• Published 27th Mar 2021
  • 319 Views, 1 Comments

A Goblin's Greed (#11) - LightningStar626

Princess Renesmee runs away from home wearing the Sodal Marble, and Ingeus, a sly goblin, wants the mysterious Sodal Marble for himself.

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Chapter 11: Renesmee Chooses

Chapter 11: Renesmee Chooses

~In the grey dawn, Dalton surveyed the scene from the low, bushy hill where he and the Rainbooms crouched on the north side of Ingeus' camp. They were nearer than he had first thought. He could plainly make out the prowling wolves, as well as the pirates and Zards. However, what immediately caught his attention were three stakes to which three figures were tied. He guessed at once they were Joskye, Swift and Argie. Lightning moved up alongside him to take a look. She gasped at the sight of Joskye. But before the raccoon girl could comment, they heard a disturbance behind them. Fearing the worst, they retreated in haste to rejoin their friends, only to be greeted by the sight of a distressed sprite, desperately trying to catch his breath and stumbling towards them.~

"What is it?" Dalton demanded. "What's happened?"

"The princess has escaped. I'm sorry, sir." gasped Fumble.

Dalton shook his head and groaned. "Where's Mumble?" Lightning demanded.

"I suppose he's tied himself up with his own tongue!" Rainbow groaned.

"No, he hasn't," Fumble replied in defence of his friend. "He's gone after the princess. I've run straight here."

~Ignoring the question as to whether Fumble could run straight anywhere, Lightning asked what direction he thought the princess had taken.~

"I left Mumble to follow her trail after we crossed the ford," said Fumble.

"Then she's making for the enemy camp, I reckon." Lightning said. "Wait...the enemy camp!?"

~Dalton agreed and dashed back through the bushes to his vantage point. From there he could make out the slim figure of Princess Renesmee running straight towards Ingeus' camp.~

"We've got to stop her!" hissed Lightning as she joined him.

Dalton made to rise, but something seemed to check him. "No," he said grimly. "She must choose for herself. I must not force her. Let the princess face the goblin alone and decide her own fate!" Lightning wondered at the seriousness of his voice.

~Joskye, Swift and Argie had fared badly since their capture by the pirates. They had been bound and gagged, then humped roughly through the forest, across the ford and into Ingeus' presence. The goblin had been delighted with the catch and immediately ordered the teenagers to be tied to the stakes. His green eyes flashed in the firelight as he addressed them.~

He spoke smoothly. "I would have preferred the princess herself. But no matter. You will be useful in the bargaining. The Sodal Marble in exchange for your lives, eh? I do not think there will be much resistance."

~The teens were quite helpless and entirely at the mercy of the goblin. Despair engulfed them as he left them for his tent. A prowling wolf brushed against Swift's leg and she gave a muffled scream from behind her gag. Argie stared blankly at the pirates and gathered around the fire. It would be a long night. For Joskye especially, the hours dragged by with agonising slowness. From the moment he regained consciousness his head had not stopped throbbing. He would have one anything just to have been able to rub the bruise. All night long he battled with the sickening pain and a despondency that almost overwhelmed him. He dare not lose heart. Help must come from somewhere. Dawn brought little relief from the discomfort but it made him feel a little better. Dalton, Lightning and the others will find a way to rescue them, he felt sure. After all, this was not the first time they had been in a tight spot. Joskye was just regaining confidence when, to his dismay, he saw Princess Renesmee running alone towards the camp. She could not know she was heading for trouble, he thought. He tried to warn her, but the gag stopped him producing anything more than a muffled grunt. She slowed to a walk, then to his amazement, strode boldly right into the centre of the encampment. Her arrival caused quite the commotion and the goblin himself emerged from his tent to see what all the fuss was about. An oily smile lit up his fat face when he saw who it was.~

"Ah, Princess, so you have come to me at last. You will see that your friends have already joined us." Ingeus glanced towards the Whites. "It has been a long time since we last spoke and I have eagerly awaited this moment." His voice took on a steely edge. "I need hardly tell an intelligent girl such as yourself what my terms are."

~Joskye stared wide-eyed at the princess. He willed her to flee even though it didn't look as if she had a chance. If only he could do something. She glanced coldly in the direction of the bound teens, then back to Ingeus. Only then did it dawn on Joskye that Princess Renesmee may have chosen, after all, to flee the forest and join forces with Ingeus. Dalton would never have sent her unprotected like this. Joskye's heart sank. All the effort that they and the agents had made to bring the princess to a place of safety had been wasted. Just then, he felt an odd movement behind him. Someone was tugging at his bonds. Joskye jumped with surprise and tried to twist his head to see who it was.~

"Kip stile." hissed a voice. "Is me Mumble. Tend no thins up nine an lock street hard."

~Joskye could have shouted for joy and really had to fight hard not to give the game away. Princess Renesmee's mind had been in a whirl since she had looked into the pool. The knowledge of who she really was and the awful choice that lay before her had left her completely dazed. A thousand conflicting thoughts baffled in her head and she really did not know what to do next. It was the discovery of the teens' capture that had helped her make up her mind. The sun was just beginning to light the sky behind her as she entered Ingeus' camp.~

"Give me the Sodal Marble." the goblin demanded. "Let me have it and your friends go free. You may join me or go your way, as you wish. But the Sodal Marble must be mine.

~His eyes glittered with greed and he watched as she slowly drew out the jewel from inside her blouse so that it hung in view about her neck on its silver chain.~

"Ah, how beautiful it is." he sighed. "No use to you, of course, but beautiful to me. Any reward you ask shall be yours, Princess. Only let me possess it."

~At this point Princess Renesmee felt nothing. All eyes were upon her as she reached behind her neck for the clasp. Lightning watched from afar, then, not being able to resist anymore, she leapt. She realised that some sort of enchantment had taken place. She also knew that there was only one chance left. So, without further thought, she took it.~

"Renesmee, Noooooo!" She screamed. "Don't give it to him!"

~She sprinted as fast as she could and hurled at the goblin's legs (for it was, of course, Ingeus after all) and brought him crashing to the ground with a powerful tackle. So unexpected was her action that it was over before anyone could stop her. The goblin howled with rage at the assault. In an instant, Lightning was surrounded. Ulris stood panting over her, his breath foul and his jaws slavering. The wolf glanced at his master who was struggling to his feet. He was waiting for the order to tear out Lightning's throat. Ingeus was breathing heavily as he rose. His eyes were hard with rage but he held out a restraining hand in the wolf's direction.~

"One moment, Ulris," he grated. "Your foolish friend tries my patience, Princess. She thinks she can prevent what must surely come to pass. She has failed, of course. Now, the Sodal Marble, if you please."

~Princess Renesmee was as amazed as anyone at Lightning's sudden attack. On the surface it seemed such a hopeless gesture. Yet it had not been in vain. At that moment, some powerful feeling stirred within her. It was unlike anything she had felt before. Moved by Lightning's courage, she suddenly felt the strength to face Ingeus square on.~

"No! The jewel shall not be yours." Her voice rang out across the dell and her eyes shone a new light. "I, Renesmee, accept the Sodal Marble!"

~An angry rumble of thunder sounded far away in the north, though only the keenest of ears could hear it. At once, an amazing transformation took place before everyone's astonished gaze. The princess seemed to be lost in a bright blue light and the air was filled with a strange music. As the light slowly faded, gone were her tattered travelling clothes and she wore instead a shimmering silver-blue gown. A tiara adorned her golden hair. Ingeus and his evil band looked on in horror. Lightning Star had tears in her eyes as she gazed up at her from where she lay on the ground. Joskye, Swift and Argie would have cheered if their gags lad let them. At that very moment, the sun broke above the horizon and in it's morning glory the princess seemed basked in a halo of gold. The wolves, the pirates and the Zards drew back in dread, leaving Ingeus all alone to face her. Only Ulris dared to stand firm. Dalton and the Rainbooms had seen everything from where they lay hidden on the hillside and now they stood up.~

"Hail, my sister Renesmee!" Dalton waved and started towards her.

Princess Renesmee gazed at him with a dazzling smile. "Hail, my brother, Dalton!" she cried in response.

~She raised her hand, holding the turtle dove's feather. It shone like burnished silver. The air seemed to crackle with life as though some immense energy had been released into the atmosphere. Everyone's hair stood on end. Then, to the amazement of all, a beam of silver flared from hand to hand between Dalton and his radiant sister. Awesome in their united strength, the two turned their faces towards Ingeus.~