• Published 27th Mar 2021
  • 318 Views, 1 Comments

A Goblin's Greed (#11) - LightningStar626

Princess Renesmee runs away from home wearing the Sodal Marble, and Ingeus, a sly goblin, wants the mysterious Sodal Marble for himself.

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Chapter 10: The Past Revealed

Chapter 10: The Past Revealed

"See? It has risen!" said Dalton, directing Princess Renesmee's attention to the bright star, which hung low in the sky, outshining it's companions.

~The enchanted glade seemed to become even more alive beneath its brilliance. The pearl-like drops of water that fed the pool from the rock above gleamed in response.~

Dalton spoke solemnly to his adopted sister. "The time has come for you to know the truth about yourself, Renesmee. You are a child of destiny, as I am myself. I gazed into this same river and discovered my fate. It was not easy for me and it may not be so for you."

The princess returned his look. "I don't think I am afraid, but would you hold my hand, please?"

~He smiled and took it in his own. Together they approached the enchanted pool. Princess Renesmee felt a mixture of curiosity and awe as she leaned over the water and looked in. At first she saw only her own reflection. Then, the waters swirled and pictures began to form. A landscape unfolded before her and she heard a rushing noise. Her eye raced over fields and rivers, across plains and mountains, until it came to rest on a stern northern land of craggy peaks and broad lakes. Imposing castles, mighty fortresses and vast cities arrayed themselves before her. This was a rich and powerful kingdom. The waters swirled once more and she could see a fair mother fleeing for her life with her baby clutched tightly, fear and dread filling her face. The journey seemed unending, until at last it brought her to a city that Princess Renesmee recognised as Asteral. Still, the woman fled, twisting and turning among the narrow streets and always glancing behind her. At last, when she came within sight of the palace gates, yet even as she made to enter, two strangely robed figures emerged from the shadows. One was tall and lean, the other short and round. A knife flashed from the hand of the taller figure. Princess Renesmee gasped as she watched its blade plunge between the shoulders of the fugitive woman. The mother cried out and fell down dead, still clutching her baby. The shorter of the two assailants rushed to grab the child. However, before he could do so, the palace guards came running and the two figures withdrew swiftly into the shadows. The baby girl was still alive and Princess Renesmee stared transfixed as she saw the guards carry her into the palace. In a final vision, the King and Queen of Asteral appeared standing before the Lord Chancellor with the baby held in the Queen's arms. The princes heard the adoption order read and saw the Sodal Marble placed around the child's neck. A crow perched nearby. The scene faded until she could see only her own face in the water. Strange emotions filled her heart. Dalton released her hand and drew back. His face was grim.~

"There you are." he spoke gravely. "You know, by rights I should have you slain or at least banished, yet here you stand as my sister. What strange fortune is this?"

The princess was trembling and on the verge of tears. "I don't understand all this," she said. "If only I had not looked into the pool!"

"The revelations of the pool are not always a comfort, but nonetheless they serve great purposes." Dalton answered. He shook his head. "I pity you, princess, for the choice that lies before you."

She appeared perplexed. "So, why does the Sodal Marble like me? Why does everyone want to take it from me?" Princess Renessmee wailed. "I don't even know why I have it. Ingeus said it was worthless to me and…"

"He was lying," Dalton interrupted. "Greed always uses deceit, and he tried to fool you into thinking the jewel was unimportant."

"But he wanted to use it himself," said the princess. "Would it have worked?"

Dalton shook his head. "No. The Sodal Marble only serves the will of this world. It would be useless to Ingeus, but he does not realise this because of the bewitchment, and so he still desires it. You would no longer be protected from the powers he serves." Princess Renesmee was silent. Dalton spoke again. "My parents gave you the Sodal Marble not just to protect you from danger," he said. "They do not know who your parents are. They bestowed it upon you to make you truly one of the royal family, Renesmee. They had no other children besides me, so they looked upon you as a gift from this world and chose you as heir to the throne. Do you see it's importance? It is the very key to the throne." Renesmee nodded, but said nothing.

"You are now sixteen years of age," Dalton continued. "For you, it is the age of decision. You must choose freely whether to accept the Sodal Marble and serve us, or to relinquish it. It will be an easy decision. Many destinies turn upon it and much conflit will follow."

"I must think." the princess replied. "But not in this place. Here I could easily choose to serve, but I cannot say it would be the same when I left."

Dalton nodded. "Then let us depart and return to Lord and Lady Tad's house. There you may consider your decision in private."

~It didn't take Dalton and Renesmee long to reach the manticore's cottage and they were silent all the way. Upon their arrival, they were surprised to see light in the window.~

"Thank the stars you have returned!" exclaimed Tad as they entered. "I could not sleep and I feared some misadventure had befallen you."

"No, we are quite safe." Dalton smiled. "But thank you for your concern, my friend. Have the Rainbooms and Whites arrived back safely?"

"Are they not with you?" gasped the manticore.

~Dalton shook his head grimly. Tad staggered to an armchair. He sat down weakly.~

"Oh, dear." he gasped. "Then something has gone terribly amiss. I knew it! We haven't seen them since they left with you."

Dalton looked sombre. He glances sharply at Princess Renesmee. "I suspect the work of Ingeus. It seems his evil has penetrated even the sacred reaches of the Great Forest."

"Dalton! Dalton, Help!" cried Lightning.

~The royals and manticore turned to the door to where the voice came from and, in a flash, the eight Rainbooms bolted through, their hearts pumping and lungs panting. They were relieved to see them well, but they had no time to check upon them. They were in distress.~

"Rainbooms! What's the matter?" Dalton gasped when he saw them.

"We heard Swift crying for help in the forest!" Rainbow exclaimed, still trying to catch her breath.

"We think Ingeus has captured them!" Rarity continued.

"And he's- he's going to kill them!" Lightning finished. Her voice rang across the whole house.

Dalton stared in horror. He turned to the manticore. "Tad, we must rouse the forest-folk. The Rainbooms and I will do that while you get Tig. You come with me, Renesmee. I don't want you out of my sight!"

~They rushed from the cottage and hurried to the village. It didn't take long to gather a large crowd of creatures. Although there was much yawning and murmuring. Dalton swiftly explained what had happened and the muttering ceased. Minutes later, he was joined by Tig, Fumble and Mumble.~

Dalton filled them in on the night's events. "Tig, you and I will go with the Rainbooms to see what they have found. Fumble and Mumble, you are to stay here with the princess. Do not let her out of your sight and especially do not let her remove the marble she wears around the neck. Is that understood?"

"The matt uh is per fickly clear, ir," answered Mumble.

"It will be our pleasure," smiled Fumble and he saluted smartly.

~A cluster of creatures met Dalton, Tig and the girls when they arrived at the scene. Rainbow Dash pointed a way through the damaged undergrowth.~

"There!" she exclaimed.

"That's where they dragged them," said Sunset.

"We must follow their trail. But keep your eyes open, everyone. The enemy may still be about." Tig ordered.

~Lightning didn't need to be told. She followed the scent with great stealth, keeping alert for trouble. Her sadness contorted to anger and she was eager to beat up Ingeus and his minions to a pulp for taking Joskye and his siblings. Soon the excitement of the chase caught some of the Rainbooms and they hared ahead. However, they were brought to an abrupt halt at the ford in the river and had to wait for the others. A lot of muddy footprints showed that this was where the pirates had crossed.~

"Do we carry on, sir?" puffed Tig as he and Dalton reached the ford.

"Yes, but with greater care," Dalton replied, glancing at the sky. "It is not long until dawn and there is little cover on the other side of the river. Tell some of the creatures to return and fetch weapons. I have a feeling we shall need them before the day is very old."

~Lightning let out an annoyed growl but silently agreed. The creatures sped off to follow Tig's orders while the Rainbooms accompanied Dalton. The glow of a fire told them they were within range of the enemy camp. Dalton motioned everyone to stop.~

"We must wait for weapons," he whispered to Lightning. "The goblin will have wolves prowling the camp. It's no use attacking like this. Let's just hope the Whites are still alright."

The spy girl disagreed. "The Ranbooms and I have powers! And I'm not waiting around while that overgrown green wart does whatever he pleases with them!"

Sunset calmed her down. "I'm sorry, Lightning, but Dalton makes his point. Sure we have weapons, but he and Tig don't."

"Also, we will need a plan to cover this." Twilight added.

Tig the elf nodded. "I suggest we leave the trail and circle round the higher ground on the right. That'll give us the element of surprise. Our folk will find us easily enough when they return with the arms."

~Back in the village, the two sprites sat on the ground with the princess, who looked glum. Fumble and Mumble exchanged glances.~

"Perhaps you should recite some poetry, Mumble." suggested Fumble.

"Wheel, widen you shower summer salts." He replied.

"Personally I would rather be asleep." Fumble answered. "I'm absolutely exhausted."

Mumble addressed the princess. "Er, um, watch shorn amp plus?"

"It is Renesmee." she answered shortly. "But you should call me, 'Your Royal Highness.'"

"Oh, um, yes, earhole-iness." he mumbled, a bit put off.

~That put paid to conversation for a good long while until, suddenly, the princess leapt to her feet. The sprites jerked in surprise and Fumble fell over as he tried to get up too quickly.~

"I don't feel I like the idea of being kept a prisoner, particularly by sprites." She declared haughtily. "I think I shall take a walk."

"Sew we, er, earhole-iness," said Mumble. "But wheel got hour oar ders an where to stu aye 'ere wiv yer."

"I should look over there first, if I were you." said the princess and she pointed with her finger behind them.

~The two sprites fell for the oldest trick in the book and turned. In a flash, the princess was off.~

"Quick, she's making a bolt for it." cried Fumble "After her!"

~Whether it was his fault or not, the two sprites collided in the confusion and fell into a tangled heap on the ground. By the time they had separated themselves, the princess was nowhere to be seen.~

"Now, we really are in trouble." Fumble groaned.