• Published 27th Mar 2021
  • 318 Views, 1 Comments

A Goblin's Greed (#11) - LightningStar626

Princess Renesmee runs away from home wearing the Sodal Marble, and Ingeus, a sly goblin, wants the mysterious Sodal Marble for himself.

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Chapter 8: Ruffles

Chapter 8: Ruffles

~Late that afternoon, Dalton and the sprites reached the wood, at which Grumble insisted they change their direction.~

"We must turn south-east straight away," Grumble said, "That is where we may find both the princess and the goblin."

"This is becoming a wild goose chase," Dalton protested wearily. "We shall be retracing almost half our journey. We still haven't found her."

"I am sorry," said Grumble with a shrug. "But our quarry will be nearer in this direction-and we have plenty of time. They cannot land before tomorrow morning."

"What about the Whites?" Dalton objected. "We still haven't heard from them."

Grumble again shrugged his shoulders. "What's more important to you?" he asked.

"That isn't a question I can easily answer," Dalton acknowledged. "I guess Joskye would say I must stick to the quest to find Renesmee. He would be right, of course, but I still don't like it."

"I believe we have lost track of the Whites in any case," Grumble lied. "They could be anywhere. But at least we now have a clue where your sister is."

~Reluctantly, Dalton agreed and they turned towards the south-east, but he couldn't help feeling that he was leaving his friends.~

~Joskye looked around him and sized up the land. This was mountain country, and all around, great cliffs rose sheer from the sea before disappearing from sight into the misty uplands. The beach marked the bottom of a steep sided ravine where a stream had slashed its wild way down the mountainside, cutting through the shattered rock and tumbling over the mossy stones. The only way through the mountains was to climb the ravine by following the rugged course of the brook.~

"At least we won't be short of water," Argie said cheerfully as they scrunched up the beach towards the lower slopes of the ascent.

~Joskye didn't reply. He looked serious. A little bit of mountain walking had taught him how dangerous it is to lead an unequipped party even in familiar territory, let alone across unknown terrain without a map or compass. He was not even sure if this was the right way, it was just the only way. He tried not to let his feelings show.~

"Come on," he shouted. "Let's keep together and get a move on. It's late afternoon already and we've a long way to go."

~Lightning nodded aside him. A chorus of groans answered him but they did as he said. At first, the journey was quite easy. They were able to tramp up the ravine at a steady pace, accompanied by the cheerful chatter of the stream which wound among the boulders. However, their path began to rise and it wasn't long before everyone was puffing and blowing. The grass gave way to shattered rock and often they were having to use their hands to clamber over the larger boulders. In spite of this, they managed to keep going for about an hour before Lightning called a proper halt.~

"I'm totally exhausted," exclaimed Swift. "I thought you were never going to stop."

"Well, he wanted us to get a good start," Lightning explained.

Joskye nodded. "We won't be able to go so fast from now on. You all alright, girls?"

The Rainbooms' bright red faces smiled back cheerfully. They were fine. Applejack gave a thumbs up. "I'm good. What about you, Renesmee?"

~She smiled a brief acknowledgement but did not look at all happy. The other gave one another knowing glances.~

"Well now, let's have a five minutes' break," Rarity said.

~Lightning shaded her eyes against the sun and stared into the distance. The sea was misty blue and the horizon lost in haze but she could still make out the island, and what Ingeus' fortress on top. As she squinted to see more detail, a movement caught her eye. From around the northern tip of the island a dark shape was emerging. She kept silent and watched. Then it dawned on her. King's Wolf had set sail and was heading in their direction!~

"On your feet, everybody," she said quickly. "They're after us."

~The others followed her gaze and needed no further encouragement to be on their way.~

"I bet that's Crow's doing," said Argie in disgust.

~In spite of feeling a bit stiff after their rest, the desire to increase the distance between themselves and their pursuers urged the teens on. However, the mountain was slowing them down. It was growing very steep and they were having to clamber on all fours most of the time. Lightning hoped they would not reach a point where ropes would be necessary. Their only hope lay in sticking by the brook. Applejack glanced across at Renesmee. She looked very glum and she realised that something was up. It was as they reached a difficult part that the crisis broke. Applejack had just helped Rarity, Fluttershy and Swift over a slippery slab of rock and was waiting as the princess attempted it. Her foot slipped and she stumbled.~

"It's no good." she cried in exasperation. "I can't go on. I want to go back."

The teens were dumbfounded. "You what?" said Rainbow when she found her voice. She couldn't believe her ears.

"I want to go back, did you hear?" she shouted at them.

"But they'll kill you!" Rainbow protested.

"Not while I have the Sodal Marble."

"Ingeus will just take it from you." cried Rarity.

"Don't be stupid! He wants me to share it with him," she responded. Her voice sounded strange as though she were not quite herself.

"Don't you realise it's all a trick?" Lightning asked.

"I shall be a great princess," she exclaimed. Her face grew haughty. "I shall have all I desire if I return."

"But, you're already a princess," Sunset insisted.

Renesmee sat down and tears came to her eyes. "But that's the whole point: I'm not! Don't you see? I have nothing to return to. I'm an orphan. I was adopted. If I go with you, I shall only be pretending to be a princess. If I return to Ingeus at least it will be my choice."

"Surely being adopted by a royal family makes you a real princess?" Joskye persisted.

By now Princess Renesmee was going hysterical. "Oh, stop going on!" she screamed. "You don't understand. I hate being adopted. I hate this mountain. I hate everybody! Now get out of my way. I'm going down."

~She rose trembling to her feet and made to go, but Applejack restrained her. She knew that one of the most important things on mountains was not to lose your nerve. She had to take charge. For a long tense moment, the princess and the cowgirl stared at each other. It was a battle of wills. Then suddenly, Renesmee relaxed ad collapsed into a tearful heap.~

"Oh, I'm sorry," she sobbed. "But...it's these voices in my head. They keep saying things to me. I've heard them all the way up, since we left the beach, and I can't stand it anymore."

"I figured somethin' was wrong." said Applejack.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" Rainbow Dash asked the princess.

"I don't know," she wailed. "I don't know anything anymore. Why don't you go on and leave me behind? You'll be alright. It's me they want."

"Okay, let's not do this again." Lightning said in a matter-of-fact voice. "Nobody is going back. We're all here to rescue you and so that's what we are going to do. So, come on." Reluctantly, Renesmee got to her feet. "Right, now try that rock again."

~To her surprise the princess managed quite easily this time. She was beginning to respect Lightning. To cheer her up, Pinkie Pie sang her version of 'Ten green bottles' which was, 'Ten green goblins standing on a ball.' She laughed and felt better as they continued on.~

~Ingeus' fury knew no bounds when he discovered the girls' escape through the whirlpool. He roared and raged at the top of his voice, sending Zards and wolves scurrying all over the island to track the girls down, with promises of vast rewards to whoever caught them. Greed for the Sodal Marble consumed him. It had been so nearly within his grasp and now the desire for it burned like a fever within his body. He would do anything, pay any price, to obtain it. A kind of madness took hold of him, and he muttered as he paced up and down the corridors of his fortress.~

"I must have it! I will have it! No one will stop me. It's mine! All mine! I will have it!...I will have it…"

~When Crow came winging back with the news that the girls had escaped to the mainland he made up his mind to follow at once. Gathering all the guards and the whole wolf packs, he boarded the pirate ship and ordered the captain to make for the cove. The pirates, who lived in fear of Ingeus and his forces, did everything they could to speed the ship on its way. There was no knowing what he might do. By sunrise, King's Wolf was anchored just offshore, where the land ran down to a beach. The crew set about landing the provisions and horses and weapons that they had hurried loaded onto the ship.~

"D'yer want us to wait 'ere, yer Eminence?" asked Captain Sirt.

"No," snarled Ingeus, "You are all coming with me. I want every man and beast you have to join the search. The children must be recaptured at all costs. Do you understand?"

"Aye, aye, sir," the captain replied. "But the men won't like it one bit."

Ingeus glared at him. "Tell them, Captain, that I will deal personally with any who complain. And remind them that I reward loyal servants well."

~So, a large party of Zards and pirates, some on horseback along with Ingeus, began to head northwards to meet the wolves. If the girls should escape Ulris, Ingeus reasoned, they would certainly not escape him.~

"I wish I knew where we were going." Joskye muttered.

~The group had reached the lowlands. Ahead of them stretched a landscape of open woodland and grassy moors. They knew which way was east from the position of the sun, but that was about all.~

"Do you know where we are, Renesmee?" Pinkie asked.

She shook her head. "Not really. My home city must be north across the mountains. And somewhere this side must be the Great Forest…"

"The Great Forest! Then that's where we should be heading." Swift cried.

"Aw yeah. Dalton might be there, and he's bound to help us." added Lightning.

~Princess Renesmee looked dubious. She felt uncomfortable every time she thought about her stepbrother. She knew how much trouble she had caused, and didn't like to think about what he would say when they met.~

Applejack seemed to read Renesmee's thoughts. "Hm, I know how ya feel, Renesmee, but I'm completely certain it'll be alright."

Swift nodded. "Of course. He's so...well...I'm sure he won't be cross with you. Anyway, I've had enough of crossing mountains for the moment."

~The others agreed that they must aim for the Great Forest, though nobody really knew what direction to take. Just then, they heard a strange noise coming from behind some bushes. It sounded something like, 'Nurghh! Phew!' They stopped and listened to this odd grunting, which was repeated several times over. Very cautiously, all twelve crept closer and peered through the undergrowth. The most unexpected sight met their eyes. A plump, brown haired, bearded dwarf was busily heaving something out of the ground. For a moment they wondered what on earth he was up to. Then suddenly, the dwarf fell over on his back, clutching a large sparkling gem. Staggering to his feet, he held up his prize admiringly. To Swift's surprise, the dwarf was wearing a big red spotted hat, sheepskin jerkin and leather breeches. She nudged Fluttershy who couldn't help giggling. The dwarf darted his eyes at the sound and they thought he would bolt. Instead, he scratched his head and waddled in their direction. Lightning and Joskye were immediately on their guard, but they had no need to worry.~

"Oh, I say!" exclaimed the dwarf, "There you are!" He rounded the bushes to where the teens crouched. "I wondered where I might find you. Ruffles' the name. Jolly pleased to meet you." He held out a hand.

Lightning shook it awkwardly, muttering. "Pleased to meet you, too?"

"Who are you?" Princess Renesmee demanded.

"I told you. I'm Ruffles." the dwarf said, twiddling his hat. "I say, this is jolly exciting, isn't it! Terrific fun! I've been sent to find you and lead you to Tad. Well, volunteered, really. Felt they needed someone, thought I'd have a go."

"You weren't doing much looking just then, were you?" said Argie, accusingly, thinking this dwarf was a stupid as his name.

"Riches!" Ruffles declared. "You know, the most beautiful gems are located under this part of the world. Best I've seen since...Oh, I don't know when."

"We...might have missed you altogether," said Sunset, irritably. "Then what?"

"But you didn't," the dwarf replied with an airy wave of his hand. "Now, how about breakfast? I, for one, am very hungry. Vegetable soup anyone?"

"He's nuts!" whispered Rainbow.

Fluttershy rolled her eyes in agreement. "He's a bit misunderstanding. But cute." she said, smiling at him.

~Still, they were hungry, and soup was better than nothing. They joined Ruffles in devouring the cups he had with him. Fluttershy had a fit of giggles as she listened to all the slurping sounds.~

Lightning stared at the ridiculous dwarf. "Are you sure it was Tad who sent you?" she queried. The dwarf seemed the most unlikely guide imaginable.

"Oh, yes," munched the dwarf. "Well, more of less. Though to be frightfully honest, I haven't done this sort of thing before, mate. Like I say, I volunteered. Love travelling. Seeing the sights and all that…" Suddenly, he clutched his hands to his head. "Oh, dash it all!" he gasped. "Hope they realise I've gone! Forgot to tell anyone!"

"You're bluffin'!" Applejack exclaimed.

"You mean no-one knows where you are?" Rarity gasped.

"Well, I know where I am, And I know where the Great Forest is." the dwarf retorted.

"Well, how far is it to the Great Forest?" Argie demanded.

"How bright is a brilliant diamond?" Ruffles returned. "It depends whether we stick to the main path or take the scenic route. I rather fancy taking the scenic one myself."

"You do realise we're being followed, don't you?" said Princess Renesmee.

He raised a reassuring hand. "Don't worry your pretty little head, Princess. Too much worry is bad for the digestion. You'll be quite safe with me. Have another cup."

~The princess just glared at the dwarf and she said nothing. Ruffles did not inspire confidence in any of them, and they really did wonder whether he was capable of leading them to Tad and Dalton. However, they didn't seem to have any choice but to follow when the dwarf set off. They soon discovered the reason for his name. The dwarf had the most enormous flat shoes that made a ruffling sound in the grass as he waddled along with his behind bobbing from side to side. Once again, the teens found it difficult not to laugh. They followed a path of sorts, but every so often Ruffles would stop dead and then run on ahead without a word of explanation. Thinking that he had spotted danger the boys and girls kept diving for cover in the undergrowth. But each time, to their annoyance, he came back with either a ruby or an emerald or another diamond. If that wasn't the reason, it was, as he explained to them, because he had seen something 'interesting.' Rarity was the only one that wasn't too annoyed with the dwarf, however. In fact, she was pretty amazed and impressed that he could find all these gems ever so quickly and easily.~

"This is getting ridiculous." Lightning declared. On this occasion they had left the obvious route and were stumbling through brambles and tussocks of long grass. "Hey, Ruffles, can't we keep to the path?

"What's that?" cried the dwarf. "This is much more fun. Don't like paths much. Where's your sense of adventure?"

"I think I've had enough adventure for the moment," Rarity muttered as she unhooked herself from yet another bramble.

~The next instant, they heard an 'Ooh! Ouch! Ah!' and Ruffles vanished from their sight. They looked around in vain until a groan told them where he was. All twelve stumbled across to find the dwarf lying on the ground with his hands waving in the air.~

"Ah, there you are!" he gasped. "Help me up, will you?"

"Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked, gently lifting him to his feet.

"Yeah, What happened?" Pinkie Pie shrugged.

"Oh yes, silly me. I tripped over a dwarf hole." he replied.

"How on earth can a dwarf trip over a dwarf hole?" Swift exclaimed.

"Oh, I do it all the time," he explained. "Someone always leaves them in the wrong place." He shouted down the hole. "Anyone at home? No? Oh, well, thought not."

"That will teach you to keep to the path." Princess Renesmee scolded.

~But, of course, it didn't, and they spent the whole day like this, stopping every so often to explore yet more of the gems that Ruffles found, or to pick him up from yet another fall. If they were not doing that, it was pulling him out of the mud or trying to find the path after he had lost it. On one occasion, they found him stuck upside down in a hole with only his hind legs waving in the air because he had overbalanced and fallen in head first while shouting 'Hello'. They nearly split their sides laughing before they pulled him out. As evening drew on they began to tire.~

"Whew! Can we stop soon?" Joskye asked.

"Not yet." Ruffles replied. "Not here."

"Why not?"

"No gems." the dwarf stated.

"Blow gems," Argie retorted. "My legs ache. I want to rest."

The dwarf came to a halt. "Tell you what, I know a shortcut to gems from here."

"Oh, no, not again!" the teens chorused.

"What do you mean, 'gems'?" Twilight asked.

"Diamonds, of course. It's no use waking up without a diamond, is it? Anyway, I like sleeping in a diamond bed."

The others groaned "You and your obsession!" exclaimed Argie.

~However, in spite of their tiredness and misgiving, the teens agreed to take the shortcut to where the gems are buried. It was one of the worst decisions they could have made. Especially as Crow spied their path from high above. Later that evening, not so very far to the south-west, Ingeus and Ulris met and made camp in a stone hollow. The news from Crow was received with great interest.~

~All night long, Ulris sat in that hideous hollow, the same hollow in which the wraiths dwelt. Never once did the wolf move, yet his bright yellow eyes were always alert, watching and waiting. Dawn broke over the horizon and the blackness turned to a cold, shadowy grey. There, motionless on the ground, lay the form of his master. Ulris rose and loped towards him. Ingeus stirred as though from a deep sleep.~

Ulris gave him an enquiring look. "Have you had success, Eminence?" he asked.

"I have travelled the dark places of the earth and met with kindred spirits," the goblin muttered. "Dark and deliciously foul my paths have been- but no, I have not had success." he spat the words with anger. "So nearly in my grasp, they were! Once again the object of my desire was so close, but they possessed some fearsome power." The wolf growled. "If it were not for those accursed girls, the Sodal Marble would be mine by now," Ingeus continued, "If only that fool of a pirate captain had not brought them to me in the first place. He must pay dearly for his folly!"

"Then the quest is lost?" the wolf asked. "Shall we kill the captain now, before we return to the island, or after?"

"Fool!" screamed the goblin. "We are not going back! I haven't come this far to be thwarted! We shall take up the chase. I must have that jewel! Do you not understand? I see nothing else in my dreams. I long for its power! What couldn't I do if I possessed it! And it is in the hands of a foolish girl who does not have the smallest inkling of its importance. Pah!"

"Yet the girl cannot be far from the Great Forest by now," Urlis protested. "You know what that means, Eminence. We have no power in that place of enchantment."

"Then we shall draw them out," snarled Ingeus. "The captain and his crew will be useful to that end. Then, when their blood is shed in battle it will be a fitting reward for the trouble they have brought upon me."

The wolf's eyes gleamed. "We will take the girl?"

Ingeus nodded. "Together with our revenge upon those companions of hers. I shall see to it that their deaths are slow and painful."

"I, too, shall avenge my dead," growled Ulris. "But, Eminence, what if the princess still refuses of her free will to give you the Sodal Marble? You cannot take it by force."

"Then she must die." blazed the goblin. "If the Sodal Marble cannot be mine, then no one will have it. I have bargained with dark powers to possess it or to destroy it. Whichever way, my reward will be great. Rouse them, Ulris. We march at once!"