• Published 9th Apr 2022
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A mare named Target - PurpleArtist

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Busiest week there was

At home Target kissed Purple bye but asked on what training he got where he told her that it's top secret and no pony can't know not even the princesses but he'll be back soon where it'll be about a week or 2 but she told him alright.

The 2 kissed again where he walked out wearing a casual suit but she had special ops training where that'll last a week but her aunt in law Sonata came to watch them even though she has a problem watching her own son but she let her aunt in law take there bedroom.

A secret location she removed a blindfold and magic suppression ring off of her horn where each pony has to complete an obstical course but each one will be diffreant from the last and when they got to redo it it'll change and get more difficult from the last and more challenging from the last but the kicker is that unicorns can't use magic, pegasus's can't use there wings and earth ponies can't use there strength.

She charged in head first where she had to shoot some target's where she hesitated at a purple looking unicorn where it looks like her husband where it's a moderate purple unicorn but with hazel eyes where her husband is an alicorn with blue eyes but he's moderate purple.

She then knocked down the target then kept going where of her being hesitated costed her a few seconds but she then trotted to the finish line where she lost to her young record of 30 seconds where her new record is 48.9 seconds.

She did beat the timer of losing where if it get's to 50 seconds you got to redo the course but it'll change and the pony won't know the where to go where it's also like a maze at times.

They had hard work where they had to use there teeth to pull a homemade rope to open a door for them for each where one was heavy and Target she though she was going to lose her teeth of it where she opened her's and she galloped fast but made it across the finish line in 4th place in 2 minutes and 43 seconds but she started to push herself more harder and harder.

At night her back was sore where she lied in a bed that's for her where while sleeping she and the other re-trainees were underwater trapped where the door was stuck where she started to kick a wall where it started to chip away where she broke it where it lead into another room where it was a thin wall.

In the other room she coughed up the water where the other ponies did as well but noticed a pony just laying on the floor motionless so she galloped over where she checked on him where there was no pulse so she preformed CPR but nothing so she yelled at a re-trainee to get a medic but a medic won't help him.

2 medic ponies came where they just placed a white sheet over him, placed him onto a stretcher and moved him to the morgue where he's dead where he drowned before the thin wall broke.

They just had a quick moment of silence for him where they had to sleep in another room in fresh beds but that room after a hour of sleeping they started to smell moldy hay where it's Phosgene gas where until they could get out they didn't have the luxury of panicking where the gas slowly lowered down to the floor but like last time the door was locked from the other side.

Target rallied them and told them to start bucking the walls where one of them as to be weak so they all did where a re-trainee did where they got into another room and left that room closing the other door and after there escape a HAZMAT team went in and sucked up the gas so it wouldn't linger around anymore in the room.

2 more re-trainees were killed of not being fast enough.

In the morning Target she was tired where she couldn't keep herself awake for breakfast where her face almost fell into the oatmeal but she ate the meal and placed it back onto the counter where she wants sleep badly.

She slept she gotten chewed out where she always can back out of training but her memory would be wiped of her ever being a special forces pony but if they wipe her memory she won't remember dating then marrying Purple Artist, having a family, living in Ponyville and that the 2 princesses retiring to name a few also her promotion at the War Dept to Head Security Mare and she'll think she's 19 again.

There were helmet's lined in a row next to a bell of the trainees that dropped out of the brutal training where within 4 years she'll and the other's will have to redo the training.

Outside it was blistering hot where they had to run a small obstetrical course where the drill instructor pony was a real jerk where she and the remaining few kept running in a circle going up, going down, jumping a 4 ft wide gap and had to do it over and over where in the 135 degrees heat it didn't help either.

After that she sat down for a bit where she used her frontal right hoof and moved her belly a bit where she said to herself that she letted herself go a tab bit where back in her youth she could run circles for several miles and hardly be tired where she just assumes she's flabby of being pregnant a few times, giving birth and mostly sitting and not doing a lot of exercise where when she get's home she's going back on a diet.

She was forgetting about now where she's pregnant again but the belly hasn't formed yet but she and Purple are going to do exercises when he get's back but his job as a delivery pony he get's enough cardio and muscular exercise to keep him fit as a horse or fit as a fiddle or as fit as a butcher's dog even though ponies don't eat meat.

There was a spy in the camp where while making her night patrol she came across an tower lit up where she entered it and heard somepony or some creature talking where she walked behind the creature and told the creature there under arrest for treason where the 2 gotten into a hoof fight but the creature a unicorn used his magic where she noticed the unicorn use his magic where it's a scarlet red aroura.

He broke a piece of railing and knocked her out cold where after awhile she seen 2 MP ponies standing in front of her where a red unicorn MP used his magic and picked Target up that she's under arrest for treason against Equestria where in a jail cell she had her locket removed where the Intel pones downstairs will examine it for any clues.

In the interrogation room across the hall she was interrogated where a intelligence pony came in that her locket they searched every inch of it where it's just a picture of her and Purple Artist also there family where she has nothing beneficially of betraying Equestria.

They more or less told her that if she won't talk on who's she talking to then the trial will appear in front of the princess and the high council but like she said she has nothing to earn of betraying Equestria where if she did betray Equestria then she and Purple would've been divorced already where he loves Equestria and he will die to protect it.

A MP that the only reason he didn't leave her yet due to she stole something from him to have a foal where she told the MP that she wouldn't rape her husband but is the dominate one when it's just them 2 but she wouldn't harm her husband any way where she deeply loves him and he deeply loves her.

A week later in a poorly lit room there were 8 ponies 5 stallions and 3 mares where some of them are smoking cigars or cigarettes where she couldn't see them but they could see her where they asked on a reason why they shouldn't have her executed right off the bat where they don't need to involve princess Twilight where her excuse was that she did enough dirty work where if she and other's like her wouldn't then they wouldn't be having this conversation.

One of the council ponies asked her on what does that mean where she told them that she and teams of highly trained ponies infiltrated enemy places and ruined there plans of an invasion and if not high chance all the mares in Equestria would be on breeding farms not to repopulate the pony race but whatever creature invaded them where ponies did it to the mares or women of other societies that they were at war with in the pass of raping the women and impregnating them and the mares of Equestria wouldn't be treated with friendship but forced to repopulate the enemy numbers.

She even told them that not even the princess would be safe if they lost where all the stallions would either be executed or castrated where they can't have foals with mares of there choosing like how she and her husband chose to have foals together not because he wanted to reproduce with her but of her wanting to reproduce with him.

She went on and told them that she did enough dirty work to protect Equestria and her family where the cream coated unicorn told them that she did a lot for Equestria where she can't even talk about it to her family on how dark the stuff she did where the banished a subclass of ponies who tried to take over Equestria and install communism they had a bomb where if it detonated in Canterlot they all would be wiped out the whole city gone, Manehattan hardly any survivors and the whole world is watching either disarm the bomb or have millions of ponies death on your mind until you die.

They can't go get her records and the missions she was on due to there inked out of the detail of the missions so it won't fall into the wrong hands or what not where she told them on how she deals with it is good old fashion love making with her husband where she may take lives of ponies and creatures to stop more harm but she thinks she can fix it by bringing life into the world.

The council threw her questions and she answered them truthfully like how she seen lights on in the tower, seen a unicorn talking into a ham radio and told the unicorn he's under arrest, the 2 got into a fight and he knocked her out.

Not all of the council ponies believed that where only 2 out of 8 did where the traitor knocked her out, left and get 2 MP's where they see her there frame her and arrest her and case closed she get's executed and the real traitor keeps doing his job also a council pony seen that she isn't feeling well where the female council pony called for a quick recess.

In the holding cell the council mare talked to her where she asked if she's pregnant where Target told her to not start with chit chat and what she really wants where she told Target that she believes her where the other 7 don't and the council needs an 100-100 ratio to not to give to Twilight where she has enough stress anyway and her just choosing council members is hard enough where she has to sit through 350 ponies who want to be but got to tell 342 to scram while the remaining 8 are council members.

She really couldn't convince the other council members of her innocence where there was a bit of a commotion outside where 2 MP Ponies tried to stop Target's husband Purple from entering until they heard one of the MP's give out a loud scream as Purple rammed his unicorn horn into a MP Pony eye and used his magic and slammed one against the wall.

He barged into the room to get his wife where he more or less told the council that if there going to banish or execute her then they would have to execute him as well where there a team and stick together where he knows that she wouldn't betray Equestria where this is her home and she wants to die here and she doesn't have a reason to betray the land she loves.

She leaned into Purple Artist saying "Thank you" to her where to her he is the character witness she needed for her loyalty to Equestria where every night before sleeping she sings the Equestrian national anthem and wish Equestria a good night and good day when she goes to bed and gets up in the morning.

The council ponies left into there conference room they have behind the room there in where they went in to deliberate where after a hour of her sobbing on Purple's chest he told her that he isn't a tissue but he would rather be a tissue for her or something corny or something stupid that ponies say to the ponies they love.

The council ponies returned where they gave Target there punishment of being temporarly suspended from the military and work for a year where she can return back to work tomorrow next year on April 7th but she'll be paid as normal but can't work as a special forces pony nor as head security mare.

Back home she asked Purple on what she's going to do were Purple told her to think about it as stay at home vacation but when he get's home they'll spend more valuable time together.

Later at the art and supply store Target gave a pony a list of supplies she wants tp be delivered to her and Purple's house where she paid for it in full and a bit extra where she trotted off home and sat on the couch listing to the radio listening to "As Equestria Rotates." where after awhile she was eating a sandwich where there was a knock.

It was Purple where he asked confusingly "Honey why did you order a bunch of art and office supplies? I could've bought these for you instead of you wasting your hard earn bits." he said asking Target on why she ordered a whole bunch of art & office stuff where he could've bought it for her.

Inside the 2 made out where he told her she has a piece of lettuce in her teeth then he trotted off to continue to work where she started at his purple flank as he trotted out then she got the piece of lettuce out of her teeth where she took her supplies and placed them in her and Purple's study and went to prepare dinner to make it at 3:00 PM and get it ready for when Purple get's home.

At night it's 8:30 PM where she lied on the bed seductively where Purple walked into the bedroom with a wine bottle where Purple told her that it took him some persuasion to convince the shop owner to let him in and it was the more harder but when he seen her he dropped the bottle then used his magic to catch it where he's embarrassed but his wings pomf up even though he didn't want it to but his face turned red.

She just said seductively "Well well my little soldier as an wing boner and embarrassed now my little soldier needs to pleasure his new princess. Come on my little Purple your princess can't wait any longer your princess been waiting since my hero to find me." she said to Purple who stood there with a wingboner, embarrassed, and looking at her trying not to drool where he used his magic and placed the wine bottle on there dresser.

They blew out the candle where after a few hours the 2 were tired but relit a candle where he poured the wine into 2 wine glasses where the 2 drank the wine ,and talked even though the 2 are tired after a few hours of intense love making.

After a month of being stir crazy even though she would go outside and garden where when Purple came home for lunch where in the kitchen she placed her 2 frontal hooves onto her belly and told Purple to guess where his first guess was that she's carrying there foal where he told her that she is where the 2 made out after eating.

After days if not weeks and months of being stir crazy she just garden, listened to the radio or stared out of the window where she didn't do much especially when a foal was in her where she just hoped it was another filly to well the males outnumber the females in the house where it's Purple Artist, Artmark, & Double Eagle vs Target and Harp where she wants a filly to make it 3 on 3 not 3 on 2.

She's just happy that she has a family but wants to have another filly where if have to she and Purple will have lots of foals until she get's another daughter but Purple he doesn't want to have a house tight full of children where his minimum amount of foals he wants is 1 and the max is 10 but if it get's past 10 it would be well he would sleep on his torso for now on.