• Published 27th Mar 2021
  • 318 Views, 1 Comments

A Goblin's Greed (#11) - LightningStar626

Princess Renesmee runs away from home wearing the Sodal Marble, and Ingeus, a sly goblin, wants the mysterious Sodal Marble for himself.

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Chapter 9: Old Friends

Chapter 9: Old Friends.

~Ominous rumblings from deep underground urged Lightning's band on. Even Ruffles took the threat seriously. In fact, the only time he stopped was when he sensed some emeralds buried in the underground cave walls. The ground trembled beneath their feet.~

"Keep moving, everyone." Lightning yelled. "Come on, Ruffles." Needing very little encouragement, they hurried up a wooded hill.

"It's as though we've woken some sleeping underground giant!" Pinkie panted.

"That's exactly what it is, I reckon." Sunset answered. She glanced behind her.

Rainbow Dash came jogging alongside. "Do you think we're going to have an earthquake? You know, with the ground splitting open and swallowing us up, and all that? I keep getting ready to jump back. Or should I jump forwards?

"Rainbow Dash! This ain't no prank." Applejack snapped. "Renesmee? Fluttershy? Ya comin'?"

"Y-yes, we're trying." Fluttershy said.

"I'm doing the best I can," Renesmee panted. "And I'll thank you to treat a princess with a little more respect!"

"At least she's calling herself a princess again." smiled Rarity.

Yes, I just hope it lasts." added Swift.

"Hm, she's still got to meet Dalton," Joskye replied. "She doesn't seem very keen on the idea."

"I'm not surprised," Swift retorted. "She's expecting to be told off by her big brother. I'd hate that too!"

~The party reached the brow of the hill and before them stretched a vast sweeping valley. Rough grassland tumbled down in rolling slopes to the valley floor, where a sandy brown expanse took over. In the distance a silvery thread glinted in the sunshine.~

"We've reached the Waste Plains." Ruffles explained. "That's the River Dustle over there."

"So, that's the Great Forest beyond it?" Argie asked, pointing to the dark expanse that spread as far as the eye could see.

"That's right," Ruffles acknowledged with a nod, "We're nearly home."

~Just then, the ground gave a sickening heave. A nearby tree toppled with a crash of branches and the skyline seemed to shake. The thirteen companions clung to one another for support and waited in trepidation until the tremor passed. Ruffles clutched his jerkin and wished he hadn't picked up so many jewels.~

"That was a big shake. It's getting worse," said Joskye. "We must hurry. Come on, let's run down this stretch."

~They dashed down the hillside into what they hoped was the safety of the valley. Ruffles curled up into a ball and rolled past everyone else. On and on they ran until the hill was far behind.~

"Hang on, everyone, I've got a stitch." Swift gasped. "Do you think it's safe to stop for a moment?"

"I don't think it's goin' to be safe until we get across the river." said Applejack. "But, alright."

I'm dying of thirst," panted Princess Renesmee. "Is there any water around?"

"As a matter of fact," said Ruffles with the air of one who knows, "There's a stream just a bit further on."

~However, when they reached the spot where the stream should have been, to Ruffles' consternation they found nothing but a dried up bed of stones.~

"Odd," he said. "There's always water here. I wonder where it's gone?"

"Perhaps someone drank it all," suggested Argie.

"Don't be ridiculous," Swift said irritably.

"Looks like we'll have to go without," Twilight said briskly.

Joskye tried to keep them moving. "At least the Dustle's got plenty of water in it- if we last that long."

~The sun blazed hot and the air was sultry. It was very quiet. Just occasionally faint rumblings could be heard in the distance. Nobody spoke much. It was enough just to keep going. Not a drop of water was to be found anywhere. At length, after hours of weary tramping, they came to where the grassland ended. They found themselves at the edge of a sandy cliff that, through centuries of rain and frost, had crumbled back to form dun-coloured madud-flats that spread out a hundred metres below where they stood. Dirty streams, now dried up, had cut deep chasms across the barren landscape so that it looked like something from another planet.~

"Wow! Talk about sore erosion," said Twilight. "This cliff must have been falling to pieces for years."

"Can we get down it?" Princess Renesmee asked anxiously.

"Oh, yes," the dwarf replied. "Get a bit dusty, that's all. Nothing to worry about."

"What about the mud- is it soft?" Applejack queried.

"Not at this time of year. It's fairly dry and you can walk on it," Ruffles reassured her.

"You better be right this time," Joskye warned.

~They began a cautious descent down the shallowest part of the cliff that they could find. It was very slippery with nothing to grab on to, and by the time they had slithered to the bottom everyone was covered in brown dust. Much to their relief, Ruffles was right about the mud. It was quite firm, though squelchy in places, and although they had to jump the cracks they made good progress.~

"Next stop, the river," said Lightning more cheerfully. She was beginning to feel a sense of relief. "I think we're out of trouble now," she said.

~With that they ran for the safety of the river. Suddenly, Argie, who was in front, came teetering to a halt.~

"There's the river," he shouted. "Fantastic!"

~The others cried whoops of joy and crowded beside it. Then, at that moment, a tall, lean figure stepped unnoticed from behind a tree. He stood watching the merriment with a smile.~

"Hail, Friends," he called. The babble stopped at the sound of his voice and all turned to see who spoke.

"It's Dalton!" cried Swift with delight. She raced across and threw her arms around him. "It's to see you again." She whispered.

"You, too, Swift. I have waited for this moment. Greetings Rainbooms, Joskye, and you too, Argie." Dalton turned to look at the dwarf. "Ruffles. I'll see you later!"

~The boys and girls shook hands warmly with their old friend. Then the prince turned and looked at the princess. She came slowly towards him, with her eyes lowered.~

"So! My sister Renesmee!" Dalton breathed. "After such a long time. Come on, don't be afraid. I won't bite you! This is a day for great rejoicing. It is not every day that my sister pays me a visit."

~He held out his hands to her as she approached. The others watched to see how she would respond. She reached him and clasped his hand tight, then looked up earnestly into his face.~

"I'm sorry…" she said.

~Lightning, Joskye and company walked well ahead of Dalton and Renesmee as they entered the beautiful paths of the Forest. On Dalton's orders, Ruffles was leading the way. Everywhere flowers burst from the banks in dazzling displays of colour. Carpets of blue, red and yellow ran riot among the trees. Heady scents wafted in the light breeze, and overhead the dappled sunlight fell through a canopy of fresh greenery. Stolid oaks and steady elms, ladylike birches and sweeping willows graced their path. Countless birds sang welcoming praises in the warm summer air.~

"Oh, this is so gorgeous." exclaimed Swift.

"Even better than when we were here before…" Fluttershy said as a bird landed on her finger and continued to sing.

"Quite a bit different from when we first arrived." smiled Sunset.

"A bit?" Rainbow raised a brow along with a smile. "Do you remember how dead it all was?"

"Yes, and then we got caught and thought the creatures were the enemy." Twilight reminded them.

"We couldn't have been more wrong. Well, neither were they." Lightning laughed.

"Still, that's all changed forever," said Joskye. "Dalton's seen to that."

"What do you think will happen now that we're here?" Argie wanted to know.

"Well, I expect Dalton will take Renesmee back home and we'll go back to ours." Applejack answered.

"I don't know," said Swift. "I've got this funny feeling that it's not all over yet."

"Well, It's certainly not all over for me." Ruffles declared. "Don't forget that I still have to face Dalton...and Tad!" He looked glum. "I'm in trouble."

"Oh, Don't worry, Ruffy!" said Pinkie. "We'll put in a good word in for you! After all, you did get us here in the end."

"Pinkie Pie's right," Rarity nodded. "I'm sure it won't be so bad…"

~So their carefree chatter continued as they wound through the forest paths. Soon they drew near the dwellings of the forest-folk. To the teens' delight, everybody came out to meet them and before long they were surrounded by a hustling, chattering crowd of fauns, trolls, elves, gnomes, cyclops and just about every other fantasy creature imaginable. By the time they reached the centre of the village it was almost impossible to move for the crush. Many of the creatures remembered the Rainbooms and shouted their greetings. The young ones were simply curious to see these strange creatures, of whom their parents spoke in such glowing terms.~

"This is just amazing." Joskye laughed. "What a sight!"

"Indeed." Lightning said, waving at the crowd.

~Suddenly, the hubbub dropped and, with much 'shushing' the crowd drew back so that a way opened before the team. Everyone watched a Lord Tad came to meet them.~

"Tad!" cried Lightning and Joskye.

The manticore stopped and his bewhiskered face broke into a smile. "My, oh, my," he cried as the teenagers ran to join him. "I wondered whether I would ever meet you again, my dear friends. What a delightful surprise it was when I heard that you were in Merrdom once more. Be praised that I have lived to see it."

"It's absolutely wonderful to see you again, Tad." Swift enthused.

"Well, my dears," the manticore went on. "You find me a little older and a little wiser but none the worse for wear. Or Mrs Tad for that matter."

"You look great, Tad," said Sunset. "And we're so looking forward to meeting Mrs Tad again."

"Well, you must come at once. I hardly need to tell you she has prepared a welcome tea for you."

"Yay!" Pinkie Pie clapped.

"Oh, good." said Argie. "So long as it's not a sparkling cake. I think I've seen enough sparkles for the time being!"

"What about Dalton and Renesmee?" Fluttershy asked.

"They will join us soon, I expect. I imagine they wish to be alone for the moment."

~The group made its way to Tad's cottage. Nothing much seemed to have changed, except that the grounds were well tended nowadays.~

"This place is so full of memories." Swift sighed as they crossed the oak-beamed porch.

"Come on now, in here," said the manticore. He led them into the front room.

"Why, m'dears, how lovely to see you again." cried Mrs Tad. "I've had the kettle on ever since I knew you were coming, and there's fresh bread and cakes. We've so much to talk about."

~The boys and girls greeted her with warm hugs and soon they were busily chatting together about old times. They became so engrossed in conversation that they didn't hear Dalton and Renesmee come in.~

"I see you have renewed your acquaintance," Dalton laughed. "A good day, eh, Tad?"

~The old manticore nodded and mumbled something appropriate through a mouthful of biscuit. Dalton and the princess sat down. The young girls were glad to see her smiling.~

"Now," said the prince. "You must tell us all that has happened to you. Some matters I have seen from afar, and some I have gleaned from Renesmee during our walk, but I would like to hear your tale from the beginning."

~With the Rainbooms' help, Lightning told how they had entered Merrdom, and of their capture by the pirates and Ingeus. Joskye then explained how he and his siblings found themselves in the world. The tales continued and the shadows began to lengthen in the golden glow of sunset. Joskye looked out of the leaded window.~

"Can we visit Alaxe's memorial?" He asked.

"By all means," Dalton smiled, understanding. "Then on to the way

"Oh, yes please!"

"I will stay here, if you don't mind." said Tad. "But do return to us and stay the night, won't you? Beds have been prepared for everyone."

"Oh. That sounds lovely. Of course. Honestly, I think the Rainbooms and I are gonna do something else."

"Hmm. I noticed your roof was a tad bit filthy, Tad, so, do ya mind if we cleaned it along with a few other thin's?

"Oh, I have been meaning to get that cleaned." Tad sighed. "It would be ever so kind if you did do it for me though, thank you."

"No problem!" The Rainbooms chroused.

~The Whites thanked Mr and Mrs Tad for their hospitality and then set off for Alaxe's memorial. Joskye, Swift and Argie stood in solemn silence before the statue of the heroic elf who, in the previous adventure, had given his life to save theirs. Shortly afterwards, Dalton ushered the teens away, leading them in the direction of the glade. The Rainbooms waved goodbye through the door.~

On the way out though, Fluttershy quickly had a word with Renesmee. "Oh! Umm, Renesmee? I don't know why, but I feel like I should give you this." From her jerkin, she drew out the last of the turtle dove's tail feathers and gave it to the princess. "You know. For good luck, maybe." She smiled.

~The princess tucked it into the waistband of her trousers but said nothing. A tingling sense of expectancy filled them as they approached the sentinel stones that marked the entrance to the . The air buzzed with life, and when they passed the stones a golden glory momentarily blinded their eyes as the last rays of the setting sun blazed a trail across the glen. The first stars of evening came peeking out from the blue canopy above as the five approached the pool, alongside which rested the framed Islastone. Each one felt the awesome power of the place, and their voices were hushed.~

"It's so special." Swift said. "There's nowhere else like it anywhere." She wanted to say more, but there were no words to express what was in her heart.

"Often I come here to learn the ways." said Dalton. "It's true, Swift. It is a place of wonder."

~Each of the three teens took their turn to look into the enchanted pool but, slightly to their disappointment, they saw only their own faces.~

"It is not for you to see visions this time," Dalton said. "But, Renesmee, you may see much this night by the light."

~The princess did not reply. She was overwhelmed by the enchantment of the place, and gazed in wonder at the pearl-like drops of water that fell into the glowing pool.~

Swift was wistful. "I wish we could stay the night here. I could live forever in this place."

Dalton smiled. "I am sure you could, Swift, but you must not neglect the hospitality of Lord and Lady Tad." He glanced at the evening sky. "Soon it will be dark and the moon will have risen. You must return to their cottage."

"Aren't you coming with us?" Argie asked.

Dalton shook his head. "Not as yet. Nor is Renesmee. We must speak alone of many things and see what we shall see in this place. You will find the way with ease, but you mind your steps now."

~The three teens reluctantly did as they were told and left the glade.~

"Do you think Dalton's going to tell Renesmee off?" asked Argie.

"I doubt it somehow." His brother replied. "I expect he'll sort everything out. That's why she was meant to come here, I reckon."

"Oh well, that's about it for us, I suppose." Swift sighed. "We've done what we were sent for. And the girls. But I can't help feeling that there's..."

~She never finished her sentence. A rough hand clamped over her mouth and she was pulled to the ground by two dark figures. Before Joskye and Argie could do anything to help, several other shadowy shapes darted from the undergrowth and leapt upon them. The teens scuffled and struggled with all their might but without success. Argie tried to wriggle free but he was no match for his assailants and was soon held captive. Joskye put up a good fight and almost managed to pull Swift free, but a blow to the back of the head sent him reeling into unconsciousness.~

Well done, me hearties," hissed a voice. "Tie 'em up and let's be out of 'ere. Reckon Cap'n Sirt and 'is Eminence'll be 'ighly pleased with tonight's little catch."

Quickly, before they began to drag them along, Swift pulled her captor's hand off her mouth. Once she did, she screamed. "Help!"

~Hanging outside Tad's cottage and around the forest, Lightning and the Rainbooms were admiring the scenery, breathing in the cool night air when Swift's scream echoed through the forest.~

"Lightning, Rainbooms, help!"

~Lightning's raccoon ears pricked up, and her eyes darted in the direction of the scream. She turned her head rapidly.~

She raised a concerned hand. "Everyone, stop!" she commanded.

Applejack did as she was told and looked up. "What's wrong, Lightnin'?"

"Listen! You hear that?"

"Help us! Help us, please help us!"

"It's coming from the trees!" said Twilight.

"And it sounds like Swift!" gasped Fluttershy.

"She must be in trouble! Joskye and Argie must be too!" Lightning panicked.

Rarity frowned and guessed who was responsible. "It must be that wretched goblin, Ingeus!"

"I thought he would be comin'." said Applejack, as she glared sharply through the trees.

"He's got Joskye, Swift and Argie!" exclaimed Sunset.

Lightning couldn't believe her ears. "No!" she screamed, holding back tears.

"We need to get Dalton," said Twilight firmly.

"What? No, We don't have time for that, Twilight! Ingeus could be doing unspeakable things to them right at this moment. We have to save them now!" Lightning prompted.

"But, Lightning- "


~Twilight could hear Lightning panting in terror. She has never seen her this worried and upset for anybody in her life. Not wanting to argue, the tech girl reluctantly agreed to begin searching and ordered the others to come along too. With that, they scampered off the road and into the woodland.~

"Find what you can, girls!" Lightning urged. "And, quickly! We don't have time to lose!"

~At once, the loyal friends sped in all directions to search for tracks. It didn't prove difficult to find where the scuffle had occurred, and the information was swiftly relayed to Lightning by Rainbow Dash. A few hours went by, and the eight had no luck. Tears brimmed in Lightning's eyes again.~

"Lightning, we have been searching for hours. I think it's time we tell Dalton. He will know what to do." Twilight assured.

"Alright, alright! We just need to help. I don't want Joskye to die. I...I love him." Lightning brushed her wet pink cheeks.

Sunset could feel her emotions. "...We know you do. And we will get him back. I promise. Let's go get Dalton then." she said.

~Gazing at the others, they raced back down the pathway to Tad's cottage. Lightning glanced up at the sky.~

"We are going to find you, Joskye! Don't worry!" she shouted in the open before racing after her friends.