she fed them scrambled eggs, hot coco and toast she placed into the oven on a banking sheet and had them in there for a few minutes to brown evenly on both sides and took em out when the scrambled eggs were done. They thanked there mother also there niece and nephew thanked her for breakfast where there not like the human world where they only eat plants where there omnivores but don't eat meat. There was a knock on the door but there's no peep hole where she seen her ex boyfriend where he asked if he could come in but she told him no and tried to slam the door in his face but he forced the door open. He teleported her nephew Flyer to the police station where the 2 argued but she told them to go upstairs, into there room and cover there ears where they did where the 2 yelled at each other. At the police station Flyer he was ice cold but he ran in where on the first floor he seen his uncle typing on a type writer on some reports he didn't finish yesterday or the day before where he asked his nephew on what he's doing here. He told his uncle the situation of some stallion back home yelling at Aunt Target and threating to take her away and what not some not but he gotten his winter jacket and galloped on home. Out on the porch the 2 seen and heard them yelling where Purple broke them up where he asked on who in the world is he where the guy told him that he's "Bank Note" and he is Target's boyfriend before she went and had an "affair" but Purple told him to get lost before he arrest him up for tresspasing. He told Purple that he isn't leaving without Target where in Canterlot they'll have a family together especially with a stallion that can pleasure a mare where Purple told him to mate with a gym sock if the gym sock doesn't walk out but Bank Note to not to carry Bank Note's foal where he spitted on Purple. Purple wiped the spit off of his face but gave him one final time to take a hike where he didn't but called Purple an "Ahole" where Target told him that nopony calls Purple an "Asshole" without her getting hurt and told Purple to get lunch inside or at a diner or a cafe where he told her he'll be back in 1/2 a hour. The moderate purple alicorn trotted off to go get lunch where she had a lot of choice words not rated PG-13 or TV-Y but if it was a rated R or NC-17 movie or show where it was painful where her and Purple's foals even niece and nephew could hear through the wood and glass where they didn't couldn't unhear about there mother or aunt swearing like a sailor where they think they need therapy to get it past them. After a half of hour Purple came back stuffed where he ate more then normal but his belly was warm but finally told Bank Note to take a hike and don't come back but he punched Purple where Target took off her locket and wedding ring where she told Purple to go inside and drink some hot coco or what not. He obeyed his wife's command and went inside and made himself hot coco with a chocolate straw but what was Target doing to Bank Note isn't friendly but extreame violence where after awhile Purple gotten done drinking his hot coco and Target came in with her locket and wedding ring in her magic aura. Through the door she heard her husband say to Bank Note "You have the right to remain silent anything you say will be used against you in a court of law if you cannot afford an attorney well that's life being unfair." said Purple while arresting Bank Note but she decided to walk with her husband wearing a heavy winter coat and scarf. The 2 walked in the cold where Bank Note asked if this is "Police Brutality" for making him walk in the freezing cold where Target took Purple's nightstick and whacked him with it where Bank Note told him that he's pressing charges for assault where Target seen Purple take the nightstick with his magic and whack him again. She told him that's the reason well a reason she married him for his intelligence and so and his bravery also for standing up to his mare to defend her where he told her that he loves her but called her his "honey bun". She told him that when he get's home they'll make a batch of honey buns where at the police station she sat in a chair to wait for him to return where in the holding cell area Bank Note told Purple he's going to sue where Purple just said "If this was an NSFW i would let you suck my 2 1/9th inch pecker now get in there and go yourself!" he said hostily to Bank Note if this was a Not Safe For Work setting then well on what he said was mean. In the lobby he told Target to go home where he teleported her home after a quick kiss on the mouth where he went back to his desk and filed the arrest report. At 4:00 PM she made spaghetti but wondered why Purple isn't home yet but just thought he was busy or what not or on the way home now fighting the strong winds where he is a strong pone and almost impossible to mind control him and only pone that's allowed into his head is Target and if it wasn't for her he wouldn't ever meet his real parents via dream. There was a knock on the door where she opened it where it was a police mare who told Target that Purple is in the hospital and not for hypothermia but from strangulation and so from fighting with Bank Note where he jumped onto Purple's back and strangled him with the blanket and bed sheet. She offered Officer Blue Badge (unicorn mare) the only petite mare in the station and the only mare during the day shift but has romantic feelings for Purple Artist where officers Parish Farm (earth pony stallion), Spotter Map (unicorn mare), Blue Cloaker (Officer Blue Badge's brother), Grouch Planter (mare stallion) and Capt Delta Logic (stallion pegasus) where nightshift of Green Shield (mare unicorn), Delta Dart (mare pegasus), Delta Dagger (mare pegasus sister of Delta Dart), Star Fire (mare earth pony), Thud Rapier (mare zebra) and Lieutenant Crusading Skyray (mare pegasus). They don't care where they think that Purple is a soft stallion needing his wife to fight his battles for him where his first impression to them wasn't the best one. > Not the best Heartswarming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was freezing cold well below freezing where she looked at the morning weather report where it's -33 Fahrenheit from the morning newspaper where she buttoned up and told her kids also niece and nephew she'll be back with in a few hours but told Flyer and Scalpel to watch there nieces and nephews even the baby ones where they told her they don't want to. She told them to do it or they'll be grounded until they graduate high school and there only in middle school level of education but they did the "But Aunt Target" song and dance routine but she gave them a stern look where she isn't in the mood to deal with them where she told them it's either they can do on what she said, be grounded until graduation or when the weather breaks she can send them to military boot camp so they did as she said. At Ponyville General Hospital she sat in the waiting room using her magic to hold a magazine which she read until she could see Purple Artist who's currently being worked on where he was strangled. On how he lost she couldn't wrap her mind around it on how her husband gotten strangled by her ex boyfriend with a blanket and bed sheet where maybe her ex is stronger then last time back in high school or what not. She just hoped he would make it where when she started to talk to him but he started to crash going through cardiac arrest where she gotten a doctor where after awhile they tried everything to save Purple but couldn't. At night she hugged a picture of Purple and cried her eyes out where like she said to somepony that she won't leave Purple even if he dies where there was a knock on the door where she went downstairs where it's her brother who comforted her to morn the loss of Purple Artist. After awhile there was another knock on the door where it was her ex Bank Note who gotten out of jail but told Purple everything will be ok where bad thing is that her ex is in Purple's spot of the bed where the 2 made love where she thought it was just a nightmare where a month later her and her ex gotten back together and tied the knot. She gotten up where she seen Purple laying on the bed where she looked at the heart monitor beeping where his heart rate was stablized where she just had a bad day dream of her losing her husband and getting back with her ex was a nightmare for her even in a dream. She heard her husband say faintly "Target stop crying i'm ok just a little beaten up i'll just be here for a few days to be fixed up and i'll be back home. Also tell the kids that i say for them to listen to you and if not tell'em i'll bust em." he said to her to stop crying and to tell there kids that he tells them to listen to her and if not he'll bust them when he get's back. She told him she will but he weakly wiped her tears and told her that her ex boyfriend is a jerk where he thinks that not even a sock or a piece of dirt would mate with him but so and so but the 2 kissed but the 2 looked out of the hospital room window watching the snow fall. She asked if he's a fast healer where he told her that he is when she became his wife and her cooking made him more healither then what he made where he made healthy food but what she makes hoof licking good where he doesn't know on how she can make semi healthy or non healthy food healthy. After a couple of hours she left after giving him a very big long kiss then kiss to make sure he's fine but she wished him luck and get well soon where she then trotted off to home to do the dishes and so. In the middle of the night there was a knock on the door where it was her ex boyfriend who's lawyer gotten him out on ROR (Released on own Recognizance) where she owes him a overdue long kiss where she had a fire poker where it's hot but she told him she will ram the fire poker into his eye or if this was an NSFW then his groin. He came in without asking where she told him to get out or he'll be the next log to go into the fire place where she was about to poke the fire when she was lightly getting up before there was a knock also why in the world he's here it's almost 1:30 AM but she's going back to bed, He told her that he'll join her in bed where she can keep him warm and in the morning she can make him breakfast and so but she told him to take a hike where she ain't making him breakfast and not cuddle with him and get the heck out. Later at night she was dead asleep but Bank Note got into bed and cuddled up to Target and called him "Purple" and Bank Note kissed her where he placed his hoof around her where in the morning she seen Bank Note where she screamed which gotten him up where he went with the old lie of that she and him are married and he placed his picture over Purple Artist's and over there wedding picture. He was about to fight him to get out of her and Purple's house before it becomes a homicide scene where he laughed it off that her killing him she isn't strong enough where he went through there closet and seen Purple's police service uniform where he levitated it with his magic. He told her it would be "Ashamed" if something happened to it where he used a magic spell and caught it on fire where inside her boiling point boiled over where she got out of bed and she walked over angerly where seeing her husband's police dress uniform get burned. She attacked him evil like even hurting him in his male area where she threw him out of the 2nd story into the snow where she yelled at him to not to return and if he does he'll be leaving on a gurney. Downstairs she locked the front, back and side door that leads to the garage where at the front door she heard a knock of Bank Note asking to come back in where she yelled at him to scram and to get it in his head that he isn't going to be with her and to get it done now before he goes back for trespassing. He didn't leave where she forced him to leave by coming at him with the hot fire poker where he went back to Canterlot where he isn't going to come back where back at the hospital she told Purple that her ex burned his his police uniform and dress uniform where he told her as long she and there family are safe that's fine where he'll spend his hard earn money to get a new uniform and new dress uniform. He doesn't care as long she and there family isn't harmed where family is one thing and clothing is another where clothing is easily replaced and family isn't where if they died he couldn't or won't get over it where when his first wife died he cried his eyes out for a week when he wasn't working. The 2 talked where she's there not for her being her husband but she deeply cares for him she deeply cares for him and needs to replay him for not letting them starve or freeze where he didn't have too spend his time to get blanket's, made soups and freshly made bread well multiple loafs he made where he told her he did it out of the kindness of his heart. Several days later it was Heartswarming eve where she told the kids also her niece and nephew also stepfoals that there father or for Flyer and Scalpel that Purple won't be home due to he's busy where in there mind he's a police stallion so there's a chance there's increase of break ins on Heartswarming so it's all hands on deck. It stopped snowing but the foals also Flyer and Scalpel who are pre-teenagers where they went out and played in the snow making snow angles, snow ponies and having snowball fights. It's 11:50 PM where everypony was asleep where milk and cookies were out where the heartswarming lights were on where the front door creaked open where it soon closed where a pony placed some presents onto the floor under the tree, drank a little bit of milk and chocolate chip cookies but refilled the cup with milk and placed some cookies back where the pony went upstairs, into the master bedroom and climbed into bed and cuddled up with Target. In the morning Target has something in her mind to get up early on Heartswarming day where in the living room it's 7:00 AM where under the tree there were a lot of presents so she gotten the foals up to open there presents where some of them were for Target which the tag says "TO:TARGET FROM:SANTA" where she opened the presents but they found some hidden presents where a few were for Target of the tag saying "TO:TARGET FROM:PURPLE". On the top of the stairs Purple sat up there watching his wife and there family opening there presents where there a smile on his face and a tear ran down his face but Target seen him sit up there so she went up there and gave him a kiss. After all presents were opened Target finally told them that there father was home where it was one big happy hug where she heard Purple say in his southern US accent "I love each one of you i love all of you and nopony will seperate us where we are a tight family." he said to them as he and Target were tightly hugged where there happy to have there father and uncle home also her husband back. She kissed him and thanked him for the presents where he told her that every special pony in his life deserves a present where everypony deserves one but Target deserves 4 then he started to bombard her face with kisses on how much that Purple alicorn loves her. She told him and them that this is her best Heartswarming she ever had but there was a knock on the door where it's Bullseye, Sgt Green and Red Exciting who came in for Heartswarming but they were happy to be in a heated area and had warm food but there was happy to be with family. They had there presents given to them and had presents for them where Red Exciting gave Purple a present which he opened which was a mug that says "WORLD'S BEST SON IN LAW" where Purple complimated it but he bought the basket, soup jars back and additional blankets back. Bullseye also a cream coated mare like her twin sister Target asked on why there mother isn't there where Red Exciting told her that she isn't going to leave Canterlot thinking Ponyville is nothing but a hick town but he doesn't care as long Purple takes care of Target. It was there best Heartswarming ever to them all. > Going back to Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's spring time where Target and Purple went to Canterlot where outside of Target's parent's house he knocked where the door opened where it's Target's mother where she heard Purple let out a yelp where he used his magic and placed Target in front of him where the 2 don't see eye to eye where her mother and Purple have a hate for each other. Inside after wiping there hooves the 2 sat on the couch where Target asked her parents on how they were where there fine but like normal her mother kept her high horse where when she walked off to make herself a cup of tea she spitted onto her son in law and it doesn't help he's wearing a purple hoodie that says "PVPD" short for Ponyville Police Department. She seen her husband get off the couch and sit at the window looking out where Red Exciting asked his daughter on what's wrong with him where Target explained on that her ex nearly killed him by strangling him and that her mother won't get off her high horse to treat Purple with some dignity as a normal pony where she told him that the house he, Base and Blue grew up in when they were foals or kids is on the other side of the city and his parents were rich but supported Purple's decision on living in the countryside. His adoptive parent's didn't care about his wealth or his social class or what not if he was happy then they were happy where they didn't care about what he did or not even when he ran away as a kid but was brought back his adoptive parents weren't mad but worried about his health and so where Target's mother just said "Whoopie doo nopony cares." she said not caring that one time her son in law ran away when he was younger but his adoptive parents weren't mad at him but were worried about it. They just heard Purple say "I'm just going to leave see you back home honey i'm going to see you back home." said Purple before letting himself out where at the front door he told Red Exciting it was nice to see him again where he told Purple the same where Target's father maybe rich but he doesn't hate Purple where he likes him where he's a nice guy and will father a lot of healthy foals to Target but as long he doesn't hurt her he doesn't care. Target told her father that last night she hogged all of the pink covers so Purple rolled over on top of her crushing her to take her body heat so he could be warm where it didn't help that he drooled all over her head and unicorn horn but she kinda expected that as payback on what she did to him several months ago where she was expecting payback where she told her father that several months ago she had 2 pizzas covered with garlic and tooted on him throughout the night. Her father told her that he thinks he just wanted to be warm and cuddle up with his "Cutie Pie" wife not payback but he could be wrong but next time don't hog all the blankets so he wouldn't have to end being crushed by her husband but doesn't care where she can ask him when she decides go home later. Her mother came out of the kitchen with 2 cups of tea one for her and one for her husband where Target asked on why she doesn't have a cup where her mother told her that she married a hick and have hick foals where she told her mother to stop picking on Purple where he decides to live in the countryside but he lived in the city where it's his decision to decide to live if they want to live in a city they would pack up and move to a city like Manehattan or back to Canterlot. Her mother hardly talked to her calling her a "Canterlot traitor" where she told Target she isn't her daughter due to she married a nopony where she could've married a somepony who came from wealth or power or even both but she chose a nopony and mother and bear his foals. She told her stuck up mother that when she first met Purple she thought he was royalty where he's an alicorn not from a mutation like of both gaining his mother's wings and father's horn but he's a nice stallion that she isn't giving him a chance to show her where she's stuck up and won't give her son in law a chance. Target told her mother that well she's going to leave and never come back here where she doesn't have a mother anymore where they both agreed to not to see each other anymore where her father told her to wait and don't go where it's nice for these once a month visits but don't go but she left anywhere where Red Exciting scolded his wife for driving away there daughter where she can't be happy on who there daughter married. Red Exciting galloped out to go to his daughter where Yellow Happiness the yellow coated mare closed the door and went to drink her tea as her husband went to go and talk to there daughter where Target the cream coated mare told him she isn't going to come back and visit anymore where she'll come back to Canterlot to work but not going to visit them. He told her that for now on he'll visit her in Ponyville where she told him no where he told her it'll be no sweat. Next Saturday Red Exciting knocked on the front door where Purple opened it where the purple alicorn was wearing a coat that says on it's back "PVPD PATROL" where he greeted his father in law and bought him in where he gotten his father in law a cup of coffee black no sugar, no cream and the 2 got to talking while Target slept where Red Exciting asked on where's Target where he told him that Target is getting her beauty sleep on which she been doing since she was suspended. The 2 just talked and had a grand old time of father in law and son in law getting to know each other where it's 9:40 AM when she gotten out of bed and walked down stairs where she was shocked to see her father where she just went into the kitchen and gotten herself a cup of coffee with 2 sugar cubes with 1 tablespoon and 1/2 a teaspoon of cream into her coffee and stur it but sat down next to her husband. She and her husband talked with her father where after awhile her father placed his hoof onto his chest where he complained of tightness in his chest where Purple was a volunteer fire pony where he told him that he's suffering from a heart attack so he tried to help his father in law. She stood off to the side until Purple told her to go get help where she asked where so he told her either the firehouse or the hospital and the fire station is closer so she ran as fast she could to the fire house and gotten help but she teleported back home where when the FF/EMT ponies got there they took over from Purple where he did enough to keep his father in law alive until help arrived but a familiar mare firepony remembered Purple but last time he was tied to a chair and was about to be baked alive. They did there job until a hospital wagon arrived where at the hospital 2 hours later where on a bed well due to his old age, stress and only retiring almost a week ago but she and Purple told him there goodbyes where his heart monitor thing flatlined where Target's final words were to her father was "I love you dad." which was her final words to her father where her father was always reasonable and friendly but supported on whoever she dated as long they treated her fairly as long but his family was poor where his father worked from 5 AM to 7 PM working hard to earn Bits to feed his wife and 7 other kids. Purple comforted his wife as she cried onto his jacket where he placed his right hoof onto her and moved it up and down her back and told her not to worry anymore where he's in a better place where it's kinda sad he didn't get a chance to enjoy retirement but as long she remembers him then he'll never be gone. They went to Canterlot and got Bullseye and Sergeant Green and told them that there father passed where on how to tell there mother where they all looked at Purple where he just said "That crazy old broad she hates my guts just being alive not adding marrying Target but she isn't going to believe me if i told her anyway and probably gallop after me trying to kill me with a knife." he said to them that he isn't going to tell her where she hate's Purple deeply and won't believe him. They all looked at Bullseye where the other cream coated mare she gotten cold hooves but told her mother that her husband or Sgt Green, Target and Bullseye father is dead where after a few days in Canterlot there was a funeral for him where Purple went for support for Target so she wouldn't cry her eyes out where outside Yellow Happiness and Purple Artist had a argument where he tried to save his father in law where he's the nicest one of them all. > The Visitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While there's a month left until she can go back to work when her suspension is over where while reading a book on the couch she took a sip of her latte she made where she took a sip where there was a knock so she answered the door where it was a sapphire blue mare in a business suit and her secretary where Target told her she isn't interested in buying anything. The mare told her that she isn't a salespony but a friend of Purple Artist who she found who lives here but they met at the hospital where Target doesn't know who she is but told her that Purple isn't here well he lives here but he's at the Ponyville Police Department. The sapphire blue mare and her personal assistant a Pumpkin Orange pegasus left and walked into town to the police station where in the lobby the unicorn asked the officer behind the desk for Purple Artist where Officer Delta Dagger the pegasus mare called Purple via intercom. Still at home she would read or either change or feed Dagger (unicorn filly baby), Battle Axe (earth pony colt baby), Mace (alicorn baby mare), Bow (Pegasus baby mare) or Arrow (unicorn baby mare) where she wondered on what the mare wanted where she quickly got it out of her mind. She just assumed an old friend of Purple's and she wants to catch up with a old friend or trying to steel Purple away from her but just went with her gut that it's an old friend where she decided to go to the police station herself. At the police station she asked the same mare for Purple Artist where the mare told her he must be popular for having a mare and stallion visit him and how another mare to visit him where Target told Officer Delta Dagger that she hasn't come down here to make out or bang her husband in a public building. She did the same and called for Purple Artist again where he came out of a door that says "AUTHORIZED PONY-ELL ONLY" and bought his wife back to his desk where he introduced Target to his old marefriend Blue Sapphire whom she couldn't believe that Purple had a marefriend before her but he does have own life. Due to it's cold in the precinct due to some kind of AC where the secretary was robbed and she doesn't trust anypony in the MPD (Manehattan Police Dept) but she was told that the PVPD has no juristiction in Manehattan but her assistant told him he lives here in Ponyville. Purple asked on what was stolen where Typist Processor he told Purple his typewriter and notes he had were written where a police pony had it registered where Purple went to the officer's desk and gotten the book where his typewriter it's number is "7785" where he'll look at it but it'll be tough. Target heard her husband say to them that he don't know where to start but he'll try but he'll have to think on where to start first where Ponyville only has one pawnshop but don't know why a criminal would pawn a typewriter where like the purple alicorn said he'll do his best. Blue Sapphire told Purple that the notes he had are secret where it's a lot where if it falls into the hooves of her competitors they'll have everything to take her business contracts and she has a lot of them to fulfill and has 38 other ponies that work for her to do the work not adding a shipyard she owns and the ponies and creatures that work there and need to be paid. He told her that if he recovers them then he'll have to bag them as evidence where for her they'll get them back. She heard Purple on what he'll do for an old friend to get those papers also that typewriter back but told Typist Processor that not to think big where he begged Purple he'll do anything to get that typewriter back even if he has to suck Purple's hoof or flank where she heard him say that he'll find it but don't expect a lot. The 2 left after Purple half flanked reassured them he'll do his best but Target told him he's a good friend to do this for them where he told his wife that it's going to be hard where he doesn't know what the papers look like or what's written on them where it might as be any ordinary piece of paper or the papers on his desk. She kissed him on the head and asked if he needs a civilian help where he told her no but then heard him whistle over to Officer Blue Badge who sitting across from him at her desk using her magic using a pen to write but moving her right hoof under her desk where she looked up to Purple and asked what where he told her they got a burglary case. Outside she asked Purple if she can tag along with them where he told her no where it's police business and she'll be interfering where she asked on how she would be interfering where he told her like they are now talking. She went on home where she placed the coffee cup into the sink where it was empty anyway where she went back reading her book then she just hummed where it was just peaceful but she wished she could be out helping her husband and his partner where she doesn't know a lot about police work. Her niece Scalpel asked on what she's doing where Target told her she's reading Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny but told her to get back out and play but she didn't want to where Target used her magic and kicked Scalpel out to go out and play. She just sat there and read where it was 11:00 AM where she got into the kitchen and made lasagna homemade where she made it with love where it was 12:00 PM Purple and Blue Shied walked in where the lasagna was already sitting on the stove top already pre cut where Target doesn't want to intrude on there job but asked on how's the investigation going so far where they told her it's fine. They said fine modestly where Target knew that Purple was lying where she took her magic and moved Purple's plate to her and asked him again where he told her the truth that they visited every place in town that sells, buys and fixes typewriters but none bought a royal blue typewriter and the papers are even harder where he and Blue Badge can't break in every house and search every square inch. He gotten his plate back where the 2 mares looked at him where to them it looks like he's about to drool over it where Target explained to Blue Badge that lasagna is Purple's favorite food and loves it and it's the 2nd thing that Purple loves the first thing he loves is his family besides his brother. Blue Badge she was going to decline the lunch but didn't where she's lactose intolerance but she didn't say anything but after lunch Blue Badge's belly grumbled where she burped un lady like but apologized for it where when she burps it's usually more quieter or not as loud where they forgive her. She continued with reading but she started with humming again but there was a knock on the door again where Blue Sapphire she was at the door where she asked Target on where's Purple at where she told her that she was just here where he left about 3 minutes ago with a stuffed belly of lasagna . Target explained that lasagna is Purple's favorite food where Blue Sapphire told her that Apple Pie is also his favorite where Target told her thanks for the information where the 2 made an apple pie but let it cool on a window still where Target asked on how she knows or guess if Purple likes Apple Pie where Blue Sapphire told her that he talks in his sleep where Target told her that he sleeps normally every now and then he'll snore. Target told her that she loves her husband who nickname she's giving him is her "Little bed bug" even though he's taller then her where he's a inch shorter then Big Mac but she's tall about Rarity/Twilight Sparkle where the 2 cuddle a lot mostly at night where Target sometimes sleeps in a ball with her husband wrapping around her to keep her warm. She told Target it must be nice to have somepony to cuddle with at night where Target told her it is nice to have somepony to cuddle with at night especially when it's cold out to stay warm where to wake up nice and warm also cuddly as well especially with Purple who she called nothing but a "Fuzz ball" but he has short fur. They just talked getting to know each other better and better especially on how they treated Purple when they were dating where Target told her that they weren't even on there 3rd date when she found out she was pregnant with here love foal but Blue Sapphire told her that the 2 made out all the time even though the 3rd time was the mistake the one got her pregnant where Target asked that she has foals. Blue Sapphire told her she and Purple does where they were only late 16 early 17 when he accidently knocked her up but she then moved away before she could tell him where she wants to tell him that he has another family which he doesn't know about of having a son and daughter in Manehattan where now they have to tell him to meet his 5 year old son and daughter. Target told Blue Sapphire told her she'll tell him where she told Target that they would really like there father but she tries to avoid that question where that's always a hard road for her to answer to her and Purple's 2 love foals who he hasn't heard or seen of where she hasn't told him where it's hard for her to say to him or well she had some ponies to find where he lives across Equestria even paid them overtime by 4. One of her ponies said he lives in Ponyville and that's how she ended up on there doorstep but it is a nice place nice and quiet where she told Target she might buy a house here in Ponyville for the summer or spring where Target told her it is a nice when it's spring and summer where every now and then it's hot and unbearable but mostly nice and the fall is lovely when the leaves change colors. Blue Sapphire she was now in love with the town where she told Target if she knows any houses for sale where Target she shook her head no where she told Target she'll get a permit for to build a house in town maybe on the town outskirts like her and Purple live on the outskirts of Ponyville and maybe her and Purple's foals will finally be able to meet there father for once in for all. Blue Sapphire she finally left with her secretary in tow but Typist Processor begged Target to have her husband to find his typewriter where it's the only thing he had since a foal where Target told him that she can't motivate her husband to work any harder without causing a heart attack but she'll do what he can. It was night where Purple wasn't home yet where Target her mother and wife sense went off that her husband was in danger so she got out of bed where it's nearly midnight but followed where her sense was telling her to go, On a medical slab in a damp place Officer Blue Badge was laying on the table strapped down and can't use her magic where a unicorn magic suppression ring was on her horn and had a ball gag in her mouth and Purple he had rope tied around his wings,and a magic suppression ring on his horn. A sadistic earth pony said to them "You 2 will be the perfect brides to me and mother me a lot of foals so i can have sadistic foals." the sadistic earth pony said to them that the 2 will bring him foals where Purple said while tied to a wall with chains on his legs on a wall where Purple said while gagged with a gag ball "I'm a stallion you loon i can't mother foals i only can father foals you damn idiot!" he said to the sadistic stallion while gagged. Officer Blue Badge said to the sadistic earth pony even though gagged "Please don't do this i though i would bear my partner foals not a earth pony that belongs in a mental institution and be castrated with a rusty steak knife please let us go and we won't come back i swear. Please... please...please." she said begging him to let them go and they will leave and won't come back. He took a knife and sliced her police uniform off runining her uniform and pants then took off her hat where he placed the knife on the table and said to Purple "Hope you can deal and take a lot of pain were going have lots and lots of foals and you won't catch a break only break you'll get is after giving birth but after birth i'm going to knock you up again." he said to Purple on what's going to happen to him for now on. There was a voice where the Canterlot like voice said "That purple alicorn you got tied up to the wall i'm the only one who's going to bear his foals maybe other mares might bear his foals either intentionally or by accident where Target was not there to save her husband. The sadistic earth pony said "Another mare i'm just going to grow my sadistic family by 3 fold this ought be fun to gave lots of foals with 2 mares and a stallion soon to be mare to produce foals." said the sadistic earth pony on seeing Target that he's going to grow his family 3 fold. Target used her magic where around a metal chair was a light cornflower blue magic aura where Target used the metal chair and struck him knocking the insane earth pony out but helped Blue Shield then Purple down but Blue Shield covered herself of being naked but Purple told her that there ponies and they usually don't wear clothes. The 2 thanked Target for saving there flanks litterly where Target told them it's no sweat where Purple told them on let's go where Purple invited Blue Badge to crash on there couch which she accepted where she wasn't in the mood of going home. She told her anytime she wants to spend the night well Purple will keep him company but Target told her she don't care as long it ain't romantic but told Purple his ex came to talk to him earlier. In the morning back at the police station Blue Badge typed the report but wore Purple's jacket where she doesn't have a spare uniform but has a spare trousers but she sleeps in them and every night for dinner she has beans which makes her toot like Target with garlic. At his desk Target was talking to Purple when Blue Sapphire and Typist Processor came for an update where he gave them the typewriter and the papers she was talking about where Blue Sapphire couldn't thank him enough where Typist he told Purple he can't repay him not even romanticly where Purple told him he's straight not gay. > Going to the graveyard and the mistake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Ponyville Target was asleep where she went to cuddle with Purple but she fell off his side of the bed where she got up and seen him sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and a plate of left over lasagna on the coffee table and the morning newspaper on the table as well with the tray of lasagna. She cleared her throat where he looked at her with his face covered in cheese where she giggled where she said "You look like a little colt who doesn't want to use a fork to eat. I swear Purple if we weren't married your whole face would be harden cheese on how much you love lasagna, and all cheese products. Are you sure that your name ain't Cheesy Purple? Purple Cheese? Or anything cheese or dairy where you i only see you drink either milk, chocolate milk, hot chocolate or a bottle of pop well coffee in the morning but besides that i really don't see you eat anything else?" she said to him that she never sees him eat anything else or drink anything else. He told her that he does eat apples, pies, berries, hay, her "great" cooking (Target isn't a great or a good cook but Purple and the kids lie to make her feel happy), cakes, candy, Apple fritter, Apple dumpling, any apple related food, soups, stews, different types of bread like cornbread and so. He finished eating the plate then ate the remaining lasagna out of the tray but he then made some homemade cornbread. At Sunrise Purple trotted upstairs and got his wife and kids out of bed where after breakfast they told them to go to school where they did go to school but the 2 caught the 1st train to Sire's Hollow which at the cemetery Target stayed outside but Purple went in where he sat in front of tombstone that says "HERE LIES ALBATROSS AND HARP. THEY WERE A LOVING COUPLE, GREAT PARENTS, & GREAT FRIENDS REST IN PEACE" says the tombstone about Purple Artist's father Albatross and mother Harp. A iceberg blue pegasus came wearing a suit where he sat down next to Purple where it's his brother who started to blame him again for there deaths but Target soon came in and put the 2 away from each other but told her brother in law that there dead and keep picking on baby brother ain't going to bring them back and is doing them a dishonor. He called her a "whore" then slapped her with a wing but she became the better pony where she used her magic to get Purple and they walked off to go back home but on the train ride home Target seen that Purple was sad but he just looked out the train window not saying one word. Back in Ponyville Target decided to do some shopping but a racial earth pony kept yelling at her saying that she needs to be back in Canterlot but she ignored him but went home carrying groceries with her magic but the racial earth pony followed her but still at door still yelled at her. She asked him that not all unicorns aren't snobby or mean where she and a lot of them are friendly where he told her to prove it. Upstairs in bed the 2 were laying down but heard the bedroom door open where Purple decided to come home early to see how his wife is doing but he wasn't expecting his wife to cheat on him where he just closed the bedroom door and went back to the police station. At dinner time Target was in the kitchen making Kharcho soup but heard the front door open where Purple used his magic to put the armchair where he had 2 aluminum bake sheets and a cardboard box which he placed it onto the bedside table which he opened the box and used his magic to cut something. She smelled pizza which she looked behind her which on that what Purple has for dinner which is a stuff crust pizza with extra cheese and 2 things of lasagna. At night Target was in bed reading a book but looked over to her left and seen that Purple wasn't in bed where she looked at the clock which says "8:43" so she got up but seen a light come out of the study so she went in where her husband was sitting on the bed in there where he blew out the candle and went to bed. Target tapped on his torso and asked on why he isn't in bed with her where he said "I walked in on my wife having sex with another stallion. How would you feel if you walked in on me banging one of my mare co worker?" he said to her on why he isn't in bed with her and on how she would feel if she walked in on him having a romantic time with one of his mare co workers. She would have the same reaction as he would and be in the same state of being pissed off where they both agreed to be away from each other and let things simmer down but she told him that she isn't pregnant by the earth pony stallion which made Purple smile in his semi asleep mind. 11 months later at the Ponyville Hospital Target given birth to a pair of twins mares where Purple was happy even though there earth pony he's 10% earth pony in his DNA and RNA but the next day when he visited the 2 at the hospital Target started to have some doubts so gotten blood work done to see if Purple is the father or not. When Purple was there holding his 2 pride's of joy that the 2 made where the earth pony doctor came in and gave her the piece of paper where Target said sadly "Purple i don't know on how to tell you this... You're... You're not.... You're not the father." she said to him that he isn't the father to the twins. Next thing she knew she was holding the twin female foals again but Purple just stormed out the room in his police uniform and went back to the police station where the officers there asked on how's Target and the foals where he told them that he isn't the father. They weren't on her side but his side even the mares saying that it's her fault and she has to stick with the responsibility she made them with another stallion she takes care of them by herself and not Purple but Purple was feeling sad of storming out of there. His boss she always told him he can always get a divorce and gain custody of the foals he and Target made and have but Purple politely told them to go away where he just wants to be left alone with his thoughts and on what he's going to do in the end. He always treated her nice but this wasn't on how he wanted to be repaid of how he treats her with love and care. Outside of the police station Target had the 2 foals in a harness which is on her where she wants to talk to her husband but the desk sergeant told her meanly to go sit down where she can wait a long time she broke him on what she did and probably doesn't want to talk to her anymore or for a long time. She told him to tell Purple that she's going to be home and he can find her there where he told her that he'll probably not pass the message. Back home Target started to make dinner when Purple came in which he isn't in the mood to talk to her but she just watch him take his stuff out of there bedroom and place it into the study which she doesn't have anything in there but he took off his police uniform and went back out where she said "I'm sorry OK I'm sorry!" she said to him that she's sorry for having a affair on him. He told her that saying "Sorry" won't fix this having a affair is one thing but to have the stallion to place 2 foals in her is another thing but only time will tell this time then he left to go into town to get dinner. In Canterlot the next day her brother asked on what's with her where Green asked if Purple hit her where she told him no but had an affair on him which they had a perfect healthy relationship but she had an affair on him and there relationship is broken by 90% where the 2 really don't talk to each other. He gives her the cold shoulder he won't even look at her nor socialize with her where even her brother criticized her saying that marriage is suppose to be teamwork between the husband and wife but what she did he can see why his brother in law is giving her a cold shoulder. Green then told her that he'll have Purple sleep then knock up another mare where Target told him good luck where his job has more mares where he's a firefighter and cop and there's more mares then stallions there but told him to try but he highly doubt it and it won't work. Green went to Ponyville where the forest green unicorn went to the fire station where Purple is where he tried to get Purple to talk to a mare to have a Fire mare to sleep with him then him to place a foal in the mare but Purple politely told him to go himself. Green told him that he's here to fix his and Target's relationship where he always seen them as a match made in heaven where he sees it that he should bang a mare co-worker but he went over to a unicorn mare named Ember Pie a red body, orange hair and a red-orange tail she was asked to sleep with Purple. She told Green that before he was married she would bang him off shift against his will. He then asked a unicorn mare named Cinnamon Twirl a unicorn who's also a firefighter who told him no unless if Purple is single so he then asked a mare earth pony named Fire Ax who agreed on one term that Purple and her have a foal due to her mother is dying and will be deceased in within a year and a half. Purple disagreed where he likes his mare co workers as friends and like sisters he never had sleeping with another mare is a major no for him but to knock her up as well he would rather face a firing squad. At work again the next day Target left but Purple stayed home due to his shift is over where at a bar he was told to go there and meet Fire Ax which he did but when Purple was looking the other way and Fire Ax went to use the bathroom Purple's brother in law slipped them a drug but the 2 didn't know on what happened until a few hours later. He screamed and fell out of his bed hitting his head on his nightstand where Fire Ax asked if he was ok which he told her that he's fine. In Canterlot Green told his sister that his plan worked that he got Purple to have an affair with a co worker well she asked on how that worked where he told her that he was a tough little son of a bitch but he admitted he had the 2 meet at a bar in town and placed an GHB in there drinks. Target told him that GHB or Gamma-hydroxybutyrate is a popular Date Rape drug where he asked if he made a mistake where she told him that it needed to be consensual not 2 ponies that don't know there plot to there elbow while high on a drug. He asked on how big of a mistake he made where Target told him that bigger then her office on how big on the mistake where none of them will remember they had sex nor slept with each other where he told her he'll fix it but she told him that he probably made it worse. Target then went to take a nap where in her daydream she was sadden due to well of her brother wanting Purple wanting to bang another mare he decided to leave her but after a few years passed in her daydream daymare (like a nightmare but during a daydream instead). In her daydream it's Heartswarming Day where she looked into a 2 story house in Ponyville with thatching roof where she seen Purple with Fire Ax with a earth pony colt (due to she's 100% Earth Pony and Purple is 10% Earth Pony) which is a mix of the fire engine red mare and moderate purple. She also seen a filly which has more shade of red then purple but when Purple and his new wife decided to kiss he seen her so Purple in her dream told his wife that he got to do something real quick so he got up and went outside where he asked Target on what she's doing where she told him that she's just walking around. He asked if she would like to come inside where she did but Fire Ax didn't care where she's on neutral terms with Target not entirely friendly but not hostile. Back in reality she jumped up but used her magic to get her cup of water and took a sip of the water she got out of the water cooler. At home she placed her head down on the kitchen table but after a hour she felt a wing over her where she looked where it's Purple where he placed her in his wings where he told her it's okay but he apologized on how mad he got on what she did of cheating and having another stallion knock her up. He kissed her on the forehead but asked she hugged him tightly crying onto his short moderate purple fur that's smooth as silk where he told her it's ok but the 2 kissed for the 1st time in 11 months but she then felt him place his wing onto her butt. She told him to spank her like a naughty filly where she deserves it on what she did but he backed away from her not knowing on what to do but she used her magic to bring him closer but kept him in a suspended state where she also used her magic to use his wing to do on what she wants. She heard him to stop it where he's uncomfortable with her using her magic to use his wing to spank her but she told him no where she deserves it.