• Published 27th Mar 2021
  • 318 Views, 1 Comments

A Goblin's Greed (#11) - LightningStar626

Princess Renesmee runs away from home wearing the Sodal Marble, and Ingeus, a sly goblin, wants the mysterious Sodal Marble for himself.

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Chapter 2: Renesmee Runs Away

Chapter 2: Renesmee Runs Away

"I'm fed up with everything!"

~Princess Renesmee's private bedroom overlooked the splendid palace gardens of Asteral. Beyond lay the fine white buildings of the capital city of the West, home to the royal family. The distant hills shimmered in the warm summer haze. The scent of honeysuckle was sweet and the flowerbeds were a celebration of bright colours, but this did nothing to lessen the princess' foul mood. She sat on the broad sill on the lattice window kicking her heels against the wall.~

"I mean, look at it all," she fumed. "Same old room, same old days. Get up, get dressed, be on my best behaviour, meet the guests, smile at everyone…I'm sick and tired of smiling! Why can't I do something different?"

~The princess was not talking to herself. Perched on the back of a chair was a large black crow who listened, bright eyed, to everything she said. She dropped down from the window sill and wandered over to the wardrobe mirror where she scowled at her reflection. Renesmee had beautiful golden hair but today she yanked at it impatiently.~

"Look at my hair! Why can't I have it cut short like everyone else? I hate brushing it every day. Same with all these clothes." She eyed the blue brocade gown she wore. "I just want to wear ordinary things sometimes. "

"It sounds as if you don't want to be a princess anymore." the black crow cawed.

She flopped on her bed and heaved a great sigh. "No, it's not that really, I suppose. It's just, well...having to be a princess all the time. I'd like to do something different! You understand, don't you, Crow?"

Crow nodded. "Then why don't you? I mean, if you want adventure, you can have it. What's to stop you?"

"My parents," she shot back. "They won't let me. All they ever tell me is, I must behave like a princess and I'll be happy when I do. Huh!"

~She lay in silence for a few moments, then abruptly rolled on to her front and cupped her chin in her hands.~

She smiled at Crow. "I'll tell you what. Why don't we run away from home for a while? You know, like you said once." Crow gazed at her intently, but said nothing. "You'd come with me, wouldn't you, Crow?" she continued, full of excitement. "Oh, please say you'll come with me! We could have wonderful adventures together, and do all the things you've been telling me about. It'd be so much better than here. We'll have to go secretly, of course. It's the only way. But that will make it even more fun."

"How would you avoid being recognised?" Crow asked.

"That's no problem." the princess replied. "I'll disguise myself as an ordinary girl. I'm quite sure we can find some old clothes in the servants' quarters" She rolled off the bed and returned to the mirror. "And I'll cut my hair." she added firmly. "Then nobody will recognise me. What do you think, Crow?" The bird nodded his head in approval. "Then you agree? Oh, it'll be fantastic!" She turned eagerly towards him. "Come on, where shall we go? What shall we do? Will it be far? I don't want to go too far."

~Crow suggested they aim for the seaside, which she thought was a marvellous idea. So for the rest of that afternoon they plotted and planned their great adventure. It was not until late in the evening that Crow flew silently away into the gathering dark. Princess Renesmee undressed slowly. As she did so, she toyed with the jewel that hung from a slender silver chain about her neck. This was none other than the famed Sodal Marble of Asteral, so named because of the bright blue living sodalite gem star that burned within its depths. The princess had worn it for as long as she could remember. The Sodal Marble was her birth marble, and it made her think of her parents. For a moment she hesitated in her resolve to run away. It seemed as if the marble was gently tugging at her thoughts. But then a determined look came into her eyes.~

"No, I will do it. I've always wanted to, and now I've made up my mind," She declared out loud. "And I don't care!" With that, she prepared for bed.

~Two days later, Princess Renesmee celebrated the arrival of her sixteenth birthday by cutting short all of her golden hair, just as she had determined she would. Crow watched from the windowsill as the locks of hair fell softly to the bedroom floor. Then Renesmee put on the peasant's outfit she had borrowed from one of the serving maids, having pretended that it was for a dressing-up game. She took a last satisfied glance in the mirror and announced to Crow that she was ready. It was five o'clock in the morning. Quiety, she opened the lattice window.~

"Make sure the coast is clear, Crow," She whispered, "I don't want to be caught halfway down the wall."

~Crow assured her that all was quiet, so she let down the knotted sheets that she has already tied to the bedpost. Then she swung a bag across her shoulder, slipped over the sill and slid to the ground. Keeping close to the palace wall and ducking below the ground floor windows, she crept to a long low hedge that ran to the far garden wall. With a quick glance to the left and right, she darted behind it and crouched her way along its length. An old rowan tree that grew by the wall provided the way out. Swiftly she scaled it, she took from her bag a short length of rope that she had brought with her. She tied it to one of the boughs, then slithered over the wall and down to the roadway. In a matter of minutes she was clear of the palace. Her hands were chafed but otherwise she was very pleased with herself. As far as she could tell, nobody had spotted her.~

Crow flapped alongside her. "Well done." He whispered. "That's the most difficult bit over and done with." She gave him a cheerful grin.

~The roads of the city were quiet at this early hour, with only the occasional noise to force the princess into nervous hiding. As often as not, it proved to be no more than a cat searching for breakfast down an alley. After nearly half an hour of weaving in and out of side streets they reached the city gates, just as the watchmen were opening them for the farm labourers to depart for their day's work in the fields.~

"This is your chance," urged Crow. "Get in among them so you won't be noticed."

~Princess Renesmee seized her opportunity, and shuffled unnoticed among the crowd of workers and creatures that busted through the gates. Before long they were alone on the open road.~

"There, we've done it!" cried the princess. "I'm free at last! No more rules and regulations, no more good manners! And no more lessons! I can do what I like from now on. This is what I call a real birthday."

Crow nodded his head energetically. "Yes, but we mustn't dilly-dally. I can't be too long before they discover you are missing and start searching for you."

~The road that ran from Asteral to Custone was well used, but a hundred metres or so to the side lay a long stretch of woodland, and they chose this as the more secluded route. In the warm morning sun, the princess felt she hadn't a care in the world. The rich, earthy smell of the woods delighted her and she picked wild flowers and chased squirrels to her heart's content.~

"I've not felt so happy in years, Crow," she sighed. "This really is the best idea ever."

~The morning passed quickly and, in spite of many stops and starts, they made good progress towards the sea. Renesmee ate lunch sprawled in the shade of an old oak tree while Crow perched on a low branch above her, keeping a sharp lookout. Filled with contentment, she snoozed for an hour or so in the hot sun.~

It was Crow's gentle nudging that roused her. "We must be on our way," he cawed, seeing her stir.

"Oh, Crow...why?" she murmured sleepily. "There's no hurry, is there?"

"No, I suppose not," he replied. "But if you want to get to the seaside we'll have to keep moving. I reckon it's all of four days from the city for you to walk it."

"Alright then." She smiled as she struggled to her feet. "I'm coming. Ooh! Ouch! I do feel stiff. I'm not used to all this exercise!"

~They travelled uneventfully until early evening, when they reached the outskirts of Custone, a small but busy town to the south west of Asteral. The woodland changed to fields, so they rejoined the road. They had scarcely been on it for more than a few minutes when a clatter of hooves made the princess dart for cover behind a tree. A company of soldiers on horseback, royal guards, flashed by in a cloud of dust.~

"They're out looking for me," she muttered. "You better go and spy out the land, Crow."

~The bird flew into the town where, perching unnoticed by an open window,he overheard a soldier's conversation with the mayor. The princess's parents, he learned, had discovered her absence when they entered her room laden with birthday presents at eight o'clock that morning. Once the alarm had been raised, soldiers had been out searching ever since. The King was beside himself with anxiety, and the Queen had been in tears for most of the day. Their first thought was that she had been kidnapped. Every house in the city had been searched. Since then, the search had been extended far and wide. Crow returned swiftly to the princess and reported his findings- although he failed to mention how upset her parents were. As the whole town was on the alert, the princess obviously could not spend the night there.~

"I can't stay in Custone, that's for sure," she said. "No matter, I'll do what I've always wanted to do: I'm going to sleep under the stars!"

~They found a sheltered grassy bank beside a small stream, where the princess lay down under the comforting gaze of the moon. Wearied by the journey, it wasn't long until she was fast asleep. Crow, meanwhile, kept an unblinking watch.~

~Princess Renesmee woke early on the second morning of her escapade, feeling much refreshed. The sun was up and she scrambled down into the nearby brook to wash her face and hands. The cold water made her splash and shout.~

"Not so loud, mistress." Crow cautioned.

"Oh, don't worry!" she cried. "Nobody's awake except me, and I'm so happy!" Just then the princess trod on a sharp stone. "Ouch! That hurt!" She hobbled from the stream to find she had cut the ball of her foot. "Serves me right, I suppose." she grimaced. "Still, it doesn't look bad. It won't stop us having another fantastic day, will it, Crow?"

~Crow didn't answer, and Renesmee put her sandal on, assuring him she could walk without difficulty. Breakfast exhausted the food supplies she had brought, but that didn't dampen her spirits in the least.~

"We'll live off the land, won't we? I mean, that's what you do, isn't it, Crow? Though I'm not eating the things you like. Ugh!" Renesmee made a gesture of disgust at the thought of dining on slugs and worms. "No, I mean, I'll eat fruit and berries. You can tell me which ones are safe."

~It took them about an hour of criss-crossing footpaths to skirt Custone and find their way back onto the little used road. All the while they had to keep themselves hidden from suspicious eyes. As the morning wore on, Princess Renesmee's feet began to ache, especially the wounded one. By lunchtime she was limping quite badly. She was also hungry.~

"Whew! I'll have to rest a while, Crow," she called as she plonked herself on the grassy verge. "My foot hurts so much. Can't you find any food anywhere?" she cried impatiently.

The bird flew off in a wild circle, and was soon back. "Good news," he cawed. "There's a bit of woodland not far away, with water and plenty of berries."

"Then take me to it!" she cried suddenly rediscovering her enthusiasm.

~Sure enough, Crow led her to a beautiful copse thick with yellow berries. The princess ate greedily, but she was still hungry and now her foot was badly swollen. It was just then that a delicious aroma of cooking food wafted towards her, setting her mouth watering. Intrigued, she followed the smell and came upon a gypsy caravan stationed in the clearing. A man and a woman were cooking dinner over an open fire. She edged closer and eyed them cautiously. They looked harmless enough, dressed as they were in simple clothes and stirring their pot of stew.~

"Do you think they would know who I am?" she whispered to Crow, who was close behind her.

"No, I'm sure they wouldn't recognise you," he replied. "Anyway, the gypsies prefer to have little to do with soldiers as they can. News won't have reached them yet."

"Well, what do you think? Shall I ask them for food? And something for my foot?"

"I think you should," he encouraged.

~While Crow remained in the undergrowth, the princess hobbled painfully towards the couple. The looked up at the sound of a twig cracking beneath her feet.~

"Why, 'ello, missy," the gypsy man called out in a friendly manner. "We don't see many strangers in these parts! Are you lost?"

"Um…no, I'm just on my way to the sea," she replied, cautiously. "But I have hurt my foot."

"You're welcome to rest 'ere for a while," the man invited her. "Come an' join us. Were just about to 'ave lunch."

The woman smiled at her. "You look hungry, m'dear. Come an' sit y'self down. We 'ave rabbit stew an' plenty o' bread, so 'elp yourself."

"Ooh, thank you," she replied. "I really am hungry. It's very kind of you."

Think nothin' of it," the woman answered. "We always offer 'ospitality to folks that passes through."The princess tucked into the meal with relish and the gypsies watch her in amusement.

"You were 'ungry, weren't you?" the man chuckled. "Must've been a fair distance ye've come."

"Mmm, yes. All the way from Asteral since yesterday. I-I'm on my way to see my uncle at the seaside." she lied.

~That was the first of many untruths she had to tell in answer to their questions over the meal. Princess Renesmee discovered that, once sown, a lie soon produces a harvest of more lies. Feeling bad about it, she made to get up as soon as the meal was over, but her foot caused her to wince.~

"Why, you've 'urt your foot badly, m'dear." exclaimed the gypsy woman. "Come into the caravan a moment an' Ill see what I can do for it."

"Well, I've never been inside a real gypsy caravan before," replied the princess. She turned to look for Crow, who nodded encouragement to her. "Well, my foot does hurt," she went on. "If you don't mind."

"Of course not." said the woman. "It'll be my pleasure."

~The woman led the way while her husband helped the princess up the steps and through the door. The inside was gloomy and smelt musty. Renesmee strained her eyes to see.~

"Over 'ere, m'dear." said the woman, from the depths of the caravan.

Princess Renesmee stumbled against a table and, all at once, a small globe which stood on it began to glow with an unnatural pale light. She gave a start. "W-w-what's that?" she stammered.

"Why, you're in luck, child." exclaimed the gypsy woman. "My crystal ball 'as somethin' to show you. Take a closer look. Don't be afraid now." The princess hesitated. She had been taught from an early age to avoid strange people with magic charms and crystal balls. "Go on." urged the gyspsy woman from behind her. "It won't 'urt you."

~Nervously, Renesmee held back, but she was drawn by the exotic shapes that passed across the globe. The effect was hypnotic, and strangely attractive. Curiosity tugged at the princess and she couldn't resist peering into the crystal ball. At once, a whirring sound filled her ears and her eyes began to sting. She felt giddy and sick. Summoning all her strength she tried to turn away, but found that she was unable to do so. Then something entered her mind like the stab of a knife. She gave a sharp cry and slumped to the floor, unconscious. A pair of strong hands grasped her limp body and lifted her onto a bunk. Two pairs of eyes glowed with evil satisfaction in the gloom. Crow, meanwhile, was already winging his way southwest towards the sea.~

~Princess Renesmee's head felt fit to burst. She winced at the never-ending clatter of saucepans and crockery, as the horse drawn caravan jolted and jangled its way along the bumpy roads. Time passed like a bad dream in the gloom of her mobile prison. She had no idea how long she had lain unconscious, nor whether it was night or day. All she knew was that her head hurt, she was desperately thirsty and she could not move. In fact, almost eight hours had passed since her capture, and during that time her kidnappers had covered a lot of ground, mostly by means of little known byways. Their direction lay always towards the sea. The princess tested her bonds once more, but nothing gave. Her wrists and ankles were firmly tied by loops of rope running beneath the bunk. There seemed no way of escape. Her thoughts turned again to what had happened. What a fool she had been! The course of events raced through her mind up to the moment when she had looked into the crystal ball. She wondered what happened to Crow: he was her only hope. Perhaps he had gone to fetch help. Her train of thought broke as the caravan rattled to a standstill. She waited with bated breath, At length, the door opened and she screwed her eyes up at the sudden light from a lantern. It was night outside. The gypsy man hung up the lamp and then returned carrying a dish and a mug. Renesmee drew back with apprehension.~

"Food for you, missy." He spoke softly but there was no kindness in his eyes. He loosed her hands and she sat up stiffly, rubbing her wrists. "No funny business now, or else." he threatened and offered her the mug of water.

She drank hurriedly, and felt a little better. "Why have you done this to me?" she demanded, more bravely then she felt. "You've no right to take me prisoner like this. Let me go at once or else you'll be in real trouble."

The gypsy laughed. "Cocky little thing, aren't yer? But it won't do you no good. Now, come on, eat this grub 'cos I 'aven't got all night to waste."

"I don't want it." She said sulkily.

"I said, eat it!" retorted the man angrily.

"I won't!"

~The gypsy drew back his hand and made to strike. Sullenly, she took the plate and ate the food. He watched her carefully.~

"That's better. Do as you're told and no 'arm'll come to yer. Now lie down again!"

~The princess, knowing she could do nothing, obeyed and lay crying quietly as her wrists were re-tied. The man withdrew from the caravan and minutes later they were on the move again.~

"Oh, if only I hadn't run away," she thought miserably. "I'd never have landed in this mess. What do they want with me? What's going to happen?"

~As if an answer to her questions, the door banged open and the gypsy strode in. He released her bonds, but held her tightly by the arm as he dragged her up from the bunk.~

"C'mon," he growled, thrusting her towards the door. "This is where you get off!"

~She stumbled down the steps, wincing with the pain of stiff muscles and because her foot still hurt. Everything was shrouded in mist, except for a vicious looking sailor who stood before them. She looked in vain for Crow.~

"'Ere she is, then." said the gypsy.

"An' not before time either." the other answered. "The Cap'n don't like to be kept waitin', y'know."

The gypsy spat on the ground. "I can't help that. We got 'er 'ere as fast as we could. Give us the gold an' we'll be on our way."

~The sailor scowled and threw a small leather bag to the gypsy, who caught it deftly and shoved the princess forwards at the same time. She stumbled, then caught her balance and made to escape, but the sailor was too quick for her. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. With a curse, the sailor dragged her off to a small shack and threw her inside. Bolting the door after him, he left the princess on the floor, crying and scared.~